Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 8TH DAY #44 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Oh my gosh - her ability to change emotions like a light switch is truly chilling...

Nurmi asks her a benign question about something logistical - and she snaps into 'professional' mode - quick, confident speech - emotionless.

When the topic has to do with something she's 'supposed' to be upset about or feel something about... she get's pouty and downcast.

Nothing seems genuine - or if it does, just a little, it's gone in a flash. Everything is just a little 'off' with her - I guess because she's just acting like she thinks people act in her situation. But she's just guessing because she can't draw on her own emotions, as she lacks them imv.

She is so strangely scary...
She didn't know anything about the procedures. She just knew to not admit anything.

Let's just play the interrogation tapes again, Nurmi!

Nurmi going over the lies she told Det. Flores. Jodi is trying to find a way, a story, that would make it look like she was not responsible for the killing of Travis.

She was responsible.
You lied to try and save your a$$. Everyone knows it! SHUT UP NURMI! Your client is already toast...
As we stand here today (asking my question again) have you forgiven yourself for not finding another situation . . . . on June 4th
No I think if I just left before that happened - I have a million regrets - I mean I was scared of him and what happened but I regret
do you blame yourself
you did that and you do that now correct
objection - sustained

why do you still feel given what happened on June 4th - why do you believe now you realistically had other options once it started
I don't maybe if when I grabbed the gun I didn't mean to fire it and it made him more angry he was just like this volcano - he was already pissed off but he was raging after that . . I would have just stopped him maybe he wouldn't have gotten as angry as he did or threatned to kill me - I don't know

those thoughts still with you when you found out he got shot he was deceased
I didn't know he got shot until Det. Flores told me

in terms of your life plan you made . . . . called Det. Flores in an effort to act like you had nothing to hide = living in Yreka trying to put up that same façade?
trying to act everything was normal
depends on when . . that first week I tried to act like nothing happened . . after talking to Bishop and Dan I felt I could just let it out . . my emotions
because it was known now?
let out your emotions - apart from intial outburst with bishop Layton did you have others
yeah I did
um usually every night

why every night
....cuz at night I just lay there thinking about stuff and usually that is when he would call me and when he would cll me late at night he was in a good mood and I just knew that my phone wouldn't ring anymore . . . .(crying)

once you had permission to openly grieve - did ya tell your family what happened?
I told them that he died - I didn't tell them about me being there
did ya tell them about the things you have told us throughout the testimony - the sex and the violence
no I would never have told them that . . after I say anything negative about a guy they hate him forever . . . it's embarrassing - not just the sexual - just being in those situations . . .I wouldn't talk about anything negative . . it was a philosophy I had . . . (something loud drops)

The Law of Attraction . . . you might have heard about it there was a movie and book called the Secret - something I briefly studied when I was 19 or 20 years old . . .tA studied it . . . it was part of my philosophy my creed . . . . TA wouldn't let me think about negative things . . I wrote about it in my journal . . .

TA introduced you to the law.
he introduced me to the movie about the law . . .
Law of Attraction - don't put out negative thoughts - what you put out there will be brought back into your life - don't think about, talk about or bring into your life negative

that . . . prevent you from writing things in your journal?

law of attraction - putting things out there - what was the meaning to you about saying anything negative about TA to your family
I never said anything negative about TA to anyone ever - except Matt . . . I didn't want to say anything - didn't want anyone to know those aspects

I promised I never say anything about his other issues . . . . I said I would never . . . . his sexual problems . . . (don't know what else to call it) . . . ummm . . didn't want anyone else to know the level of violence in our relationship because that might be construed as motive to kill him

ok . . remember the day your were arrested?
what were you doing on that day before you were arrested?
Um I was getting to move some things down to Monterray - I was getting to movie some things my dad took me to the car rental my infinity was gone at this point - got a rental put things in the car - still had things of matts for about 10 years - he had been wanting . . . took a shower . . they were books for matt. . .

gun you bought @ sporting goods store in your possession or not
I did It was in the car

after you were arrested . . .did Det. Flores arrest you
I think officer potter put handcuffs on me . . . the one that came to the door
spoke to Det. Flores that day

at this point in time . . .day you were arrested - you had several phone conversations with Det. Flores
went to Mesa PD and gave your dna and fingerprints
had you met Det. Flores prior to your arrest?

nurmi seems to be slowing way down today

when you were arrested . . . you were wearing jeans
jeans and tee shirt
why didn't you tell them
main reason I was very ashamed of what happened - never imagined anything I would be doing - not the kind of person I was - it was shameful . . very much not me and it was shameful - didn't want my family to know I had done that. . I was very fearful - couldn't bring myself to tell anyone I had done that

based on the tape on that day you made choice to deny being there all together
thinking it would make you appear innocent
it wsa more like - I didn't understand any of these procedures . . . an Atty would have told me don't say anything - I didn't know I could just be quiet

Speak with Det Flores the next day . . . recall that
first I talked to Det. Blaney and then Flores
When spoke to Det. Flores on 2nd occasion . . . . .. . . . .told him you were confronted with the evidence that in fact you were there . .
then you told him another lie right
what did you tell him
um . . . I began to tell things that I thought would comport with what their forensics would show and create not an excuse but create a way for me not to have been responsible for it

So you tell him a story about a man and woman breaking into the bathroom - why did your story include there were 2 intruders
there were 2 people there that day and everyone did say oh well . . there was
objection hearsay
She's admitting to making up a story to fit the evidence - the good ship Jodi is officially sunk as that is what she has been doing on the stand for 10 days.
Hope Juan reminds Jodi of what she told Det Flores: " I would BEG for the death penalty If I did this.".
So Juan can say: Jodi it is time. Beg for the death penalty. YOU did this!!!
Since her looking at the jury is not being reciprocated she seems to have taken to looking at her lap. She is in her own world. It seems very strange. She is very disconnect from normal emotions.
Then I told everyone that for years and smiled and got made up for the cameras and was all like cool, and looked pretty good that day, I had brown hair at that stage, the lady was nice who organised it, and I wore my 'innocence' clothes .. but it all went bad once we started to prepare for trial because there was like a hair in the blood and stuff so then I thought jeez I better make Travis look like a way bad dude.
Just saw some close-ups of JA. (Ewww) She has SO many gray hairs right now. Wait until Juan gets a hold of her..she won't be a brunette anymore!
Can Nurmi possibly speak just a little slower
You're going off of her testimony alone, first problem.

REF: post 117 reponse to my query:.......

You didn't answer my question.

The question is, "What came out of her mouth that convinced anyone of a pre-meditation?"........

That's what I did NOT hear yet.

Perhaps you know the answer?
Absolutely cannot take another "excuse" that are straight out self serving lies.

Cannot take another minute of this testimony being allowed.

Cannot stand the pain that continues to be inflicted on this poor family.

She's tripping herself up left and right but it doesn't make it easy to listen to.

Shutting her off til cross.

Need to "de-stress" from all this endless BSSSSSSSSS
Det. Flores looks exasperated during sidebar... sighing, tapping his fingers, clenching his jaw.
This nurmi is so annoying!
She's hurting her own credibility! Said just now on HLN

--Nurmi asks as we stand here today, have you forgiven yourself for not finding another way out of this situation you found yourself in on June 4th? Jodi says that if she had just left before it happened, she has a million regrets, she was scared of him and she reacted and she will always regret...Nurmi asks if she will regret not taking other measures....objection...sustained...Nurmi asks why do you believe now that you even had other options once it started? Jodi says maybe if she hadn't...when she grabbed the gun and fired it it only made him more angry, he became a volcano, he was already pissed off and he was raging after that. If she had handled the gun properly then maybe he wouldn't have gotten as angry as he did. Maybe he wouldn't have threatened to kill her. She has had those thoughts.
--Says she didn't know Travis got shot until Flores told her.
--In terms of her life, the plan she made, she called Det. Flores in an effort to act like she had nothing to hide. When she was living in Yreka was she putting up that same facade? Trying to act like everything was normal. When she talked to Dan Freemand and Bishop Leyton she felt like she had more freedom to let it out...her emotions....because it was known now.
--Nurmi asks about her emotions...apart from the initial outburt after talking to Bishop Leyton...did she have others? She says she did. Says usually every night. Nurmi asks why every night? Jodi says that at night she just lays there and think about stuff and usually that's when he would call me and that was when he was in a good mood. She knew that her phone wouldn't ring anymore.
--Nurmi asks her about once she had permission to openly grieve, she says she told her family that Travis had died but didn't tell them about her being there. Nurmi asks if she told them about the sexual things and about the violence. Jodi says she would never tell them. Reason was that whenever she said something negative about a guy they would hate him after. It's also really embarassing and shameful being in those situations. In order to understand why she wouldn't talk about anything negative it was a philosophy of hers called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction, there was a movied and book called the Seacret. She had briefly studied it when she was 19-20 years old. Travis was into it. Anytime she would mention something negative he would get upset and tell her not to focus on those things. One time when they had that big fight she wrote about it in her journal and he found it...objection..sustained.
--Travis introduced her to the movie The Secret. What you put out there is what you get back. You're not supposed to speak about, write about, etc. negative things. Travis would assert that law from writing those things in her journal. Objection. Sustained.
--She never said anything negative about Travis to anyone except one time to Matt. Especially now. Didn't want anybody to know those aspects. Promised she wouldn't say anything about his other issues.....his sexual problems....and she definitely didn't want anybody to know about the level of violence in their relationship because it would be construed as motive to kill him.
--re: the day she was arrested. Nurmi asks her what she was doing on the day she was arrested. Jodi says that she was getting ready to move some things down to Monteray. Her Dad took her to the south end of town to get a car rental. Her Infinity was gone. She got a rental and came back, she still had some things of Matt's from 10 years prior, old books, she took a shower and then her grandmother told her that there was a police officer at the house.
--Nurmi asks her about the gun she bought, she says it was in the car.
--After her arrest...she thinks it was officer Potter who put the handcuffs on her...after she was arrested she spoke with Flores that day.
--At this point in time, the day she was arrested, she has had several phone conversations with Flores, and she had also gone to the Mesa, PD and had given her DNA and fingerprints, prior to the day of her arrest she had met Flores.
--When she was arrested and questioned, she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Nurmi asks why she didn't tell him...why did she deny being there. She says she was ashamed, it's not the kind of person she was, it was shameful, she didn't want anyone to know she had anything to do with it, it was not her it was shameful, she was scared, she didn't want her family to know, she just couldn't bring herself to say she had done that.
--Says she didn't understand any of the prodecures, she had been told to deny everything, that's what an attorney had told her. She had never been interrogated by a police officer before.
--re: speaking with Flores the next day, she spoke to detective B??? then Flores. When she spoke to Flores on the second occasion she told him...she was confronted with evidence that she was there then she told him another lie. Nurmi asks her what she told him. Jodi says that she began to tell him things that would comport(word?) with what the forensics would should and would show a way for her not to be responsible for it. She tells him about a man and woman breaking into the bathroom...Why did she include the story of two was because there were two people there that day. Jodi says that everyone was saying...Martinez objects...Judge asks them to approach.
I see that Jodi is still stuck on "poor me, I'm the victim" garbage. I really want to see the prosecutor rip her to shreds.
i go with the cooler heads prevail theory myself. i think calmly revealing the facts without all her elaborations will expose her for what she is. and will allow the truth to come out without constant interruptions from nurmi to object. i so hope she gets a sentence big time.
I had to reduce the size of the window on my screen - her face was so large it sceered me
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