jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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it is 6:50am in Arizona. Mr. Martinez should be enjoying a wonderful breakfast right now and taking a deep breath. What a day ahead, I think...meanwhile in Jail, Jodi is trying to figure out how the heck she can get out of today...

I think she used some of it in the car when she was in AZ...the rest she had left over is when she went out in the desert and burned the evidence.

The car rental agent said the car she returned smelled like smoke .


Have any of you ever lit a fire using gasoline? The second a match hits it the gasoline burns off in one big explosive whoosh. You definately do not want to be leaning over it or even within a 2 or 3 foot range of it unless you want to get burned or walk away with all the hair on your body singed. The liquid is only flammable while the fumes are explosive.

I have in my mind that on direct examination JA said her luggage was in the car during the afternoon and she thought the camera was fact she didn't believe her camera was used at all on this part of the trip. Now we are hearing about the sex video being made using her camera. I could be sooo wrong on this...just shooting from memory (which is dangerous). Yesterday I kept waiting for JM to refer to her earlier statement that she said her camera never came out of her car in Mesa. Anyone else remember her saying this or am I mixed up???

I almost logged in last night to make this exact point, but I was only able to watch intermittently yesterday and I was afraid there might have been something that I missed. I was positive that she had said on direct that she thinks her camera never came into the house and stayed packed up in the car. Complete and total fabrication. No way did she not remember taking that video. No way. I hope Martinez nails her on that one too!
IMO, if the verdict is rendered as LWOP, JA gets to be part of the general prison population. As I understand it, the DP verdict will take her out of the general population and place her in a cell 23 hours a day. For someone like JA, I think that would be a far more significant punishment. She seems to thrive with the attention of others, and isolating her would be a sure fire way to truly take that smug look off her face. When convicted, does she transfer to a different jail?
You're absolutely right. She rambled on in recent testimony about would he want a "freaky" Mormon woman (think freaky=kinky sex). The only thing is that she was never really Mormon and never would be. She had zero conflict about sex and had no personality beyond sex and staking out her man (no woman better even talk to him!)

that whole conversation with him about future spouses and maybe not finding one who they could be kinky with. she talked about herself and her fear of that, but she was really trying to make him see that HE would never find a good mormon girl who would do the naughty things she would. it was a sales job, just done in a very subtle, manipulative way.
From yesterday's testibaloney re JA's cell phone lost and found 2 years later, BBM ...

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - *graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion**

M: And you just said something about you didn't have the opportunity to erase it after a week and if this was on the 10th what happened on May 17th that prevented you from having it erased?
A: Well, it may not have been exactly a week, it may have been the 18th and I believed my phone was stolen and it was actually lost for about, well a few years.

M: So according to you, this phone was stolen for approximately a couple of years, right?

A: Yes, I reported it stolen to the police and I had insurance on the phone so they replaced a new one for me

M: And it resurfaced, right?
A: Yes

* * *

Is there any additional background story publicly known about JA’s lost and found two years later cell phone with the phone sex recording from May 10th on it?

Who found it, where and under what circumstances?

Did JA instruct someone where to find it because it would then be useful in her new version of events? TIA
I'm still trying to figure out what is the truth behind this rope thing. I was shocked when she admitted she tossed the rope on direct. If she didn't mention rope in the first place, would anyone know anything about a rope?

Is the whole rope thing just a way to get the knife in the upstairs bathroom? Couldn't she have them cutting an apple and having wine and cheese in bed or something instead?

I don't believe there was any rope. JA manufactures, twists, spins many of her lies around the text messages since it's the only thing that can be corroborated so then her lies can appear to be true or bear some truth, which she is hoping will create doubt. Remember Travis had mentioned tying her to a tree in the recorded conversation which can also be corroborated, the rope was a perfect alibi for the knife.

She wants to make it seem as if Travis was the initiator and aggressor in these sexual activities, I am not saying he was not into the sex but not to the extent she wants to portray it, in fact it was the complete opposite, she was the leader of the pack and manipulator in these circumstances.
I have in my mind that on direct examination JA said her luggage was in the car during the afternoon and she thought the camera was fact she didn't believe her camera was used at all on this part of the trip. Now we are hearing about the sex video being made using her camera. I could be sooo wrong on this...just shooting from memory (which is dangerous). Yesterday I kept waiting for JM to refer to her earlier statement that she said her camera never came out of her car in Mesa. Anyone else remember her saying this or am I mixed up???

I'm confused on that too, but then that's what the defence wants - confuse and confound.

I feel desperately sorry for the jurors having to go through the transcripts of both the direct and cross, trying to compare her answers. That alone will take them two weeks. :banghead:
OmGosh, I am watching HLN and they showed a clip from the trial yesterday that I did not catch. Juan is asking Ja if she is telling the truth and her answer was,"I don't know are you?" Man, you just can't male this stuff up.
"I think it was the morning of the third because we had stopped in Santa Cruz first"

"It was past midnight, I think, but the time we got to Monterrey"

Met McCartney in Santa Cruz on the 2nd - so who was with her from Redding to Santa Cruz? Her sister? And did Matt go with her from Santa Cruz to Monterrey?

maybe the "WE" is all of Jodi's multiple personalities we've seen on the stand :floorlaugh:
I'm confused on that too, but then that's what the defence wants - confuse and confound.

I feel desperately sorry for the jurors having to go through the transcripts of both the direct and cross, trying to compare her answers. That alone will take them two weeks. :banghead:

She also mentioned yesterday that she had TWO cameras on this trip (lie). I think she said that to cover up her previous story of the camera already being in the car. So now when JM brings that up, she can say she had 2 cameras with her.
OmGosh, I am watching HLN and they showed a clip from the trial yesterday that I did not catch. Juan is asking Ja if she is telling the truth and her answer was,"I don't know are you?" Man, you just can't male this stuff up.

That was unreal. I also loved when she accused Det. Flores of lying! :lol:
OmGosh, I am watching HLN and they showed a clip from the trial yesterday that I did not catch. Juan is asking Ja if she is telling the truth and her answer was,"I don't know are you?" Man, you just can't male this stuff up.

Jodi never ceases to amaze me with her retorts. :what:
it's all pre-meditated, if JM can prove this then it's in the bag. She truly is evil and IMO would commit murder again.

I'm betting she told him "if you take this other broad to's over between us" and he probably said "ok, then it's over. peace out". She would not take that as the end, plus add in those texts where he called her a sociopath and etc.She probably went there without any warning and convinced him into "one last sexual fling before we end this for good". They did the deed and she acted like she was leaving, brought her things to the car and retrieved the weapons. Went into the bathroom while he showered to say bye and then she did it, caught him while he was vulnerable. Or.....she may have brought one of the weapons out in front of him and threatened to kill herself if he didn't change his mind on ending the relationship and change his mind on taking Mimi to Cancun. Most likely he just continued showering while she snapped pics and begged him not to end it, he didn't respond to her threats because he thought she was just being an over dramatic witch. He probably though she'd get the point eventually and just leave, but she couldn't just let him go that easily.
I may be wrong but manslaughter is not even an option in this case.

Correct, manslaughter is not an option. Only 1st degree Felony Murder with Premeditation (if they find with premeditation she gets the Death penalty) OR the only lesser charge the Prosecutor charged her with is 1st Degree Felony Murder (no premeditation) that carries Life Without Parole.

The guy friend said he and Jodi talked about how she thinks this will go. She feels she will have a hung Jury and she will sit in Jail another 5 or so years waiting for a re trial. At her re trial she will be charged with Manslaughter and get 5 years and be out.

What she is assuming is that on the re trial the Prosecutor will add in a lesser charge of Manslaughter for the Jury to pick from and as they say..."In Her Dreams"
Beth said after 13 days of testimony there isnt one question in the basket for JA.

Have any of you ever lit a fire using gasoline? The second a match hits it the gasoline burns off in one big explosive whoosh. You definately do not want to be leaning over it or even within a 2 or 3 foot range of it unless you want to get burned or walk away with all the hair on your body singed. The liquid is only flammable while the fumes are explosive.

This is why you shouldn't play with fire and gasoline - YouTube

wouldn't it be really flameable riding around in the HOT AZ weather in the trunk of a car????? That to me sounds dangerous
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