jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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What we've been privy to through testimony and evidence is just one small piece of the puzzle. Before this case went to trial there were hundreds of accounts online about Travis by people who met him and some by those who knew him very well.

My opinion of Travis is heavily influenced by reading those accounts. They never painted him as perfect. Nothing I've heard in court has diminished my view that he was a good, caring, generous sometimes to a fault man who made mistakes (like any of us), but was greatly loved, cared for, and respected by a vast number of people.
Shefner~ Your entitled to your opinion. I worry that someone on the jury will agree with you...I will be upset and devastated beyond belief. Im wondering have you watched the 48 hrs tv show about this case entitled..Picture perfect? If you have not will you watch it? See if your mind changes a bit. It might not might! Let us know your thoughts after. Thanks!!
I'm quite sure that this altered exhibit is in the form in which Nurmi & Willmott originally offered it to the judge (before JM objected and the Alexander family listened to the entire tape in the judge's chambers and demanded the whole thing be played instead of the edited and out-of-context prejudicial and self-serving version which the defense played today).

If I was a juror, I would find this version insulting to my intelligence.
I very much agree. It is obvious that her part is cut out. I want to hear the whole thing, not just one side. I'd feel the same way even if it was only him cut out. You need the whole tape for context...not just one side.
Lol, I got lost on thread #70 that hasn't opened yet. Nurse getting ready for 2-morrow.

Has this afternoons session been put on video yet? All I want to see is Juan, when he broke out!

Can't take the rest, I'll just keep reading here.
Been following this trial but only recently hopped back on here. I have a question regarding the injured left ring finger. She claims Travis kicked her and broke it. HOWEVER, during her interrogation with the investigator, she clearly showed him a scar from a CUT! Has this been addressed. If there is a scar, then she was cut with something. A "kick" causing a broken finger would not leave a cut! Can a doctor not examine that finger and determine if there was a cut and scar left behind???? Would love some thoughts on this.
I can't recall the judge's exact words to the jury but she told them they would see and hear it now but would not have access to it later.

Since it was a demonstration excerpt from another exhibit the jury already heard (and will have access to), imo it wasn't necessary.

They won't have access to the closed captioning. That was what was for demonstration purposes.

ETA: Your ETA came after my post went through.
This Veronica person - did she testify for the state? She makes Jodi sound completely looney tunes!

Veronica sounded a little looney tunes, too. She's over dramatic and didn't have anything worthwhile to say.
Jodi has spent her entire defense testimony DISPARAGING THE VICTIM

That's exactly what DV abusers do. Jodi is the murderer and she has no remorse for what she did. If she is "bright," then that's one more thing she destroyed on June 4th 2008--she has rendered all her talents and gifts putrid, rotten and decomposed. She is the act she perpetrated against Travis--the decomposing body that was butchered--THAT'S all that is Jodi. And that was her choice.
I actually think she's average intelligence.

**Smart idea to use gas cans to avoid stopping in Arizona. Then she blows it by borrowing a friend's gas cans and bought one with her debit card. FAIL. Stupid!

**Steals a gun from Grandad one week before. She should have saved her money and bought one underground. FAIL. Stupid!

**Rents a car. Uses her drivers license to rent it. Duh. FAIL.

I could go on and on. She's not very bright. Left trails everywhere.

And had a lot of time with Webster's Dictionary and a thesaurus in the last 4 and half years in her cell ...
Fred, here is the testimony from Kevin Friedman Yreka PD, Scroll to Post #124, posted by 'wenwe4'

Excerpt from 'wenwe4' post:

KF talked to JA about missing items . . . she checked her room/living area in the residence and discovered money missing. A $20 and $10 bills were missing from a dresser or bedstand in the room. . . . open drawers but nothing else missing . . her laptop wasnot stolen - it was in underclothes in clothing basket. She normally kept her laptop in there to "keep it safe so it would not be stolen".
Why did Jodi keep going back, calling asking for the 'abuse'? Travis never went to her. Why did she drive much more than 1000 miles out of her way to murder him after he told her he was finished with her?

The defense is just not making any sense to allow for a premeditated murder.
minor4th wrote:
I'm going to jump in here because you're catching a lot of flack and I do agree with some of what you're saying.

I believe many who are so interested in this case are so outraged at the brutality of the crime and have such a passionate desire to see justice done, that it has become nearly impossible for them to see anything redeeming or sympathetic about Jodi. If she testifies about anything potentially negative about Travis, many assume she's lying. If she testifies about anything that humanizes her or benefits her case at all, there's an assumption she's lying. IMO this kind of mindset has been carried to the point of absurdity at times - to the point of hostility towards other posters who have a legitimately different point of view, and that IMO causes the discussion to be artificially limited at times.

I am firmly and absolutely convinced that Jodi committed this murder with premeditation. I can only guess at her motives, same as anyone. I think Jodi has lied to benefit herself, and I believe there's good reason to have suspicions about all of the negative things she has said about Travis -- she has shown that she will say whatever she thinks will help her at the moment.

However, I think it's also short sighted to believe that everything she says is a lie if it paints Travis in a poor light or paints her as sympathetic. Many here didn't believe Travis engaged in all these sexual activities with her -- but now we've heard him talking about the things he has done with Jodi and what appeared to be an ongoing sexual relationship with her at least until a couple weeks before she killed him. Those things did happen even though no one wanted to believe it of Travis.

I think it's wise to have suspicion about the things she says unless there's corroborating evidence, but until we've heard all the evidence there is - there's nothing wrong with keeping an open mind. Some things we have believed were lies from Jodi have turned out to be true. I think the journal entries today showed a side of Jodi that I never considered -- I think she tortured herself over Travis. She might have actually "felt" abused even if it was a totally distorted perception. But if Jodi has some amount of humanity to her, or if it's possible to see her as something other than an evil monster throughout every moment of her life, does it matter to the outcome of this case? I think not.

I like to think of it in terms of a worst case scenario rather than assuming she must be lying about the negative things she says about Travis. Of the things that have not been completely disproven from her testimony --what remains and would it even matter if all of those things are actually true? Right now, that's the worst case scenario.

From her testImony, here are the things that have not been conclusively disproven IMO:

Her testimony about Travis choking her on one occasion. I don't remember when this was supposed to be, but I don't recall any journal entries or other evidence directly refuting this episode. I believe the other alleged incidents of abuse have been disproven.

I think it's been established that Travis had a sexual fantasy involving tying her to a tree.

I think it has so far been established that Travis engaged in a push-pull dynamic with her. I would even concede that Jodi felt intense emotional turmoil over it. I do not believe it has been established that Travis' motive in the push-pul was anything malignant or cruel or anything other than his own ambivalence and fuzzy boundaries.

I do not think its been proven one way or the other whether or not Travis had sexual experience aside from Jodi.

It has not been established in my mind that Travis ever cheated on Jodi or that he cheated on Lisa.

It has been proven to my satisfaction that the pedophile incident never happened. To me this was proven through her absence of any mention of it, even in couched terms, in any of her 8,000 messages with Travis and in her journals. I suspect that Jodi distorted something and interpreted it to mean that Travis had some deviant sexual predilection -- but I do not think she really believed it, she just used it to hold over his head as a means of elevating herself and controlling him.

It has been established to my satisfaction that she stole the gun and took measures in advance to make it appear she was not in Mesa.

It has been established to my satisfaction that Jodi's finger injury happened on June 4, even if she cut her other finger on May 31.

That's about it, as far as I'm concerned.

So even if we assume the truth of the remaining incidents that have not been directly disproven - does this help her avoid conviction or the death penalty? Worst case scenario. IMO even if those things are true, it does not help her avoid conviction and does not help her avoid the death penalty. Heck, even if the pedophile incident were true it doesn't help her because premeditation has been proven, and none of her testimony established anything that would lead a reasonable person to fear for their life in the circumstances Jodi has described on June 4. The death penalty is appropriate because of the immense brutality of the crime, and nothing. negative about Travis is mitigation for Jodi.

Brought over because I think it bears repeating.
Can we please stop talking about CA on this thread? I have been trying to catch up with today's thread and on every page there is something about her.
I have a question: can a couple of jurors go for for premeditated murder and a couple with felony murder? Can 6 go for PM and 6 for FM with end result being = guilty of murder in the first degree?
Jayson Williams ex is on the money on JVM..She is angry at JA because she is hurting real victims of DV.
I can't recall the judge's exact words to the jury but she told them they would see and hear it now but would not have access to it later.

Since it was a demonstration excerpt from another exhibit the jury already heard (and will have access to), imo it wasn't necessary.

ETA: Popsicle corrected me below. They can have the tape, just not the words on the screen. Thanks for the correction.

THe judge said to the jury that they would get the tapes, but that they would not get what was being transcribed on the screen at the time when they were being heard while played in court.
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