jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #48 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Hopefully none of it was lost on the Jury. What a drastic change in her demeanor from questioning by her own attorney. This today is definitely showing her confrontational, sociopathic nature.

I'm still hoping for a forensic psychiatrist on rebuttal too. One that specifically testifies how sweet and charming these creatures can be when they want something from you - and how nasty they get when challenged.

I've never been more sure than now that Travis most definitely ended it for good that day. I'd presumed as much but her demeanor today absolutely nailed it for me.

[ame=""]Jodi Arias Trial - Day 21 - Part 3 - YouTube[/ame]
I don't think Jodi told them and I don't think they knew what was written in them. They had access to them.. Yet never bothered with their significance.

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I think your right.

They probably though they were just magazines. no big deal.

I think if they had known what she had written in them, They would have done something about it.

I'm pretty sure they would not have brought it up in her direct.
if you google her campbells name w/ donavan - it has a pic saying the are jodi supporters - idk if i can post it here - they look alike

Was db sitting in front of her mother?

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It was truly brilliant. Hope the Jury got it. He PROVED to me that she did not even go to Travis house the day of the alleged Child *advertiser censored* Masturbation.
If she did go, it was while he was at the meeting, so she could snoop!
I think your right.

They probably though they were just magazines. no big deal.

I think if they had known what she had written in them, They would have done something about it.

I'm pretty sure they would not have brought it up in her direct.

Jodi opened the door on psycho behavior, stalking...

Epic cross examination.. I can't wait!

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Nancy Grace just played the testimony where JA is asked about whether Travis had a car that day or not (text messages) and her attorney (W) is giving her the answers by nodding yes or no! This is not right! Can anyone get the clip?
I would like to, most respectfully, state my opinion - and base it off of the years that I have sat in a courtroom (in my years as a legal research paralegal and Assistant State's Attorney in Cook County) and throughout those years, I have watched hundreds of various courtroom doings: Trials, motion hearings, etc.

I have watched many experienced, proficient, detailed attorneys - and, conversely, I've watched bumbling, mentally stumbling, weak attorneys, as well. (Speaking of masterful, I must include Jim Glasgow, who had the pleasure of nailing Drew Peterson to a cross.) I process my research, I run for papers, I offer reports and details.

And...I watch.

Throughout all these years, I've learned quite a thing or two about rushing to judgment. I have learned to wait, and see: To watch, and learn. I've been literally schooled in the art of cross-examination by some of the best, in my opinion - and I learned all this by RUSHING to judgment, by dismissing out-of-hand the possibility that the attorney who was, seemingly, disjointed...really had a plan. That he or she really knew what they were doing.

I've been wrong. But I learned my lesson.

So now, I watch. I reserve judgment.

But I do have a sneaking suspicion that Juan isn't nearly done. That this IS going according to his layout, his plan - and that we will see that play out before he is done.

JMO and all that. :)

Thank you for this. I know JM will bring it home. I would like to add that people think he is yelling but, to me he is only speaking loudly because he is not standing still by the mike so needs to speak loudly as he walks around the court room.
It was truly brilliant. Hope the Jury got it. He PROVED to me that she did not even go to Travis house the day of the alleged Child *advertiser censored* Masturbation.

All the ridiculous detail she added to make her lies sound believable can now be used against her and we get to witness it .. I am LOVING THIS!!!!!
Guys, thanks for the prayers from all who gave them. My own little trial was touch and go today. Btw, I finished a cross exam and tried to channel JM a bit! Lol! But, I won and I am very relieved because I feared for the life oft client and her baby. I didn't get the restraining order for more than two years though which was a bit of a bummer. ( the judge could have issued it up to five years in duration).

Anyhow, as I sat the waiting for the judge to come out and render his decision I couldn't help but wonder how it was going with cross! I'm home and about to review but tell me how ya all thought if went today. Did Juan nail it?
Anybody else hear the Jeopardy theme playing in their head when she's doing all that "reading" this morning? Do, do, do, do, do, do,, do, do, do, DOOP, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. :lol:
the second photo was staged (a reenactment) by someone trying to create a clear perspective of the first...

Thank you for clearing that up. I updated my original reply to clear that up.

I had no idea about that and thought it was one of Jodis pics.

I'm still hoping for a forensic psychiatrist on rebuttal too. One that specifically testifies how sweet and charming these creatures can be when they want something from you - and how nasty they get when challenged.

I've never been more sure than now that Travis most definitely ended it for good that day. I'd presumed as much but her demeanor today absolutely nailed it for me.


Totally agree.

Gone is the meek, little schoolgirl. Her hair was even disheveled today! That smiling, however, was just eerie. Now I can completely envision the look on her face as she killed Travis.


Am I correct in this?

There was a hearing regarding admissibility of JA stating that Travis was a pedophile and it was determined that as there was no evidence to suggest there was any kiddie *advertiser censored* on his computer or anywhere in the house that this statement would not be admissible.
JA testified on direct that she walked in on Travis pleasuring himself to kiddie *advertiser censored* and was disgusted etc. despite it being inadmissible. Juan didn't object.
So now the door is open and JA opened it herself. After Juan is through impeaching her thoroughly on the subject he can still remind the jury that as there was no evidence to substantiate her claims and that the jury is to disregard all her claims re Travis being a pedophile and her attempting to cure him of it.....but that they can totally take into consideration the lie she perpetuated. Did I get this right?? If so woooohooooo!!
All the ridiculous detail she added to make her lies sound believable can now be used against her and we get to witness it .. I am LOVING THIS!!!!!

Especially when she's asked about the same details a mere 4 days later, out of order and she can't remember! Roflmao! That girl still hasn't learned to keep her trap shut! That's what happens when a psychopath wrongly believes she's the smartest person in room!

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