John and Burke on 911 Call. Lin Wood, John Ramsey, LIED!!!!!

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I tweeted "Jonbenet deserves justice too" and he immediately blocked me! I can't believe this man is a lawyer.

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I can't either. You'd think he would have been disbarred for SOMETHING by now.
The 911 call...just had last night's CBS show on in the background while I do stuff (trying to get to the end, watching it on demand, because I fell asleep for the last 10 minutes last night). They played the 911 call and something caught my attention as I wasn't really focused on the show (but it made me do a double take). At the beginning PR calls in and says their address and says 'we need an am...police'. Does anyone else hear that? I just rewound and replayed and it does sound like that's what she said.

Dear Lamima,

Congratulations. You have figured out what thousands of people have been trying to figure out since the 911 call was released.

In every transcript, it always starts out with, "unintelligible" and goes right to the word "police".

When you listen knowing she is saying "we need an am" it jumps out at you like cold water on your face.

Here is the 911 call released to the public years ago.

At the beginning Patsy does not give her address. At the beginning it sounds like she starts to say "We need an am" and then she says "Police."

Great catch lamima.

Thank you once again ACandyRose for all your hard work in keeping everything in the JBR case in one place on your site.

If you ever use ACR's site and you can afford a dollar or so please click on the PayPal button. It will mean a lot to ACR.
The 911 call...just had last night's CBS show on in the background while I do stuff (trying to get to the end, watching it on demand, because I fell asleep for the last 10 minutes last night). They played the 911 call and something caught my attention as I wasn't really focused on the show (but it made me do a double take). At the beginning PR calls in and says their address and says 'we need an am...police'. Does anyone else hear that? I just rewound and replayed and it does sound like that's what she said.
Thank you, Lamima. I've been trying since 2013 to get others to be able to hear just that. I think the apparent conversation Patsy is having before she realized the 911 operator had picked up the phone is important. (I even tweeted to Jim Clemente in hopes he would look at it before the CBS program aired. :sigh: Oh, well.)

I don't know why so many versions of the transcript simply say "Inaudible" for all the words at the beginning (including Archuleta's). To me it's as clear as a hot summer day in Texas.

Here is a post where I linked some info on it (including a link to a Word document showing what I think is a better transcript):

(Can you imagine what it would mean to this case if they could prove that Burke was not only heard at the end of the 911 call -- but also at the beginning?)
Will Lin Wood actually go ahead and sue or is he bluffing?! Surely to win, he'd need to prove none of the Ramsey's were involved and that's impossible!
Will Lin Wood actually go ahead and sue or is he bluffing?! Surely to win, he'd need to prove none of the Ramsey's were involved and that's impossible!
Not only that, but I wonder if JR
will be okay with the huge payment he'll owe Wood. (for essentially nothing)

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Lamima, I hope you didn't think I was trying to minimize your having heard the beginning conversation. I was frustrated for years that no one seemed to hear the same thing I heard at the beginning, and not many could see the implications. Indeed I was very happy that you did hear it -- and even more so that you heard it independently. It is there, and if people will pay attention to the change in tone of Patsy's voice when she realizes the phone has been answered by the 911 operator, it will tell them even more about what was going on during the call.
CBS had a billion disclaimers up, and I think by BR going to DP, he himself opened himself up for criticism. I don't think too many courts are going to find this defamation.
If TMZ reporting is correct BP just landed himself back in the public eye and is fair game. He will not get fair or controlled questioning like in DP show. Let the games begin. IMHO
I don't think it will last long, and I'm sure he'll block me after I tweet this.. But here's what I'm about to tweet:

@LLinWood made a deal with @DrPhil to put Burke out ahead of negative stories. Money for Burke, publicity for Woody. #StupidestLawyerAlive

@LLinWood Result of Woody’s action? Burke is now a “public figure” making slander lawsuit harder to prove. #StupidestLawyerAlive

(Maybe I'll get sued too.)

And I encourage anyone else to use the same hashtag!
My husband works from home and had the news on in his office.
He called me in when they mentioned JBR.
CBS said they stand by their program will take this to trial.

Maybe Woody should have thought about having Burke go on Dr.Phil, where he totally changed his story.
Proving that the Ramsey's have been lying to the police for 20 years!
Will Lin Wood actually go ahead and sue or is he bluffing?! Surely to win, he'd need to prove none of the Ramsey's were involved and that's impossible!

I suspect the goal is not to win but to get a settlement that can't be disclosed so they can declare victory.
Real Crime Profiles Podcast with Jim Clemente and Laura Richards (featured on CBS docuseries - The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey)

Episode 36: Jim and Laura re-investigate the homicide two decades later (09/19/16)
Episode 37: Examining the 911 Call and Ransom Note (09/21/16)

Just now listening to episode 37 - sounds like they are responding to some questions about the show, explaining what they went through, and based on the title I'm thinking there will be more episodes to come.
I suspect the goal is not to win but to get a settlement that can't be disclosed so they can declare victory.

If LLin Wood did nothing, it's pretty much Ramsey's saying CBS has a leg to stand on. The Scamsey's HAD to come back with something as a way to keep the denial/IDI scheme alive and well. They say the best defense is a good offense, which they made the mistake of trying with getting Burke on ahead of CBS. Now they're trying to blindside CBS with what they have yet to figure out is too little too late.

The principals involved here (Wood and JR) are both so blindly egotistical and narcissistic that they really do believe we, viewing/reading audience, are not capable of seeing this case beyond what they have been and will continue to craft as the most defamed cluster of lies and ballyhoo ever presented as facts. There is no "losing" for people like them.

Once they experience any sort of defeat of their version of truth, the distortion is then shifted onto someone else as blame-placing. Never expect the R's to turn and quietly fade into the background on this case. After all, JR said it again....this case is not about his murdered daughter, it's about what has happened to John Ramsey, Patsy and Burke ( putting himself first in the lineup, of course ). HIS FAMILY are the victims. Yes, they all are. And he and his legions are the victimizers.
Will Lin Wood actually go ahead and sue or is he bluffing?! Surely to win, he'd need to prove none of the Ramsey's were involved and that's impossible!

I say he's bluffing. Unless he's really that stupid!
Wood doesn't have Lou Smit and his ILLEGAL evidence this time!
Wood doesn't have Lou Smit and his ILLEGAL evidence this time!

Dunno how many will agree with me but this is just my feeling.... I think Smit was the only person on the IDI team who really believed IDI. I really believe this, he was so obsessed with this and you clearly can see he did it with passion. Sometimes I pity him. I truly believe he was manipulated even if he definitely was not a stupid man. They knew he is the only true IDI out there and used him and how he felt about the case without having any remorse. MOO

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