jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 14TH DAY #69*may contain graphic and adult content*

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We're going to be closing this thread in about 10 minutes and take you to a new thread for this mornings court session. So be ready to jump over.


[ame=""]jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Just saw attorney discussing this case (Lis Wiehl) and it is her expectation that this case will go to jury this week. Can this be possible? I expect Nurmi to continue with this re-direct for at least a day to

Shoot, we'll be lucky if Nurmi doesn't have Arias on the stand all week. Then we have the DT experts which I actually expect Juan to ask more questions to them than the DT.
Juan is going to blow their fake theories right outa the water.
That "best of" audio was meant to offend jurors and there was no other reason to play it. There was no need to go over it statement by statement and ask JA how she felt. There was no need to have the offending words such as "rape" in big letters on the screen. Jurors already heard it. No need to rehash it, especially in such a way.

I really hope the jury is smart enough to figure that out and their only reaction is one collective eye roll for this stunt. Because that is all it was...a low down dirty stunt.

I wrote the words "gratuitous stunt" in my notes yesterday. I'm right with you here.
Willmott really did look thrilled. She smiled such a big smile as though this trial were some Shakespearean drama. Maybe the autopsy photos will bring her back to reality?

I interpreted that as more of a "smiling through the tears" thing, like, "so, it's come to this...Jodi wrapping her arm around my! Don't let her smell fear!"
Hi Everyone!!

Long (loooooooong) time lurker, first time poster here! I wanted to write this quickly before the day in court starts and things get hectic here! I've been reading Websleuths for a very long time and you guys are truly a group of the most caring, astute, intelligent, welcoming and kind posters I've come across while perusing message boards of this nature. My husband deployed to Afghanistan last week and I figured since I now have a lot of extra time on my hands, this would be a good time to join in here! I've sincerely enjoyed reading all of your posts over the years and especially during the Casey Anthony debacle :)banghead:) and now in the search for justice for Travis. Your intelligent posts have made me think about things I may not have thought of before, seen new things I didn't notice before & of course, a lot of them have made me laugh too!!

So thank you for all of those things and I look forward to joining the group here! :seeya:

Welcome!! :welcome5:

And a most heartfelt thank you to your husband for his service and to you for your support of him!

JA is going down! ;)
Hi Everyone!!

Long (loooooooong) time lurker, first time poster here! I wanted to write this quickly before the day in court starts and things get hectic here! I've been reading Websleuths for a very long time and you guys are truly a group of the most caring, astute, intelligent, welcoming and kind posters I've come across while perusing message boards of this nature. My husband deployed to Afghanistan last week and I figured since I now have a lot of extra time on my hands, this would be a good time to join in here! I've sincerely enjoyed reading all of your posts over the years and especially during the Casey Anthony debacle :)banghead:) and now in the search for justice for Travis. Your intelligent posts have made me think about things I may not have thought of before, seen new things I didn't notice before & of course, a lot of them have made me laugh too!!

So thank you for all of those things and I look forward to joining the group here! :seeya:

Welcome! And a big thank you to you and your husband!!
Good morning, friends. :grouphug:

If it turns out today's testimony is another re-run of lies, I'm not sure my blood pressure can take it, so may just follow along here.

The older I get, the less I believe in pure coincidence. Travis 'spoke' to Detective Flores and the investigators via the recovered photographs, he very clearly cried out. He also speaks to us via those text messages.

I was cleaning up my notepad early this morning and came across a snippet from one of Travis' text messages to JA that one of the great posters here had transcribed and I had saved. There have been a lot of suggestions from folks here for Juan on how he might end his closing arguments. He is a brilliant prosecutor with the heart of a righteous warrior and I absolutely trust his instincts, but if I had a vote, I would let Travis' own words speak:

"... There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When will you realize that." ~ TA to JA text from April 2008

Prayers for the family, today and always. :heartbeat:
Just saw attorney discussing this case (Lis Wiehl) and it is her expectation that this case will go to jury this week. Can this be possible? I expect Nurmi to continue with this re-direct for at least a day to

I wonder what trial she is watching? :waitasec: I don't think there is any way that will happen. There is still too much left. His re-direct to continue, then if a re-cross is allowed. Then the DV experts, and whatever other witnesses he plans to call. Then cross and possible re-cross of them.... well you get the idea. Way too much to go to the jury this week. :twocents:
Willmott really did look thrilled. She smiled such a big smile as though this trial were some Shakespearean drama. Maybe the autopsy photos will bring her back to reality?

seeing those two (j.a. and JW) hug and smile like they were posing for a photo, made me sick!! i get it, humanize the murderer, but i hope the attempt was seen as an ACT and not a FACT..
What does it even matter when she hurt her finger? She admitted to killing him. So what if she hurt it during the altercation? I don't get it.

They need to stick to her story about it being broken in January because that's the "prior abuse" they're hanging their battered woman defense on. If she admits that she broke it while she was murdering him, then they don't have an incident that would constitute 'prior abuse' and she would have no reason to have "feared for her life" in June 2008.
I'm having trouble getting caught up with overnight/morning posts. If this has already been mentioned, I apologize, but I thought that Nurmi's "afterthought" about the finger demo was nothing more than a childish, copy-cat ploy for the jury. What a crock! Nurmi doesn't have the imagination to have considered a courtroom demonstration on his own and only did it when JM was allowed to have Jodi show us the "linebacker lunge".
ok, now that I have heard her say that Travis made her tear those pages out of her journal....which is it Jodi...."of course I would never write anything negative about Travis", or I did and Travis made me tear them out????

If there are pages's because they were INCRIMINATING to Jodi.
This thread is closing within 5 minutes.

Please move over to our new thread for today's session.

[ame=""]jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Hey! Being overweight has nothing to do with it. ;)

I don't think he wants to defend JA. He is obligated to do so and it shows.

I agree. I think both he and Wilmont are somewhat mortified by the whole thing.
I honestly don't know if I can stomach another day of the JA Show! Redirect seems to be redundant and she is no closer to planting reasonable doubt about her self defense excuse than she was on direct.

The bottom line is...her own testimony contradicts a legitimate self defense theory. She was not hit, punched in the face, or kicked in the ribs on June 4. She did not have her hair pulled, her finger broken, a fat lip, or bruised eyes on June 4. I don't think she even broke a fingernail that day.

Any woman who feels as though she was fighting for her life would have bruises or marks or something to show she was, indeed, in a fight for her life.
I would like a basic question like 'how is it possible you remember everything, except what the DA asks you?'

JA Answer:

I am able to remember a lot of the direct trauma at the hands of TA. In preparation for my defense I had to recall and go over all of this material. I have been forthright and honest with the DA. I cannot answer the DA's compound or leading questions. THere are naturally and obviously some things I cannot recall with clarity. What I can recall I tell as best that I can. THe shock and trauma of TA's attack on me - (much like a Marine experiencing exploding bombs on the beach) have caused serious memory lapses or blurs.

The DA is a hostile examiner - that is his job. But despite the hostile questions I have answered all questions put to me to the best of my recollection.
Are Jodi's parents divorced? If so, does brother live with dad?
seeing those two (j.a. and JW) hug and smile like they were posing for a photo, made me sick!! i get it, humanize the murderer, but i hope the attempt was seen as an ACT and not a FACT..

To me, Willmott's body language was very awkward. Fake smiles wiped off, there appears to be no love lost between those two IMO.

(Looks like they had practiced their positioning several times over the weekend though. Nothing impromptu about that little demo.)
I wonder what trial she is watching? :waitasec: I don't think there is any way that will happen. There is still too much left. His re-direct to continue, then if a re-cross is allowed. Then the DV experts, and whatever other witnesses he plans to call. Then cross and possible re-cross of them.... well you get the idea. Way too much to go to the jury this week. :twocents:

She was also discussing whether JM will include "lesser included" in charge. The theory being that if the jury could not agree on 1st degree, having a lesser included would give them an option and prevent a hung jury and therefore a mistrial. Tricky business...
JA Answer:

I am able to remember a lot of the direct trauma at the hands of TA. In preparation for my defense I had to recall and go over all of this material. I have been forthright and honest with the DA. I cannot answer the DA's compound or leading questions. THere are naturally and obviously some things I cannot recall with clarity. What I can recall I tell as best that I can. THe shock and trauma of TA's attack on me - (much like a Marine experiencing exploding bombs on the beach) have caused serious memory lapses or blurs.

The DA is a hostile examiner - that is his job. But despite the hostile questions I have answered all questions put to me to the best of my recollection.

It was interesting on the standa when she told JM that she 'memorized it'. You don't have to memorize the truth.

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