JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

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Sure! Anything's possible.

Clearly, BOTH children had various emotional issues. I think that's borne out in various ways, most especially with their behavioral patterns for one (bedwetting/soiling issues) and additionally, three books were found by the police department in the Ramsey home indicating that SOMEONE knew enough about the Ramsey children's emotional issues to have purchased those books regarding those issues (one book was about 'kids growing up too fast').

I do believe it was stated in one of the books I've just read, that it was Patsy's parents who purchased those books for them.

The police had asked if the Ramsey Team would release Burke's psychiatric records...not surprisingly, the answer was NO.

Gotta ask - what does MOO mean at the end of your posts? Just curious.
ha ha, I'm not sure but I think it means 'my own opinion'. On another case, we were told by a moderator to insert plenty of them into our posts, so I got into the habit. So, I tend to go a little overboard with the moo and IMO, etc.
I'm really punchy right now, but seriously dodie, I thought you were making fun of me, initially! :what: :D

Oh gawd...hilarious.
Ah, but that person may never be known OR may already have left this realm and have already been 'judged' by someone else. Who knows. Karma can be a tricky thing; I believe that justice will be served, whether it's down here or up there...some day, by this person.

Yes, for me, believing that there WILL be (or was) final judgement for JB's killer from the most perfect Judge of all is a great consolation.

The thing is, that since BPD considers this an ongoing murder investigation, albeit a 'cold case', it has to stay in the public mind and eye as one that still has a possibility of resolve. Now, if BPD, or the current DA for that matte,r would feel they can satisfy their public responsibility of producing a viable conclusion to this case by presenting, with complete affirmation, a clear responsible party(eis) for this death that can no longer be prosecuted, then why don't they?

Think of the relief of all those who remain under the "umbrella of suspicion" or worry that they will be resurrected as suspects, or worse still might be remaining on a suspect list. It would put so much to rest. And Colorado would have no more financial responsibility at the expense of their taxpayers chasing phantoms.

But, I suppose that if the person who committed this murder is already gone, those who remain here KNOW they are innocent and probably aren't really suffering too much. And those of us who continue to spend time wondering "who, why, when, where, how" because the case remains open, probably should just focus on leading our lives free of those concerns and focus instead on some other cause or case that still demands public awareness and the results that public interaction might bring.

I don't know. I guess now that I know the GJ voted to indict both of the Ramsey's in the death of their daughter, and I also feel that the ultimate Judge expects us to do all that we can in the name of seeking truth while we are here, I have to believe that while this 'cold case' remains open, I'm going to try to discover why the GJ thought we should look more closely at both of JB's parents. Since Patsy is gone, and any part she had in JB's death cannot now be prosecuted, it leaves me with only the option to look at why or how John should or could possibly be charged in the future. Until BPD officially "clears" him, especially since Garnett responsibly stated to the public that the family was not exonerated, as Lacy intended to establish, he remains on my current suspect list as well. :moo:

Further, like it or not, EVEN A MURDERER has the right to be defended - this IS the way our legal system is set up and this is how it works. But having said that, what in the world makes you feel from my posts (if you'd read them thoroughly) that I have no respect for the hard work of the police department and the detectives working on this case? That's an entirely unfair assumption and just is not true.

Look, Nom - you cannot have a free and democratic society UNLESS ALL who participate in that society have the same rights as everyone else. And like it or not, this means those that are PRESUMED innocent until proven guilty.

My feeling comes from your own words Bam:
I would have asked that they refrain from focusing too much as to how the Ramsey attorneys were behaving with their clients and FOCUS on the bigger picture - that lovely little girl.
JMO, but to me that implies that you think BPD was more worried about the RST than they were gathering evidence and finding the killer of JB. And I'm well aware of how our legal system works, thank you. I suppose it all comes down to one thing. Whose rights are more important? Legally, I suppose JB has no more rights since she's dead, but the suspects in her death certainly have all the rights the wonderful "justice" system we have affords them. IMO, our legal system has become twisted to the point that criminals have far more rights than victims, and there is no justice in that.


It was up to the Ramsey Team attorneys to do their jobs; it was up to the police department personnel, i.e., the various police officers, detectives and those working in the DA's office and all the other peripheral folks involved in this case... either bring this case to fruition and to trial, or keep it going until they felt they had enough evidence to charge someone. This was the police department's job to do so; unfortunately, it didn't happen. Hunter did not feel he had enough to take this case to trial. Frankly, even given my issues with the politics played by the DA's office, I think that was the correct decision. One thing I don't think any of us would have liked to have witnessed, was to have had this case go to trial and see a hung jury.

BBM Well I guess that's a matter of opinion. According to ST & JK there was plenty of evidence to charge them. It's on AH's head that no charges were filed, not BPD. They were blocked at every turn from getting additional evidence, and still they felt there was enough.

Additionally, Burke's behavior with that psychiatrist that interviewed him (when he covered up his face with the game board when asked about improper touching)...

...could have been because HE had been improperly handled/touched by Patsy as well. This could also have been the very reason that Patsy was so nervous when Burke was being interviewed by the psychiatrist.

I've read up a lot on this case and I do not recall seeing any factual documentation or statement which indicated that Burke did not suffer, at times, at the hands of his Mother re: behavioral issues. Has anyone else?

So again, we are perhaps basing opinions on the assumption that Burke was never improperly touched by Patsy. I would say the chances are that if JonBenet had been punished unduly at her Mother's hands, then so was Burke.

And like it or not, ALL of us have our own colored glasses on when it comes to life and how we view things. That's not necessarily a bad thing, Nom. I'll wager you have your own perspective on this case due to various issues in your own life as well.

Intuition kicks in at some point for me, too, as to various issues in this case. I've learned throughout my years. to TRUST that, as hard as that may be at times.

Of course it's possible PR was touching BR inappropriately. Does that mean it happened? No, it doesn't. I have no doubt that someone had abused him though.

Yes, we all have our own colored glasses on regarding life. It appears that yours are colored to protect the accused. Mine are colored to protect to victim. I guess that comes from years of seeing justice denied to innocent victims due to the sleezy, underhanded tactics of some attorneys. And no, I don't hate all defense attorneys. I have two very close friends that are attys. One in fact is a very well known defense atty, but he has morals and ethics. I've seen him refuse to represent people that were obviously guilty. One case in particular comes to mind about the murder of a teenage girl. He knew the was guilty, and that if he tried he could get him off, but refused to take the case because he wanted to see justice done. He couldn't live with knowing he was putting a cold blooded murderer back out on the street to do it again, and for that I have the highest respect for him.

I've learned to trust my intuition as well, and mine tells me that while I believe PR was a shallow, sick, twisted woman that paraded her daughter around like a little Lolita, she didn't kill her. It also tells me that JR is not the poor, grieving, harrassed, innocent father you perceive him to be.

Believe it or not, at one point early on in the case, I thought PR was the guilty party as well. More evidence was made public, and I studied all of the evidence extensively, and the more informed I became, the less likely it seemed. The most obvious answer is not always the correct one.

Just :moo:
Yes, for me, believing that there WILL be (or was) final judgement for JB's killer from the most perfect Judge of all is a great consolation.

The thing is, that since BPD considers this an ongoing murder investigation, albeit a 'cold case', it has to stay in the public mind and eye as one that still has a possibility of resolve. Now, if BPD, or the current DA for that matte,r would feel they can satisfy their public responsibility of producing a viable conclusion to this case by presenting, with complete affirmation, a clear responsible party(eis) for this death that can no longer be prosecuted, then why don't they?

Think of the relief of all those who remain under the "umbrella of suspicion" or worry that they will be resurrected as suspects, or worse still might be remaining on a suspect list. It would put so much to rest. And Colorado would have no more financial responsibility at the expense of their taxpayers chasing phantoms.

But, I suppose that if the person who committed this murder is already gone, those who remain here KNOW they are innocent and probably aren't really suffering too much. And those of us who continue to spend time wondering "who, why, when, where, how" because the case remains open, probably should just focus on leading our lives free of those concerns and focus instead on some other cause or case that still demands public awareness and the results that public interaction might bring.

I don't know. I guess now that I know the GJ voted to indict both of the Ramsey's in the death of their daughter, and I also feel that the ultimate Judge expects us to do all that we can in the name of seeking truth while we are here, I have to believe that while this 'cold case' remains open, I'm going to try to discover why the GJ thought we should look more closely at both of JB's parents. Since Patsy is gone, and any part she had in JB's death cannot now be prosecuted, it leaves me with only the option to look at why or how John should or could possibly be charged in the future. Until BPD officially "clears" him, especially since Garnett responsibly stated to the public that the family was not exonerated, as Lacy intended to establish, he remains on my current suspect list as well. :moo:
and you make a great point. If investigators truly thought JR had nothing to do with this, and found nothing implicating him, they would have cleared him. They cleared other people. Why not JR? Now that would have really put the pressure on PR...watching her family and friends be eliminated one by one, until she was the last one standing. But, JR wasn't cleared, and the grand jury voted to indict him right along with PR...for child abuse resulting in death. This doesn't look like JR was an innocent bystander, does it? His only real claim is that he was eliminated as the writer of the ransom note. Well, woop ti do. A lot more went on in that house than note writing. And it was going on long before that night...'hence' the Child Abuse that the grand jury found. moo regards of Burke. It was stated that Burke's behavior (bedwetting) has been improving since JB was, if follow your line of thoughts, Patsy's attention has been shifted to 'mini-me'....isn't?
just curious about this. Who said BR's bedwetting was improving? In the psychological interview, he claimed it was something that happened a long time ago, but the interviewer made note of his denial, because according to her, it was still an ongoing problem. Also, JB was 6, BR was 9, so him 'improving' since she was born doesn't make much sense. That would mean his improvement started when he was 3? and he was still improving 6 years later? on a side note. My brother was molested by an uncle, (we didn't know), and he wet the bed until he was 13. As far as I know, the molestation was a 1 time thing, but he suffered the consequences for years. Still does, and he's 50.
just curious about this. Who said BR's bedwetting was improving? In the psychological interview, he claimed it was something that happened a long time ago, but the interviewer made note of his denial, because according to her, it was still an ongoing problem. Also, JB was 6, BR was 9, so him 'improving' since she was born doesn't make much sense. That would mean his improvement started when he was 3? and he was still improving 6 years later? on a side note. My brother was molested by an uncle, (we didn't know), and he wet the bed until he was 13. As far as I know, the molestation was a 1 time thing, but he suffered the consequences for years. Still does, and he's 50.

I forget where it said it, but BR was still wetting the bed, long after he should have stopped. It became intermittant, and allegedly stopped when PR's attention became focused on JonBenet.

I think it might have been LHP saying BR was using some waterproof thing?

I have a theory about the bedwetting and soiling (of both kids) in particular JBR that I believe there is a lot of evidence to back up, but hasn't been mentioned on here. I also strongly believe that my theory also backs up why PR and JR had the children's medical records sealed - and it has nothing to do with sexual assault or inappropriate touching.
I have read on here the theories that BR may have been on the ASD (Autism) spectrum, specifically Aspergers Syndrome and that may have contributed to some of his actions whilst his sister was alive (plus his bedwetting/soiling), and his reactions after she passed. I have seen some excellent points raised.

However, I would like to explore the theory that perhaps JBR herself had Aspergers Syndrome, reading about her there are so many things that 'jump out' to me that scream "Aspie".

One of the biggest things is JBR and her soiling and toilet problems. Many ASD children have this as an issue. That's a well known and documented fact (often related to food intolerances). I have a 6 year old daughter with Aspbergers Syndrome and despite a normal IQ and soiling has been an ongoing issue. My daughter was originally day and night trained (for wee) at age 3 and then rapidly regressed.

Many ASD kids have food intolerances, which can lead to chronic constipation (often undiagnosed). In little girls, this can lead to a loss of bowel sensation AND over time, bladder sensation and control. To read the JBR had originally been trained, and then regressed, was like reading my own daughter's toileting history! At one point my daughter (age 6) was soiling her knickers up to 6 times a day - small amounts and large, as she simply had no feeling in her bowel. My daughter was under continence experts from the age of 4 (when finally people believed me that she wasn't just SLOW and there was a problem) but it wasn't until she was 6 and under an incredible new specialist that she got the right medication and dosage and we saw improvements.

My theory is that JBR's bathroom issues may have been from chronic constipation, causing the soiling (the softer faecal matter to squeeze past the hard, constipated mass), contributing to her soiling. It is also possible that going back so long, there weren't the specialists or medications available today to help. I'm not surprised (if this was the case) that she had stained panties in her draw. As I have stated - my daughter had up to 6 dirty pairs a day at one stage and I certainly couldn't afford to be spending money on new panties every week or even every day, due to discolouration. My daughter's panties were bleached and washed - and yes, some remained stained and were put back in her drawer. Until things got under control, I washed them as best I could and she had about 35 pairs on rotation, but there certainly was discolouration in many of the pairs.

To me, this explains why JBR would have stained panties in her drawers. Perhaps PR thought there was no point in buying new ones until her bowel problems were more sorted out. Just because they are discoloured does not make them unclean.

IF JBR had these issues, it's possible that perhaps PR used enemas/douches as a tool to assist with her constipation (they were popular quite some time ago to assist but I've never heard of them being used these days in children) and if improperly done I suspect they could have possibly caused JBR to have what appeared chronic abuse injuries. (This is just a theory, no idea if science would back it up).

JBR and PR having screaming fights in the bathroom - I can see how this could happen. It's VERY stressful having a 6 year old who is untrained. Sometimes just asking my daughter if she WANTS or NEEDS to go to the bathroom would cause her to scream at me and have a meltdown. Knowing she couldn't toilet herself was a HUGE problem as she is old enough and smart enough to know she should be trained. I'm a VERY calm natured person (as a teacher I have to be) but I can understand how another parent could react to this with screaming.

The bedwetting is also related - as loss of bladder sensation can happen with chronic constipation. As well as Aspie kids are more anxious. My daughter is a HAPPY child. She has a wonderful life and lots of support, BUT when things are stressful ie. start of school year, trying a new activity, going to a new doctor, having a friend around to play, going to a friends house for the first time, .... then there is likely to be bedwetting. My daughter is almost 7 and often wears a pullup to bed. It is her choice and mostly it is dry. BUT we had 5 wet nights at the beginning of the school year. It's just part of the way she is.

Other things that make me think "Aspie".... JBR and Patsy arguing over what outfit she would wear - so typical of an ASD child. JBR's disinterest in her special twin doll - Aspie girls kids tend to like animal toys, rather than people toys at that age (no social stories to create in her play). There is a genetic link - it's thought her older brother may have been on the ASD spectrum and older fathers (like JR) are more likely to have a child on the spectrum.

It's often thought that children with ASD are totally socially inept. Not always, especially when interacting with adults, it's often children their own age that they struggle to play with - the complex social structures of play have to be learnt and aren't innate.

Aspie kids often dislike sleeping alone - would explain the bed sharing with her brother.

Aspie kids often have special food likes/dislikes - perhaps why a dish of crab was asked to be held for her?

Aspie girls (although prone to clumsiness) tend to be great at mimicking - dance moves, walks, the way people talk, poses, and have great memories, which may have been why JBR was "provocative". She was able to mimic the poses and looks that were being taught to her.

Now, none of this of course, has any direct impact on finding her killer. BUT I do believe it's something that SHOULD be looked at and explored further. I think that there is a great deal of evidence that could point to JBR possibly being on the ASD spectrum, and could answer a few questions on why things happened and appear to odd / suspicious.

ALSO, Autism / Aspergers is relatively well known now. But still VERY misunderstood - many people have no idea how differently girls present to boys! But back when JBR died, it wasn't so well known, or understood at all (at least not in Australia).

I wonder about the possibility that if both BR and JBR had been diagnosed, their doctor sealed their medical records for the reason that their parents would not like it made public. Maybe shame/embarassment of having a child with additional needs?, not wanting BR to be publicly named as having ASD? Nor wanting JBR's 'image" tarnished).

I don't's just something that I have thought about a lot.

I'd like to hear what other people think, if there is perhaps any validity in my thoughts?
I have a theory about the bedwetting and soiling (of both kids) in particular JBR that I believe there is a lot of evidence to back up, but hasn't been mentioned on here. I also strongly believe that my theory also backs up why PR and JR had the children's medical records sealed - and it has nothing to do with sexual assault or inappropriate touching.

BR's records sealed, fine he is still with us. JonBenet dead, sexually assaulted, so why seal her records?

interesting it possible that the wrist restraints were being used to restrain her from wandering at night. Maybe she was being restrained in bed and she wiggled out or fell out of bed resulting in her choking death.
aussiegirl - interesting post. I wonder if PR was giving JB Fleet Enemas, or was she doing a douche? I do know that if a person is very constipated that the bowel can still work by oozing around the fecal matter that is hard for the person to pass. I can see that JB may scream if an enema forced her to try and pass a large hard bowel movement.
aussiegirl - interesting post. I wonder if PR was giving JB Fleet Enemas, or was she doing a douche? I do know that if a person is very constipated that the bowel can still work by oozing around the fecal matter that is hard for the person to pass. I can see that JB may scream if an enema forced her to try and pass a large hard bowel movement.
Did you ever see a movie called Sybil? I don't remember all of the details, (because I was very young), but didn't the mother douche the daughter and give her enemas? Seems like I remember her filling up a hot water bottle and filling Sybils' bladder with water. Anyway, this was based on a true story, so a mother who sexually abuses her daughter in such ways, isn't exactly unheard of. And yes, from what I've read, I think PR douching her 6 year old daughter, is at the least, borderline sexual abuse. From what we've heard about the screaming and crying in the bathroom, I'd also consider it torture. moo
aussiegirl - interesting post. I wonder if PR was giving JB Fleet Enemas, or was she doing a douche? I do know that if a person is very constipated that the bowel can still work by oozing around the fecal matter that is hard for the person to pass. I can see that JB may scream if an enema forced her to try and pass a large hard bowel movement.

it isn't part of an "official" records, but some of Patsy's friends said that she said to douche JB because if her soiling her pants.
it isn't part of an "official" records, but some of Patsy's friends said that she said to douche JB because if her soiling her pants.

Patsy is last on my list of suspects, due to the circumstances surrounding JonBenet's death.

I cannot rule her out, because I know mothers do abuse in exactly the same manner men do.

Douching does not seem to explain away the erosion or other chronic indicators, if douching had been the cause then why was no evidence of this noted at autopsy?

Patsy is last on my list of suspects, due to the circumstances surrounding JonBenet's death.

I cannot rule her out, because I know mothers do abuse in exactly the same manner men do.

Douching does not seem to explain away the erosion or other chronic indicators, if douching had been the cause then why was no evidence of this noted at autopsy?


Some of this posted on this some time back, and the results of the autopsy are what would lead to some thinking that repeated douching could have caused the type of damage to JB's vagina that was described. Especially given the length of various douche equipment, and the way it might have been administered.

As much as I believe JB was being molested by males in her family, I have to concede that douching done in an extremely forceful way might produce the same results. :moo:
Some of this posted on this some time back, and the results of the autopsy are what would lead to some thinking that repeated douching could have caused the type of damage to JB's vagina that was described. Especially given the length of various douche equipment, and the way it might have been administered.

As much as I believe JB was being molested by males in her family, I have to concede that douching done in an extremely forceful way might produce the same results. :moo:

midwest mama,
Thanks for that. A six-year old girl being douched by her mother using some device well, that sounds just like abuse to me.

I still think its either JR or BR. If it was PR then her lies would not be open to contradiction, she would have had a much better cover story than the one she presented, e.g. the size-12's.

Did you ever see a movie called Sybil? I don't remember all of the details, (because I was very young), but didn't the mother douche the daughter and give her enemas? Seems like I remember her filling up a hot water bottle and filling Sybils' bladder with water. Anyway, this was based on a true story,...moo

She filled up her rectum with water (as an enema does) and forced her to hold it in, at least in the book and movie. It was later found that the story was not true...the psychiatrist (along with others) made up/ embellished most of it:

If douching were performed on JB, at her young age, not only would the mechanical action cause damage, but also the chemical effects, i.e., douching washes away good bacteria which produce lactic acid, rendering a higher (more alkaline) pH vaginally...this type of not-acidic-enough environment is conducive to infection such as bacterial vaginosis, plus some species of Candida (yeast). And those can be highly inflammatory to the delicate tissues. I recoil in horror just thinking about the possibility of this happening to JB!

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