jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Anyone ever seen that movie The Bad Seed? I watched it years ago, it's an American film, IIRC, and it's terrifying. Jodi reminds me of the girl in that movie.
I'm not sure Juan Martinez is the right guy to be parsing a journal that sounds like it was written by a 12-year old, but the utterly brilliant thing he has done is that in one morning's worth of cross-examination, he has succeeded in completely reversing the image of JA as a meek, vulnerable, submissive individual who might be cowering in fear about text messages being sent by someone who is 1,000 miles away.

After this morning, would you believe that poor widdle Jodi was oh so skeered of Big Bad Travis' thunderous temper, as expressed in text messages, that she felt he was compelling her to travel 1,000 miles just to placate him? That whenever Big Bad Travis got upset, she submitted to all kinds of debasing activities just because that seemed to make him less angry?

Or are we starting to understand that this was a determined woman so grimly obsessed with someone who didn't want her that she stalked him and stood outside his window in the night watching him surreptitiously. All of a sudden, it's a lot more plausible to believe she was quite capable of slashing his throat so ferociously from ear to ear.

In that sense, I think JM got off to a racing start. Took him hardly nothing to completely destroy that image that Nurmi spent a week cultivating, and expose the true face and temperament of JA.

At least that's my view. I see the legal experts on TV have reservations about how he started but I don't think they grasped the essence of it, that in one morning's session, he tore off the mask of meek submissiveness she's spent a week whining about because she wanted to set the stage for defense experts to convince the jury that she is a poor pathetic victim of abuse who can't even decide things for herself anymore. He tore that facade down and ripped it into shreds.
I'm going to say something probably unpopular, but I really dislike the way Juan Martinez goes about his cross-examination. It feels very uncomfortable. I understand he is doing his job but it feels like an interrogation that is crossing the line somewhat; I think he could expose JA's lies just as easily by going about things in a less abrasive, slightly more clever fashion. I know if I was sitting on that jury I'd be distracted by Juan Martinez and his attitude when what we really need to hear are the flaws and the inconsistencies within JA's answers.

JMO. :)
No one is going to put words in her mouth or tell her what she thinks. Now i see how angry she could have gotten if Travis did something she did not agree with in her reality. WOW
Yesssssssssssss!!! Finally, it's noteworthy, but only for this trial to try to lie and say her sorry nosoul self.
I think he's assertive and in control. The jury knows his style (and likely a welcome change from Nurmi's style).

It's effective because JA is trying to match him and thinks she can. Her expressions are catty and adversarial. Her hubris is stunning and shows a very different demeanor to the jury.

No victimized wall-flower here. JM is awesome. Just my observations... :)

Hope you get to watch soon!

He's not letting her give long drawn out 5 minute answers and she hates it. :)
It looks harassing to some because of the minutia and repeat questioning on small points. However, in dealing with someone like this, that is essential. Otherwise, they will play word games and make it sound like they are saying one thing when they are "technically" saying another. It is infuriating, but very necessary. He is wise to keep running down her logic - no matter how twisted and warped - and then confront it with FACT. He is setting a pattern. This pattern will either 1) help teach her she should answer right the first time when she gets to the serious stuff or 2) show how stupidly controlling she is being from the minutia to the serious stuff. It will set a pattern either way - which helps the prosecution.

Thank you for this. He is systematically getting her on the lies!
Tweets are slamming JM. Its like defense attorneys around the country have banded together in jealousy.
HOLY crap... this whackadoodle has balls of steal. I cannot believe her attitude on the stand. Please, please, please let the jury give her the maximum. Travis and his family deserve it so badly. She is not human.
Her attorney is completely forgetting to object. Even she had to say she already answered once. He is just watching her drown.
I am getting worried about Juan. I don't think he or anyone else has ever seen anything remotely like this. I don't even drink and I have cracked oped DHs Captain Morgan. I think we need a group hug or something.
Ok pals help me out is there a live stream channel out of Phoenix HLN is killing me with breaks. Link please
If that were me on the stand I would be a puddle of human goo.

You took the words out of my mouth, christee, but I wanted to say them about 10 minutes into the x-exam! But she is just a bit shaky from time to time up there. The lunch break helped her -- she's a bit more cocky than she was just before lunch break.

It is a bit tedious, but he's got to do it. More power to him. Go get her, only Juan!! Our favorite Juan!
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