jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #48 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It seems as if Jodi went on a tour of ex-boyfriends or ex sexual partners on her voyage to Mesa to kill Travis. She planned to visit Gus (but didn't have time if I remember correctly) then she visited both DB and Matt, even staying overnight with Matt. Then she made it to Travis', killed him and then made her way to Ryan Burns' house in Utah.

what the what!?

Well, a gal like JA needs to have a man, if she's going to kill TA then she needed to work frantically to feel out her odds of landing back in a relationship with one of her exes

I think they let JA sink her own ship, and It would not surprise me if she didn't want to plead guilty because she believes she did nothing wrong and therefore she can win this and be found Not Guilty and walk away a free woman.

Remember when she wanted to be her own attorney?

Can you imagine that? Direct would have been twice as long.
Bingo, she lied. Well sorta... She couldn't actually be sure ... But she's sure it wasn't in the car with her... Eyeroll

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She said " I have memories of putting the knife in the dishwasher but um I put a knife in the dishwasher before so um I don't know if it was the same knife um...I have memories....blah....blab...." (not verbatim ....but close enough....)
MOO....the knife that slashed the tires...both the same knife that was used on Travis....

I had a friend that was stocked and he found the knife that was used and it was bent and the point was missing. I don't know if it was the same knife but to slash a tire is not an easy task.
I don't think far sighted people need glasses to see across a courtroom either.

Do near sighted people take off their glasses to read the papers on the desk?

I think that Nurmi is near sighted and that's why he holds the magazine at the end of his nose when he takes off his glasses, but the murderer takes off her glasses because she can't read with them on, and she can most likely see just fine without them.

Then Nurmi also needs reading glasses...that is different
I am by no means an expert, but I think the jury gets it that she is a liar. I wish JM would call the in the experts on selective memory and traumatic amnesia. Get to the murder. We know she did it she has confessed. JM just needs to prove that she premeditated it. Call her out on not remembering and show the over kill. I don't think anyone could think she was abused. She is a pure *advertiser censored* and she liked it. She killed him because he turned her down. She is a stalker crazy woman. Pure case of fatal attraction. Surely to God the jury is not stupid. How can self defense equal gun shot, stabbing, and slitting his throat. That is not defending ones self. jmo

Hey mck :wave:
It is so nice to be in total agreement with you. :wink:
Bingo, she lied. Well sorta... She couldn't actually be sure ... But she's sure it wasn't in the car with her... Eyeroll

One should never put their sharp knives in the dishwasher. If she did, her and cindy anthony did it for the same reason...and that is to destroy evidence.

I think she used her stilleto knife (speculating) and I believe she always carried it with her.
It's frightening & fascinating to watch because she is an excellent lying sociopath, but she is matched up against her nemesis, I believe...

IMO she's not, not if you actually listen to what she says, every answer in meant to create wiggle room and be deliberately confusing.

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Why are we wasting our time, money and good sense on this person? It is unbelievable to me. Just pull out the guerney. BTW, I am happy to see Jean C. go bye bye. jmo
I had a friend that was stocked and he found the knife that was used and it was bent and the point was missing. I don't know if it was the same knife but to slash a tire is not an easy task.

No, not something like a K-Bar or hunting knife, would've held up just fine...
I don't think far sighted people need glasses to see across a courtroom either.

Do near sighted people take off their glasses to read the papers on the desk?

I think that Nurmi is near sighted and that's why he holds the magazine at the end of his nose when he takes off his glasses, but the murderer takes off her glasses because she can't read with them on, and she can most likely see just fine without them.

I'm near sighted so I definitely need them to see across the room, but I don't take them off to read. God forbid if I had to do that when I wear my contacts!
IMO she's not, not if you actually listen to what she says, every answer in meant to create wiggle room and be deliberately confusing.

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^^Yup! You put it perfectly: She leaves that comfortable amount of wiggle room around EVERYTHING to keep herself from being "trapped" into anything.

Oh, Jodi: There are absolutes in life. Sometimes, creating wiggle room just makes you look like a noncommittal fool.
Love the sarcasm from Martinez re: her finger having a run of bad luck....

He asked her how long she was in the salon.

He knows how long she was in there and it was definitely long enough for coloring. Probably waxing too. Witness? I think we'll soon find out

:dance: I am excited for what is clearly going to be hair-coloring evidence!
OMG.... opinions are like you-know-whats...errybody has one! So here's mine!

Poor wittle bitty Jodi. Juan is a bully and he's yelling at her and we don't wike it! He shouldn't do dat! Waah waah waah! Cry me a freakin river, people!

Have you SEEN what this *very bad word* DID to Travis Alexander??!! What about the aftermath that she has left for all the people that LOVE him??! What about THEIR pain??!!

Personally, I don't give TWO CHITS (or one for that matter) HOW aggressive he is!!! Does she APPEAR to have ONE bit of remorse for the horrific act SHE perpetrated! WHAT about being on trial FOR YOUR VERY LIFE is smirk-worthy??!! Are you effing kidding me? We should ALL be offended by her... she is the epitome of evil.

Juan is too aggressive? Too tough? Not in this lifetime.

*Rant over*
I'm still finishing up the previous thread, but hopping over her to post every now and then. One thing that keeps occurring to me is she knew she ATTEMPTED to smuggle the magazines out, but probably didn't know if they ever got to Matt, or possibly that he DID get them, but turned them over. If they were confiscated immediately without ever getting to Matt, she probably just assumed that her notes WERE discovered by the guards and were simply tossed. And now ... SURPRISE! She must be wondering what ELSE she tried to pull on them that they've been holding up their sleeve.

OTOH, if they were confiscated by the guards/prison personnel right away, they probably would have been in discovery and not entered into evidence just today.

I'm a little confused about that aspect. Were they already in with all the other evidence of the case, available to both sides ahead of time, but just not entered into evidence IN COURT until today? There must be thousands of pieces of evidence that we never hear about, after all, but if they aren't entered into the record in court and declared as Exhibit XX, the jury cannot consider it.
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