jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I loved the look on Jodi's face when Juan told Jodi to demonstrate the alleged linebacker attack.

Cue it up! Here you go!
THANK YOU so much for that link!!! I bookmarked it because I want to watch it over and over and over again. It was definitely one of the trial highlights of the day for me.
Look at her face after Juan close, she almost smirks again, looks like she is thinking I won.

What if she is just hiding her facial expressions under all this fake emotion?

I am remembering her reaction when these photos were first shown. She got used to them, if I recall.
I believe Jodi's downfall was due to the choice she made to use her beauty to manipulate men as a life strategy instead of understanding that "a man is not a retirement plan." Her goal of attaching herself to a prosperous man and making herself indispensible to him sexually failed because eventually, even shallow men are smothered by her possessiveness and repelled by her cold, calculated mirroring of their interests.

Remember when she was still in high school, she marches up to a strange man at a carnival and then chases him using warnings of a religious Armageddon as the reason for repeatedly calling him. Jodi used religion as part of the chum she threw in the water to make herself look "deep" or "spiritual", i.e., desirable as a wife.

When these men didn't think marrying a *advertiser censored* queen was a good idea, she became furious and felt used, felt like a prostitute. Those who have tried this strategy and even some who become prostitutes can be shown that their emptiness can be filled by developing their own interests and skills and a life that reflects their own core beliefs.

The sociopath has no such core and is just a manipulative actress. Jodi could have become a wedding planner, but it's a lot of work and you have to have a schedule, make appointments and keep them. That's a high-paying job, but she really wanted to be a trophy wife and felt entitled to the man of her choice because of her beauty and pseudo personality. So she pretended to be a photographer. There is no evidence that she sold even one photo, let alone supported herself this way.

I think she was actually turning tricks to support herself.

Jodi hung on to MM until he found someone else, hung on to DB until she found someone equally rich/attractive who might marry her. You notice she was perfectly willing to leave DB AND A CHILD that she had lived with as a stepmother for some four years-- no bond. SHe was climbing a ladder and he did not want to marry her, even if she was a three-hole wonder.

When Travis put her in a rented room and booted her out of his glamorous lifestyle, of course she could not stand the humiliation of being his castoff. Seeing him with his new love, probably a Mormon virgin. She had offered him her kinky, well-used lady bits and he passed. Also, remember that his rejection meant she might not be so "eligible" in Mormon circles or at Prepaid Legal. And they were the only circles she had in Arizona-- even her roommate had rejected her because of her promiscuity and violent behavior. She knew everyone in the ward knew it was her. He was going to get off scott free and everyone thought she was a *****.

I think she was steaming over this and when she went down from the Executive Director's Big Ring dinner back to her grandmother's spare room and life as a waitress, she was incensed. She would not be powerless, she would show Travis how powerful she was. She would get her revenge by ruining his oh-so-perfect life as a hypocrite.

IMO she tried to blackmail him and when that failed, she felt she had to kill him to keep him from telling people what she had done with the sex photos (which I believe were staged by her). She would be excommunicated from the Mormon church, banned from Prepaid Legal and life at Grandma's would be it.

What is amazing to me is that sociopaths think they are so much smarter than everyone else. They actually believe that people cannot see what they are doing. "Duping delight" is absolutely right. It is a form of entertainment for the sociopath with great satisfaction afterward, like you or I would enjoy a terrific meal and a fine glass of wine.

WHen you have one in your family, it is terrifying to see it up close. My heart breaks for Travis' family. I know what it's like to live with a scar like that. I lost a son the same age as Travis and I think of him every day even though it was almost twenty years ago.

EXCELLENT POST!!!:rocker::rocker:
I do adore Juan don't get me wrong... but from a juror's perspective I am not convinced she didn't kill in self defense. :twocents:

Why? No one (witness(s)) were there to collaborate anything she is saying.

Remember CaseyA? Yes we all do. She got off because there were so many lies!

Wow, I thought he hit a home run, interested to know what disappointed you?
rewatching the segment where JA states she does not agree with the ME's sequence of events.

she is answering the questions and crying behind a wall of hair. between her sobs and the tissue wiping the nose she appears to be smiling.

her affect is just all wrong, even when she is crying, and I do think in that instance she was genuinely crying. Not for TA, but because she felt cornered by her own lies.
When JA drinks using her left hand, her elbow wings out. I am right handed and my elbow wings out when I use my left hand to drink. Is that typical of lefties?

That looked awkward every time she took a sip of water.

For those people unsure what the media was trying to get released it was the hearing on the 10 letters which TA supposedly wrote about being a pedophile. More of Jodi frame up of Travis.

You can read the court final ruling at the link posted below. It proves that Jodi Arias wrote the letters in question herself. JODI WROTE THE LETTERS and that is what the press is after. Court documents does not show the letters themselves but it does show what was ultimately decided about who wrote them.

Clink on the document in top left and it will come up without having to download anything. The court judgement starts on page 11.

As many times as Nurmi and Jodi have brought up the letters, I think that it is only right that the Court ruling on them is made public even without showing the letters themselves. In the interest of Justice that ruling should be admitted into the court record for the jury to see and take into consideration in determining if what JA says about TA being a pedophile has ANY truth behind it.

I wonder if her right-handed writing is supposed to be from TA, while her regular left-handed writing is from herself?
LOL - but, I bet they were a big part of the reason she didn't want to show the line-backer pose!

Haha! She's like, "Stand up? Sir, do you have any idea what is going on below my waiste?"
Right....she took away any due process for Travis. Excuse me for not showering her with praise and crying crocodile tears over her discomfort. Too bad only the killers rights are talked about....:furious:

I am left with the thought that she may have garnered sympathy from some on this jury. Her 'breakdown' caused him to soften and he finishes without asking if she cried on 48hrs. Inside Edition. While she was grinding her new BF the next day??

I feel left hanging after all these days of cross. There are other things I thought he could have done that would have snapped her back to her snarky self. Then came back and hit her with more, like timing of those pics and the impossibility of what she's trying to sell. Not end while shes all meek and whining yet STILL trashing her victim!

Sorry o/t here but
I want to apologize if I've missed answering to any one who may have quoted any post of mine!!! I have difficulty keeping up and had kidney stone attacks all week! It is very bad and the meds make me fall asleep in the midst of reading and even typing!
I decided today to just try to read along rather than post so it doesn't happen.

Did she put her bloody socks in the washing machine? black socks? . . . I cannot remember.

if she took the bloody socks off @ the house - could this be the clothing she might have left @ TA's house?

(sorry if previously discussed - I wasn't payin attention to the board)

BBM - Yes - JA must have put the black bloody sock in the the washing machine. I remember seeing them presented during trial with the other contents of the washing machine.

I'll bet those black socks were TA's - I can't imagine JA would have left ladies socks in the washing machine with all the rest of the bloody items. JMO
I do adore Juan don't get me wrong... but from a juror's perspective I am not convinced she didn't kill in self defense. :twocents:

Why? No one (witness(s)) were there to collaborate anything she is saying.

Remember CaseyA? Yes we all do. She got off because there were so many lies!

You didn't find the evidence of premeditation compelling?
On her license, I believe it said she was 5-4" and 115 pounds

Do hiking boots have 3" heels?
if so, would love a pair!!

I am not sure if anyone knows the truth about their heights Or I missed it somewhere..?
(DMV did a typo on my son's height But he caught it when asked to review before the print and we all know how JA doesn't review very well)

Saw JA was 5'6 and Travis being 5'8 or 5'9.. Help! TIA
Nancy Grace et al, I can't believe you're buying into this. Every time you or someone on your program says "breakdown" I just have to shake my head. Seriously? Did anybody actually see a tear? Did nobody see the grin? Hey, in her position, if she's sincerely crying, she'd be better served to let it be seen rather than hide behind her hair and hands. She's not hiding tears. She's hiding the lack of tears.

Good grief, I can't believe anybody who's been watching all this believes any of this.
Wow, I thought he hit a home run, interested to know what disappointed you?
I'm pretty much over anyone slamming Martinez's cross because today was a masterpiece. So much so that even my sister, who I am sorry to say was a HUGE supporter of Jodi - she believed the abuse self defense claim 100% - completely flipped the other way based on today's cross.

The only thing she said truthful today was "I dont remember how the camera got in the washing machine" She said it like I don't know how i left it there..almost in disgust with herself for forgetting the camera. I know she was in the deser checking all her bags like WHERE'S THE CAMERA!!! Oh godd!!!!!================================

I AGREE. And I think that is one reason she started calling the investigating detective immediately. She was worried about the camera, imo.
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