John Edward's Love Child - Tell me this ISN'T his kid

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I heard today (on the View possibly) that they are living separately now. My heart goes out to Elizabeth as she has two little kids too, is battling cancer and really hoped it would all just go away I'm sure.

She told Oprah that she had asked him for one promise when they were young and that was to always be true to her. What woman doesn't want that but she had actually made a point to let him know how much it meant to her and he agreed. Then he had to stick it to her and break his promise. Low, low, low.

Never have expectations of others so you won't be disappointed and hope for the best. People are so often not what they seem to be.

As far as her asking him to be true, many women make it a point to let their man know how much that means to them. Hearts are broken all the time by affairs.Your quote" People are so often not what they seem to be "is very true but I would add that most politicians are never what they seem to be for if we really knew them we would never vote for any of them IMO.
Whatever. I still feel for her. Peace. Cancer is a bi*ch. Many people lead less than full lives after diagnosis; many die.

Count your blessings everyone.
How fair is this? I mean really-Edwards hadnt figured out how NOT to father a child at this point? WHY WOULD HE DO THIS?

As for Elizabeth-How do you try and rebuild what ever time you have left after a moment like this? I mean, imagine knowing that someone would be so willing to debase you during a time of such intense physical and emotional suffering...for a surge of hormones and a chemical reaction.

I hope he never ever has a chance to serve again. I pray that she was adequately buffered by knowing her husband was a hound and that it doesnt cause her to lay down and die. Should she have left the baby out of it? Of course, but oh my how angry she must have been....

I don't know guys. I think expecting her to continue to behave as if she was not fractured is requiring something superhuman.
I did not realize her age, are the 9 and 11 yr old natural children or was their a surrogate or adoption?Well I really think she will be fine.Would be so much worse if she was a poor woman having to raise 2 kids on a few hundred dollars a month. I know she has cancer but really have not seen it any where its fatal except from the Edwards themselves and there really is not much I would believe coming from either of them.A relative of mine had stage 4 cancer and she lost a lot of weight rapidly she died within 3 months Elizabeth is beating the odds.
Hoping you are right Mikeysmommom-personally, I think this situation trancends "class." They have suffered terrible losses, from the death of their oldest child to a to a terrible car accident, to all of this....I hope she has exquisite health care, is in a clinical trial that is doing her a world of good and that she can lean on friends/family during what has to be a heinous year....

FWIW to me she has the same bloated look my dad had before the weight started dropping off of him and the fight was over-my dad was in a clinical trial for what is now a common form of chemo (at the time it was brand new). One of the enemies of recovery in a fight against cancer is that weight is so very very hard to get it back once it starts to come off. My dad was 110 when he passed away-he was 5'10".

Anyway, I will try and pray for John, lol...Elizabeth and family and Rielle's baby are for sure in my prayers!
According to wiki the kids are hers - After Wade's death, Edwards and her husband chose to have children again: Emma Claire, born in 1998 when Edwards was 48, and Jack, born in 2000 when she was 50. She was pregnant with Emma Claire during her husband's 1998 Senate race.

But who really knows if a surrogate was used?

This is how I feel about him.. I don't know how she held it together. He is scum.

How fair is this? I mean really-Edwards hadnt figured out how NOT to father a child at this point? WHY WOULD HE DO THIS?

As for Elizabeth-How do you try and rebuild what ever time you have left after a moment like this? I mean, imagine knowing that someone would be so willing to debase you during a time of such intense physical and emotional suffering...for a surge of hormones and a chemical reaction.

I hope he never ever has a chance to serve again. I pray that she was adequately buffered by knowing her husband was a hound and that it doesnt cause her to lay down and die. Should she have left the baby out of it? Of course, but oh my how angry she must have been....

I don't know guys. I think expecting her to continue to behave as if she was not fractured is requiring something superhuman.
Now there are sex-tape claims?!?!? Now this whole story is riding down Sensationalism Gutter Avenue... ugh

Is anyone really surprised by this? I wonder if this is the news that made Elizabeth say "ENOUGH!"

Young told ABC News' Bob Woodruff that after Edwards learned that his mistress Rielle Hunter was pregnant, "the senator tried to convince her to have an abortion. ... He tried to convince me to convince Rielle to have an abortion."

Young also told Woodruff that Edwards was not sure if Hunter's baby was his because, according to Edwards, Hunter was a "weird *advertiser censored* and a freak."

Really nice that he calls her a *advertiser censored*, but she wasn't too slutty or freaky for him to destroy his marriage with! What does that make him????
Interesting as Young is a thief, who wants to sell an illegally obtained tape.

Hunter is a woman of free will, who CHOSE to have an affair with a married man, CHOSE to become pregnant during said affair, (Hello, birth control!). Sorry, but what besides financial security was she hoping to accomplish? Certainly she didn't even think he would ever be faithful to her, even if he left Elizabeth, or visa versa? Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater. At least until the labido fails and now with the "little blue pill", that may never happen.

JE, once a hound dog, always a hound dog! What ever happend to divorcing someone you don't want to be with, verses humiliating them?? If a potential king could give up his throne, couldn't a politician give up his race? And if Kennedy could be found to have been unfaithful, what would make JE think he wouldn't be? The gall and propensity to feel "above the law" astounds me! Stop thinking with your little head and do right by your children!

As for Elizabeth, I am sure she knew, either from friends or enemies, that her husband was having affairs. There are ALWAYS those "good, helpful people" who want to make sure you are "informed about what is going on". The facts are that by ackmowledging the affairs, she had MUCH to lose and little to gain. Financial loss, emotional suffering, humiliation that you are "responsible or just not good enough". Add in the worry for your young children, after you find out you have cancer.

Cheaters are also good at twisting the truth. They tell you that YOU are crazy for believing the truth, as there are reasons for people lieing. They will romance you until you believe them, giive you extra attention and make it look good. After awhile though, you have to finally see the light, or choose to ignore it. I think that is what Elizabeth did, for as long as she could, for a multitude of reasons.

How do I know this, doh I WAS married to a cheater. Finished me for relationships as I had NO clue prior to our marriage and therefore doubt myself to ever be able to trust anyone again in a romantic relationship. After dating following my marraige, I KNEW what to look for. Found there are a LOT of married men looking for additional relationships, men who do NOT want manogamy and true wierdos in the world. I choose to be single rather than worry about it. I now focus my time and energy on family and friends. I would NEVER EVER knowingly cheat with a married man either. What is with the women that will?

In my opinion, JE and his baby mama are equally guilty and DESERVE eachother and their untrustworthy selves!! I love karma!! Eventually right will prevail!
Nightline last night was an eyeopener for me. Edward's assistant/friend and his wife were on to talk about the incidents. JE and lover sitting on his own porch, during a rain, with the assitant, blaring rock music and the two lovers agreeing that this is how it should be and WOULD be after Elizabeth was gone! How on earth does anyone recover or strengthen much-needed character when they can throw away a human like that???????
The two younger children of Elizabeth- after their 16-year old son was killed, of course they were paralyzed by grief for many months. And they decided to have another child- you can't replace your lost child, but you can rebuild your family to a certain extent. So she went through fertility treatments and had a baby at 48. And she endured another round of fertility treatments had had another baby at 50. How noble and strong of her to do that for her family....Surely they had a good marriage at that time... But somewhere along the way, he changed. Can you imagine what their elder daughter must think of him?
In response to Morag's post on pg. 7 -

Elder daughter? How old is she? Talk about being lost in the shuffle. That means she lost her brother, her parents had to try to make a "new" family before it was too late. After they outwardly accomplished that feat, proceeded in not honoring what they had created. It's too much. Plus, women are not meant to give birth at fifty imo. Anyway, back to the elder daughter - bless her because none of this is her doing. I'll try to keep in mind that just because her parents went off the deepend, doesn't mean she is not loved. It would be tough being her now imo though. Geez, the webs some peeps weave!
Nightline last night was an eyeopener for me. Edward's assistant/friend and his wife were on to talk about the incidents. JE and lover sitting on his own porch, during a rain, with the assitant, blaring rock music and the two lovers agreeing that this is how it should be and WOULD be after Elizabeth was gone! How on earth does anyone recover or strengthen much-needed character when they can throw away a human like that???????

Yikes, I missed this one. I taped 20/20 last night but haven't watched it yet. It's hard to imagine peeps having a discussion like the one eluded to above. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. JE sure sounds like a loving, compassionate person - NOT!

We can be grateful that he never made it to the White House imo.
The two younger children of Elizabeth- after their 16-year old son was killed, of course they were paralyzed by grief for many months. And they decided to have another child- you can't replace your lost child, but you can rebuild your family to a certain extent. So she went through fertility treatments and had a baby at 48. And she endured another round of fertility treatments had had another baby at 50. How noble and strong of her to do that for her family....Surely they had a good marriage at that time... But somewhere along the way, he changed. Can you imagine what their elder daughter must think of him?

I don't think that he changed along the way, I believe that he just got more careless as time went on. It's jmho but it appears to me anyway that Elizabeth probably knew a whole lot more than we think and chose to sweep it under the rug to further 'their' political career. No disrespect to her intended..just what I believe happened. Perhaps maybe, this book coming out was the final straw that made her to decide to separate from him with a little dignity intact?

John Edwards is a of scumbags imo. Such a that I have a feeling that once EE is gone he may marry RH. How in the world can he ever expect his children understand that?!

eta~ here is a link to an eye opening article on Slate~
In response to Morag's post on pg. 7 -

Elder daughter? How old is she? (snip)

I believe she is round about 30...not sure if she is married...but I can imagine she will become responsible for her younger sibs eventually...

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