Josh Duggar charged with Receipt/Possession Child Sexual Abuse Material, 29 April 2021 #1

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Some males who sexually abuse minor children are opportunistic predators as opposed to clinically diagnosed pedophiles. I had previously thought Josh fit the first category, mainly because of his participation in the Ashley Madison site and cheating on his wife.

Boy was I wrong. Josh Duggar is IMO a true pedophile who (allegedly for now) downloaded depictions of sexual abuse of minors under the age of 12. So it's pretty clear that his strongest interests are prepubescent children.

As far as I understand, the only sure way to prevent pedophiles from continued victimization of children is to put them in prison.

I think most people (I mean this in a general sense) imagine pedophiles as not having sex lives with grown adults, adult affairs, etc. Actually, most pedophiles maintain relationships with adults and even affairs. Pedophilia does not mean EXCLUSIVE attraction to children, with the inability to be sexually aroused by anyone else. This is what is so terrifying about them, they can have "normal" relationships and experiences that allow them to keep facades. Not that the Duggar family is normal in any sense...but you get what I'm saying.
I've never understood the fascination with the Duggars. They had 19 kids but it seems like they only really looked after the first four or five since the caregiver role was passed onto the kids while mommy and daddy spent time procreating. Can you imagine the free rein that Josh had during the times he was 'looking after' his sisters?

The Duggar boys don't look after their siblings. Only the girls are/were expected to look after their siblings. As soon as a baby was off breast milk, they were assigned a buddy (sister mom) to take care of them. Most of the children were raised by an older sister. It's heart-wrenching to watch some of the Duggar daughter weddings because their "buddies" are extremely upset knowing that their sister-mom is leaving them.

I feel most sorry for Jana the oldest. She must suffer from Stockholm Syndrome to stick around in such a poisonous environment.

I think Jana has stuck around as long as she has because she is protective of her siblings. Josh molested her younger siblings and I think that made her resolve to never let her younger siblings be harmed again so she's stuck around, long after she could have married and moved out.

Well that's chilling !
If it's still online -- there was a snippet from an interview with some of Josh's sisters on Fox News where the sisters backtracked from the accusations against their brother.
I felt is was distasteful to make the sisters defend their brother.
Where was JimBob, the head of the family ?

Exclusive: Duggar sisters want to 'set the record straight' | Fox News

Jill and Jessa Duggar Defend Their Brother Josh: 'We Are Not a Perfect Family' - ABC News

OMG, those girls were coached on every word out of their mouths. Very carefully chosen words so as not to say he was doing anything wrong.

And they say basically everything is OK “there’s locks on the doors”! So they had to lock the boys in at night to keep them from molesting the girls?

Clearly their parenting methods failed them. And they cannot admit this. Just keep prayin’

Action speaks louder than prayer.
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The Duggar boys don't look after their siblings. Only the girls are/were expected to look after their siblings. As soon as a baby was off breast milk, they were assigned a buddy (sister mom) to take care of them. Most of the children were raised by an older sister. It's heart-wrenching to watch some of the Duggar daughter weddings because their "buddies" are extremely upset knowing that their sister-mom is leaving them.

I think Jana has stuck around as long as she has because she is protective of her siblings. Josh molested her younger siblings and I think that made her resolve to never let her younger siblings be harmed again so she's stuck around, long after she could have married and moved out.


We only know what they tell us. Josh and his sisters lived in a very small house where he went into their bedroom(s) and assaulted them. He assaulted them systematically with impunity. He assaulted a baby sitter during that time. None of the victims raised an alarm. Normalizing behavior usually causes that.

All those children lived in a toxic environment. I wonder whether the child of a 'friend', who appeared on some of the child *advertiser censored* in the possession of James Hutchens the disgraced state trooper, was a Duggar child. Hutchens did nothing when advised of Josh's indiscretion. And neither did the Duggar parents. So you may be well right that Jana sticks around because she knows more than we know.
I've never understood the fascination with the Duggars. They had 19 kids but it seems like they only really looked after the first four or five since the caregiver role was passed onto the kids while mommy and daddy spent time procreating. Can you imagine the free rein that Josh had during the times he was 'looking after' his sisters?

They are grifters par excellence. Actively pursuing free stuff from big companies because they couldn't have afforded any of the stuff they have without it while they preached a debt free life style. Even TLC paid for their home. They speak out of both sides of their mouths. Virtue signaling at its finest. It's not as if they were blindsided by have quintuplets where companies bombard shell shocked parents with diapers, cribs and clothing for the next 5 years.

Any other woman who had children one after another without any kind of income to support them would be called a welfare queen. These people have been celebrated for their irresponsible behavior. It's sickening.

I feel most sorry for Jana the oldest. She must suffer from Stockholm Syndrome to stick around in such a poisonous environment. As for Josh and all his 'J' named siblings, hopefully he can add a new one: Jailbird.

The " fascination" started when a producer or other exec. from TLC ( you know, The " Learning" Channel) saw a photo of Jim Bob and Michelle going to vote with their gaggle of very small children dressed in red white and blue trailing behind them.
The TV show produced a few high- ratings specials back when the family was still growing and poor, and eventually made them into celebrity millionaires. Along with the weirdo factor of all but one daughter who is married, uses birth control, and drinks socially with her husband ( Jill Duggar Dillard and her husband, Derek), they are now as well known for their hateful perversions of Biblical scriptures and meaning thereof. Jill and her husband and 2 sons have been ostracized from the Duggar family " fellowship" by and large because they dared break away in significant ways.

Anyone can read about Josh's removal from the original " 19 Kids and Counting", but that's only the tip of the iceberg.

As for why Jana has stayed, she's been in a serious courtship for months, but with Josh's alleged federal crimes against children, the young man may cut ties and run before he gets any more involved with her. Josiah's former girlfriend broke their engagement when one of Josh's scandals broke- I believe it was the Ashley Madison website Josh Duggar prostitute- hiring sting.

To summarize, it's a bunch of hypervigilant fundamental Christians who followed the teachings of a pedophile, Bill Gothard, since the 1970's. Google HIM for the basic history of the Duggar's beliefs. Although he was " cast out" for his abuse of young teen girls working for his " ministry" just a few years ago when he was in his 70's already, his stain has blighted the judgment and the ability of multiple generations of families in the USA to love HEALTHILY, to grow as individuals, to pursue education as a worthy goal, and to marry for true love, stay single or childless. To accept themselves and others as being gay or lesbian. To even be OK with 21st century women wearing slacks! The list of oppression is almost endless.
Bill ( William) Gothard was the head from which all the squirmy snakes sprouted and have multiplied.
I can also recommend the website www. as it is full of first person written accounts of young girls' grooming and inappropriate behavior by their " boss", William Gothard, as well as the final action taken against him around 7 years ago.
Gothard ruined many young impressionable adults' minds and lives, and Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar were caught up in his cult because an ill- informed doctor told them Michelle's birth control pills caused an early miscarriage. Instead of dealing with the grief, and getting the facts, they joined a cult which does not permit birth control for any reason, but DOES promote " blanket training" as punishment for toddlers.
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I will be shocked if it doesn't have to do with some sort of sexual abuse, predatory behavior, etc. Predators don't stop. And he has children who are also at his constant reach. I actually got into arguments with people who defended him because he was "Christian". Wearing a Christianity costume doesn't excuse predatory behavior. Stop excusing child Predators. The end. No excuses. Forgive all you want, but accountability is still required. Those girls were dismissed and harmed a second time, by that line of thinking.
I'm a Christian. I wouldn't defend his actions, not even if he was my own son.
I'm a Christian. I wouldn't defend his actions, not even if he was my own son.

I agree with you 100%. In fact, if my son were involved in any criminal activities, especially crimes against children, and I found the scurrilous hidden info, I'd be the one calling the FBI on his head. I'd also never speak of him or to him again, because a person who exploits children through CSA is less than a human being to me. Name doesn't matter, they just are ANIMALS.
Oh carp!!! Does that mean it's related to *advertiser censored*?
Yes, Knox. He's up on 2 separate charges related to Child Sexual Exploitation, which is what the illegal images of minors is accurately called.

It seems to be a well- executed arrest by Homeland Security, one with many months in the making. Restrictions are already in place to keep Joshua Duggar away from ALL minor children, including his own 6.
IF he is guilty, I hope he doesn't live to see the light of day again. IMO.
Nah, Daddy will bail him out.

Federal court/ federal prison doesn't work like regular court. He will have to serve the majority of time meted out for each of the 2 accusations if found guilty. ( I believe it's 85%). There will be no lengthy trial; the evidence is there or he wouldn't have been put in a holding jail cell.
MOST Federal charges have a No Bail status. ( I'm sure there are a few exceptions of which I'm unaware).
Federal court/ federal prison doesn't work like regular court. He will have to serve the majority of time meted out for each of the 2 accusations if found guilty. ( I believe it's 85%). There will be no lengthy trial; the evidence is there or he wouldn't have been put in a holding jail cell.
MOST Federal charges have a No Bail status. ( I'm sure there are a few exceptions of which I'm unaware).
The judge himself indicated Josh would have to find a "3rd party home with no minors present" if he was able to make bond. So I assume that possibility exists?

I can see Josh and his attorney denying he knowingly downloaded child *advertiser censored*. In other cases, I've seen the defendant say images of children were buried within the file of "adult" images they downloaded.
At least one Duggar appears to have a solid head on her shoulders.

Jinger Duggar and Husband Jeremy Vuolo Address Her Brother Josh's Child *advertiser censored* Charges: 'We Are Disturbed'
In a joint statement shared to their respective Instagram accounts on Friday, Jinger, 27, and her husband Jeremy Vuolo both said that they are "disturbed" after the charges were brought against Josh.

"We are disturbed to hear of the charges against Josh. While this case must go through the legal system, we want to make it clear that we absolutely condemn any form of child abuse and fully support the authorities and judicial process in their pursuit of justice," the Counting On stars' posts read.
What stands out to me in this statement, are the words "this case must go through the legal system."
Federal court/ federal prison doesn't work like regular court. He will have to serve the majority of time meted out for each of the 2 accusations if found guilty. ( I believe it's 85%). There will be no lengthy trial; the evidence is there or he wouldn't have been put in a holding jail cell.
MOST Federal charges have a No Bail status. ( I'm sure there are a few exceptions of which I'm unaware).

Will this turn out like Indiana's Jared Fogle, where Fogle is now doing his time in a low-level, country club atmosphere type prison in Colorado?
What stands out to me in this statement, are the words "this case must go through the legal system."

Will this turn out like Indiana's Jared Fogle, where Fogle is now doing his time in a low-level, country club atmosphere type prison in Colorado?

I was hesitant to mention Fogle, but the process should be identical as far as the searches by the FBI ( under the auspices of the HSA).
As there are Federal prisons all over the USA, it's impossible to say where Joshua Duggar will land IF he's found guilty/ takes a guilty plea deal.

BTW, I think all should be aware that his next older brother is named J.D,. his name being John David Duggar.
I think, because of his brother's name, it's important to name Josh Duggar as " Duggar" or the like and not " J.D."
As far as is known now, J.D. Duggar has no link to any crime and none has ever been insinuated. J.D. Duggar is Jana Duggar's twin, if this helps anyone place him within the family structure. He's also a pilot. ( His claim to fame. )
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The judge himself indicated Josh would have to find a "3rd party home with no minors present" if he was able to make bond. So I assume that possibility exists?

I can see Josh and his attorney denying he knowingly downloaded child *advertiser censored*. In other cases, I've seen the defendant say images of children were buried within the file of "adult" images they downloaded.

The possibility of bail exists. Barely. Usually it's " No Bail" or very high bail for a Federal charge, and he has at least 2 Federal charges against him.

I hope it's clear that he lives in a warehouse on the Duggar parents' property with his wife and 7 ( soon to be 8) children.
His parents, who are likely his only supporters, have minor daughters at home, and all of his adult siblings are married with one or more children, except a newlywed brother or two who both married this spring. ( I'm not implying they'd let him in the door).
His sentencing and disposition should occur very soon. As we know, all are presumed innocent in the US criminal justice system until proven guilty.

Sure, people try to say a stray adult *advertiser censored* image got on their HDD by accident, but we are not talking 1 or even 10 images of CSE. Many illegal images are believed to have been procured from a known source, and found on Joshua Duggar's computer or computers. Still, possession of just one image of a child being exploited sexually is a Federal crime.

After all he's done, and with this now, I'm bowing out. I can find absolutely no defense of him in my heart at all. This is NOT smoke and mirrors, it is factual hard imaging of children being exploited. Closely linked to foreign terrorist cells, who embed messages to each other and to procure new recruits in the files too. That's why HSA gets involved with the FBI now. His targets have always been the weakest of society, not fighter terrorist cells.
( I am not implying that Joshua Duggar had any interaction with a foreign terrorist cell directly or for the reason of terrorism against the USA).

I believe in innocent until proven guilty but IMO, he hurt his sisters with forceful deliberation and malice of forethought and I can't really separate his sex crimes in my mind.
IF he's found guilty, I hope he never walks free again. That's how I feel about all who exploit vulnerable men, and all women and children through criminal sex acts.
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