jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #48 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I can believe nurmi didn't object to Juan saying... On your way to kill Travis.....nurmi was lost in thought.

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I know, right? Wake up! You're defending a murder trial!

But JA answered, "I can't answer the way that's phrased". Snarky little B.
I can believe nurmi didn't object to Juan saying... On your way to kill Travis.....nurmi was lost in thought.

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Yes! I think they were both dumbfounded by then. Perhaps they will come in Monday morning waving a white flag?
Now I am not dumb but I don't get why she would stiop and dye her hair before killing him, and then dye it back? When DID she dye it back?

I think she wanted to look like someone else, in case a witness saw her in the driveway. If she was blonde when she left Cali and blonde when she returned, then she wasn't the brunette seen at the crime scene. JMO
Juan started slow and plodding but that was not just his fault, Jodi was obstinate from the first millisecond. I understand why this frustrated people, but Juan cannot allow her to control the dialogue or room to roam. Ultimately his technique started slow and ended in a rapid-fire, sprint.

I believe this is partially because Jodi became comfortable and over-confident debating what seemed to be irrelevant details and because of technique on the part of Juan. Can't wait to hear attorney wrap ups of the day here!
In a previous thread, jellybeanz said:

When I first saw him reading the magazine, I couldn't quite figure out what he had on his face. I decided, at first, that it was an oxygen canula, until I realized it was his glasses hanging down. I had wondered if he was having some sort of "episode". What a dumb-looking way to move them out of the way!

I think he was purposely copying Jodi because Jodi wears fake glasses and cant read with the fake glasses. So now Nurmi has to do the same so the Jury doesnt think it is fake glasses on Jodi.

Man, the games the defense is playing. Hope Jury is waking up to it.
It kills me when JVM refers to JA as "the beautiful photographer."!

OH, P.L.E.A.S.E. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Why can't she stop smiling? She seems to want to not smile, but she is.

This is JA's big moment on stage ... she's been rehearsing for this role for years as she's sat rotting in jail.

JA reminds me of the delusional character Gloria Swanson from the 1950's movie "Sunset Blvd".
In that movie - the character goes crazy & murders her lover and the police are there to arrest her.
She looks straight in to the camera and utters the classic line ... "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr DeMille."

JA is delusional and a narcissist. IMO.
In her warped and wicked mind she sits there & smiles and appears unfazed b/c she thinks the jury (and the world) actually believe her big 'ol bag 'o baloney.
Got news for ya JA ... no one is buying what your selling.
Nurmi & Willmott spent way too long over the magazine so I think it could only be one of two things...

a) They did not know about it at all.
b) They did know, but didn't expect Juan to introduce it, and were attempting to come up with arguments for an objection.
jvm producer says entire courtroom gasped when jodi made the statement comparing juan to travis screaming
who said he told her lawyer her hair was blonde when he saw her? that really might be it. that would tie all this together.

Looks like we have been given a weekend project!
JM could get up there and beat her with a stick and I'd be fine with it .. Great about the magazine!! What a little lookie look into real JA behavior - sneaky, nice, love it.
Strawberry asked:

Maybe she thought that if any hairs were found it would be harder for LE to trace them to her - especially if she had gotten by with nobody knowing she dyed it?

That or if she was seen by someone leaving his house they would have described her as being blonde and she could say "well as you can see I'm not a blonde"
Nurmi & Willmott spent way too long over the magazine so I think it could only be one of two things...

a) They did not know about it at all.
b) They did know, but didn't expect Juan to introduce it, and were attempting to come up with arguments for an objection.

They had access to them all these years and never looked through em.

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And did she dye it back to blonde right away? Goes to premeditation and coverup I guess.

She left her hair dark, didn't she - I was sure she did. It was brown in the investigation tapes with Det. Flores.
Gah, it's 1am here, and I'm still websleuthing. My husband just asked me if I ever planned on sleeping again. I let him know that I don't.
Judges in AZ certainly put in few hours. Heck, they take off on Fridays? Why don't they put in one 8 hr day and call it a week....that way we may get 8 hours of testimony in a week, FGS!

WTH? Has there ever been 4 hours of testimony in a day? They start late, go home early and take long lunch hours and breaks.

This should have been over a month ago.
yesterday, at the end of the day.....she confessed....she said that in 2010 she decided to tell the whole truth.....this magazine deal happened in 2011......proving to the jury that she even lied again in her big confession moment......
Nurmi & Willmott spent way too long over the magazine so I think it could only be one of two things...

a) They did not know about it at all.
b) They did know, but didn't expect Juan to introduce it, and were attempting to come up with arguments for an objection.

i think they knew about it, knew why he was going to use it, and just did an acting job for the jury about it.
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