jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 15TH DAY #70*may contain graphic and adult content*

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Why would she buy a gas can and then return it within a couple of hours? She had already borrowed the gas cans from Darryl at that point.

And I don't understand why it matters

If she didn't buy gas to put in the third can, it was a kerosene can so did she get kerosene? Did she get kerosene to burn the evidence in the desert? jmo
Nurmi reminds me of the prosecutor in the trial I was on last year. He was gigantic like Nurmi and was constantly jumping up and down in his chair, made me want to scream.

Makes you want to super glue his seat where he can't move and duct tape his hands.
The amount of gas she purchased was more than the car and 2 five gallon gas cans would have been able to possibly hold.
Juan knows this and has her on the ropes ---how can you buy more gas than the car and the 2 gas cans can hold--it proves she had to have had a 3rd can.

Like I said the car she rented only holds 14 gallons of gas when completely empty to full so do the math.

actually ... lol
if you do the math, it does work... and I'm using what minor4th posted in the receipts thread, and believe you when you say that the car she rented had a 14 gallon gas tank:
Arco - Pasadena, CA, 6/3, 8:42 PM, Mastercard 2015, 8 gallons $35.06

Arco, Pasadena, CA, 6/3, 8:46 PM, 9.59 gallons, $40

Arco, Pasadena, CA 6/3; 2.77 gallons

if the 8 gallons was the 2 - 5gallon gas cans. The remaining is 12.36 gallons.

I actually understood what Nurmi was saying right away, whether it's the truth is another story. His version is, she filled the 2 gas cans (the 8 gallons). She prepaid $40 and filled the car (9.59 gallons). When that didn't fill the car, she went back in, prepaid $20, but was only able to put in 2.77 gallons before the car was full, and according to that receipt, she received change back.

That would be why I am so angry and admittedly lacking compassion with the likes of Jodi and others who misuse the battered person's defense.

Every single day there are men and women across the globe who have to fight to protect themselves and their children who only have God as their witness as well. They aren't just fighting their abusers but often families, friends, courts and law enforcement because there's so little 'proof' of their claims.

Every time a murder defendant paints a certain portrait to domestic violence scores of people assume that portrait to be real. (HLN's talking heads really don't help matters either.) Every time a murder defendant uses a battered person's defense solely as a manipulative means of escaping punishment, it inherently plants a seed that maybe the next victim someone encounters is lying for his or her gain too.

It ends up hurting very real people. Many who will never even know who Jodi Arias is. Many who just want someone to listen to them and believe they're in justifiable fear from someone they intimately know is dangerous.

YES!! I totally agree with you.. It's like when divorcing parents cry child abuse to punish other parent or for control when there is no real abuse they monopolize resources a child in true danger needs by their self centered focus, expose their child to traumatic situation for no reason & ultimately diminish the severity of true child abuse claims as another Mom getting back at Dad!

JA you like your fairy tales don't ya??? Don't forget about the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf for attention... we know how that ended!!
I think her original plan was to take the body with her in the Rental Car, wrapped in Sheets. And use some of the gas in the cans to burn everything, including Travis in the Desert.

Small problem about the mess and how hard it actually was to move a dead body caused her to go with Plan B. In Shower, run like he**
Y'all are cracking me up today, LOL!!!!! I've spit coffee through my nose at least three times!

Not watching trial either, ugh, going over the same old lies.....agian, and again, and again!
There is no doubt in my mind that the DT and Co. lurks here. Too many of the questions Nurmi asked are points that have been made on here. JAIL had her arms straight down as the jury left so they obviously saw the VonTapp parody here and instructed JAIL accordingly.

That is why some of us have put a notice on our post.. to many times the exact things we've posted have been said in court. This includes the media too.
She's a dear friend of mine and has come to know Travis' family since the trial started. She attends court almost daily to show support for the family and they've invited her to sit with them unless the the seats have all been taken by Travis' family.

Thank you so much. I figured she had to be a relative or someone connected to the family as she attends so frequently.
Nurmi's questioning is absolutely pathetic to say the least. Those poor jurors having to sit and listen to him drone on and on....

Hope I did this right. Sorry was hoping the image would show, not the link. I don't know how to do an image shot :'(

Instead of pasting the url in your message. . .click on the little yellow picture box above the message are. It is the insert image link.
How does the fact that she could have stolen a gun from anyone prove that she didn't steal a gun from her grandparents with whom she was living? :banghead:

It instills doubt. Why be traced to a stolen gun when she could have taken an unregistered gun.
It would not have been reported stolen.

Jody did not think of this THEN. She screwed up.

Nurmi realizes this.

MM & Dad... Under the bus
With grandpas gun there is a record of it being taken. The police report. She lived there at the time.

If she stoled one of the "unregistered" guns, they woukld not have reported it.
She *advertiser censored*cked up taking grandpas gun..

(After the fact) Nurmi obviously thought of this and threw MM & dad under the bus to try & instil doubt & save JA life.

-- Excellent points, and you're right - someone who isn't thinking straight might see this oversight as creating doubt because she just couldn't be that daft... :waitasec:
It should go to the Jury Tuesday June 4, 2013 - they should take less than 1 hour and come back with a 1st Degree Murder/Premeditation Verdict and sentence her to Death

I like the idea but I'm not sure my heart can take it if we have to wait that long.
I have no idea why Nurmi is stretching out having Jodi on the stand talking so much, long narrative answers. It boggles the mind. It's getting to the jury from what I've read. He needs to let it go. Nothing he or she says will sway the jury now.

i saw several of the autopsy photos on Huffington Post last night for the first time. After seeing those you KNOW Jodi is a psychopath. The brutality she used proves it. No way the jury will ever feel sorry for Jodi after seeing those. Jodi Arias is a natural born killer IMO.
What penalties would one incur for jumping the divider and bee-lining right to JA for a good old a$$ whooping?

I imagine the bailiffs are usually sleeping during this testimony and would be late responders.

Serious question. Travis's brother might very well be weighing his options here. Jump the fence and smash this psycho's face in. I can't say that I would be as controlled as the family has been throughout this mockery.
JA was such a conscientious GF. Taking things to an extreme to protect her man and his sinister dark side. She was such a great GF that she even wrote in her journal in cryptic code in case anyone ever got a hold of it.

Sure, she knew that fish and chips = pedophilia but no one else would figure it out. Not even if law enforcement engaged Dan Brown to crack the codes.

I was watching but I missed that. Did anyone capture a screen shot of that part of her journal?
Don't shoot the messenger (please!), but I am SURE that one of the reasons KN it going to take his sweet old time is because he wants to create as much distance (time) from cross-examination as he possibly can.

I haven't heard him make any good points, any headway, or anything significantly new (that helps the DT), but I may just be unable to stay focused for obvious reasons. Sad day for KN, though, because if people are losing interest, tuning out (I know I'm not alone!) then there's a high probability that just as many jurors, percentage-wise, are as well.

A talking head on HLN agrees with you. Said it's merely a stalling tactic, so yeah, it's to quash JM's excoriating momentum. If I were a juror, on the other hand, I would not be impressed.
I don't care what her excuse for sending the isis's to his grandma is. She did it for some weird mental reason. Just like the email she sent after she murdered him, that she was going to stay at his condo, eat his food and sleep in his bed. :mad:


Ya know, your post made me wonder Fran- if maybe she had planned on getting rid of Travis in the desert , along with the gun.

What if her plan was to stay at his house and eat his food, sleep in his bed etc. (possession is 9/10ths of the law, right)?

Maybe her plan was foiled by her having to stuff Travis body in the shower instead.

I wouldn't put ANYTHING past this psychopath.
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