Jodi Arias Trial Watchers Thread #1

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I'm sure his friend Taylor Searle will tesify at the trial because Travis called him and told him that he just sent her a nasty email.

Here what his friend wrote...

There were several other similar incidents leading up to about a week prior to his death, when Travis caught Jodi hacking into his Facebook account, according to the police report. By this point, Travis had had enough and told her he wanted her out of his life.

“They had a chat where he tore her apart,” Searle says. “He called me the next morning and read to me what he said to her. I said, ‘Aren’t you afraid she’s going to hurt you?”

A week later, Travis Alexander was dead.
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Apparently Searle had more foresight than Travis did. I'd like to see them too.

I do think at this point, that she planned in advance to kill him.
Hi All.

Haven't been able to watch the trial. Can someone tell me if Jodi's family have been at the trial?

BBM: :nono: Nope :nono: ...

She is one cold, calculated killer ... this was pre-meditated murder, IMO ...

I watched a portion of the trial yesterday, and she gives me the "willies" :eek: ... just like CA :eek: ! They both think they are "something" but the ONLY thing they both are are cold-blooded murderesses ... MOO!


Nope. Isn't this a woman who climbed through his doggie door without him knowing? Hacked his bank accounts, and attended his funeral? Yikes!

They have testimony about her climbing through the doggy door, hacking bank accounts, attending the funeral of the person that you just killed.

IMHO this crime was 100% premeditated - starting with the call to the police that a gun was stolen.


Hi All.

Haven't been able to watch the trial. Can someone tell me if Jodi's family have been at the trial?

Her mother and aunt (twins) have been seen in the gallery.
Ahhhhh flip flops thank you.

I'm grasping at anything that would show a tied up defenseless Travis because that would be so much easier to believe that a adrenaline packing, first stab wound to the heart JA.

I saw in the autopsy that Travis's hand had two defense wounds. None on either of his arms. I assume he was too weak to put up much resistance.

Correct me but LE says that Travis was at the sink coughing up blood. That only happens if stabbed in the heart, lungs or mouth. If you are cut ear to ear with the carotid artery opened all blood spills out of this wound, not from the mouth. Correct?

So she gets that one awful stab wound to the heart while he is in the shower and he stumbles out of the shower over to the sink where she goes ape$hit and stabs the hell out of his back, he crawls out to the hallway, she flips him over, cuts him from ear to ear, drags him back to the shower (making clean up easier for her with water) but the poor guy is still making funny noises so she shoots him in the head.

I don't care if he called her the names she claims he did. NO words will justify what happened to Travis Alexander.

Hi, CuckooHead. So macabre and so well stated. Like many other wound victims, Travis might have been in shock or simply confused after the initial attack, which might explain why he went to the sink to cough up blood rather than protect himself further by locking down the door. My brother-in-law, in the bleeding incident mentioned previously, stumbled around in the house for reasons that he himself could not explain later.
Just out of curiosity, and for the sake of conversation since we don't have court until Tuesday, is there anyone here who believes she did this in self defense? I don't mean do you think she might get off because the jury will buy her story, but does anyone truly believe she did this because TA abused her?

I believe that about as much as I believed that George Anthony disposed of Caylee.As long as we don't have another jury like that one,I don't see Jodie getting away with this.
The ME will know if the gsw was postmortem or not. Which is why it has been stated he was shot after he was dead. Where exactly in the bathroom was the bullet in relation to the shower stall?
I do get the feeling that Travis may have been full of himself, and that he degraded her. Also he kept sleeping with her while he dated other women, not good.

I'd sure like to know more about her background.
I'm sure his friend Taylor Searle will tesify at the trial because Travis called him and told him that he just sent her a nasty email.

Here what his friend wrote...

There were several other similar incidents leading up to about a week prior to his death, when Travis caught Jodi hacking into his Facebook account, according to the police report. By this point, Travis had had enough and told her he wanted her out of his life.

“They had a chat where he tore her apart,” Searle says. “He called me the next morning and read to me what he said to her. I said, ‘Aren’t you afraid she’s going to hurt you?”

A week later, Travis Alexander was dead.
Read more

Hi, Trigger, and thanks for retrieving that valuable link. Travis' statement to his friend about Jodi hacking into his Facebook account (from which she had been apparently dropped as a friend) exposes her lie that they had shared each other passwords to reestablish trust.

And, as we suspected, his very hostile email attack on her seems to have been an eruption after a "final straw" incident. Unfortunately for him, Travis was both a forgiving Mormon and vulnerable to seduction (and perhaps also a little frightened of rejecting Jodi after the tire-slashing incidents.)

P.S. In response to another post: I haven't heard that the gunshot was a postmortem wound.
Her mother and aunt (twins) have been seen in the gallery.

Thanks, I wondered if her younger sister and Father were attending. Actually, what I really want to know is, if her anyone outside of her Mom is supporting her.
Hi, Trigger, and thanks for retrieving that valuable link. Travis' statement to his friend about Jodi hacking into his Facebook account (from which she had been apparently dropped as a friend) exposes her lie that they had shared each other passwords to reestablish trust.

And, as we suspected, his very hostile email attack on her seems to have been an eruption after a "final straw" incident. Unfortunately for him, Travis was both a forgiving Mormon and vulnerable to seduction (and perhaps also a little frightened of rejecting Jodi after the tire-slashing incidents.)

P.S. In response to another post: I haven't heard that the gunshot was a postmortem wound.

Wonder what the email said that he sent to her? It sounds like it was pretty strong and it sent her into a rage... Think it will be used by prosecutors and entered into evidence?
Hi All.

Haven't been able to watch the trial. Can someone tell me if Jodi's family have been at the trial?

Good question.
I do get the feeling that Travis may have been full of himself, and that he degraded her. Also he kept sleeping with her while he dated other women, not good.

I'd sure like to know more about her background.

I don't want to take anything away from Travis as a victim. Obviously, regardless of anything he said or did to Jodi, he did not deserve to be killed.

But I agree with what you said above. Sadly, others seemed to sense Jodi was dangerous to toy with, but Travis seemed unable to completely cut all ties with her.

I always thought the fact that he invited another woman on that cruise, was the straw that broke the camel's back with Jodi. I think she went there with intention of trying to convince him to take her.
Nope. Isn't this a woman who climbed through his doggie door without him knowing? Hacked his bank accounts, and attended his funeral? Yikes!

They have testimony about her climbing through the doggy door, hacking bank accounts, attending the funeral of the person that you just killed.

IMHO this crime was 100% premeditated - starting with the call to the police that a gun was stolen.



I completely agree. I think the exchange read in Court is what prompted her to kill him. I think it's when she knew that he didn't' think she was good enough to be his wife.
Hi, Trigger, and thanks for retrieving that valuable link. Travis' statement to his friend about Jodi hacking into his Facebook account (from which she had been apparently dropped as a friend) exposes her lie that they had shared each other passwords to reestablish trust.

And, as we suspected, his very hostile email attack on her seems to have been an eruption after a "final straw" incident. Unfortunately for him, Travis was both a forgiving Mormon and vulnerable to seduction (and perhaps also a little frightened of rejecting Jodi after the tire-slashing incidents.)

P.S. In response to another post: I haven't heard that the gunshot was a postmortem wound.

How do you know this, is this stated somewhere? Thanks!
The ME will know if the gsw was postmortem or not. Which is why it has been stated he was shot after he was dead. Where exactly in the bathroom was the bullet in relation to the shower stall?

The shell casing was right next to the shower. More towards the left hand side of the shower (when facing the shower).
The shell casing was right next to the shower. More towards the left hand side of the shower (when facing the shower).

Thanks! Is that pretty much where it would be expected to land if shot from the position he was found in?
Her mother and aunt (twins) have been seen in the gallery.

I think her mother (at least I presume it was her mother the camera kept panning to her) had a completely inappropriate mischievous grin on her face while Jodi's attys were bashing Travis in Court.
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