Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #44 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Did Jodi explain why there was so much blood around the sink area? Did she say that Travis went to go look at his wounds?

she never mentioned the blood. hey, she can't remember!! get it? it helps a lot so that she never has to address all that stabbing, almost cutting his head off and dragging him back to the shower.
Did Jodi explain why there was so much blood around the sink area? Did she say that Travis went to go look at his wounds?
She forgot everything, after she shot him while he went for her to kill her.
It's looking good that we'll get the cross before IS goes dark on this trial. Too many breaks and commercials on HLN.
i think she should be put in a private cell if she was ablew to smuggle a razor blade. good gosh she might have to defend herself again. i sure as "H" wouldn't want to be in a cell with her.
Agreed. The convenient "blackout" sealed her fate. I especially love the part where she threw the ropes in the dumpster (why?). :floorlaugh:
So every time JM asks her questions about the time of the attack she'll just merely say, "I don't remember".
The defense has been wasting time, dragging his feet for a long time now ... anything to avoid the cross examination. At some point he's going to have to suck it up and let the prosecution have a go at her ... the sooner, the better.
I suddenly can't connect through the abc 15 phoenix link - what happened? Are they done for today?
Spewing big words and sounding intelligent is something some people who lack intelligence can pull off well sometimes.

I don't think she's intelligent. She has basically wasted her life (even before committing murder), lacks judgment and maturity and relies on sexuality, manipulation, grift, dishonesty and the generosity of others.

She is apparently unable to comprehend reasonable consequences of her actions (like media interviews, lies, violence, dropping out, and so on).

Her 'reputation' is childishly important to her - it's not based on actual achievement, profession or standing - it's just a perception about how she speaks, carries herself, etc. It's a small-minded sense of self-importance based on nothing.

She does things that ruin or destroy her own plans - that cause the exact opposite of what she's trying to achieve...

She's not smart... and her vocabulary is average. Her thinking isn't creative or noteworthy or original. She just fools people at first glance with her acting as if...

jmv :)

I agree paperwing, she lived a life of lies and deceit, had not finished high school and was a drifter. She had no structure in her life, no formal education, no career, no real job, no home, never had a solid relationship with a man, no friends, nothing, nada, zilch. How she lived her life is how she will die, a big fat ZERO.
I'm really pissed that there was not one iota of stabbing testimony. What a chicken *****.

I am losing it. First time I read this I thought it said "no iota of testimony about stabbing the chicken". I was scratching my head trying to figure out how I missed the chicken getting into this now. :floorlaugh:


During a fairly recent NG interview with one of her JAILMATES, she said Jodi told her she scattered his body parts all over. I wonder how her jailmates will treat her once they realized she lied to them too.

Good luck with that Jodi. Not
The more Nurmi leads Jodi down the path of how she felt and other yadda yadda, he is allowing the jury to see the sickness in her soul, her pure evilness. Please do us a favor, Nurmi and say there are no more questions.
Back in my office stall- on break-- something's going down- rigt before the break Flores told the fam to meet in the side room for the break and they got up quickly- maybe cross will start this afternoon


Just bumping this...
I can't believe it. A secret photo of the jury taken just before the afternoon recess has surfaced.

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