jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #68*may contain graphic and adult content*

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It's so boring to keep hearing this sex presented with such a drone to it that you start fantasizing of the day Jodi will get the needle.

Most jurors, I think, have "endured" some sex that probably was a whole lot better.

Candy sex is not abuse![/quote]

It is abuse..............To the candy:floorlaugh:
I swear they must believe the jury is made up of all older, very conservative religious people. So with the sex testimony they're going for, "Eww! I think that's icky. So I think it's abuse. Not guilty," Defense.

Morning Glory, you just described me. But I am not an idiot. I was one who said at the beginning she planned this (premeditation) and wanted to cause him pain and anguish. So this old, conservative religious lady finds her guilty of murder one. Thank you.
I rushed home from work for this? How on earth is this relevant to murder?:pullhair:
I sincerely hope that there isn't someone on the jury who thinks that Jodi is some kind of genius. She certainly does her best to sound beyond intelligent: She is not of this world.
"I wouldn't want to jeopardize Travis' LIFE."

Are you KIDDING me????
So based on this philosophy if you put out there that you, for example, kill might very well be executed YOURSELF in the future?
Help me out here. These people were not married, not tied to each other in any way and there was no reason for her to be anywhere near him after he broke up with her. This is not a domestic abuse situation. There was nothing domestic about this relationship no matter how badly she wanted there to be.

And nothing that has been said in the past two weeks changes that.

What is the point of ANYTHING Nurmi has said about anything?
According to her own blog, she stopped believing in the Law of Attraction 7 months before killing Travis.

WTH is she talking about and what does this have to do with her murdering ways??

SUNDAY, MAY 4, 2008

The Law of Attraction (here we go again...)
About 6 months ago I stopped believing in the Law of Attraction, or at least the accuracy therein. And do you know what I found out? I found out that even when you don’t believe in it, it still continues to work with perfect precision! So while I now go about my day in a manner far removed from my previous Mode of Operation, that darn Law of Attraction keeps right on making itself evident in every area of my life. The Law of Attraction is real whether or not we give an ounce of credence to it. It is inherent. It is infallible. It is unavoidable.
Nurmi's big, blinged out watch cracks me up. Are you a rapper or an attorney, Mr. Nurmi?
This is SO far beyond reality!!!!!!

I have never in my life seen such a bullsheep artist!!!!!
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