Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 7TH DAY #42 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I'm not sure how to say this without getting myself in trouble, but it kind of seems to me most of the times they had sex it was kind of a backdoor thing.

Well he did say she was a three hole wonder. So I'm gonna assume mouth, backdoor, and front door (so to speak).

Since she was with Darryl shortly before Travis, she was probably on some kind of BC. I'm kinda surprised she didn't try to trap Travis into a PG.


You are *NOT* "mightily failing". Your insights, and willingness to share them are very much appreciated!! Thank you!!
I do feel that there is a very telling yet underlying projection going on (projecting Travis on herself) in her testiphony.

Need a "Double Thanks" button for this one. BritsKate, I agree, you are definitely not mightily failing!! I am sorry for what you had to go through to get it, but your insight is invaluable. JA is definitely projecting her sociopath onto TA and it is slightly eerie how your experiences almost mirror them. So I say keep it coming!
From the WB timeline thread:

A second set of 20 more photos were salvaged ...Alexander is posing in the shower ...the 20th photo @5:33 6/4 Alexander is sitting in shower

I am curious as to why the other shower photos were not shown and are they coming in later? Any thoughts?
I take it from your comment that if the man doesn't want to have kids with the sex partner he can be counted on to be responsible for implementing the birth control?

I'd like to live on that planet. lol!
I don't believe they feel normal human emotions.

One thing I did love though is that the word "sociopath" being descriptive of Jodi came in today...through Travis. Also the word "evil". I don't think that was lost on the jury.

Agree. That was very powerful to "hear" a victim describe their killer with such words. It was haunting and heart breaking.

Combine those words with the 911 audio where Jodi Arias' name comes up right away. Evil.
[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 19 - Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]

around 6 min here look at the "rope" is yarn... (compared in situ to the stairs)
:no: It was before. On her way to his house.

OK, thanks. Sometimes it's soooooo hard to follow all the BS she says. Sometimes it seems as though the lawyer is testifying instead of the criminal.
Handing these out for today's pack of lies ...


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Something that struck me today is when she talked about Cancun and how she was never scheduled to go. The tone in her voice changed noticeably to me.

I noticed that too! And she looked directly at the jury (who are not looking back) when she said that. I'm sure that wasn't lost on JM either.
IMO, Travis was not expecting Jodi. Had she told him she was coming, Jodi ran the risk of being told to stay away. She didn't tell him.
Good morning all! Am so ready for today!

Jodi Arias is the worst, most pathetic actress I've seen. Worse than KC and we all know how bad she was during the trial. The thing I hate the most is when there is a delicate matter on hand and she purposely will look down (trying to appear embarrassed and traumatized) and reel off a series of ' yes's' real quick. I don't believe she's scared to look at the jury or anything. Just her 'I'm such a pure traumatized soul' act.

The other pathetic thing is she tries to insert bits and pieces of the truth but has no idea when to do it. She'll admit that Travis was nice to her sometimes, that she did like sex sometimes..that kind of thing. She only comes off as being immature and making mountains out of mole-hills.

Pathetic. Pathetic. Pathetic. I can't wait for JM!
I think we all will be on social security before JA gets to whole POINT of this trial. Plus, she will have to answer to more than one homicide....she is literally boring thousands of people to death...yawn

Also Nurmi ~ apparently has a very small vocabulary. He only knows the words Lets go back to...and How did that make you feel. Just sayin.....

Don't forget: "Did youuuuuuuuuuuuu....."
How does someone park in the middle parking spot of a two car garage driveway? There is no middle parking spot just the middle of the driveway.
OK, thanks. Sometimes it's soooooo hard to follow all the BS she says. Sometimes it seems as though the lawyer is testifying instead of the criminal.

he IS testifying. he's also repeating every word she says, which is the most irritating thing ever. i've come to really loathe her attorney. he's largely responsible for how badly this has dragged.
What would be the point of holding a gun on Travis and making him "pose" for pictures in the shower? Her goal was to kill him quickly and in a confined space to minimize mess and minimize his ability to respond, escape, or fight back. That's where the element of surprise would come in and it would be to her advantage.

Her wielding a gun and then making him do various things increases the chance he can fight back, overwhelm her, escape or some combination. I think she ambushed him after he went into the shower. Until she started her attack I don't think he knew she had weapon(s).

ITA. People see his eyes staring out of the photo and assume that tells us he's staring down the barrel of a gun - in my opinion it tells us he's staring into the camera lens. A murderer doesn't hold a camera in one hand and a gun/knife in the other. I believe she lured him into the shower and effectively had him cornered, ultimately getting him to pose seated.

The 'staring' shower photo is centrally framed and in focus leading me to believe JA was holding the camera with both hands.

The horror began when she put down/dropped the camera to pick up her first weapon. The final three exposures after the one sitting in the shower were taken by mistake (as demonstrated in court) with the camera being dropped on it's back - and trodden on soon after.

It has been suggested before that JA may be ambidextrous but how many killers brandish a weapon and allow themselves the distraction of taking pictures with the other hand? I can't buy that.
That's one thing I haven't heard - was she on birth control? Did they use condoms? She said they had vanilla sex -- and Travis most definitely didn't want kids with what he called a psychopath.



I have not heard any testimony about condoms or birth control-unless I missed it.
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