JonBenet's Other Brother

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Another thought that comes to mind regarding the above...that may be why the R's called friends over ..they may have been advised to have witnesses for that morning,esp. when JB was found.As well as they needed someone to pick up BR and usher him away,so no one could say that JR left the house at any time.
I also can't help but wonder if,during the time that JR was out of Arndt's sight, did he call his lawyer again (if he called them the first time,it sounds like he probably did).If so, then he may have even been advised to go 'find' JB himself, since police hadn't done so yet. (also keep in mind,he had a friend (FW), as a witness with him when he found JB.I suspect he was told to do just that).It sounds like they expected JB to be found a lot sooner than she was,since they called friends over immediately after the 911 call.
If you think about it,I don't think some of this is very difficult to figure out,if you look at it from the POV as to what a lawyer would likely advise to say and do in that case,assuming the R's are guilty.But like everyone else,it does stump me as to exactly who did it and why.


"That does look like JAR in the photo of the dec 23d Christmas party but it turned out to be a boyfriend of one of Priscilla's sisters.

May I please ask what his name was and which of pricilla's sisters?Yes do you have the photo?
JMO8778 said:
Another thought that comes to mind regarding the above...that may be why the R's called friends over ..they may have been advised to have witnesses for that morning,esp. when JB was found.As well as they needed someone to pick up BR and usher him away,so no one could say that JR left the house at any time.
I also can't help but wonder if,during the time that JR was out of Arndt's sight, did he call his lawyer again (if he called them the first time,it sounds like he probably did).If so, then he may have even been advised to go 'find' JB himself, since police hadn't done so yet. (also keep in mind,he had a friend (FW), as a witness with him when he found JB.I suspect he was told to do just that).It sounds like they expected JB to be found a lot sooner than she was,since they called friends over immediately after the 911 call.
If you think about it,I don't think some of this is very difficult to figure out,if you look at it from the POV as to what a lawyer would likely advise to say and do in that case,assuming the R's are guilty.But like everyone else,it does stump me as to exactly who did it and why.

Are you saying that you think John actually confessed to
a lawyer that morning that Jon Benet had been killed
during the night and was lying dead in the basement?

He then asked for advice from the lawyer on what actions
to take next?

If so, maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine a lawyer living
with a secret like that!
I thought from the start JB'S sexual abuse was caused by young

It's hard for me to believe if JB's sexual abuse involved an adult eventually there would be intercourse not just digital.

If this murder was intentional and committed by an adult male, why wouldn't there be rape? After all, she wasn't going to live to tell.

This makes me think *accident* by young kids.


kaykay :twocents:
MysteryAddict said:
Are you saying that you think John actually confessed to
a lawyer that morning that Jon Benet had been killed
during the night and was lying dead in the basement?

He then asked for advice from the lawyer on what actions
to take next?

If so, maybe I'm naive, but I can't imagine a lawyer living
with a secret like that!
If he did call a lawyer first,I think perhaps JR said he'd found JB dead in the basement,and asked how could they avoid getting any blame placed on themselves,seeing as the finger surely would be pointed at them, to some degree anyway,as well as perhaps to even BR.IOW-just plain legal advice.I'm not sure he would have confessed as to who did it,or even that he might know who did.It sounds like he was told to say and do everything possible to keep BR out of the picture.
If that's what happened,then sounds like he was told to call 911 asap and let the cops find JB.It sounds like they thought she would be found sooner than what she was.This is all just speculation though.I just find it odd BR was ushered off and wasn't allowed to talk.That part sounds coached,as if that's what a lawyer told JR to do.Esp. since he went on to lie about Burke being awake that morning,and JB being asleep after the party.The pieces just seem to fit together on that,IMO.
I could swear the Rs original story was not that JonBenet was asleep when they got home.

I need to go back and read through ST's book again, but IIRC, I'm pretty sure the Rs said they tucked JB in, Patsy singing to her and John reading the kids a book - only to change that story four months later, claiming they had been misunderstood. Patsy changed her story to say she sang to JB while she was asleep, and John changed his to he read a book, not read to the kids. John told ST he had been misunderstood by police, and Thomas questioned it, wondering how three independent police officers talking to JR at different times all could have misunderstood him about the same thing.

I said that on another board, and they questioned me, saying if that if it was true that the Rs changed their story, then others would have picked up and it wouldn't have just been mentioned by Steve Thomas. Have I remembered this right?

And does anyone have a source other than ST for the tape having a perfect set of JonBenet's lip prints on it and showing indications of having been used on something else before it was put on JonBenet's mouth? The die-hard RST refuse to accept Thomas as a valid source (which sucks, because a lot of info I can only find coming from him - stands to reason, doesn't it, that the main detective on the case would know info others don't...)
And does anyone have a source other than ST for the tape having a perfect set of JonBenet's lip prints on it and showing indications of having been used on something else before it was put on JonBenet's mouth? The die-hard RST refuse to accept Thomas as a valid source (which sucks, because a lot of info I can only find coming from him - stands to reason, doesn't it, that the main detective on the case would know info others don't...)

I think Henry Lee said so, as well.

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