Jose Baez News Briefing of today 9/16

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Personally between this guy and Joel Brodsky I am starting to think it may be more than a coincidence .. the level of intelligence and job performance in attorneys who share the initials JB.

Yikes, can we say some attorneys, or some male attorneys, who share the initials JB?
While holding up signs outside the Anthony home may be within their rights, I find it so hard to believe that the shouting and carrying on is within their rights. If I was one of the Anthony's neighbors, I would be calling the police. And I do believe that the HOA would have won their case today had they had the "organizations" name. They did not, because it is not an organized protest. It's more of a free for all.

This HOA only has power over people who have signed contracts with them, like the Anthony's. Since the HOA did not build the road, sidewalks, nor do they have a gated community, the streets are considered public. The sidewalks are considered public. The upkeep of the streets and sidewalks happen to be the "City". The HOA does not have a leg to stand on legally about telling the public or the media, what they can or cannot do on public land. The Judge in the case only had to state one reason to deny the case. Can you imagine trying to serve all those protesters who come and go, some only showing up for an hour and then are never seen again? It would be impossible. This was discussed on the thread concering the denial.
Non-bias jury usually means a change of venue, which was the case as soon as this case hit the media about a Mother lying about everything when her child is missing., which had already become a necessity before the first three days after Casey was arrested. Since change of venue was already a given, why not try to encourage Cindy/George/Lee to come to terms with Caylee being gone and let them try to get Casey to tell the truth, so they could bury the poor child?(Granted this did not work, but wasn't it worth a try?) We have no idea why they leaked that information, but they could have been trying to get someone we do not know to give up info they were holding because they could not believe that Caylee was gone.
As for a law to force the Police to release any and all information in an ongoing case, even before charges are brought, that is a horrible thought. If you would like to know why I think that, please go read this article.

And maybe you are right, maybe the police were doing just that. Giving out information in hopes to gain more information. Who knows what the real motive was for doing that? But I still don't think LE should release information in an ongoing investigation.
You are absolutely correct. I have too many things open and copied the wrong thing. I always say...I'm gettin too old for this. :grandma:


LOL...not a problem. You are forgiven. Been there done that myself I'm sure.

Why isn't Todd Black addressing the public/media? He is the PR guy right? Oh he only reads and writes? No speaking?
I agree with that "free for all" is a good way to put it.

(verrrrrry carefully quoted):crazy:

Both sides though are over the edge with emotion and the stubborness that come with representing a cause.

I don't know how LE can tackle one side without giving the other side the same spanking.....

jmo the quote. And yes, I agree this is a very emotional case. And I do know that at one time the Anthony's could have pressed charges on the people that were banging on their door but opted not to. I think that they too understand the emotions of the people outside of their home (although I think they are wearing thin of it).

LE may not be able to tackle one side without giving the other side the same spanking....however, their are innocent people (neighbors) that are being affected by this, as are their children, etc... The law is the law.
Why isn't Todd Black addressing the public/media? He is the PR guy right? Oh he only reads and writes? No speaking?

It could be that Baez happens to be just like the Anthony's, they can't keep their mouth's shut, and let their PR people work. They are just driven to talk, and run down the street, climbing in people's vehicles, cussing at them, etc etc etc
This HOA only has power over people who have signed contracts with them, like the Anthony's. Since the HOA did not build the road, sidewalks, nor do they have a gated community, the streets are considered public. The sidewalks are considered public. The upkeep of the streets and sidewalks happen to be the "City". The HOA does not have a leg to stand on legally about telling the public or the media, what they can or cannot do on public land. The Judge in the case only had to state one reason to deny the case. Can you imagine trying to serve all those protesters who come and go, some only showing up for an hour and then are never seen again? It would be impossible. This was discussed on the thread concering the denial.

Okay, that sounds very reasonable. I think that the protestors that are breaking the law should be charged. I don't think it would take many people being charged to gain back some sort of order in that neighborhood. People would be a little more hesitant to scream and yell, etc...if they thought they would get charged. There has to be some sort of know what I mean?
Why isn't Todd Black addressing the public/media? He is the PR guy right? Oh he only reads and writes? No speaking?

I guess this case is turning into some weird game of ----

"Guess what I really do for a living....I've got a Secret."

The babysitter was an alleged kidnapper and counsel now sits for Mom and is the only sitter we can actually find.

The PR guy is keeping a low profile while Baez, Lee and Cindy are heard on the news....not to be confused with the PR guy of Cindy & George who went on a media blitz and fell off the earth.

The guy driving Casey in the red truck today was not a bodyguard or chauffeur. That was a guy who was from the place that did one of the check arrest case bonds. McDonald's ..Mc -something, I think....

Pretty much, I give up.
Indulge me for a moment so I can divert what I'd like to say to JB onto my fellow WB's. I will preface this with, this is only my opinion.

Dear Mr. Baez,
I realize your job is to defend your client and your implication local law enforcement is not conducting a proper investigation serves in your interest to create public doubt. That seed planted makes for a good defense attorney. However, the public is fully aware the FBI is assisting in local law enforcement's investigation and may perceive your implication as a great insult they are not conducting an investigation at the highest standards.

You'd also mentioned LE hasn't shared any of their findings. Surely you're aware they are under no obligation to surrender those findings in that investigation prior to filing formal charges. And in this instance, no party has been charged.

And respectfully, let's just call a spade a payers money is being wasted not based on your reasons, but on LE and FBI having no information as to the whereabouts of a child who was last with her mother. Mr. Baez, the only person who's created the circus is your client.
see this is the part that is driving them crazy!! that's why he does pressers, thats why the a's play on the computer. they are going crazy waiting to be charged. they know something is coming, they just don't know what. Anybody know what the fear of the unknown is like?It's maddening. Til she is charged, they can't see evidence, they can't start their defense tactics, they can't make a move til they know what they are dealing with. That's why they argue facts and say, "why don't they charge her if they have that evidence? they haven't charged her with anything! all we know is a child is missing. " They are tormented by thoughts of what could happen while trying to find someone, anyone that will validate their hope nothing does happen. This presser is more proof of the downward spiral these people are going through, it's way too long, and makes him look totally desperate. Every point he makes might be valid if he were only working an "economic crime" case. By trying to downplay the charges, it is obvious he right there on the playing field with le. He is making statements without taking in the entire scope of this case and making careless statements. "waste of taxpayer $" "playing games" when his client is far more guilty of wasting taxpayer money with her lies, and started the game playing by leading the detectives on wild goose chases. To make such careless statements only shows how much of an amateur he is and how he really is in over his head.

Great post -I agree wholeheartedly. I can only imagine that it is pure he** on a control freak, like CA appears to be, to know one can't control what is going on, and I would think she probably thinks that. I wonder if CA and GA are paying JB and are demanding he speak up like this. Just a thought I had.
Jose Baez is the laughing stock of the country! He is making a fool out of himself!
My best friend was just appointed judgeship and he said that any lawyer knows that "discovery" is not revealed until an indictment has been handed down. He said that the lawyers and judges at our local court house were thoroughly enjoying watching Baez! Makes for some pretty laughable entertainment!
I think JB is right about a lot of things in this press conference.
He is right about the leaks of "evidence"
the hair - there is no evidence of it having a death band
the chloroform - there is no evidence of it being in the trunk. It is merely speculation.
the chloroform searches - nothing here either, not with out times and dates of the searches, reciepts, a delivery or proof that a transaction was made, or that she attempted to create chlorofrom herself.

It makes me wonder why they are leaking information, when they don't have the whole story? It gives a lot of credibility to what JB is saying.

Umm....excuse me......but have you been keeping informed on the "evidence" on this case? Cause......there is evidence of a death band on the hair. There is evidence of chloroform in the trunk and as far as the searches for chloroform, just for the fact it was the item KC searched for on HER computer is compelling enough for anyone that isn't a rocket scientist. Baez is doing the best job he can for his client but unfortunately, not a very good one.
Umm....excuse me......but have you been keeping informed on the "evidence" on this case? Cause......there is evidence of a death band on the hair. There is evidence of chloroform in the trunk and as far as the searches for chloroform, just for the fact it was the item KC searched for on HER computer is compelling enough for anyone that isn't a rocket scientist. Baez is doing the best job he can for his client but unfortunately, not a very good one.

LE has never made statments about there being a death band. Have they? Nothing about DNA Nothing about chloroform, either. These are all leaks, assumptions and speculations of the media and public based on blanket statements made by LE.

No disrespect intented to LE and not saying I think Casey is innocent. It is what it is, though. LE has not been as specific about the evidence as people are implying.
Yo Baez, if your client is innocent and telling the truth, then Zanny's real. If Zanny's real, then all your client has to do to stop this 'circus' is to prove it. Should be easy enough if there's a multiple year relationship between your client and this Zanny person in Orlando. Should be able to point truthfully with specific factual information to at least one place where Zanny has ever lived, where Caylee has ever been dropped off with her. Should be some verifiable proof, some lease, some application for utility hookup, some roommate, some relative... Should be phone records somewhere of incoming and outgoing communication between a babysitter and the mom, at least one call between them that could lead to a phone number that could be verified to have been used by Zanny, at least one job Zanny's had, at least one other person who's ever met this Zanny, at least one Zanny friend or neighbor, creditor or client, one location where she's ever shown up in Orlando. If your client 'didn't trust the police,' perhaps your client has conviced you that Zanny is real by giving you proof. Where is it? Why let your client be dragged through this mess if there's proof that Zanny exists? Give it to the media, leak yourself, and lets end this thing! A little girl is missing and the lies of your client are doing nothing to help find her own daughter. That's the take out order, right there, the whole #9 combination plate. You want to end this circus, get your client to tell police the truth so they can find this little girl. That's not happening. The truth is not being told. You and your client are the only ones who can change that.
This is the evidence that I'm talking about. The media leaks about gas tests and chloroform, etc...

This is the evidence that will make it more difficult to find non-biased jury pool. And quite frankly, I think laws should be changed. Laws allowing media to obtain information that is part of an ongoing investigation.

That is a much different point than what you were initially stating. If it is the laws that JB is upset about then why blame LE, they didn't make the laws...they are following them. Could it be that he himself is trying to sway public opinion? Could it be he is attempting to mislead the public and make LE look shady?

Jose Baez is the laughing stock of the country! He is making a fool out of himself!
My best friend was just appointed judgeship and he said that any lawyer knows that "discovery" is not revealed until an indictment has been handed down. He said that the lawyers and judges at our local court house were thoroughly enjoying watching Baez! Makes for some pretty laughable entertainment!
I agree Trapshooter. He really did make himself look incredibly bad. This just goes along with the way the family has been the public is ignorant and should just buy into their way of seeing things. They strike out at anything that doesn't fit into the story they are telling...i.e. attempting to shut up protesters, shut down searches, shut down websites and force LE to share whatever evidence they may use in a murder trial, and the list goes on. They are the ones who are trying to intimidate people (including Tricia) into doing what they want. Seems to be a way of life with this group of folks. What does LE want? The truth.
That is a much different point than what you were initially stating. If it is the laws that JB is upset about then why blame LE, they didn't make the laws...they are following them. Could it be that he himself is trying to sway public opinion? Could it be he is attempting to mislead the public and make LE look shady?

I agree Trapshooter. He really did make himself look incredibly bad. This just goes along with the way the family has been the public is ignorant and should just buy into their way of seeing things. They strike out at anything that doesn't fit into the story they are telling...i.e. attempting to shut up protesters, shut down searches, shut down websites and force LE to share whatever evidence they may use in a murder trial, and the list goes on. They are the ones who are trying to intimidate people (including Tricia) into doing what they want. Seems to be a way of life with this group of folks. What does LE want? The truth.

Yep, and people have got to ask, "Why does Team Anthony seem to be SOOOO afraid of the truth?" What is it about the truth that they think can hurt them? And if they aren't afraid of the truth, why isn't it being told?
I think it was LE who got the guided tour...

to Zanny's
to Universal
to the retirement home....
Congradulations Mr. Baez. You have made a name for yourself by taking on the Casey Anthony case. Unfortunately for you, it is a bad name. You are now costantly critiqued by expert and veteran defense attorneys on national news programs. These veteran attorneys are saying your defense tactics a mockery and laughable. You are now unliked by the majority of public. Additionally, you have publically insulted the State of Florida, The FBI, and the Orange County Sheriff department. Way to go, winner!

**At this point, I wouldn't want your help for a traffic ticket****

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