Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #41 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Anyone else here think that JA should have stuck with the ninja story at this point, lol?

I think she should have fessed up to the gun for "protection," agreed that it hurt that he didn't want her to go to Cancun with him, and THEN concocted the rest of her tall tale around temp insanity or passion or something.

This self-defense BS just ain't believable at all. Temp insanity or crime of passion might have spared her life. I think she's in real trouble, but she needs to be off the streets forever, IMO.

The moment she started talking about arriving at the house, I immediately went back to her video interrogations, and the lenghty elaborate lies after lies after lies. I believe little, if anything that she says.

She takes small bits of information, and weaves them into a false story to back-up her claims. For instance, she referred to when TA was talking about anal raping a 12 year old on the tape. He never said that! She grossly manipulated his words to suit her own needs. I believe that is why JM didn't object. He can use that to show her means of operating.
Well, yes, he appears to be an expert in this field.

I can provide you with aggressive representation against
any accusation that you committed a sexual offense.

• Sexual Assault
• Sex Conduct with a Minor
• Indecent Exposure
• Sexual Exploitation of a Minor
• Sexual Abuse
• Molestation of a Child

Our results speak for themselves:
Sex Assault – NOT GUILTY
Sex Assault / Unlawful Imprisonment – NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS
Sexual Exploitation of a Minor (10 counts) – NOT GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS
Sex Conduct with a Minor, Sexual Assault – ALL COUNTS DISMISSED
Because I thought she would say she brought a gun because whenever she was in Mesa she was in a suicidal fog. I thought they were playing up the suicidal thoughts so that they could get the gun into the bathroom.

JA needs to have some kind of explanation for having a gun handy in the bathroom and I thought I had that piece of her testiphony figured out.

Thanks for the explanation. I was confused and thought we were just taking her at her word now. I'll be alright!! :blushing:
Again, back to the supposed request to take these photos: why would Travis want photos of himself in the shower? Who exactly was going to be looking at these? Travis wouldn't have ever showed them to friends or family, there would have been too many questions - "who took this naked photos of you?" If he wanted to have photos taken of his weight loss, they would have been of him wearing shorts, perhaps shirtless, and he would have wanted full body shots. The first three photos in the shower could possibly be argued as progress photos - but barely. Every other photo is of his head/face only, until we get to the body shot of him in the seated position. Again, he had no idea she was there until the photo at 5:27:18. She's so full of crap.

It makes no sense and ITA she is full of crap. Her lies arent even convincing.

If you have not seen the comparison of the photos to the shower scene photos from the Psycho movie. Might I suggest clicking this link.

Not my idea but I read somewhere else a theroy that maybe she damaged the Cds on purpose as a way to get him into the shower to pose which would be another sign of Premeditation. I think that is a very plausible theory.Remember a little bit of truth in all her lies.
not to mention the tax payers are paying for this. imo this is a three maybe five day trial. i am not any where near being a lawyer maybe one can comment. this trial is being prolonged why? we know it's a dp case but to drag this out with all this sex minute by minute is wasting the tax payer money. jmo:moo:

Yeah, Mr. Nurmi's getting at least $225/hour for his "hard work". :banghead:
She has warned us that "there are gaps". I knew she would claim that. She is going to say everything that happened until she bumps her head, which I am sure Travis caused. Then it will all be a blur until she finds herself in the desert.

We can only hope. That will just get us to Juan more quickly!
So some were guessing how she would testify? Okay, I get it. Thought we were taking her at her word that she didn't bring it.

Goodness no...I have always believed she took the gun from her grandparents in the staged break and enter. I just wanted to hear her explanation how the gun got there. I don't believe her for a minute.
Spinning her around in the office, spinning her around in Arenburg, ninjas spinning her around.

Cheering on all of the Family and Friends of Travis for getting through this muck. Today we got to hear in his own words that Travis called Jodi a sociopath. Tomorrow, Travis will speak through the shower pics. Travis is there in the courtroom in his only way.
I think it's her inability as a psychopath to accept any responsibility is going to do her in for sure. She should have copped to stealing grands gun. Huge mistake on her part IMO the suscide thing would have been better

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Question for the legal minds, going off a post from above about JA basically lying or being caught in a lie about TA hitting her and then Nurmi 'correcting' her....if Nurmi knows she is lying, he can't allow or facilitate that in any way, right? He could get in trouble having her lie or facilitating a lie he KNOWS to be a lie, right?
Is the reason Nurmi goes into all the sex detail because he is a sex crimes attorney or is it relevant for another reason?
There's some evidence of them having a sex life which can be twisted with Jodi's testimony (and probably enhanced by the DV 'expert') to be consistent with intimate partner violence. (They don't have a lot to work with to 'prove' abuse.)

Degrading and humiliating sexual proclivities that you don't really want to be a part of but are at great risk of angering the abuser should you decline. I tend to refer to it as sexual coercion because it often takes place without force - just the veiled threat of angering, disappointing the abuser, and knowing where that could lead.

Something tells me that events leading to and including the slaughter scene will be very anti-climatic because Jodi won't remember anything!

YEPPERS! She set it up today, those gaps in her memory.

This is a mockery of the court system, real abuse victims, the family and friends and Travis. This is itself a crime.
Don't forget the twenty-five minute break. That makes a grand total of about four hours in the courtroom for the jurors.

There's no way a jury could sit through this BS any longer than they already are. I really feel sorry for them. I dont know how they're managing to sit there without screaming. I'd rather poke hot sticks in my eyes and ears!
Don't forget the twenty-five minute break. That makes a grand total of about four hours in the courtroom for the jurors.

Is this a normal court schedule or was the judge anticipating the "Jodi factor?

More than four hours of that woman's testimony (and the pathetic delivery of questions) would render the jurors bat- shirt crazy and there would be a mistrial.

(OT am I the only one picking up all sorts of innuendo from the Pocket Hose commercials?)
Nurmi is going to have to coach her some more because Jodi is not following the script..I thought we had her when she said TA had only hit her one other time,but Nurmi went back and corrected it. I don't think Jodi should even testify,just have Nurmi do it for her. Tomorrow expect to see Jodi crying the whole time while she is on the stand.

Yep, Jodi will cry more tomorrow... after she slips a piece of onion into her kleenex. This woman is devoid of any empathy for another living being, so if she is to squeeze a tear out props must be necessary.

Just think back to the 1st questions she was asked on the stand...

Nurmi: Jodi, did you kill Travis?

Jodi: Yes I did. (Not one tear in her eyes.)

I wouldn't have been able to even utter those 1st words without totally breaking down. But I would have never killed anybody. :(
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