jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Just watching the first tape from this morning and I'm at the part about when JA convinced Travis to take the pictures in the shower. She mentions about how it took a long time to convince him to take pictures of himself when he was shaving and he liked it and put the picture up on his myspace. He did put that picture up on his myspace and I do believe she is talking about convincing him to take pictures while shaving on a prior occasion. I think it's also the same time when she convinced him to take posed pictures in the shower.

She didn't have to convince him June 4th because I don't believe he was posing. This is her excuse for why the pictures were taken, because she had convinced him to do it before. Trying to justify why Travis would agree to it that day. Which I don't believe he did because he didn't know she was taking them.

Once again, JA rambling on about stuff too much and now it's been turned around as a lie. I think the actual posed pictures in the shower were on a previous day. The pictures on June 4th were not posed but she rambled on in the police interview about how she had permission once to do it so that's why she knew she had permission to do it that day.

Kind of like when he told her once she could look in his phone. To her that was an open invitation to do it whenever she wanted.

So, could they say choosing to go right and into the closet instead of left and out the door and down the stairs is also premeditation or at least takes self defense off the table?

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I predict a mistrial or acquittal. Juan botched the case on cross for the most part.

1. He didn't establish a credible motive. No focus whatsoever on the May 26th text exchange (where he was very mean to her) and no attempt to link it to the May 28th "burglary". He seems to think that cancun crap is enough. It isn't.

2. No attempt to refute her claim that Travis guilted her into seeing him. Juan could have pointed out the flurry of phone calls she made to him on June 3rd to undermine her lies.

3. Never properly pointed out the inconsistency of her sexual talk and fantasies and her claims of being raped during the relationship. She claims she was anally raped in 2007. When describing this she pretended to act like she was raped, by pausing, crying, etc. Yet, just a little while later she's exploring her sexual fantasies with him, requesting facials and wanting to frak him like a "horny little school girl". Juan should have pointed out how far-fetched it was for a rape victim to continue to engage in mutual, enjoyable, kinky sexual relationship with her rapist. This would have crushed her whole "sexual abuse" crap. I don't feel that Juan made this point clearly enough.

4. He had her cornered on the rope issue. She bungled by admitting that she had no reason for throwing the rope away. Juan could have pointed out that "reason". The rope was imaginary -- conjured up to explain the knife's close proximity to the crime scene -- and her lie about throwing it in the dumpster was made up to explain why no rope was recovered.

5. The gun!!! He had her here too. All he had to ask was;

Juan: Isn't it true that the reason you disposed of the gun was because it didn't belong to Travis but to your grandparent and you knew that leaving it at the scene would have further implicated you?

There are other things, but these stick out the most.

You know he is not done, right ?
The link is going slowly for me now. Maybe a ton of people are trying to access it.

Does anyone have a photo of the BJ that Jodi was dating way back in the day??? so we can compare pictures.

(although the comments are saying it is the same BJ). And Jodi had said that he had been killed.

maybe I just got confused..... sorry guys.

Arias' story was that Bobby was so distraught that she later heard he had tried to slit his wrists, and ended up in a mental hospital.
However, she did date him again at a later time - she musta forgot to ask him if that was true or check his wrists for slash marks.
I think she just wants everyone to believe all her men are so in love with her, they are devastated at their loss of her.
Hi Honeys I'm home.

What a day what a day what a DAY.

Gonna start posting my updates in the court observer thread. Oh people this day was a humdinger on so many much to share. Where to begin...see ya over there....then will be back here. :seeya:
O-T, but I just noticed I have been on WS for almost 9 years and have less than 400 posts!

I did not get involved with CA -- I had enough after Laci (who brought me to WS).

No other case has been able to affect me until this one.
Another thing I wish had been pointed out. Didn't the ME say that TA would have been incapacitated after the gun shot? How could he have been screaming and trying to attack JA if he were incapacitated?

That's where I credit JM.

He lets JA spin her web of lies until she fashions her own noose.

If some of us are correct that the gunshot came last or in the middle, then let her go with her version instead. It's much harder to defend.

For how does self-defense comport with shooting someone through the brain, incapacitating him, and then AFTERWARD, stabbing him in the heart, chest and head -- in the process, while he's trying to defend himself you cut his hands and arms to ribbons -- then, when he's turned away you stab him nine times in the back, and then from above and behind you grab his hair, yank his head up and slice through his throat to his spine?

Self defense?

Not so much...
When you are trying to force tears out of your eyes, you squeeze your eyes tight which causes your mouth to "smile". IMO, she was not smiling. It was a reflexive muscular motion when you try to cry. Croc tears no less
Jodi quickly tires of places, people and things. DP would be too easy on her.

I want her to live a very long life in a boring little cage, a routine life decade after decade. No life long friends. Nobody to mesmerize.
I think what the Jury might do is throw out any testimony of Jodi's that is not backed up by another piece of evidence.

That means all the pedophile testimony is thrown out.

That means a lot of her rendition of how the event happened will be thrown out. The closet, for instance, looks immaculate, certainly not like two adults charged through it hell bent on murder and grabbing guns by climbing shelves. There is no reason for the Jury to believe the closet played any part in the events of that day because there is no second piece of evidence. Only Jodi's word for it.

For the sake of argument, say they keep the "pedophile" business in. How does it justify her claim of "self defence"? She didn't even bring that part into the "killing" part of the story. It has nothing to do with her crime. She has used as a means to "sully" his reputation but it has nothing to do with her claim of self defence.
Some are forgetting that trials do not necessarily tie up everything. All of the major trials I have watched have left some things unknown--Jason Young and the footprints, Caylee and, well, a lot of things, Drew Peterson and the whole thing with hearsay, Scott Peterson and the boat. Not everything was tied up nicely in a neat bow. With many crimes its impossible to know everything about motive, or what happened during x amount of time for instance.

What matters, especially on a jury, is looking at what you have and seeing if there is enough evidence to show that the person on trial did the crime. With Jodi I don't care about these dog-chasing-the-tail stuff with the gun, what came first, why she did it, why she got the gas cans. There is more than enough evidence WITHOUT ANY OF THE ABOVE to show that she premediated his murder. Just looking at the crime scene photos obliterates any thought that this was self-defense.

So if someone wants everything all tied up nicely before they can even make up their minds, then please don't go on a jury, because crime is rarely like Law and Order with everything spelled out nicely. If there is enough to go to trial then there is enough evidence to determine guilt or innocence, regardless if all questions are answered.
Hi Honeys I'm home.

What a day what a day what a DAY.

Gonna start posting my updates in the court observer thread. Oh people this day was a humdinger on so many much to share. Where to begin...see ya over there....then will be back here. :seeya:

yay!!! :great: thank you Katiecoolady!!! :seeya:
Just something I have been thinking...I wonder if Jodi went to TA's to force him to reinstate their relationship (including taking her to Cancun) by coercing him via blackmail. That sex call was engineered to incriminate him. The photos taken on June 4th would show TA as not a pure Mormon virgin. Maybe she played that call for him, playfully in the office, maybe the CD's had dirty pix of their prior sex escapades. Maybe that was a lead-in to her ultimatum.

Perhaps during the shower she said "so now honey, see how good we are together? Take me to Cancun and be my bf." And he said no. When she took the last live shot (the inadvertent one of his lower half), she said "and now I can show that you were naked in the shower while I was here" (or something similar, you get my gist), and furthermore, you know that sex call and the nudie pix from this afternoon? Well guess what, I'm gonna expose you!" and TA blew up and said "this madness stops now."

Then, expecting that response, she slaughtered him as planned since he didn't acquiesce to her coercion.
People obviously do not remember that JM still has a rebuttal case PLUS his closing argument will connect all the dots for those too lazy to put their own common sense to work.....
But this isn't his closing. Juan still has much to say, but he accomplished what he needed to with this witness. He shredded her story completely IMO. He proved that she is a liar, and that her stories consistently conflict and are implausible. He exhausted her, and effectively threw her off her game through most of the cross examination. Her credibility is completely shot. And if Nurmi is stupid enough to do another direct, Juan will get another chance at her.

He'll put it all together in his closing argument. I am in awe of how this prosecutor has dealt with a true sociopath on the stand. What he accomplished blows me away. He was able to effectively shut down her dance around answering his questions. He reduced her to doing her hide behind my hands and Cousin It hair thing.

She's burnt toast. I'm not sure what the defense can do at this point to turn that around. I guess we'll see what their damage control is next week.

Thanks button just wasn't enough. Great post, very well said and i totally agree.
So now that Juan is done with his cross and Nurmi is up again, are we going to have to listen to him slow talk and back track for another 9 unbearable days? I don't think I can listen to him anymore and may just turn on my regular daytime programs until he is done.. I am however looking forward to Juan dismantle the defense witness and do his rebuttal. I am also looking forward to Juans' closing statements if we ever get that far in this lifetime.
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