jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Has nothing to do with today, but I just found this while scrolling through these pics....I'm on my 2nd day of a fever w/ cold symptoms & this has me ROLLING

portion of the caption to the photo:

C'mon Huffington Post...can't you come up with something better? Or is the writer for these captions giving us a little giggle on purpose....

"give rise" :floorlaugh: How did that get past the editor?!!!
LOL...The faithful and in-love-with-her-man kind...who's married to a VERRRRY happy man. ;)

I am faithful and in-love-with-my-man too....
And my husband is verrrrry happy after 30 years...
But he is an excellent driver and does not attempt to enter the exit-only zones.
This is part of his good southern upbringing....
He is so hot ya know...
Did I just say that?! Y'all are gettin' to me around here!
Is this the brother she hit with the baseball bat?? I can understand why may feel this way.. JMO but I'm guessing that wasn't the last of untoward things she probably did to him over years.. If we are on target about PD Borderline I'm sure she impacted a few of his personal relationships/friendships. I wonder if more to why she moved with the G'parents.. Hmm??

I don't know if this is the brother she hit with the bat.
You are assuming that anything that Jodi claims is TRUE. We have more than enough definitive evidence that she is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. She lies and lies and lies and lies.

Therefore, we can't believe anything that comes out of her mouth--especially information that mitigates her slaying of Travis.

People with personality disorders CAN'T be "loved" enough--nothing is enough. It is exhausting. My mom is Borderline PD & I don't even have contact with her since I had children since she is like dealing with a toddler.

Invading someone's personal space--thier HOME, journals, phones, emails, etc. is not someone lacking "love"--it is a sick person who is so selfish and malignant that they think they can control another human being. They are toxic and very scary.

I know super late reply to your post, but I had to chime in...

My mom is BPD too. I don't have children yet, but when I do I will not allow my children to be exposed to her without being present to interfere if she steps into her BPD mode. Dealing with my mother is like dealing with a toddler sometimes and other times it's like dealing with a hormonal teenager with parent angst. She's exhausting, that's why my contact with her is limited and I go to counseling a every couple to few months to work on how to deal with her and set boundaries with her.

I may have had some sympathy for Jodi if it weren't that her behaviors are eerily similar to my BPD mom (minus the killing). BPD's are so obsessed with being "left" by people that they will do nearly anything to keep people around. They threaten suicide to keep people around, they manipulate everyone possible to keep people around, and when that doesn't work they smear the person who won't stay around. My mom did this to me at my aunt’s funeral because I wouldn't allow her to cross boundaries prior to it. She sat in the funeral home telling everyone who would listen that I wasn't being supportive to her during her grieving process of her sister’s death (gee, my aunt died, but nevermind that), she told them I was mean to her, and that I intentionally said hurtful things to her. Fact is, she recently threatened suicide so I sat in a hotel room with her awake for the majority of the night making sure she didn't try to kill herself, when she woke up and wanted me to come "snuggle" in the middle of the night I told her no and told her that wasn't appropriate. She said it was okay because it was to comfort her and I told her it wasn't an appropriate way for her to be comforted. Those interactions are the abhorrent things I did to her that caused her to rail against me at the funeral home.

THIS is what it's like dealing with people with BPD and JA screams of this. MOO
I hope Mike is back tomorrow ....he helps lower my blood pressure...
Well at least he taught her what a cream pie was....

HE taught HER? I think you got that mixed up. SHE was VERY WELL experienced when they met. SHE taught HIM everything.
Because I firmly believe Jodi wrote this to Travis' girlfriend (one he had a budding romance with) and Jodi was out of the picture (well not fully, she still snuck around back and peered in his windows, and saw this girl and wrote her this lovely tidbit.

THIS is not a stable person. If she is talking to this BC we see on TV, then he is taken in by her tremendously and believes this stuff and the blood of atonement story...I think we need a wider net... cough cough

“You are a shameful *advertiser censored*. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future, your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions. You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don’t ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.”

your posterity didn't she use these words today in her journal? can tell the Arias is not a Southern girl. We do not do anal. We do not do blood...or say "Hot" about anything but the humid weather. And we never sweat. We don't do shackles well either.

Also, "ravish" is what we say when its supper time and supper is not ready. "Y'all, I'm ravished...where are those dang cookies? Or a cream pie?! I need something to hold me over!"

We *glow*, never!!


And...someone tell JA that she ain't a delicate little flower. Her dt is working too hard to make her appear as such.
As I've said, just because the cat had kittens in the oven, doesn't mean you call them biscuits.
I get the feeling that members of the jury are beginning to feel like dildos with a heartbeat. jus' sayin'
Originally Posted by Wolfpack Fan [ame=""]

I missed all of today's testimony. What were they trying to prove by having Jodi stand with the female prosecutor?

They were back to the left-hand ring finger injury -- again(!). They showed a pic of JA with her left arm around her little sister, and her left hand was relaxed and exposed. Then they had the def. co-counsel stand beside JA & JA put her left arm around her in a similar matter. The PT wanted to show that her hand (today) does not look any different than in the pic with her sis.

(And it does show her height to be more than the co-counsel's, altho JA looks a bit shorter and (poor little thing) smaller, ie., weaker, non-threatening, more pitiable, more sedate, and way less threatening, than the co-counsel when they both are seated.) JMHO, however.


I get your point, too.

I, of course, was being a smartarse. :laughcry:

BUT.....I do think there is something to be said for personal responsibility. Both for men and women.

In all honesty, I lean more toward holding people responsible for their own actions than I do excusing them because of their circumstances.

I guess I just think that one gender ought not to be excused any more than the other from making prudent decisions.

That's all. ;)
Ugh what is BBM? Sorry I feel like the nerd who passed out first at the sleepover :(
HE taught HER? I think you got that mixed up. SHE was VERY WELL experienced when they met. SHE taught HIM everything.

In today's testimony, the sex tape was played and both Alexander and Arias were speaking.
He refers to a cream pie and she plainly asked him, "What is that?"
He then explained it to me...I mean, her...yeah, to her.

I really didn't wish I had to know these things. They are destroying all my favorite snacks. can tell the Arias is not a Southern girl. We do not do anal. We do not do blood...or say "Hot" about anything but the humid weather. And we never sweat. We don't do shackles well either.

Also, "ravish" is what we say when its supper time and supper is not ready. "Y'all, I'm ravished...where are those dang cookies? Or a cream pie?! I need something to hold me over!"

Someone up thread researched the word ravish and put the posting of the dictionary term as different. I agree with you. I am southern. I am ravished when I'm hungry for dinner and want my food on the table.

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