jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #67*may contain graphic and adult content*

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This is unfreakingbelievable. I derived more enjoyment from watching the Baltimore Ravens destroy my Broncos in the playoffs, which made me cry for 2 weeks, than this bullcrap.

Strangely this Southern Californian girl loves the Broncos too. That was a heart breaking loss!!

But you don't make Manning take a knee with 30 seconds left in the game and not make ANY attempt to let him win the game for you. The only solace is that at least we lost to the super bowl champs ... Le sigh.
just back after running some errands.....why are we on recess already?
She documents this little cut on the right hand but nada on the left hand.

It's absurd really, and the jury won't take too kindly to having their common sense insulted by her.

I'm pissed off about it too, quite frankly!

I'm back to hating Nurmi as well- I think I'm going to stay here too.

Being a victim of childhood molestation I just can't get around what I really think of him... and I know... everyone deserves a defense, but there is so little justice EVER for victims like myself that I don't give a damn. The recidivism rate is just too high when it comes to molesters and I don't care about being PC anymore!

Sorry for the rant...
I want him to close with Travis' words that she is a sociopath and the worst thing that's ever happened to him!
Am gonna be leaving soon to see a home health patient and glad for it!
To some people who are hot and heavy in a sexual relationship, waking someone up to have sex is not really that abnormal (as I recall ;) ). And could even be seen as a kind of sexual fantasy that is NOT deviant , once again.

Newbie here ... my husband wakes me up to have sex quite often. No big surprise that Travis would do this. What is Nurmi trying to prove, that Travis was a normal man. Nothing deviant about this behaviour.
Law Offices of L. Kirk Nurmi
The Law Office Of L. Kirk Nurmi, Phoenix, AZ. Sex Crimes, Sexual Assault, Sex with a Minor, Indecent Exposure and Sexual Abuse. Serving the Phoenix, Arizona ...

Poor Nurmi--he's up against a man with decades of experience & 300 trials! I did notice that Nurmi didn't lean on the podium--he was pacing like Juan does--so he must be taking any criticism from Juan seriously. That makes me almost like him.
InSession cut their coverage. They now are on from 9am-11am EST.

This is seriously unbelievable to me! Sure, let's dumb-down America even more by cutting something that could actually be educational!

When IS nixed their message boards it was a huge blessing, but court room trials?!!??

No less in place of more reality TV?!?!

I'm seriously stunned.
I see obsession and obsessive behavior all over this case. She was obsessed with Travis and she has a sexual obsession Nympho maybe..but it was a quest. She did not want to let Travis be with anyone else and she wanted to be the last one he slept with cause somehow in her mind that made her win. She knew she could get to him with Sex and use it to get him into a vulnerable place. Premeditated? Hell Yea! I can see through all of this so I am hoping that the jurors do also. This is not love Ms Arias, this is obsession, love does not kill..
Since Nurmi likes the sex talk so much, including usage of the parts, he'll find quite a kindred group if he joins in about midnight EST almost any night.
March 4, 2013

Jodi Arias Redirect

Morning Testimony

--Today is the first day of Nurmi's redirect of Jodi Arias.

--Nurmi begins with asking to approach the bench and there is a quick sidebar.
--Nurmi asking JA about her testimony last week about her taking no personal
--Nurmi: Were you forced to testify? JA: no
--Nurmi: When you chose to testify did you do so knowing the lies you told would be brought into question? JA: yes Martinez objects...relevance. Sidebar.
--During sidebar camera shows four members of TA's family.
--Objection is overruled.
--Knowing you were going to be questioned about the lies you told, you chose to testify anyway. JA: yes
--KN: in terms of admitting certain things against this claim that you didn't take any personal responsiblity. Do you recall me asking you if you killed Travis on June 4, 2008? JA: yes Martinez objects...leading. JA said "yes...but" and
--KN: You also told us why you were forced to do that didn't you? JA: well he was trying to kill me so I was forced to defend myself.
--KN: did you make a conscious decision I want to kill Travis Alexander. JA: no, it was never a thought.
--KN now asking about exhibits that were shown by Martinez last week. Exhibits 452 & 453. Photos of Jodi and her sister taken May 15, 2008. (The straight finger photo). JA identifies her hand in the photo. Exhibit 453 is the same photo but it is a close up.
--KN: You would concede there is no visible bend in your finger. JA: well, it's sorta bent.
--KN: it appears that Angela (sister) is a few inches shorter than you. KN asks for Willmott to come down and Jodi to come down to demonstrate the height issue. Martinez objects. Objection is overruled. Willmott states her height is 5'3-5'4"(with heels). JA said she was 5'6".
--Jodi and Willmott recreate the pose from the photo and Jodi wraps her arm around Willmott and turns so her hand is facing the jury. Her finger looks like it does in the photo.
--KN asking about the injury, prior to June 4th, did you have any injuries to your finger? JA says that she had cut her finger at work putting away margarita glasses on June 1st. Says she was moving too fast, was a little bit clumsy. Was working at Casa Ramos at the time. When dishes come out of the dishwasher they are hot. When she was reaching in she hit some of the metal.
--JA says she took photos on her phone. Exhibits 506 & 507.
--Injuries would have happened on the 31st or the 1st. JA says that the injuries would have healed. Doesn't remember if she still had bandages on her hand in Utah.
--KN: do you recall if you had any other injuries on your hand? JA: says that her injury was caused by breaking a glass at Travis' from his cold water dispenser on his fridge and she dropped a glass. Says she cut her fingers.
--KN: You have stated to us that those injuries were on your right hand? JA: that's what I remember pretty clearly.
--KN: Do you remember having injuries on your left hand in Utah? JA: I don't remember one.
--KN: Is it safe to say when you arrived in Utah the injuries on your hand were not your primary focus? JA: I would say that.
--KN: we heard about the struggle with Travis on June 4th. Did you have any other visible injuries? JA: I had other injuries but they were covered by clothing.
--JA says she had injuries on her feet and her ankles but she was wearing socks and shoes and weren't visible.
--KN asks JA to hold up her hand to show the finger injury to her ring finger on her left hand. JA says this is the injury from when Travis was kicking you in the ribs and he ended up kicking you in the hand.
--KN says you were asked about any medical attention and you said you did not seek any medical attention. JA says that we didn;t bandage it because there was no broken skin. Travis made a splint for it and she thought it was really nice. KN asks her how did you feel about Travis making the splint. Martinez objects twice during this questioning as it is beyond the scope. Sidebar
--KN asking how JA felt. JA says TA was very endearing. Travis got a bag of ice and he did whatever to right what he had wronged. JA says that the moment was endearing and Travis seemed very sincere. At the moment when he made it (splint) he was just very gentle. TA went on to make a second splint later.
--re: journal entries and text messages where she praised Travis. Sidebar. Nurmi and Willmott going through papers at the exhibit table.
--KN: We were talking about some of the things you had told us during cross examination about how great a guy you thought Travis was. KN shows JA Exhibit 484, Travis I thank you for being such an amazing friend. JA says at times he was very amazing. KN: we heard about the Cinnabon card he left on your car after a trip.
--KN: What made him such an amazing friend? JA: he believed in me, saw my potential, he just made me feel like I could go..he made me feel really good like I could realize that potential and go beyond..he saw past the exterior and he made me feel like a beautiful person inside.
--KN: he made you feel as if you could realize your that something that anyone that feeling something that anyone else had given you in your life? JA: occasionally....Daryl, Matt, occasionally Bobby, and maybe an art teacher.
--KN: was there affirmation from TA that was different from other people in your history? JA: it was more positive, intense, he came at me really strong, it was positive, it was amplified.
--KN: You call him a rock, a light and an inspiration (April 18, 2008) is that your sincere feeling? JA: yes
--KN: How did her inspire you? JA: TA was a motivational speaker and would speak at PPL events. TA would speak at events and the energy in the room would make you feel lik
--JA: he counselled me many times on a lot of subjects
--KN asks what JA means about TA going out of the way. JA gives examples...TA paid for the rental when she moved to Arizona...says she paid him back. TA offered to have her store all her extra things at his her paintings..he cleared a space in the closet. Everything else went in the garage. Her house plants went on his kitchen counter. Other times when we were at a PPL event he would pick up the tab for dinner. There was the cinnabon thing. There were tons of little things he would do constantly.
--KN: drawing your attention back to April 18, 2008, one of the things were were asked about by Mr. Martinez about your feelings. Did you love Mr. Alexander? JA: Yes
--KN: you said you loved him but it was different than it was in the past. You weren't allowed to explain that so can you do that now? Martinez objects, characterization. Sustained.
--KN asking about her feelings for Travis again and how they changed. JA says that when we first..I felt like I began to love him early on but I love all people and as I got to know him my love for him grew...I didn't know where it was going as we weren't offically in a relationship yet. I fell in love with him.
--JA: when I discovered the things he was doing we broke up....we got back together...testing the water then the morning in Havasupi when he swore at me I decided I didn't want to continue with the relationship. She didn't want to have children with somebody who could speak to their mother that way. She decided to pull back and they remained in a limbo state for a while. She then flew back home and realized she didn't want to be there, she didn't want to be in Arizona anymore. <feed cutting in and out, missed a bit of this>
--KN: would this be more of a platonic love? JA: It's complicated because I felt more an unconditional love in terms I wanted him to be happy, I wanted him to have a future that was happy. I wanted my own future that was happy. We kept confusing our boundaries because we kept sleeping together and that kept my heart more involved than it should have been.
--KN: So on April 18, 2008 what you are telling us is that you had an uncondtional love for him. JA: that is how I would characterize it.
--KN: Exhibit 485, is the note you made at his memorial. Would it be safe to assume you weren't the only person at this memorial service. JA: Yes, I knew all of the people there.
--KN: you weren't the only person who thought Travis was a great guy? JA: no, I was not.
--KN: as to what you wrote, do you remember when this memorial service was? JA: It was on the 15th or 16th of June.
--KN: so you write 'Travis you are beautiful on the inside and out and you always told me that". JA says TA told her she was more beautiful on the inside.
--KN: I never stopped believing in you and you never stopped believing in me". JA says that she was referring to his potential and that he could fix those parts of himself that were broken and he was striving to fix those part.
--KN: "Thank you for sharing so much." JA the things he imparted to me, his wisdom, and we went o so many trip, it felt like I lived an entire lifetime in one year.
--KN: and his sharing of his spiritual and philosophical self, that meant a lot to you? JA: yes
--KN: You also say that the world has been blessed. When you wrote that did you believe that? JA: I did
--KN: you finshed this note by saying 'I love you". Did you still feel that same unconditional love? JA: I still had love for him and I was thinking more for eternity.
--KN: That makes sense given the time frame we are at, lets take a step back from eternity for a second. Looking at that "I love you". Would that be a true statement on June 2, 2008? JA: yes,
--KN: June 3rd? JA: Yes
--KN:June 4th? JA: yes
--KN: what about the days before the memorial service, would that be true?
--KN: How about today? JA: yes, it's still true.
--You also talked about, you said something, you recall hearing the recorded phone call from May 10, 2008, and something was said on there because a part from the spiritual side and the close friendship you shared there was a sexual aspect of your relationship right? JA: yes
--KN: you made a comment to him in that tape about TA making her feel like a goddess. JA: yes
--KN: refresh our memory how he made you feel like a goddess. JA: it was a reference to the time we took a bath together and there was rose petals and candles. It didn't go quickly, it was drawn out. KN: and that made you feel great. JA: yes
--KN: asking her if there were other times where TA made her feel like a goddess. JA: says it was how he made her feel and how he treated her and made her feel special. Our minds and our hearts were in alignment as well. KN: is that a feeling you experienced before in your life? JA: yes I have experienced it. KN: to that degree? JA: he put me on a pedastool.
--KN: where there other things where you felt like he put you on a pedastool? JA: some of the looks he would give me, some of the comments, it was usually in terms of elevating me above all else. It made me feel like I was somebody special.
--KN: there were times you were up on this pedastool and there were other times you were down on the ground being kicked. Martinez objects...leading.
--KN: so we have a relationship with lots of highs and lots of lows. JA: yes
--KN: youtestified you met Travis in September 2006 and you talked about your relationshi with DB and you talked about the times were were a couple with Mr. Alexander and times you were not a couple.
--KN: do you recall being asked about permision to be at TA's home? In that regard, what was the difference of when you were a couple by the definitions that you and he had used as opposed to when you weren't a couple. Was there a difference to how you interacted with each other? JA: we continued to be intimate, we texted and emailed and she drew a distinction in her mind. She wasn't sure if they were going to get back together or not.
--KN: asking JA if they had sex before they were a couple. Oral sex? JA: yes KN: Anal sex? JA: just that one time after the baptism. KN: did you have vaginal sex? JA: no
--KN: when you became a couple did that change? JA: no we tried to keep the same standards.
--KN: the standards being the law of chastity as told to you by Mr. Alexander? JA: yes
--KN: and that standard to your understanding, what act did that prohibit? JA: it prohibited premarital vaginal sex.
--KN: you had told us about the incident where you were sleeping and you told us about when you woke up and TA's penis was inside your vagina. Was he your boyfriend at that time? JA: yes
--KN: so you didn't have vaginal intercourse until you were boyfriend/girlfriend? JA: it wasn't regular and I looked at it as a mistake. We didn't do that again until we broke up.
--KN: you saw this incided where his penis was inside your vagina as a mistake? JA: yes.
--KN: how is it that you can rationalize it as a mistake? Martinez objects...numerous reasons given.
--JA says they were sleeping and no words were exchanged. She says she isn't sure if TA was mentally conscious. Maybe he was groggy or disoriented. It wasn't mentioned the next day.
--KN: getting back to you and TA being a couple...not a couple. You broke up on what day? JA: June 29, 2007.
--KN: June 29, 2007 was not the end of your sexual relationship. JA: that's right
--KN: so what did the end of that relationship mean? JA: it meant to me that we were two sovereign single adults.
--KN: a lot of people when they break up that's the end of things. They stop sleeping together, they stop contacting each other. Martinez objects. sustained.
--KN: after you broke up you said you were both two sovereign states. JA we were both single and free to make our own decisions.
--KN: but yet you were still making the decision to engage in sexual relations with Mr. Alexander, correct? JA: Yes, I was still making that decision. <Martinez objected to the questions> KN reprased
--KN: Based on your assessment of this break up, was he free to engage in sexual activity with whomever he chose? JA: In my mind, except to the moral implications, it was something I should take offence to since he was not my boyfriend.
--KN: What about other concerns? What about health concerns, Did you feel like he was obligated to let you know if he was engaging in sexual activity with anybody else for the fear of sexual diseases? JA: yes, that was one of my concerns.
--JA says there was a conversation like that, that's why she asked him when she saw him with that girl <missed the last part of what she said>
--KN asking her about being asked "why was it okay for you to be there? JA: he gave her the green light, I called him before going. KN: he encouraged you to come over. JA: well he didn't encourage me,
--KN: the discussion you had with Travis about this girl, were you angry? JA: no, I was frightened, frightened isn't the right word, I was intimidated. we can just be friends and draw a line right now. I just wanted to know.
--KN: You said you didn't want to be confrontational, but you also said you weren't allowed to be confrontational. What did you mean? JA: There were times I tried to be confrontational but TA would snap back at me. At first I felt more like a chastised child. Eventually it began to instil fear and intimidation.

This line of questioning is really just reinforcing her stalking IMO. Once again she is telling us that they broke up (a year before she killed him), but that somehow TA owes it to her to tell her everything about his life.

If he dates anyone else SHE HAS TO KNOW and she's been stalking and window peeping. Sounds like all she did was confront him about their relationship, but wait JA you two broke up and constantly discussing their relationship was NOT going to get them back together. That kind of hysteria just drives a person further away from this kind of nut. But go ahead keep rubbing the stalking in.

Wow almost 800 people on this thread!
I kind of wish that her attorney was doing a better job. I don't want her to have loopholes to appeal with later. "My attorney never presented ______." "My attorney never questioned _______."

Keep in mind, Prebeccal, who he has as a client. And her ever changing lie of what happened.
Move on over to the after lunch thread:

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