jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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All the re-sexing in court today was done as a diversion from the truth. The DT wants the focus of JA's testimony to be sex, sex, and more sex, hoping the more talk about what they did with each other the more likely the jury will forget what she won't testify to and the evidence that proves her guilt.
I hope some of that makes sense :dunno:
IMO he was reproducing the appearance of her finger (the pic she had taken with her sis). Trying to prove it does not look broken when in that position.

Yep you are 100% correct! My bad my ADD kicked in about 5 minutes into his shenanigans. But yea that's what he was trying to prove.
So the ninjas did it and now they're after Jodi's family, so she's telling all these lies to save them.


Edited, now I read it's mormon ninjas.

Hey don't laugh. There really is a Amish Mafia and they have their own TV show.
Nurse is not here because y'all have worn her out all day! You need to settle down around here....
Now, she went to take a nap and left me in charge...
because I am the sane one, remember?

*shifts eyes uncomfortably*


I have to say I enjoyed the post court commentary today .. Basically Jodi has stretched her welcome out on the stand to the point where one male juror had his head between his knees.

I feel your pain brother.
I know super late reply to your post, but I had to chime in...

My mom is BPD too. I don't have children yet, but when I do I will not allow my children to be exposed to her without being present to interfere if she steps into her BPD mode. Dealing with my mother is like dealing with a toddler sometimes and other times it's like dealing with a hormonal teenager with parent angst. She's exhausting, that's why my contact with her is limited and I go to counseling a every couple to few months to work on how to deal with her and set boundaries with her.

I may have had some sympathy for Jodi if it weren't that her behaviors are eerily similar to my BPD mom (minus the killing). BPD's are so obsessed with being "left" by people that they will do nearly anything to keep people around. They threaten suicide to keep people around, they manipulate everyone possible to keep people around, and when that doesn't work they smear the person who won't stay around. My mom did this to me at my aunt’s funeral because I wouldn't allow her to cross boundaries prior to it. She sat in the funeral home telling everyone who would listen that I wasn't being supportive to her during her grieving process of her sister’s death (gee, my aunt died, but nevermind that), she told them I was mean to her, and that I intentionally said hurtful things to her. Fact is, she recently threatened suicide so I sat in a hotel room with her awake for the majority of the night making sure she didn't try to kill herself, when she woke up and wanted me to come "snuggle" in the middle of the night I told her no and told her that wasn't appropriate. She said it was okay because it was to comfort her and I told her it wasn't an appropriate way for her to be comforted. Those interactions are the abhorrent things I did to her that caused her to rail against me at the funeral home.

THIS is what it's like dealing with people with BPD and JA screams of this. MOO

Do we have the same mom?! :seeya:
This was probably brilliant, but there are too many words so I had to skim.

So are you saying that you believe she killed Travis to "clear" (no Scientology reference implied, but feel free to refer to last night's episode of The Walking Dead) the world of his negativity?

Yes. She was already beginning to feel the repercussions of his negativity in losing friends, her reputation with those friends she so "loved." She had tried EVERY positive way to stop his negativity.

She had even tried the companion principle to the Law of Attraction, which is "Acting As If." If you aren't getting what you want in life, act as if you already have it and it will be yours.

She pretended she was his girlfriend even after they broke up. I don't have to list for you all the intrusions on his privacy, the demands for explanation, the stalking on dates, the sexy phone calls, etc--ALL of which are the behaviors of a jealous girlfriend, not a discarded one.

In her view, Travis is getting what he attracted to himself. His just due. She tried to prevent it--did everything she could. Finally, she had no choice but to kill him because he was going to kill her reputation and position in the universe as a deserving recipient of abundance).

It's hard to wrap your head around this distortion of good principles of positive living; however, one poster pointed this out and I think it bears repeating: Jodi didn't just kill him for revenge out of jealousy. That did not benefit her. Everything she did was for her own benefit. By killing Travis, she silenced him and stopped his negative input from impeding her eligibility for the abundant that PrePaid Legal had convinced her were hers for the asking through the principle of The Law of Attraction and Acting As If.
I know super late reply to your post, but I had to chime in...

My mom is BPD too. I don't have children yet, but when I do I will not allow my children to be exposed to her without being present to interfere if she steps into her BPD mode. Dealing with my mother is like dealing with a toddler sometimes and other times it's like dealing with a hormonal teenager with parent angst. She's exhausting, that's why my contact with her is limited and I go to counseling a every couple to few months to work on how to deal with her and set boundaries with her.

I may have had some sympathy for Jodi if it weren't that her behaviors are eerily similar to my BPD mom (minus the killing). BPD's are so obsessed with being "left" by people that they will do nearly anything to keep people around. They threaten suicide to keep people around, they manipulate everyone possible to keep people around, and when that doesn't work they smear the person who won't stay around. My mom did this to me at my aunt’s funeral because I wouldn't allow her to cross boundaries prior to it. She sat in the funeral home telling everyone who would listen that I wasn't being supportive to her during her grieving process of her sister’s death (gee, my aunt died, but nevermind that), she told them I was mean to her, and that I intentionally said hurtful things to her. Fact is, she recently threatened suicide so I sat in a hotel room with her awake for the majority of the night making sure she didn't try to kill herself, when she woke up and wanted me to come "snuggle" in the middle of the night I told her no and told her that wasn't appropriate. She said it was okay because it was to comfort her and I told her it wasn't an appropriate way for her to be comforted. Those interactions are the abhorrent things I did to her that caused her to rail against me at the funeral home.

THIS is what it's like dealing with people with BPD and JA screams of this. MOO

Ugh... I'm dying over here. We all get to know each other and and things can be light hearted and then i see something that makes me cry. The things that some people here have gone through are pretty extraordinary, and not in a good way. Some of these incredible life experiences are why there are so many incredible insightful posts. A lot of them come from a place of pain. But it gives you the ability to almost become a lie detector with some things.. Because you have lived them and you know the authentic from the fake.
Amusing/just saw there is a Jodi A voodoo doll for sale. It was said on some HLN entertainment program I am watching.

I get your point, too.

I, of course, was being a smartarse. :laughcry:

BUT.....I do think there is something to be said for personal responsibility. Both for men and women.

In all honesty, I lean more toward holding people responsible for their own actions than I do excusing them because of their circumstances.

I guess I just think that one gender ought not to be excused any more than the other from making prudent decisions.

That's all. ;)
I totally agree and I think for the majority of abuse victims they pay their own recompense daily for years afterwards if they have the opportunity to escape such a relationship. Trust me when I say no one can judge me as harshly as I judge myself for having fallen for it, staying so long, and putting my beloved munchkins through witnessing it.

While someone's still IN the relationship though it's kinda like holding a puppet responsible for the actions of the marionette master. Staying, going back, ignoring horrible behaviors on the part of the abuser, engaging in conduct that seems atypical of the stereotypes of abuse victims - like having sex or enjoying sex with an abusive partner...

Those are all examples of a deeper psychology that's always running behind the curtain in such a relationship.

MOO...and good night everybody!
Today we learn something which could be mind boggling when applied to her statements past and present.

Her true religion is the Law of Attraction. If you are not familiar with this concept, which has enjoyed flashes of popularity at various times over the last century, it is the principle behind the popular new age book "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich" before that, etc.

Arias is telling us over and over that this is what she really believes in. She mentions it frequently as a motive for why there's nothing negative in her journal about Travis. She says quite plainly that she was unwilling to "put out there" the negative for fear of attracting more of the same.

The Law of Attraction is quite commonly used in multi-level marketing programs to blame the "associates" who are not producing up to the standards held up in the "I attracted Fabulous Wealth" testimonials. We see Travis Alexander himself get up there in one video clip shown on Dateline and say, "This is where I started...." You can be that he goes on to say that through the application of positive thought and their trainings, every one of those in the audience can achieve what he achieved.

Later in the testimony of this trial, a comment is made about Travis accusing Arias of failing to "work the program"--another multi-level marketing buzz phrase.

So...once he started calling her a sociopath and a *advertiser censored*, how in the world was she going to rid the world of such negative thoughts about herself? Mind you, she is a True Believer in the Law of Attraction, which is nowhere found in Mormonism. Mormons believe that success comes from obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel-- paying tithing, keeping clean sexually, avoiding alcohol, tea and coffee, attendance at meetings, taking all callings (requests to volunteer for work), and avoiding association or sympathy for exMormons.

All these requirements are asked about in Temple Recommend interviews. A person may be denied a Temple Recommend for breaking any of these rules. Nowhere is mentioned the Law of Attraction.

Were Jodi Arias to be excommunicated for fornication, the earth would tremble with the negativity coming her way from all the Mormons who would have been informed of church action taken against her. Think of all those Mormons who would know she had been deprived of her membership AND THEY ARE FORBIDDEN TO ASSOCIATE WITH HER, as a condition of their own temple worthiness.

I am sorry if Mormons are offended by their practices being discussed, but this is vital to the understanding of motive. I have been a private investigator myself and you have to think like the perp thinks if you want to understand the crime.

Excommunicated Mormons are shunned even by their own families because of the temple recommend interview question. When you leave the church, even if you resign, like I did, you may suffer employment consequences if you life in Utah, Arizona, or Idaho where there are strong Mormon communities. Prepaid Legal was full of Mormons. Travis was a leader there. It is not inconceivable that his position as a role model and exemplar would be jeopardized. Can you imagine what his good buddies at PPL were going to think if they had to confess that they "associated" with Travis Alexander after his excommunication?

Exactly. He would lose not only his status as a desirable bachelor, he could also see his income take a nosedive as people who would have wanted to sign up under him chose someone else like Chris Hughes. Someone they wouldn't have to confess that they were associating with or sympathizing with.

Jodi Arias believed in the Law of Attraction before she met Travis Alexander. She never quit believing in it-- and who doesn't believe in being positive? It is another thing, though, to be an extremist and have a superstitious view of it where you believe that looking at an envelope with the right mental paradigm causes it to contain a bill or a check. There are wackos in almost any psychological system of success who carry normal principles to such an extreme they become a parody.

I think Arias believed that she attracted Travis to her because of the goodness inside her. When he began to name the darkness that he saw in her heart, he realized how she had dragged him down, down, down. He had more to lose by allowing her in his bed than we have previously been discussing. Since he had already gone to the bishop and been put on probation, he would surely be excommunicated.

He stood to lose everything based on his value system.

She also saw herself as losing everything based on her value system -- and once he told her THAT HE HAD PUT THAT NEGATIVITY out into the world, she (nutcase) concluded that to remove it--the only way to stop it--was to kill him.

That way, she could reframe the relationship in a positive way. For the good of all concerned. She made sure she gave Travis what he needed--the opportunity to pay for his sins with his own blood, so he could go to heaven-- and herself the freedom from the negativity that he was putting out about her that was destroying her future.

Thanks for the kind words I've received - I am a writer and am currently writing a book about some of these very topics. Even though my book is a novel, it's based on real events but I have to say is much less dramatic than the true crime we are all seeing revealed one little piece at a time.

Very good post! Thank you!:)
I dated a guy for a few months that was BPD. Man, those people are cray-cray! All charming and attentive at first, very captivating. Then you start getting the guilt trips, the neediness, the hot and cold manipulation. I thought I was the crazy one until I called his bluff when he pulled out another "silent treatment" episode. In the meantime I started to Google like a madwoman. It didn't take me long to discover BPD. I was sooooooooooo glad I never had him in my house. Sheesh, I'd take my Dad's manic depression anyday thankyouverymuch.

I swear I am flypaper for freaks. I would rather be single than date one more psycho. I will just play with my new Grandkids. If JA gets an acquittal (it'll never happen) I will yank my entire family from this country. It's as if the whole lot of humanity is going insane! I blame Monsanto.
Well, I can't play witcha no more. :eek:fftobed: :lamb: :countsheep:


Hopefully the mods will get some laughs out of our silliness tonight.


Or they'll spank our backsides tomorrow (ouch, too much JA trial lately....I just offended myself LoL).

G'nite Steely. May your dreams be Nurmi free. Not sure mine will be. :puke:.
Does anyone know the reputations of the experts the DT is about to call? Has anyone seen them testify before?
Yes. She was already beginning to feel the repercussions of his negativity in losing friends, her reputation with those friends she so "loved." She had tried EVERY positive way to stop his negativity.

She had even tried the companion principle to the Law of Attraction, which is "Acting As If." If you aren't getting what you want in life, act as if you already have it and it will be yours.

She pretended she was his girlfriend even after they broke up. I don't have to list for you all the intrusions on his privacy, the demands for explanation, the stalking on dates, the sexy phone calls, etc--ALL of which are the behaviors of a jealous girlfriend, not a discarded one.

In her view, Travis is getting what he attracted to himself. His just due. She tried to prevent it--did everything she could. Finally, she had no choice but to kill him because he was going to kill her reputation and position in the universe as a deserving recipient of abundance).

It's hard to wrap your head around this distortion of good principles of positive living; however, one poster pointed this out and I think it bears repeating: Jodi didn't just kill him for revenge out of jealousy. That did not benefit her. Everything she did was for her own benefit. By killing Travis, she silenced him and stopped his negative input from impeding her eligibility for the abundant that PrePaid Legal had convinced her were hers for the asking through the principle of The Law of Attraction and Acting As If.

Interesting. I've heard stranger motives so this might not be far off the mark. Given that she believed the world was ending, she might just be nutty enough to believe this.

But...I'm sticking with the "you hurt me so I'm going to hurt you more" motive.
I just can't imagine when its a parent...I'm so sorry to all of you who have endured a PD mother or father.

As for the bolded portion - there's been recent research conducted to suggest a 'new' form of psychopathy mostly found in females very consistent to BPD. Considering that, I think you're most likely right...but I also believe she's almost certainly comorbid too. To my understanding most afflicted with PD are.

Should anyone have need of it - this is an awesome resource for people who have been in relationships with disordered personalities:

interesting the name of the website as to Jodi always being in a fog

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