jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 13TH DAY #63 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Thank God there's a 3 day break from the JoDIE show. Today I didn't know if I wanted to beat my head against a brick wall or head butt the defendant! I've become emotionally invested in this case and she exhausts me. The truth and Travis will's just going to take a little more time.
Premeditation takes it out of the realm of crime of passion . I believe a crime of passion has to take place as the result of a sudden impulse or rage.
All that planning she did was cold and calculated.

Lets take a look at what Arizona says what premeditation is:

1. "Premeditation" means that the defendant acts with either the intention or the knowledge that he will kill another human being, when such intention or knowledge precedes the killing by any length of time to permit reflection. Proof of actual reflection is not required, but an act is not done with premeditation if it is the instant effect of a sudden quarrel or heat of passion.

Now with second degree you can have intent. So to prove first degree murder you have to prove premeditation.
I think she wanted to make sure he knew that rejecting her was the biggest mistake he would ever make.

I completely agree with you. When you understand this case fully, their history, her REAL psychological makeup (a need to control and possess Travis) which turned into an inability to control Travis through the only thing she is good at (sex).. she wanted him to suffer. She planned for him to suffer. She gave him the only thing he liked from her (the sex), wore him out, disarmed him, got him vulnerable, and got the last laugh.

This was so much more cruel and thought through than the alternative that the defense and their fans think is a "better", "less cruel", "more obvious" crime.
Dr.D's guest host, Laura what's her name, has a huge hardware chain on her neck. She's good at squints and nods, and has stopped interrupting as much today. So-so. Anderson is on the show. Abe A. is on next.

I think I'm starting to force myself to watch these shows when I should just drop my cable package.
I hope he uses the flying nun picture in his closing, showing that she is turning her head in order to try to make it fit the forensic evidence--except she turned her head the wrong way!

She never saw that because Travis never did it. Afraid for her life because she dropped a camera? How about afraid for her life because she is facing a death penalty charge? She doesn't have fear now and she didn't then. No Jury will convict her.
Caught that too.... Chalked it up as just one more of her near infinite nonsensical details.

The woman can tell you how many sugar cubes are left in the cupboard, and whether four of them are chipped, but she suffers from serious selective fognesia.
It's my hope that these issues will to be further addressed when he has other witnesses' lined up for the rebuttal. Along with some keen emphasis on:

-- if she remembers nothing after the gunshot (which she didnt think actually hit him) why would she begin covering up the crime when came out of her fog? According to her, she couldnt have know he was even injured, let alone dead...

-- the witness tampering issue

-- way more on the pre-meditation, its so key to get that across and I'd agree its not there yet

Since Jodi has admitted killing Travis by shooting him in the head, stabbing him 27 times and slashing his throat -- if it's not premeditation, then it was either unintentional (an accident) or it was self defense. Which do you think it is if premeditation has not been demonstrated?
My favorite comic relief moment when Juan said,

"It's YOUR FOG!"

My fave was when he asked about Travis "pirouetting" out of the shower, lol.

Then mentioning her s*xcapades but saying, "without regaling us with it...."
I agree - but I think Cancun was more significant than just 'going to Cancun'. Somehow, imv, it was a turning point - an end point after which she knew she would no longer be a part of Travis' life on any level... I don't know how, but I believe that somehow this was made abundantly clear.
snipped by me
I think it was made abundantly clear when he made the blog post about Gold Diggers and axe murderers. That's what put her over the edge, imo.

agreed with everything you said
If so, why didn't she shoot him when she walked in?

I thought the purpose of jurors was to evaluate credible evidence presented to them, not to create their own scenarios. Are you by any chance from Pinellas County, FL? :what:
I don't believe that he knew she was going to show up. She probably called him to check that he was home but I don't think "guilted" her to "swing on by". I think she most likely let herself in unannounced while he was already sleeping and that she was the one on his computer, not him. It sounds like she was trying to load something incriminating onto his computer. It's more likely that HE surprised her and she made up some bullchite story as to why she was there and they ended up "making up" and going to sleep. Her initial plan was probably to kill him in the early hours of June 4th and something happened that made her change to plan b. I think that something is that TA was awake and heard her downstairs in the office.


I agree that the YouTube silly video story sounded like one of her Tall Tales...too many details...
I dont think Cancun was the catalist.

At the end of May and around the time she stoled the gun Travis told her he would not be able to come to see her afterall. Iirc it was the second time he had stalled and postponed it. She knew he was rejecting her and trying to distance himself from her for good.

I do not believe anything that JA says including that he knew and asked her to come.

By then he was writing about gold diggers and a possibility of marrying an axe murderer. He was referring to Jodi IMO.

Since the trial began, I also have changed my mind regarding Cancun. Yes I do believe she wanted to go on that trip, however, the timing of her actual trip to AZ was six days before he was to leave. So with that in mind, I am of the same opinion you are, that the catalyst to send her there on her murder mission was him not visiting her in California, and most likely telling her IT WAS OVER. She stole the gun from her grandparents and set her plan into motion.

I thought she expressed a morbid curosity when she kept asking the detective to see the crime scene pictures when she was being interviewed. Today I realized the reason she was hiding her face when the pictures of Travis were displayed was because she didn't want the cameras to capture her abnormal reaction to them. I think she liked looking at her handy work. She has no emotion and no conscience at all and has a very unusual mind. I can't see how she can even be of any value to anyone in prison. She would be a good mate for Scot Peterson.

The fingers on her left hand had a HUGE gap where she could easily be peeking at the screen. I was trying to see if she was, but I couldn't tell.
Did you read that? It is from 2010 and it is the reply to the Defense's filing.

Did you read the scientific document examination report on page 22 and 23? Nurmi eventually ended up withdrawing their request to have them submitted into evidence. Sorry if I said court order, instead of court filing, but the legal filings and the report from the document analysis investigator leave no doubt that Jodi wrote those letters.

Why is Jodi still allowed to go on calling Travis a pedophile, when there is evidence that she wrote all 10 letters purported to be from TA to bolster her claim that he was a pedophile? What part of her attempt to manufacture evidence against TA, the victim, to make it appear he was a pedophile do you not understand? She was framing him for her own benefit. Why? Her whole pedophile story is made up to make TA look like he was a bad guy when in truth he wasn't. The only bad person in this is Jodi Arias.

Also I have never believed her story about the Spider-man underwear either. In the sex tape she starts talking about how she though that the Spider-man movie was a love story. Travis stated that he did not like the Super-Hero movies and Spider-man was the first on his list of the ones he DID NOT LIKE!
Does anyone have this smile behind the hands cued on video?

As I understand it, they cannot use the video in any aspect of the trial, even the attorneys can't bring video into the court to show, I think that was part of the stipulation of allowing the cameras. I could be wrong though.

They showed the video of JA crying and when she moved her hand to take her glasses off-the Body Language expert on JVM said she saw a smile----but to be honest I do not think that was the case--IMO it was just a part of the crying act.
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