jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #61 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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JA I don't know you are going all over the place

and doesn't it just pizz her off to no end, lol

she really cannot keep up with all this bopping around. This technique JM is employing is very effective against her. You have only to listen to her say that above to know it.
Oh yeah he shaved. Look at the autopsy close ups of the neck wound. RECENTLY shaved. No stubble at all.

That will be her final story.

That his throat was slit due to his cutting himself shaving.

That will explain all the blood at the sink.
So Travis was shaving, Jodi grabbed the razor and slit his throat while he was over the sink. He didn't GO to the sink afterwards...he was already there!

It couldn't have happened that way. He was almost decapitated. He got away from her at some point because there is a lot of blood in the bedroom. They think his throat was slit in the bedroom after she started stabbing him.
Deleted pics are the subject right now. Jodi says Travis deleted some pics after the sex pics and before the shower pics. There's questions to confirm that Jodi had not seen or used his camera before her visit on June 4th.

Juan wants to know if Jodi had ever deleted pics from the camera before the shower time.

Now, Jodi is changing her testimony, trying to say she can't say. Now, she's trying to say either of them could have deleted pics before the shower.
OK I take it back .. 'that doesn't mean it's concrete' OK that statement is TRUE!
Alright ... I want the Juan we had yesterday back ... he's getting lost in the woods with stuff that doesn't matter again.

No this matters a lot, because he's trying to pin her down so he can show that the photos were deleted after he was dead. JMO
It couldn't have been June 4th because he was "no longer with us" after she butchered him, so he couldn't have used the photo on his MySpace page.

The photo (if I understand correctly) was on her camera. Which she put in her car. She said she's hacked into his MS account before. So who's to say she didn't upload that photo as part of her cover-up??

Who knows with this killer.


Nurmi is reminding her of her testimony in his objections! WTF, is that allowed?

He has to communicate with her somehow when he's not whispering to her as she's sitting on the witness stand!
She's testifying to where she THINKS he's going with the line of questioning. I hope the jury realizes that.
Actually, folks, I think she may be right on this one. She goes on to say he used one of those pictures on his myspace as a profile pic. That couldn't happen if she was referring to this instance of taking photos.

ETA*** LOL, everyone already figured that out...I'm slow.

Well, I guess Nurmi can clarify that on re-direct or in his closing remarks. If he remembers.
Question? What media does JA have access to in jail? I'm wondering if she has any idea what the public opinion is concerning her.

Her choice of words to JM just now "You're all over the place", makes me think she has been reading the reviews or watching talking heads.
I am REALLY glad we aren't playing the "yes or no" drinking game today!!
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