Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #42 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I had the hardest time falling asleep last night and then woke with the strongest sense of foreboding. I am literally sick to my stomach and in tears knowing what lies ahead in the coming hours for Travis's family and friends. Even though these previous weeks haven't been a walk in the park, I think hearing her speak the words (and hearing her justify her actions) will be so painful for them. Painful isn't a strong enough word.

I pray that God protects them from the raw pain by letting other people feel it; sort of spread it out, like a shock wave rather than all in one spot, if that makes any sense.

I'm not looking forward to the testimony today; but I'll be a witness to it for Travis and especially his survivors.

God love and protect us all. :grouphug:

Sadly, I think her plan will be "GAPS in memory" from the "trauma of it all" and she will conveniently have GAPS that will prevent her from telling the 'details' of the actual murder. In reality, it is a cheap convenient excuse to prevent getting caught in the lies that are most prove-able with the evidence.
She set up yesterday, that she had many GAPS from that day.
except that she knows it wasn't jeans!!!! :great:

But she knows which direction Travis's friend had his car parked on the street at some convention when they were trying to sneak a kiss???

The details this woman comes up with and the more memorable things she conveniently forgets is unfreakingbelievable.

I can't wait til Juan gets a hold of her and asks whether she wore her bloodied "unmemorable" article of clothing to Ryan's house. Obviously she didn't, so it's obvious she's going to remember what pants were ruined because they had been SOAKED with Travis's blood.
I can't imagine a woman so obsessed with her own body that she got a boob job and took hundreds of photos of herself would tolerate her body stretching out like that for pregnancy. Plus I would think a baby would be competition for her. Plus if things didn't work out with Travis, she then would have baggage which cuts her chances of landing a husband down to marginal.

I think if there was any way possible she would have faked a pregnancy to get a shotgun wedding. There would definitley be a miscarriage after the wedding.

They never had intercourse where he ejaculated into her vagina, so she could never try that one.

I bet she was waiting for the opportunity.
In that way I think she is very, very much like CA. :furious:

I actually think she learned to act like her "to help" her defense. :furious:......which i believe isn't working. I'm just waiting for Juan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rocker:
She was describing the encounter in the office where supposedly Travis gets hysterical over the scratched professional photography of their romantic vacation ( cause he's so into her) when she said something like...

he was leaning on me with all his weight...he was really heavy.

this caused me goosebumps...
ITA. People see his eyes staring out of the photo and assume that tells us he's staring down the barrel of a gun - in my opinion it tells us he's staring into the camera lens. A murderer doesn't hold a camera in one hand and a gun/knife in the other. I believe she lured him into the shower and effectively had him cornered, ultimately getting him to pose seated.

The 'staring' shower photo is centrally framed and in focus leading me to believe JA was holding the camera with both hands.

The horror began when she put down/dropped the camera to pick up her first weapon. The final three exposures after the one sitting in the shower were taken by mistake (as demonstrated in court) with the camera being dropped on it's back - and trodden on soon after.

It has been suggested before that JA may be ambidextrous but how many killers brandish a weapon and allow themselves the distraction of taking pictures with the other hand? I can't buy that.

Why would he get in the crouch position in the shower? Talk about awkward.
What rope? There was a tiny bit of tassel found. Nothing suggesting any kind of or length of fibers/rope.

The entire "rope" business is nothing more than trying to find a way to explain why she had a knife in her hand so quickly to start stabbing naked and dripping Travis helpless SITTING in a shower stall. She and her unconscienable defense team have had YEARS to try and "spin" (her favorite word) a tale here that uses every tiny piece of evidence to create the very fabric of a sophisticated series of lies.

The problem is Juan Martinez is an expert unraveler and this fairytale is so filled with holes and shreds , all he will need to do is pull a few choice loose strands and the entire thing will unravel.

THAT will make the torture of these last two plus weeks worth it. In the meantime, I'm getting up and making some strong coffee and finding my advil to head back in to the battleground today.
Skaters just happened to have a screw driver to put her license plate upside down?

Yes, and they thought it was really funny.

So, who all now -- besides Travis -- has she thrown under the bus, in no particular order:

  • Her mom and the spoon,
  • Her dad and the belt,
  • Both parents' lack of encouragement of their budding art progeny,
  • Her brother's head when it got in the way of her bat,
  • Vampires,
  • The Zipper or whatever she called it,
  • Smokers,
  • Alcohol imbibers,
  • Vaseline,
  • Astroglide,
  • Skaters,
  • Ninjas,
  • And too many more to mention.
Once you go live feeds.... You'll never miss truetv !

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ok people, now you are going to see how dumb I really am... are you saying there are live feeds of this trial without 45 commercials every 10 minutes somewhere on the web ??? Where? I typed live feed in last week and the site took me to the trial of the day before. I saw that one, so I just didn't mess with it any more.
Please give me a link :blushing:

I do like to hear Beth Karas and Jean Casaer (?) talk and explain things, but I can watch them later on. Thank you in advance
If you do watch the Dear Zachary documentary prepare yourself. You literally feel every single emotion possible. So very very heartbreaking.

I watched it a few weeks back on a weekend. It upset me for days!!!! Even when I tried telling my hubby about it, I couldn't talk about it without crying. It still bothers me, just thinking about it.

*not many shows do that to me*
Which is all more reason he should have used condoms.

HIV is real and scary as hell!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No kidding! I am surprised the CDC hasn't ambushed and cordoned off the courtroom in donned white chemical-hazard jumpsuits, complete with masks, rubber boots and air tanks, and carted off the parasite Arias.
lots of good posts today. the woman on with mike brooks this am on insession brought up it was very unlikely a woman would travel the distance jodi did without a working cellphone, especially since she was so chatty. in reality she could have stopped at any truck stop to get a new one. she said she entered his home thru the side and thru the garage. the front door was locked. just thought how did she know it was locked, did she try the door? said she always just walked in especially since she was expected.
But she doesn't remember what she was wearing at the time she was going to leave TA's house - what a crock !

She remembers very well what she was wearing because there is a picture of the pants. imo
Ok people, now you are going to see how dumb I really am... are you saying there are live feeds of this trial without 45 commercials every 10 minutes somewhere on the web ??? Where? I typed live feed in last week and the site took me to the trial of the day before. I saw that one, so I just didn't mess with it any more.
Please give me a link :blushing:

I do like to hear Beth Karas and Jean Casaer (?) talk and explain things, but I can watch them later on. Thank you in advance

yes, go here, and at 10:30 or (9:30am california time) you will see the trial, right now if you click the arrow on the video screen, you see stripes) on the link below copy it into the browser but put www. before that address
Ok people, now you are going to see how dumb I really am... are you saying there are live feeds of this trial without 45 commercials every 10 minutes somewhere on the web ??? Where? I typed live feed in last week and the site took me to the trial of the day before. I saw that one, so I just didn't mess with it any more.
Please give me a link :blushing:

I do like to hear Beth Karas and Jean Casaer (?) talk and explain things, but I can watch them later on. Thank you in advance

This link has been quite reliable over the past few sessions:
Yes, and they thought it was really funny.

So, who all now -- besides Travis -- has she thrown under the bus, in no particular order:

  • Her mom and the spoon,
  • Her dad and the belt,
  • Both parents' lack of encouragement of their budding art progeny,
  • Her brother's head when it got in the way of her bat,
  • Vampires,
  • The Zipper or whatever she called it,
  • Smokers,
  • Alcohol imbibers,
  • Vaseline,
  • Astroglide,
  • Skaters,
  • Ninjas,
  • And too many more to mention.

I'm hoping there are some smokers on the jury. Surely, they will see the level of her exaggerations. Tar oozing on the walls. :waitasec: Yeah, sure. :rolleyes:
More lying lies from a lying liar.

"Did you take your luggage into the house?"

"Uhm, er, no, I think he came and took them inside for me. I just went into the house."

No, he didn't, Jodi. Because when you first pulled in,l Travis didn't know you were there. At least that's what you told us. You said that you surprised him in his office, that you stood there and watched him for 30-45 seconds before he noticed you. So he didn't take your luggage in when you first drove up.

Keep talking, Jodi. Just keep talking.
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