Jose Baez to read Casey Anthony's Statement regarding her daughter's memorial

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I disagree with part of your post I bolded. The last thing the defense should want is for the remains to be cremated.

I think what the meaning behind that statement was, at least how I thought it to mean, was that the cremation was done and the statement was made by the defense "the grandparents wanted it, we didn't, so if there's any evidence left it's too late, wasn't my idea," etc. I think they are setting up a trap early and getting it on tape that it was the grandparents' idea and may have lost evidence because they wanted a burial in a casket. KWIM?
For the public to know that Cindy went against Casey's wishes, and once again she is the victim in all of this...:sick:

I think it's more than cremation vs. burial. I think KC is pizzed that she's being reviled for not releasing the remains to her parents. Hey, she does have standards. lol.
"I miss Caylee every day and every minute of every day. I can't be there for Caylee's funeral, but some day I want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.

"I love my parents to be in charge of the funeral for Caylee. I told them I wanted her buried in a casket, and I wanted there to be a gravestone so I can go and visit her. I asked them if there could only be a private funeral for just the family. I know they cremated her. I still don't want a public event with cameras and everybody around for Caylee's service, but I can't stop my parents from doing what they want. I truly hope that it will help them."

One big thing jumps out at me. She NEVER said she loved her daughter.

Maybe she made a New Years Resolution to stop lying? :confused:

TEA: I can't, off the top of my head, remember ever hearing her say that.
To me anyway, this was just a big ol' FU from Casey to her parents. Don't you know she is having a hissy fit because she will not be at that big memorial tomorrow, just like she did when she found out about fixing chili on Caylee's birthday and having people over..

Also, Cindy's cameos...remember the call from jail? KC was jealous that it was CA and not her on TV.
I don't believe the majority of the general public cares what Casey wants. I sure don't.
JBazzzzza's comment seemed so steri;e, no emotion words used to desribe KC feelings about not wanting a public memorial. Didn't she say in a jailhouse visit thatCaylee has become everyones child or something to that effect. If something goes wrong at the memorial we have vixen woman saying,"I told you this wasn't needed but you had to make one more cameo!
I apologize if this is off-topic, but don't public memorials usually occur after the individual has been buried/had sacred funeral rites?

Why hasn't Caylee been laid to rest? This is so incredibly sad to me and upsetting.

Forgive me if this has been already been answered...

My guess is that they plan to keep Caylee in their home. They may have held a private service already, the day that G and C sat with Caylee at the funeral home. Caylee is probably already at home with them now.
I just got a chance to read it. I'm actually surprised that the defense would allow her to make the statement.

I don't know how this helps? Maybe to try to humanize KC but that may have better been served with a unifying statement rather than this. I wonder if KC pressed JB hard to make this statement because she is so headstrong or, JB felt she needed to make a statement and this is all they had?
I can not figure out why JB allowed this statement. I say allowed as in WTF was he thinking??? If he was trying to garner some sympathy for KC, it didn't work. All she did was whine, with JB as the ventriliquist.

Didn't JB say in court that HE was responsible for Caylee's remains? A funeral home is not going to cremate remains unless they have permission from the next of kin - or that next of kin designates someone to make decisions from them. Well, KC just threw someone else under the bus, the Funeral Home!!! Obviously, they did not follow the instructions given by the next of kin, right? I hope someone from that place says Hey, wait a minute and lays out exactly who told them to cremate the remains and what proof that person had that they were acting on behalf of KC.

This may have been the dumbest thing JB has done since this case started - and yes I am including hiring Todd Blackmail - or allowing him to speak for JB. There is not one thing in the statement that made me feel even the littlest bit sorry for KC - all I heard was whine, whine, whine. There is not one sentence that evokes anything but complete contempt for KC.

If JB does have people who read here and at other forums to gauge emotions and feeling about this case, he is going to get an earful tonight! The backlash created by this self centered, woe is me, statement is going to be more potent than anything he has seen before. He might have been better off saying that he talked to KC and she 'feels'.......but to have her own words out there is going to create a firestorm or already has.

Nice move, JB - can't wait to see what you come up with next!
hmm wanted her in a coffin. Maybe she should've thought about that when she tossed her in the woods!
Just curious why we need to know this. Of all things she could have said...why bring that up?

I don't know how this helps? Maybe to try to humanize KC but that may have better been served with a unifying statement rather than this. I wonder if KC pressed JB hard to make this statement because she is so headstrong or, JB felt she needed to make a statement and this is all they had?

It is bizarre and not very smart. Maybe she will get headstrong about wanting to testify, or representing herself...
Statement from KC as read by JB
I miss Caylee every day and every minute of every day. I can't be there for Caylee's funeral but some dayI want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.
I allowed my parents to be in charge of the funeral for Caylee, I told them that I wanted her buried in a casket and I wanted there to be a grave stone so I can go and visit her. I asked them if there could only be a private funeral for just the family. I know they cremated her. I still don't want a public event with cameras and everybody around for Caylee's service. But I can't stop my parents from doing what they want. I truly hope that it will help them.

For those that dont speak caseynese, here's a rough translation:

I miss my freedom every minute of everyday. I cant be there for her funeral because I'm stuck in this stupid jail, because nobody used the resources I gave them. But someday when an imaginary jury find me innocent, i will go to her grave and pretend to be the grieving mother,but really to tell her that I forgive her for making me sit in the place where they make me eat coleslaw, and tell her how much i missed my freedom.
I let my parents arrange the service cause its kinda hard to make arrangements from where i'm at, and i'm used to them running errands for me anyway.
I told them how I wanted her buried this time, and they show me no respect! Just because I already burried her doesnt mean I shouldnt get to have a say in how it goes this time.
They are the ones who cremated her- at least I had the decency to bury her, kinda. This shows how sick and twisted they are- not me.
I wanted a private service because I hate my daughter still getting more attention than me. Even though shes dead now, she's still making my life a misery.
I cant get my parents to do what I want anymore. I cant believe they've dissed me like this for the whole world to see. This proves they loved her more than me. I hope they hear this and know just how betrayed I feel.

~ end of translation ~

I havent actually taken the caseynese course, so I might not be spot on, but this is pretty close I think.
My guess is that they plan to keep Caylee in their home. They may have held a private service already, the day that G and C sat with Caylee at the funeral home. Caylee is probably already at home with them now.

eeew- maybe that's one way KC can have her wish to all be at home together (however she phrased it in the 8/14 jailhouse tape), only now she won't have to interact with the kid. Ok, this whole gang makes me snarky. Bad EchointheDark. Bad. Bad.
My guess is that they plan to keep Caylee in their home. They may have held a private service already, the day that G and C sat with Caylee at the funeral home. Caylee is probably already at home with them now.

I wonder why they've gone out of their way (through BC) to say the remains haven't been released? If they chose a private ceremony why go on the news and continue to say otherwise? They're not all that private after all (witness the upcoming extravaganza tomorrow). I just don't get it.

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