jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm beginning to wonder if JM is just trying to make JA think there's a lot of stuff coming up to refute what she's saying about things. Especially that Matt business. She's got nothing to lose by calling his bluff and she's gonna do it every step of the way. Anything that comes out, she'll have an answer for or just say someone else is lying it seems. :waitasec: So we can only hope that he can deliver the goods.

About that finger injury. Obviously neither side is willing to go the "glove route", as in the OJ trial and get that thing x-rayed. Is there anyone from January to June of 2008 that is not an ex boyfriend who can vouch for the fact that her finger was fine during that time? That's a pretty wonky looking bend and rather large knuckle. You'd think someone would have noticed and said something about it to her or asked her about it. Employer, fellow church member...anyone? If not, why not? Because it was fine during this time?


I dont think Juan is bluffing at all.
(I got ahead of myself with my irritation about this topic and posted it in the wrong forum :floorlaugh: All of this is rubbing off on me.)

Really, Nurmi objected to Martinez asking a question becuase it was years ago during the "Bobby Years". It's so far back he argued but he went there himself during her testimony! :doh:

I also have a problem with the defense attorney constantly shoving his hands down the back of his pants, holding his jacket out like he is modeling every time he approaches and hovers over the bench into the judge's space. I never expected an attorney in a death penalty case to act this way. I mean I've caught this man kicked back, legs up like a kid and his finger up his nose WHILE he is objecting. I know what color his socks are on a daily basis. :doh:

I am not saying anything bad about Mr. Nurmi personally but his style, the way he handles himself in court, it's disgraceful. There is a blatant lack of respect but he demands it for himself in detail with these misconduct hearings that he has been repeating and I can imagine will continue as they have before.
I asked my BFF tonite "Would you like a glass of wine?" Her response "does a bear poop in the woods...or should we call JA and find out if the bear was in the woods or in a field with allot of trees in that field" This could mean we have watched too much of JA or we need more wine...okie we will drink more

Wine makes Jodie easier.

Wait, JA"s easy without wine. :floorlaugh:
I've never heard of it before either.

If you had pulled that on me you'd be my ex.

LMAO oh, it was funny

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Massively 4 year old has requested to bathe one of the cats. Water has been drawn for said cat. This will be interesting to...observe. Carry on with your regularly scheduled programming please about Jodi and her Poprocks.
I remain baffled by the totally absurd comments issued by many of the talking head defense attorneys brought on by the likes of Jane Mitchell, Nancy Grace, and Dr. Drew.

Their comments are frequently so ridiculous and unbelievable that they appear to be living on another planet. I doubt if these people actually believe their BS.

There are some respectable defense attorneys who provide reasoned comments and weigh the strengths and weaknesses of the day’s proceedings. I respect their intellectual honesty. But some are pompous blowhards who bloviate about the incredible strength of JA case. I will assume their primary aim is to be on television and to get the free advertisement. These talking head defense wonks tend to argue that the JA defense is unambiguously competent and effective and that JA is scoring daily “knockout points”.
Are you kidding me??

Are these defense wonks put up to make these preposterous comments for the sake of “argument”?
My husband is retired law enforcement. He has worked in drug task force, patrol, CID and administration. His opinion is that no man would have a .25 for personal protection. His exact words were " I'm sorry, honey, but that's a woman's gun." They are notoriously inaccurate. That's coming from a woman who can't hit her target with a .25 but is dangerously accurate with a 9mm.
Massively 4 year old has requested to bathe one of the cats. Water has been drawn for said cat. This will be interesting to...observe. Carry on with your regularly scheduled programming please about Jodi and her Poprocks.

Just tell the 4 year old no! Poor cat....

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Jeez... when JA brought up that gawd knows the truth I think she was referring to herself.

She is still stuck in her "magical thinking" stage.

I think emotionally she is 6!
ITA, I felt like he downplayed their interaction but I think JA is bitter toward Ryans testimony about her finger, the "margaritaville" story, the adjusting/aggressive grinding, and whatever else he said against her. So now she wants to make him out to be a lying buffoon because of his testimony and how it makes her look.

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I completely agree with you, her MO is clear now. Anyone who strays from her version of events in the slightest is going right under the bus. I was thinking about how uncomfortable Ryan was during his testimony, I felt awful for him having to testify about their sexual relationship and what he unknowingly had been dragged into. He's now married and is living a life free of this monster and for him to testify was just awkward.

Same went for Darryl. Those in court didn't get to see how hard it really was for him (in the way that we did -- see next part of sentence), but those of us at home saw that he requested that only his hands were shown. How awful and humiliating. He's a grown man raising a son, apparently really loved this psychopath and she's sort of thrown him under the bus too. I imagine he's going under more as cross continues. Remember she talked about him being a smoker (no big deal) and an alcoholic (not something most would want broadcast)... the latter was pretty much irrelevant. I remember thinking that was unnecessary; she simply has no regard for ANYONE, but you would think she would at least keep track of who she's using and remain respectful towards them. She's such a miserable human being that she can't help herself ruin lives one by one.... classic psychopath. Use them, abuse them, and spit them out when she's done.
Jodi code for EXboyfriend=they won't marry me. But i still stalk them.

Jodi speak for ExBoyfriend, not being dated by them anymore but still givin up the goods in hopes I might be again someday.

She's so frickin pathetic in her need to keep all those ex options open.
Massively 4 year old has requested to bathe one of the cats. Water has been drawn for said cat. This will be interesting to...observe. Carry on with your regularly scheduled programming please about Jodi and her Poprocks.

And since i dont want to get in trouble for PWI (POSTING WHILE INTOXICATED) I will catch up with all you nice peeps tomorrow!! Carry on.
I realized today that watching this was kind of like trying to get a sip of water out of a fire hose and I wasn't sitting here the entire time trying to stay a step ahead of JM to try and think up more lies and cover my butt. I hope the killer is absolutely exhausted after today and I hope tomorrow she feels the same and that makes it even harder for her to keep track of everything. She's her own worst enemy for sure. Pictures she took, things she's written, interviews she's done...all being used against her. I can see that he is saying "Okay so you lied to save yourself here and you lied to save yourself there, now that your life is literally on the line, we are supposed to believe that you are now being truthful?"

As exhausted as I am, I like the way JM is doing things. I like how he keeps saying things like "So Matt would never betray you, right?" Even if Matt hasn't actually betrayed her, you can tell that JM has now placed doubt in her mind and he keeps doing that with everything. He builds up the anticipation and makes her paranoid that he has a way to prove that she is not being truthful and then he just leaves her hanging and moves on to something else. He is so smart.


That part I do like. You are so right. He makes her so worried that she ends up lying even more when she doesnt even have to. When Juan does this, she tries to cover every angle and gets herself caught up in lying even more. Its hilarious.
Well. Have a headache. Will I come back tomorrow? You bet, and here is why:

It may seem like we are all over the map.

But I bet Mr. Matt is currently under subpoena

I also bet dear Juan has Bobby's phone number and is not afraid to use it

And Juan's rebuttal is going to be a *****!
Men too! I'm not a morning person But lately I'm up before trial! Xcited to see what tricks martinez will pull out of his hat. I'm loving his approach and don't care what Wendy wine throb and the other neg commentators think
Juan rocks!!! She's gonna get the dp
this is such BS that the shooting video helps the defense. it shows his propensity for violence, according to that twit janie weintraub.

no it doesn't!!! WHO USED A GUN ON JUNE 4, 2008?????? it wasn't travis.

Ohhhhhh, I have a better one. If Travis was violent. If Travis truly intended to kill her. If Travis had a gun up on his top shelf of the closet and knew where it was, why wasn't he the one that went for the gun? And if she were going for the gun in the closet why would Travis not try to stop her in the closet? Why would he travel back down the hallway into the bathroom? I would think he would have tried to keep her from getting to the gun. If it was his gun he knew it was loaded, he would know not to try and get it away from her. She has already told us that he gets made and then within seconds is glad again. She testified to that already about a couple of incidents. Her story makes no sense. jmo
I think the most telling thing today was when she kept saying I don't remember them said well I knew other things from time stamps text msgs and what I was told... "what I was told"? Um DT telling her what to say & how to say it???
Jodi code for EXboyfriend=they won't marry me. But i still stalk them.

I really hope they put that chick or the guy she drove an hour and half to "chit chat" with on the stand and find out what REALLY happened.
Jeez... when JA brought up that gawd knows the truth I think she was referring to herself.

She is still stuck in her "magical thinking" stage.

I think emotionally she is 6!

At this point, she is still hoping that that will work. She is scared now and I don't blame her. I'm scared of JM and I didn't do anything wrong.
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