Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

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If If, Casey Anthony ends up facing murder charges, she had better get herself a different Attorney. Baez will make a great prosecution tool, he himself will hang her!
Oh man...... What a tool. :doh:

WHAT A TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love it. great comment.

I think much more appropriate to address the letters,
Hey, tool.
Wonder if the instructors at St. Thomas University are proud.
LE has never made statments about there being a death band. Have they? Nothing about DNA Nothing about chloroform, either. These are all leaks, assumptions and speculations of the media and public based on blanket statements made by LE.

No disrespect intented to LE and not saying I think Casey is innocent. It is what it is, though. LE has not been as specific about the evidence as people are implying.

I agree with that statement. It's a good thing LE is keeping it close to the vest. There's so much that is out there that I forget where the info comes from and get confused as to who said what.
Sure, I don't mind elaborating. Jose Baez makes several good points in his briefing, whether you believe Casey killed Caylee or not. It's about our justice system and how it works.

I think he brings up a very good point when he says that when the LE has evidence of a murder, they don't fool around with check charges.
Karen, they are not &quot;fooling around&quot; with the bad check charges...these CRIMES were commited, and the evidence points towards Casey, who is also a suspect/PO in the disappearance and quite possibly murder of her daughter!!Were they not supposed to charge her with these crimes??? And in doing so and getting the monitoring device in place, keeps her from being a flight risk for crying out loud. This child needs to be found by whatever means possible.</p>
A spokesman for Anthony's lawyer, José Baez, released a statement after the arrest.

"The worst kept secret is that authorities have been sitting on other charges, wholly unrelated to Ms. Anthony's missing daughter, Caylee, and the authorities are merely trying to put pressure on Ms. Anthony and her family through the media," Todd Black wrote.

"It is like addicts going through withdrawal. When things start calming down a little, the authorities inject another media fix, rather than conducting themselves professionally and taking care of whatever charges they have at the same time."

Sheriff's officials would not respond to Black's comments.

"That being said we will continue to stand by the investigative process, techniques and methods that have been employed by the investigators in this case," Capt. Angelo Nieves said in an e-mail. "Our sole purpose is to find out what has happened to Caylee Marie Anthony and her current status and hold a responsible per- son(s) accountable for that, whatever the outcome.",5098935.story

Good afternoon, I've been reading this forum for awhile now and posted once before. I think it's obvious Jose Baez is trying to spin some conspiracy theories of his own. He is very aware of the process.

It takes time to get their evidence. Bank records, video of her cashing the checks, etc. These charges are unrelated to Caylee's disappearance but at the same time ties into it.

If Casey would just tell them the truth about what happened to Caylee, they would not have to apply pressure. Now they are up against the entire family making it very difficult to get correct information. Cindy/George/Lee are now in defense mode trying desperately to cover for Casey. I feel if they continue with this defensive nonsense, they should be charged with obstruction. They are making things difficult for LE.

I would think as much as they love Caylee, they would want this to come to a head. They must feel deep down in their hearts and Caylee is no longer alive due to their daughter Casey. I think Cindy knows this was done to spite her for her love for Caylee overshadowed the love for Casey. As Cindy said, Caylee has been my happiness for three years. Cindy must be Caylee's voice!

As devasting as it will be, Caylee needs to be found dead or alive. We'd all prefer alive but it's 90+ days now no one has seen hide or hair of this baby. All the tests/evidence points to foul play. If we can see it, I'm sure Cindy and George can.

If someone did have her, her chances of being alive are grim. If someone had her and it was innocent they would have stepped up already.

I'd have more respect for the Anthony's if they stood by LE, if they gave a press conference just to relate they will stand by Casey, they will support and love her but if it is found that she had anything to do with Caylee's death, she will have to pay her dues. Simple, so the public will know where they stand.

It's difficult pill to swallow but one that must be done. George Anthony being an X-homicide officer should really know better.
Umm....excuse me......but have you been keeping informed on the "evidence" on this case? Cause......there is evidence of a death band on the hair. There is evidence of chloroform in the trunk and as far as the searches for chloroform, just for the fact it was the item KC searched for on HER computer is compelling enough for anyone that isn't a rocket scientist. Baez is doing the best job he can for his client but unfortunately, not a very good one.

Evidence is only evidence in a court of law!! Leaks are not evidence...if LE had anything they wouldn't be playing these games...and that's just what all these economic crime arrests!,5098935.story

Good afternoon, I've been reading this forum for awhile now and posted once before. I think it's obvious Jose Baez is trying to spin some conspiracy theories of his own. He is very aware of the process.

It takes time to get their evidence. Bank records, video of her cashing the checks, etc. These charges are unrelated to Caylee's disappearance but at the same time ties into it.

If Casey would just tell them the truth about what happened to Caylee, they would not have to apply pressure. Now they are up against the entire family making it very difficult to get correct information. Cindy/George/Lee are now in defense mode trying desperately to cover for Casey. I feel if they continue with this defensive nonsense, they should be charged with obstruction. They are making things difficult for LE.

I would think as much as they love Caylee, they would want this to come to a head. They must feel deep down in their hearts and Caylee is no longer alive due to their daughter Casey. I think Cindy knows this was done to spite her for her love for Caylee overshadowed the love for Casey. As Cindy said, Caylee has been my happiness for three years. Cindy must be Caylee's voice!

As devasting as it will be, Caylee needs to be found dead or alive. We'd all prefer alive but it's 90+ days now no one has seen hide or hair of this baby. All the tests/evidence points to foul play. If we can see it, I'm sure Cindy and George can.

If someone did have her, her chances of being alive are grim. If someone had her and it was innocent they would have stepped up already.

I'd have more respect for the Anthony's if they stood by LE, if they gave a press conference just to relate they will stand by Casey, they will support and love her but if it is found that she had anything to do with Caylee's death, she will have to pay her dues. Simple, so the public will know where they stand.

It's difficult pill to swallow but one that must be done. George Anthony being an X-homicide officer should really know better.

Welcome...and excellent points, particularly about the A's standing by LE.
don't get it twisted...I'm not saying KC is innocent...but I have begun to question LE's tactics!
and as far as Baez goes, I think he is doing his job very well...It is by far a difficult job to do!
Im sorry but I find it funny some say these check charges are games. Casey did the crime and got caught she will do the time no game there. I wonder if some would be saying this if it were there money and checks KC took. And IMO even if Caylee wasnt missing Amy still would of press charges so to me thats a omit point. As far as LE having evidents I have no doubt in my mind they do and if they want to charge and win a case of murder they have to take there time and do it right you only get one chance. If anything LE has given KC plenty of ways out of this whole mess but she refusses it. That hardly screams there setting KC up quite the opposite to me. All we can do is wait and see. And as far as JB I personally have a hard time believing anything that he says period. But as always this is JMO:)
Evidence is only evidence in a court of law!! Leaks are not evidence...if LE had anything they wouldn't be playing these games...and that's just what all these economic crime arrests!
No, these economic crimes are crimes, not games. If someone stole money from you but was possibly going to be charged with murder would you want the crimes against you to be ignored? I know I wouldn't. You should not be able to get away with stealing, defrauding, etc. because you might be suspected of murder. That makes no sense to me.

LE is still investigating this case and do not want to give the most likely suspect any heads up on what they have. What is so difficult for people to understand about that? It is an ongoing investigation and they need to have the opportunity to put their complete case together. How does it make sense to share evidence, findings, facts...whatever you wanna call it? If that was protocol then suspects would know what LE is doing/thinking and have the opportunity to cover up facts or hide evidence. It makes no sense.
I am off topic here yet do not know where to post this question.

Can the Judge revoke bond? No Bond?

If not Why? Is so why has he not done it?
Seems like he could make here stay until she talks or a trial.
I am off topic here yet do not know where to post this question.

Can the Judge revoke bond? No Bond?

If not Why? Is so why has he not done it?
Seems like he could make here stay until she talks or a trial.
It is my understanding that once bond is set and paid it can only be revoked under certain circumstances, such as a violation of the bond requirements (ie, no drugs, etc.).

Something called the 5th amendment gives Casey the right to remain silent.
I am off topic here yet do not know where to post this question.

Can the Judge revoke bond? No Bond?

If not Why? Is so why has he not done it?
Seems like he could make here stay until she talks or a trial.

Yes, a judge can revoke bond and/or set a No Bond under certain circumstances.

IMHO . . . 1) Prosecution asked for the highest bond possible & 2) Judge set the bond as high as he possibly constitutionally could in relation to LEs current charges in order to keep KC in jail; however, she was bonded out (constitutional right).

This revolving door crap is henious & unusual.
Evidence is only evidence in a court of law!! Leaks are not evidence...if LE had anything they wouldn't be playing these games...and that's just what all these economic crime arrests!

Games? Are you denying Casey committed these crimes? These are not little games . . .
I am off topic here yet do not know where to post this question.

Can the Judge revoke bond? No Bond?

If not Why? Is so why has he not done it?
Seems like he could make here stay until she talks or a trial.

In Florida by law, a judge cannot revoke bond unless a term of the bond is violated. The lesser crimes here were committed before the first arrest of Casey. This is why Casey's bond has not been revoked.

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