jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #48 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I wonder how many of them were actually cheating or if it was all in her head. I'm going with the latter. I think she was insecure and any female that spoke to one of her boyfriends immediately became a threat in her mind.

Exactly, I think cheating to her means speaking or spending any amount of time with any other female other than her. I think a lot of this "cheating" was her overreacting to an innocent situation & blowing up. She seems to be an extremely jealous person who is very unstable when angered.
Well we do now know she curses and uses the "f" word :twocents:

I asked that same question, including to their former colleague the defense attorney we happy houred with. Got the same answer "yeah they've known about this all along". It's discovery. The pretending to be just seeing it and having to leaf through it like ladies getting a pedicure reading Star magazine was all theatre.

What a waste of everyone, including the court's, time. It seems disingenuous to act like the prosecutor found something the defense wasn't aware of.
so weird that she said she bought the gun for a camping trip with a bunch of single guys....

holy ho-ville , batman! she is so vile and into herself, I know her type pretty young bff's...clamps onto other people's boyfriends by insinuating herself into a group and then rolling herself into the guy activities....she's the chick who will try to steal your job, lie about you, play victim, rip you off, manipulate you into doing things for them,

seduce the grand prize.

yup...I know this girl.

oh yeah, we all know this chick.
Did anyone catch Dr. Drew last night? Travis's friend was discussing the picture we were discussing yesterday. He said the picture was NOT a pose Travis would have done and that he noticed he was also crying. He tried doing a shower and his eyes didn't get red like Travis's were in that picture. It was interesting.

That wasn't TA's friend, it was Jodi's ex-boyfriend Abe and he said he was speculating, he didn't know for sure.
Good morning everyone!

Yesterday was a lot to absorb and initially I worried about Juan being too aggressive but IMO Jodi rose to the challenge. Jodi didn't back down she exchanged verbal barbs with the district attorney. The jury got to see how assertive Jodi is.

This is a woman who sought out and confronted cheating boyfriends and their new girlfriends. She is NOT an abused woman who cowers and retreats when confronted.

I couldn't agree more. I have feeling the defense would like her to be a little more frail but she is not capable. I am learning there are so many things JA is not capable of doing and feeling like a normal person. It is mind boggeling to watch her. She is more worried about beating Juan and not letting him get to her then her own defense story. She is one twisted person that lacks so many normal emotions.
Legal question here:

Nurmi and Palin (can never remember her name) looked genuinely mortified by the encrypted magazine entries as they were flipping through.

Question: wouldn't they have already seen this?? Wouldn't they have received copies of the evidence beforehand that Juan planned to submit as evidence? Isn't that part of discovery? Very naive to the legal formalities of that process. Help me out. Thanks!

Yeah, I wonder about this too. They must have known. I watched the YouTube again last night. I think when Juan gave the evidence number and asked that it be admitted, Wilmott kind of jumped, like she recognized that number. Nurmi even moved fast -ish. I wonder if they're checking through the pages making sure that the notes written in there had not been modified in any way.

I just have to comment (others have already) because I find it so telling about JA: ridiculously arrogant of her to think that she could get away with that. Duh. :lol:
I asked that same question, including to their former colleague the defense attorney we happy houred with. Got the same answer "yeah they've known about this all along". It's discovery. The pretending to be just seeing it and having to leaf through it like ladies getting a pedicure reading Star magazine was all theatre.

Why does the judge allow it.
Can the judge ask, during breaks or behind chambers why are you looking over the evidence as if it was the 1st time. Ask them not to play these games, remind them this is not a circus it is about the murder of a human being and whether it was in self defense. JMO
I too believe Juan will pull it all together. He went in a few directions I wasn't expecting and picked details I wouldn't expect him to pick to start with, but he obviously knows what he's doing and understands the big picture and all.

I think I'm used to prosecutors who first make big declarative statement/questions, for instance: "Ma'am you LIED and fabricated the story that you said you saw Mr. Alexander masturbating to pictures of little boys on Jan 21st...." and then when she denies it, start backing his way into the details to prove she couldn't be telling the truth because of the time of the calls, the time and content of the txt messages, the evidence not matching what she claimed, the mundane content of their dealings that day. The jury would know exactly where he was going right from the point of his first question on the topic instead of being on a meandering road that veers off in a few places, and he would have established his point right up front.

Instead he was off talking about what time she went to work and then he went off on a tangent about the exact hour she got to work and then he went into her non-memory of that exact time and then he went into cell phone vs landline and it just veered and it was difficult to follow.

This is the best explanation of how I feel. Thanks for putting it into words for me.
I have faith in Juan, but I hope the jury can follow. They are the ones that count,.
Did anyone else notice the official defense stockings from yesterday's session?

Imagine what Jodi could have accomplished if she had used her intellect for good instead of evil.

I believe she was destined for this course. Was basically a quitter her entire, school, boyfriends, etc. Probably tired of picking up and starting over time and time again. Unfortunately, TA was the one she focused her evil on.
also note...Jodi doesn't say she bought the gun to kill! no way! she had to protect herself from the legions of men slathering for her implants...

she is legend.
What I meant was is that any time a witness is asked about prior testimony, even from the day before, the exact testimony is typically read by the attorney doing the questioning, verbatim. If it's paraphrased, the witness or their counsel will typically ask to review the testimony if it's about anything other than general context. A few days ago, someone asked about when the lawyers are receiving the trial transcripts for preparation. One of the things I mentioned is that the rough transcript is sufficient for prep, but the actual final transcript will be needed for cross. This is why. You can't cross a witness without a verbatim transcript unless the witness and his or her counsel allows it. Typically, they would allow it for context -- like "do you remember yesterday we talked about what happened on the day of Lonnie's baptism" just for example. But if the questioning goes to the substance of the prior testimony, the verbatim transcript would typically be read by counsel doing the questioning and/or shown to the witness. If the witness or counsel asks, the court would always allow the witness to review the verbatim transcript before answering a question about prior testimony. That's what I meant about SOP and why Juan would certainly have anticipated Jodi reviewing her prior testimony any time she was asked about it. That would apply to any witness - regardless of their capacity to lie or remember. jmo
I know the mechanics and the rules behind it.

My point being that her memory loss of what she said a day ago is in stark contrast to what she has previously demonstrated and looks BAD:twocents:

eta: she only needs her recollection refreshed with reading when it doesn't fit her "script" and it is so obvious imhoo
Why does the judge allow it.
Can the judge ask, during breaks or behind chambers why are you looking over the evidence as if it was the 1st time. Ask them not to play these games, remind them this is not a circus it is about the murder of a human being and whether it was in self defense. JMO

If true, they should be ashamed of themselves. Ridiculous to drag something so mundane out. Oh wait...Nurmi gets paid by the hour...that's right.

Every time I see that clown, I feel like doing 100 situps and running 10 miles.
The soft spoken detective Flores couldn't get the truth out of her with his soft easy going demeanor and hand holding.
disagree on this.....from what I saw on the interrogation videos vs her defense story on the stand, Flores got a lot closer to the truth behind what happened that day then anyone ever will. she had no coaching from lawyers, it was her winging it and it was very telling.

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I believe she was destined for this course. Was basically a quitter her entire, school, boyfriends, etc. Probably tired of picking up and starting over time and time again. Unfortunately, TA was the one she focused her evil on.

Agreed. She never completed anything. She jumped around from job to job and from guy to guy. She was too lazy to actually try to make any sales for PPL. They had a man on NG that had hired her to model and he said that she did not meet their standards to do the job, i.e. stand there and interact with the crowd. She wanted to go off and take pictures instead. Seriously, when standing there and essentially doing nothing takes too much effort, that's a problem. She has zero work ethic. I would like to know how many jobs she quit and how many asked her to leave.
Juan needs to hammer the "battered woman syndrome" theory from the defence into dust. He has to show that JA is no battered woman but the jealous stalker she is.

It needs to be made so clear so that when the abuse expert testifies her testimony about JA is nothing but a joke. It is now but it needs to be made crystal clear in case there is that one person on the jury who needs an anvil to fall on them before they understand.

Juan did a great job yesterday of showing JA to be a creepy stalker with a pattern of confrontation. *high five* for that.

Actually, Jodi's own behavior undid the "battered woman" theory better than any evidence Juan could present. Her demeanor revealed that she is nobody's pushover. There's no way the jury could have missed it.

Under JM, she pulled back the curtain all the way: Jodi's demureness is all a big act. At one point, she acted so superior and condescending that she had to tilt her head down while stifling a LOL at JM. No fear here, folks.

That said, I could totally see someone wanting to kick the ish out of Jodi Arias. She constantly pushed her parents over the edge with her attitude and insulting lies. She did everything it would take to push TA over the edge as well. She's lucky he didn't snap and get her first.
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