jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Dr. Drew just showed a graphic with Jodi being 5'3 & 115 lbs. she is much taller than that and weighed more than that at the time of the murder, too. Please, talking heads, get your facts straight before you put info out there as "facts"!

I just looked at the crime scene photos on huffington post today, and the first one is a picture of JA's driver's license and her height is listed at 5'6.
If the posts on article is correct then yes..

I've not seen a pic of Bobby & I'm stuck on kindle so hard for me to start researching FB You Tube video testimony etc..

IF THIS IS SAME BOBBY then I think we have to start looking back to ask transpired after TA was murdered.. Again I'm going to say.. I DON'T LIKE THIS BRIAN CARR guy I think there is much much more to him. I posted earlier National Enquirer Sr Editor indicated he'd met JA previously years before.. just sayin JMO

This is a different Bobby. It was discussed thoroughly in a previous thread.
So today I was thinking that she was probably going to say he also turned his head so it would line up with the direction of the bullet.
Well, when she said she could demonstrate the linebacker thing better if she could do it, I Thought, "NO" she's got a plan, and she’s going to show that he turned his head.
So, then JM had her do it and as you know she said and showed he also turned his head.
At the time I was thinking this was a big mistake by JM to have her demonstrate it because some of the jurors may believe it's possible. But now I'm thinking I may be wrong because whether he turns his head or not the bullet is going to go straight into his right upper brow and go straight deeper into his head. He may turn his head but the bullet still goes straight.
In order for the bullet to finally lodge in the back of his left jaw I believe he would have to be coming from the side of her, wouldn’t he? And wouldn't he also have stopped if faced with a gun that he knows is loaded? I think JM should of touched on that!

Like I said before she's conforming her testimony to the evidence presented each day in court. Hopefully her own words will bring Justice to Travis!

It is correct that JM 's request to get JA to act out "the tackle in the bathroom" will turn out to impeach her story.
JA is quite familiar with the forensic evidence so she had to get TA;s head turned so that the bullet would enter above the right eyebrow. Note the flying tackle with TA head arched up and turned to his left - something that would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN REALITY. As was pointed out above, her demonstration of TA position prior to the gun shot contradicts the forensic evidence. The bullet entered TA skull from above and to his left side.

I would hope this contradiction of forensic evidence arising out of JA "in court demonstration" will be revisited in rebuttal or in closing.
Hope pots turn into pumpkins at midnight so the stirring will stop.
Does anyone know the definition of premeditation in Arizona? I thought I had heard somewhere that premeditation could take place moments before the actual act. My main concern is that Jodi won't be convicted of 1st degree murder, as I am is others concern. What needs to be proven.
BTW I have no doubt that JA brought that gun from California and that this murder was premeditated. I am just concerned that the jury may not see it that way depending on whatever instructions are given.
We couldn't see the spot where jodi took the shower pics..he used that one to shock her and to show the space around the shower. he wanted to know where exactly she stood.

Oh ok, thanks Tinkabella! :seeya:
Originally Posted by HarvestMoon
After all that and her mother isn't even crying.
I know, right????? I get the feeling she's NOT very close to her family...not surprising for a psychopath - but what's the deal with her mom & aunt?? Really?? NO tears for Jodi, none for TA, none for his family...just...none?? Wow..kinda cold.

I know, right????? I get the feeling she's NOT very close to her family...not surprising for a psychopath - but what's the deal with her mom & aunt?? Really?? NO tears for Jodi, none for TA, none for his family...just...none?? Wow..kinda cold..

One possible explanation... I've read that Jodi's mother is German and English, so maybe she has that "stiff upper lip" sensibility about her.

But another possibility... Jodi's mother has probably been cleaning up situations after, apologizing for, crying because of, and shelling out money due to Jodi's anger and integrity problems for a LONG time.

I imagine her mom is emotionally spent now, given Jodi's babysitter saw this kind of deadly aggression in her at age 5 or so.

All mom may have left for Jodi is an "I told you so." I mean, at some point, how many tears could be left?
Wrong Bobby Juarez but still sad.

Sorry Guys, I jumped the gun on that one.
Yes, I understand how you feel. I think Juan Martinez did a great job with JA, I also thought in the murder trial of Caylee Marie Anthony Jeff Ashton did a great job. I know these two cases are not the same, even the families of the victims are so very different, but one can not help but be worried that the endings will be the same.

Well considering the ratio of stupid I see everyday, I think it's wise to never underestimate the stupidly of people. I'd never wager on a jury verdict. ... But I do believe the odds are in favor of a first degree verdict in the case because of the photos and Jodi's demeanor on the stand, and blatant lies on videotape. IMO

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I too agree that the Cancun trip WAS in fact the catalyst. If you remember, Arias was SO arrogant and brash that she actually had the NERVE to be at Travis;s house "Cleaning" when he was out on a date with Mimi Hall. She then used the excuse of "Falling Asleep" to remain at his house when he came home from the date. While she acted like it was OK, her remaining there when he got home speaks volumes. She "Fell Asleep" so she could prove she could hang around even after he was dating other women. Then she leaves town, Travis is talking about Cancun, NEVER ONCE asking her to go, NEVER telling her who he was taking, because in trial she even is STILL speculating who he was taking, remember the "Babysitter", then she goes into wondering about Mimi Hall at the funeral memorial. That trip was more than she could bare, him NOT asking her to go, him going with another woman. She couldn't handle it, that trip is what pushed her to kill him, if she couldn't have him NO ONE else could either.

Yes she supposedly fell asleep at his house but I think when he found her, he sent her home that night. I think this because in the very next paragraph after describing this incident in her diary, she says "Travis, picked me up the next morning...blah,blah!
Wow, tricia on levi's show is saying Juan may have messed up....... hmmmm
Does anyone know the definition of premeditation in Arizona? I thought I had heard somewhere that premeditation could take place moments before the actual act. My main concern is that Jodi won't be convicted of 1st degree murder, as I am is others concern. What needs to be proven.
BTW I have no doubt that JA brought that gun from California and that this murder was premeditated. I am just concerned that the jury may not see it that way depending on whatever instructions are given.

Can be formed in the blink of an eye.

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There is no credible evidence! It's all lies!

:waitasec: Sorry but this statement doesn't make sense to me.

Are you actually suggesting all the evidence entered into the trial so far is nothing but lies???
OR all the testimony from the defendant is lies????

The defendant's lies I understand .. if it is the other well .. you have to be joking!
However, the photograph and Dan Friedman's testimony refutes this fact? no way JA looked 5 inches shorter than Travis OR 60+ lbs lighter in weight.. otherwise I need some of those glasses JA is wearing!

Am No expert but take it from a small person (me) who is very close to the same size listed on JA's DL and knowledge of many states involving DMV including California ;)

IMO her DL was Wrong.. some DMV's just ask the person their height and weight and/or just typos.. it is Your, or in this case JA, responsibility to correct any mistakes with the form you sign where signature is added to DL..

If is a fact JA is that size?
I Want those freakin hiking boots or tennies JA had on to look 3-5 inches taller! or heck, gimme those long arms, fingers and legs that girl has!!

JA said today that she is 5'5 1/2". Of course she is a lying liar that lies so who knows.
Ok Guys HELP ME...

I could have SWORN JA said during cross about making calls she said she tried to call BRIAN then JM says yeah you tried to call Matt Darryl & Ryan but etc etc...

On NG Mike Walker Sr Editor National Enquirer says Brian Carr met JA YEARS BEFORE the murder...

Wasn't Brian Carr spewing thinly veiled threats last night on NG???

MAYBE MM is turning on Brian knowing being involved.. something not right here people!

Anyone else catch any of this???

Yes I'm quoting myself.. I think JA's crazy maker is working me :floorlaugh: But seriously I asked about way earlier at end of court today then a little while ago... Last night there was buzz about this guy OT .... anyone know about Brian CARR guy??? He's not sitting well with me.. something idk is up with him.. I don't think they "just met because his sister was DV victim" anyone??
I have watched this whole trial. Some parts several times. Most of it was covered but I would have liked for him to slowly spell it out. I'm not comfortable with the jury being forced to make the links themselves.

Forced? That is what jurors do. They link the evidence together and he has done a masterful job of laying out all of the evidence against her.

I havent seen many that have said they need it spelled out for them. I have had no problem understanding the evidence.

They are going to convict her based on the overwhelming amount of premeditation evidence that has been entered against her.

There is no credible evidence! It's all lies!

It's all lies out of her mouth, you mean.

But there's a ton of credible evidence, and I believe you know it.

Or you haven't been watching the trial.

The whole reason Jodi is even engaged in her defense is because the evidence nailed her before the trial ever happened. Otherwise, she'd be out gold digging with 5 men and a 9 mm or whatever and still blaming the crime on ninja's imo.
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