Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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I have not really follow this case. But can someone tell me what the significance of her teen journals are?

IMO, probably nothing except Josh and Steven Powell think they can use them to besmirch Susan and her family.
I need some help. I could have sworn I read somewhere that JP told his sons when they asked where their mom was that she was looking for gems of some kind? Does anyone recall that at all? If so, could you point me back to it?

It was a strong rumor that one of the boys told the police that their mom was in a cave looking for crystals.
Supposedly the teen journals are supposed to show "suicidal tendencies." She (unconfirmed) took 20 aspirin?

I heard it was some ibuprophen but not that many. It was when she was a teenager and her dad said she was upset because they weren't able to keep one of their dogs so they had to give it away.

Whatever it was, it wasn't that big of a deal and she wrote at the time that she was not trying to kill herself.

These journals would have no significance at all if SP hadn't grabbed them up, hid them in his *advertiser censored* closet and tried to use them as fuel for smearing Susan's character.
It was a strong rumor that one of the boys told the police that their mom was in a cave looking for crystals.

Sort of makes you wonder if the police got this from one of the boys at the beginning of the investigation. Maybe it ties in some way to the recent searches in Ely, which then (and I DO believe something was found of great significance to the investigation) prompted the massive (wow! 20 investigators and forensic trailers to boot!) residence search.
Does anyone know if The Today Show is the only show with J.P. today?

This has probably been discussed and if so, I apologize for repeating. It bugs me that Josh has been the POI since the beginning of all this so why is LE just NOW taking the computers and searching his van? I mean shouldn't that have been done before now. I realize he took off and ran to Daddy but didn't think it happened so quickly that they couldn't have gathered this evidence then. TIA
I want to know where he is this morning. Did the boys make it to school today?

We need a neighbor here!

Armywife, where are you? If you know anyone else who lives in the neighborhood, maybe you could invite them to join us!
WOW! Woweewowow! Taking acting lessons from his son. How interesting. Especially since Josh is the worst actor ever. Steve needs a new coach!

Anyone remembers Josh's real estate website (I'm sure is has been taken down by this point) but in the section about himself, where he tells about his educational background, I thought he said that he was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities in college - including drama.
This has probably been discussed and if so, I apologize for repeating. It bugs me that Josh has been the POI since the beginning of all this so why is LE just NOW taking the computers and searching his van? I mean shouldn't that have been done before now. I realize he took off and ran to Daddy but didn't think it happened so quickly that they couldn't have gathered this evidence then. TIA

In the beginning of the case, the police took items out of Josh & Susan's home in WVC, Utah. Apparantly, the police have been to the father's house in WA a couple of different times. Early on, they searched the father's home for a living Susan. Steven permitted that without a search warrant.

According to the police in WA, the recent search warrant for the father's house was lined up for about a week. So they had to have gotten new information (possibly from Ely?) that gave the judge reason to permit another search warrant on the father's house.
Thank you SunnyDee. I have followed this case on and off fearing it would never be solved but we have JP and SP spewing their garbage to the media to keep it in the open. Sick sick men! I was thrilled to here of the new developments in Ely. Now to just find out what those are.
How can detectives say Josh and Steven are being completely cooperative? Josh is the only POI in this case and he refuses to speak with the detectives. Or FBI. :waitasec:
LE searched for six hours.The search warrant did not allow a search of all rooms in the house.

"We’ve actually accomplished what it is we hoped to accomplish," said West Valley City police Lt. Bill Merritt near the end of the six-hour search. "The items we collected today are definitely going to further the investigation."
Merritt was among a group of 13 West Valley City detectives who traveled to the Powell home in Puyallup. A trailer with West Valley City police decals, hitched to a pickup with Utah plates, was parked outside the home. Detectives from the Pierce County, Wash., sheriff’s department assisted.
Merritt said the search warrant permitted a search of Josh Powell’s minivan and of several but not all of the rooms in the home.
How can detectives say Josh and Steven are being completely cooperative? Josh is the only POI in this case and he refuses to speak with the detectives. Or FBI. :waitasec:

Actually Josh was trying to make a deal to speak with the FBI (IF) they paid for his attorney
in many ways i have to laugh at SP and JP. they've been saying for a while how important Susan's diaries are because it shows her promiscuity and suicidal thoughts. well, it seems that LE is now taking that into consideration. so they want the diaries to check them out. (yeah i know and i'm sure LE does too that it won't help) but hey they're just using SP's and JP's words against them.

keep talking you two!!!

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