John Morgan to depose Casey

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Yes, he will ask for a continuance and it will probably be granted. :mad:

I honestly don't think JB knew what he was getting into when he took Casey as a client. He's got 2 criminal cases and 1 civil case with her as the defendant/respondent and NO experience in any of these matters! :rolleyes:

Oh yeah! I know! I'm sure you are right about JB!! He had NO IDEA!!!!!! LOL!!! :crazy:
Ha ha ha. My guess is that he will now try to put this one off too...He'll beg time (again) due to the murder trial.

Two seperate courts and different judges maybe not:) this shall be grand!
The great thing about Morgan is he can keep this thing going and going and going....their law office is large enough to do so. These cases can drag out and you need a lawyer that has the funds.
Is it just me or does all of these new lawyers coming and going only have commercial & construction emphasis?

Maybe Baez thinks you need construction attorneys when you BUILD a defense? Shhhhhhhhhh
EZRYDER!!! You do know there is a petition going around on the net requesting Sin-dee be brought up on charges. I've not wasted a spec of time in signing it.

Yep. And then if the case goes to court, instead of being settled (ha -- like that my happen), then whatever is said in court better match the depositions, or that 'ole perjury charge could sneak up and bite someone! Hey, wait. Maybe JM will depose Sin-dee in the case, it'll go to court, she'll change her story, and get charged with perjury!
This should be good and really put Casey in the hot seat. I hope they'll release the transcripts of the deposition when they're done with her. This guy's going to have much more freedom to question Casey than the police, right?....and she'll have to answer him?

He says he's going to video-tape the deposition so everyone can watch it.

If baez made this big of a blunder on a case such as this just imagine what sort of a clown he will make of himself in a murder trial of this magnitude. I hope he does tape the whole thing and broadcst it to the entire world...unmask the sociopath and we will all see the devil that lives within.

It's nice to know the most innocent person (other than caylee) in this case has such a fine lawyer..:)
My guess is Casey will drop the counter suit on Gonazalez so she doesnt have to talk to John Morgan. Casey wont speak....ever
i just don't understand why she filed suit against zg. I can't see that she would benefit in any way from it. Can any of you explain why her new attorney might have thought this was a good idea?

crazy is what crazy does...
Maybe Baez thinks you need construction attorneys when you BUILD a defense? Shhhhhhhhhh

:laugh: That was a good one.

I do not think JB knew what he was getting into. They are dealing with Morgan who has 25 years experience with the law. He was talking on the news and said "In my 25 years I have never seen a suit like this." I guess in his 25 years also he has not seen a lawyer like JB either. It is for the money because KC wants $15,000 plus her lawyer fees and I do not think ZG wanted much just her name cleared and to make sure KC and Family do not make money off of this. This case is a no brainer - Morgan wins.
About 2/3 through the 23min raw interview footage w/Morgan, he mentions that he was contacted by 2 different law firms claiming to represent Casey Anthony - the first one asked for additional time to respond (which was given), only to be replaced by a different firm who also asked for additional time to respond (also given).

And yet it was Jose who ultimately filed? Weird.

If you have the time to watch, the raw footage is quite interesting. Near the end, he makes a great point of saying that the countersuit is supposed to be in Casey's words, not a lawyer's.
Those construction attorneys were probably hired because Baez wants to built a skyscraper of Casey's lies.

When I read Cindy's comment earlier about Morgan being an ambulance chaser, I knew it wasn't going to be good. The woman needs to be gagged with a thermal sock. How insulting! An attorney like Morgan an ambulance chaser. I'll bet he hasn't chase any since he was 10.

Cindy needs to shut up and search for her granddaughter.

I'm thinking I may donate to Zenaida's legal fees - anonymously, of course. I'll send the donation to Morgan and tell her to credit ZG's expenses. Such an outrage. Ms KC and her lawyers have some nerve.
Much can be said about John Morgan, but he is not a dummy. He is a very sharp attorney, and I would love, love love to see him have a go at KC, and see him exchange a few rounds with JBozo.
Oh the entertainment value of it all.
Eat her alive, John!!!!:woohoo:
Is it just me or does all of these new lawyers coming and going only have commercial & construction emphasis?
Hummmmm. Sometimes murder victims are dumped in a construction zone right before the foundation is poured for an expensive new building.
My guess is Casey will drop the counter suit on Gonazalez so she doesnt have to talk to John Morgan. Casey wont speak....ever

Can she do that up to the last minute? Or is there a deadline to drop it?
Another Darnay Hoffman steps forth to throw a wrench in the works.
Can she do that up to the last minute? Or is there a deadline to drop it?

My guess is that John Morgan will file a 12(b)6 motion to dismiss the "counter-claim"-- 12(b)6 = failure to state a claim for which relief can be sought-- and move for Summary Judgment on Casey's "counter-claim" which could make Casey responsible for costs and fees associated with the "counter-claim" and subject JB to contempt charges.

Casey can effectively drop the claim by failing to offer proof to support each and every contention made in the counterclaim-- and essentially her counterclaim would (and likely WILL) just go away (as it relates to the case of ZFG v. Casey Anthony).

This is all very strange and I think JB is out of control.
I might send JM a little note of support...Mr. Morgan, please don't drink it if they're pouring :spit:
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