jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

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She said Travis couldn't restrain himself. . .

Oh, so now she's been sitting in her cell making up NEW non verifiable incidents of TA becoming angry!

LMAO! So everyone who screams and rants and raves and carries on during traffic is now deserving of murder?

They have got some serious issues if this is what they are resorting to!
The truth according toJodi... anyone know if we have boots on the ground in there today? hell I want to do violence against her? Again the accidental penis injection? No it's a mistake....
Funny how she is the only one who has ever witnessed any sign of violence from Travis. Not that I don't think she could probably bring out the violent side of Mother Teresa but I don't think the jury is buying it.
crap, crap, and more crap. Can you explain to us and tell us you how you feeeeeeel? We know Travis sucks, but can you tell us why you are so evil? Why did everything Travis do scare you and make you stay with him? How can you lie so easily? Why do I want to talk about the sex so much?
She has lost her audience to such a degree now that I am not even expecting anything worth hearing coming out .. it'll either be irrelevant or a self serving lie.

Way to go Nurmi. <mod snip>.

This is the first trial that I have been "following" (aka obsessed with, LOL) where I have chosen to not watch every second of live coverage because a witness(JA) is SO ANNOYING I can't bear it
Half the drivers in California get frustrated in traffic. I hardly think that is indicative of some angry mad man. Boy, Jodi judges everybody in her black and white mind, but she views herself in grays.
Nurmi is talking about sex again. What the heck
I'm SO SICK & TIRED of all her BULLCHIT stories that no one else except GOD witnessed!!!!!
So this is an incidence of 'violence'? Travis is yelling at others drivers and cursing and slamming his hand on the inside of the car door ? Is that Domestic Violence? REALLY?
No way, I must be dreaming, this can't be a for real trial.
It's a DP case. The defense has to be given a wide field so there aren't any appellate issues. JMO

Even with that point of difference it's ridiculous!!! Serial killers have shorter trials than this!
If the Judge doesn't let JM recross after all this new information then I will lose all hope in her
Aha, the power to shut her up. I love my Mute button, Yeah!:rocker:
omggg I believe that everyone should have their day in court, but this is disgusting.


I am not sure what I make of KN ( whom i have nicknamed sprmy) ( :-( sorry) transcribing the phone sex. It freaks me out on a few levels. I really feel that whole phone conversation which was not particularly sexy even- was a set up for blackmail to play for MH etc...I feel like that talk was based on other convos they had in which their phone sex fantasy was set in their imaginations in a film pornish setting in their minds.
She forced topics into that phone sex session bringing up past sexual encounters in better times.

After hearing and reading that bit about the stupid tootsie pop ( singular) and pop i going crazy or is that really a euphemism TA may have had for his "junk" and JA and KN have turned it into a whole fako story ( schoolgirl- missing baptism to get candy etc etc another over the top lying tale to further victimize the victim.

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