Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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But last Sunday, when 2News first reported that friends of Susan told them Steve Powell had made advances toward her, Steve Powell denied it. "It's not true," he said in a recorded telephone interview. "I never made any advances toward her. You know what these people are saying, I know Susan has said a few things like that. But you'd have to understand Susan, and you'd have to understand that Susan and I had a very close relationship right up until the last time I saw her, which was in February 2009. She was very close to me. I was like a surrogate father to her, and she was like the daughter I never had."

..................???? the daughter I never had? He has two daughters, one living with him and one living in WVC. surrogate fathers are not flirtacious with their daughters and engage in the behaviors he states he has done with Susan
The main reason I don't think SP was in WVC that night is because of the neighbors and their not witnessing any other vehicle there that night. Although, it's quite possible since it was winter (windows closed) ...and it was after midnight. Wouldn't there have been tire and foot prints when the women arrived the next morning checking on her? How did SP get her in his car? Did he have access to the garage also?

I'd be curious who, if anyone, JP and kids ran into while "sledding". Maybe someone else was in the vehicle when they came home at 8:30...another reason he wouldn't want the boys to talk.

What about the blizzard? New snow might cover tire tracks and footprints pretty quick.
I seem to recall a coworker of Susan's stating she kept a diary on her work computer & this coworker was aware of her marital problems... am I confusing this case with another? It was days after she was reported missing IIRC.
That sounds like a very odd day.

She was feeling ok enough to invite the friend over to work on the yarn.

But after eating she is so tired she goes to bed for a nap while the friend is still there. Does sound unusual.
Then Josh makes the decision for her not to come back later to work on the yarn. Hmmm.

Josh sounds very attentive that day. Noticing she was chilled, preparing supper. Doing dishes. I wonder if he was normally that attentive or if it was just for show.

She says they got there about noon, and JP was already cooking.

Simple meal, eggs pancakes etc. Not real complicated or time consuming.

Yet the meal wasn't ready until almost 4?

Sounds more like stalling than someone unfamiliar with the kitchen. I wonder if her visit there that day was planned or unplanned? And if Josh was aware she was coming for the meal?

mysteriew;YES, that sounds like a very odd day.
Taking 4 hours to scramble some eggs and do pancakes?

I can scramble eggs, fry bacon and make pancakes in less than 30 minutes. So what was daddy dearest doing for the other 3 hrs. and 30 minutes that day?
I find his actions very HINKY, by NOT serving the scrambled eggs in a family size bowl and the pancakes on a platter....Hmmmm!

Thanks, that guy gives me the creeps. :puke:

The search warrant not allowing ALL rooms searched???
Oh no come on, the whole family would HIDE stuff for dad and brother!

I have a feeling they would if they knew the cops were coming but I think they were totally caught off guard.

That was my thought, too. She was drugged/poisoned, and she got up and vomited. It also could be that the chemical caused bleeding in her stomach which is why the stain was red. I believe it was planned, too, because HE made the dinner (was he the kind of guy who cooked dinner often for them???) and HE served her the pancakes meant for HER. I think it was planned, but not planned well because he was in a state of anger and didn't THINK clearly about everything like her purse and cell phone being left behind, etc.

The "juice" could have been Kool Aid. Strawberry or Cherry Kool Aid are dark red.

In KOMO link:
On Friday morning, Steve Powell said police also took his personal journals and videos he had taken of Susan.

"I didn't want them to have my journals," he told KOMO News. "There's very embarrassing things in my journals."

So now...Did they take Josh's journal's also? How old are SP's journals they confiscated, since he stopped attending the LDS church? I'm sure they will tell a story. :shocked2:Did he continue with his journalizing? I'd place a bet on yes.

Investigators have declined to discuss what pieces of evidence they gathered.

"What we have here today will help us draw closer to a conclusion," Merritt said. "Whether it's the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for, we don't know. It may be a conclusion that nobody wants to admit could happen."

What could this mean? She did leave on her own? LE told Mr C that didn't happen:
Cox said regardless of what Josh and Steve Powell have said, detectives have already proven their claims to be wrong.

"What the police have released is that they're sure that there's nothing to the theory that Susan went off on her own. And they basically have gone on record about that issue. That helps a lot. And they've clearly said that Josh is still a person of interest, because that's clearly contrary to what Josh is saying."

Statement colored red by me. The man goes on TV and admits that he lusted for his daughter in law and that he didn't care that it was his sons wife. It really makes me wonder what would be more embarrassing than that! :yow:

Sorry dizzychick, save yourself a trip. I bought every copy and I'm giving them as Christmas gifts to all my buddies here @ WS :Banane23::Banane23:

Aye Cheewawa! Could I get a gift certificate to have nails drivin through my ears instead.

Police said Thursday's search warrant was not connected to last weekend's search outside of Ely.

[snip] (from same article)

When asked by "Dateline" what he would tell people who think he killed his wife, Josh Powell said: “I've never hurt my wife. I've never, never hurt her. I've tried to defend her. She's been suffering, she has very low self-esteem because of severe emotional abuse as a child. She's had to live with that, and I've had to try to help her get through that kind of on a regular basis.”

:giggle: Josh you and Steve are not fooling me or the LE and certainly not the public...Please read this....It's about what you and your dad are doing...

Scroll down to this section;

Freudian Projection.

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto an opponent is called Freudian Projection.
  • "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
  • "The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual."
  • "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile."
  • "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity."
  • "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way."
  • "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have."
Come on you two...just tell the truth and get Susan back and stop this charade!!!
I seem to recall a coworker of Susan's stating she kept a diary on her work computer & this coworker was aware of her marital problems... am I confusing this case with another? It was days after she was reported missing IIRC.

The friend said Susan Powell had talked to her one day about something she had written and left in her desk at work.
"She had mentioned about writing something so that no one would ever think she committed suicide. She said it would be so her boys would know that she would never kill herself, because she would never leave her boys alone," the friend said.

Other friends had reported earlier that a notebook Susan Powell kept in her desk at work at Wells Fargo was among the items seized by police.
The notebook, according to one source, detailed threats allegedly made about a year ago against her.
What about the blizzard? New snow might cover tire tracks and footprints pretty quick.

I remember that is the reason why they were concern about the family - they weren't answering their phone, didn't answer the door and there wasn't any footprints or tire tracks in the snow leaving from either the front door or the garage in the morning. So there was the theory of carbon monoxide posioning which led to the police breaking a small window near the front door.
In what has become a pattern of increasingly odd statements from Steve Powell, he maintained Friday that Susan Powell initiated a pattern of flirting with him and he claims he eventually developed a relationship with her.

He didn't expound on that relationship, but said his feelings evolved into an "obsession," and he wrote about it in his journal. :great:

“They said that they want all the computers that could possibly have a copy of her journals,” Josh Powell said.
“What would a childhood journal have to do with a missing person? :waitasec: Unless there was something in there that they thought might have some significant bearing on what her personality is, what her capabilities are.”

Although police said the search warrant was not announced until they were standing at the Powells' door, Steven Powell claimed he had a feeling it was coming.

"I wished I had removed some things from the house so they wouldn't have been taken. In another way, I'm glad they were taken," he said.

Susan's adult journal was already seized early in the investigation,
Steven Powell said.

He claimed he had been offering to turn Susan's childhood journals over to police for some time, but only in exchange for the adult journal.

"They refused our offer," he said. "It was a pretty important thing for us to have." :waitasec:
Just my theory on this.

Police decided to look at some CD's they found or a computer in their big lab truck outside and found videos from secret cameras in the house.

CD's, Video's of Susan??? Sure could be Dr. Fessel. It would be obivious that she was filmed without her knowledge. Oh my !

Ok think about this. If SP is that obsessed with Susan he would never talk JP into harming her or let him kill her without him (SP) completing his fantasies first. This man is sick!!! I also think there is another deep dark side to him that could be capable of anything.
I wonder if Steve was ever inside of Susan's home in WVC. I know that her friends and sister-in-law said that she didn't want him there, but could he have visited Josh while she was away at work? He seems to be the kind of person who would be videotaping her, maybe in the bathroom or bedroom - and pretend that she is undressing for him.

I don't understand how people get to be so twisted and become obssessed with someone. Apparantly the old guy had some women who willingly would date him. Why would he want his son's wife? And Josh's lack of response about this is so very strange.


But last Sunday, when 2News first reported that friends of Susan told them Steve Powell had made advances toward her, Steve Powell denied it. "It's not true," he said in a recorded telephone interview. "I never made any advances toward her. You know what these people are saying, I know Susan has said a few things like that. But you'd have to understand Susan, and you'd have to understand that Susan and I had a very close relationship right up until the last time I saw her, which was in February 2009. She was very close to me. I was like a surrogate father to her, and she was like the daughter I never had."

..................???? the daughter I never had? He has two daughters, one living with him and one living in WVC. surrogate fathers are not flirtacious with their daughters and engage in the behaviors he states he has done with Susan

Well that's a problem for him now. Keep talking Stevie boy, keep talking.

In what has become a pattern of increasingly odd statements from Steve Powell, he maintained Friday that Susan Powell initiated a pattern of flirting with him and he claims he eventually developed a relationship with her.

He didn't expound on that relationship, but said his feelings evolved into an "obsession," and he wrote about it in his journal. :great:

“They said that they want all the computers that could possibly have a copy of her journals,” Josh Powell said.
“What would a childhood journal have to do with a missing person? :waitasec: Unless there was something in there that they thought might have some significant bearing on what her personality is, what her capabilities are.”

Although police said the search warrant was not announced until they were standing at the Powells' door, Steven Powell claimed he had a feeling it was coming.

"I wished I had removed some things from the house so they wouldn't have been taken. In another way, I'm glad they were taken," he said.

Susan's adult journal was already seized early in the investigation,
Steven Powell said.

He claimed he had been offering to turn Susan's childhood journals over to police for some time, but only in exchange for the adult journal.

"They refused our offer," he said. "It was a pretty important thing for us to have." :waitasec:

I'll second that :waitasec:
My point exactly. How does he, Josh or anyone for that matter, benefit from that kind of disclosure? I don't it for a minute and to me this proves he is lying when he says he thinks Susan ran away. He knows she is dead and as I said, can't refute the CARP he is spouting.

There is a method to his madness and I hope LE knows far more than we do.

Imo, the whole reason they are insisting she ran away is because they know she didn't.
They really should have just hunkered down and stayed off the airwaves.
SP thinks he is smarter than anyone else.
He will be proved wrong. imo
I remember that is the reason why they were concern about the family - they weren't answering their phone, didn't answer the door and there wasn't any footprints or tire tracks in the snow leaving from either the front door or the garage in the morning. So there was the theory of carbon monoxide posioning which led to the police breaking a small window near the front door.

So the snow had covered the tracks Josh and the boys left at night. If SP had been there at about the same time his tracks would have been covered as well.
These people (the Powells) really skeeve me out. Who do they think they are anyway - saying all this carp about Susan? She darn sure can't defend herself now, can she? I hope they keep on mouthing off. The more they talk, the deeper they dig. MOO.
I wonder if Steve was ever inside of Susan's home in WVC. I know that her friends and sister-in-law said that she didn't want him there, but could he have visited Josh while she was away at work? He seems to be the kind of person who would be videotaping her, maybe in the bathroom or bedroom - and pretend that she is undressing for him.

I don't understand how people get to be so twisted and become obssessed with someone. Apparantly the old guy had some women who willingly would date him. Why would he want his son's wife? And Josh's lack of response about this is so very strange.

Who knows what went on in that house when JP was growing up. This may be standard procedure for them. Sharing the women? Who knows.
Or, JP feels that SP is protecting him and he has no choice but not react to any of this. He really doesn't seem like he has it together.
They do prioritize... but they generally have a 6-9 month backup for the computer forensics. Even with prioritizing... Susan's case isn't going to be number 1. So I would still think we would be looking at weeks or months.

I watched Fox13now live at noon and they said the computers would be sent to a FBI lab but the lab is backed up so don't be expecting to hear anything soon even said possibly months...darn. I'll wait but hope they are wrong about the months statement!

"We came here looking for specific things, and some of those things we've been able to find," West Valley City police Lt. Bill Merritt said Thursday night, about six hours after investigators arrived at the house. He called the evidence collected "very, very important" to the investigation.

Investigators declined to discuss what pieces of evidence they gathered.

"What we have here today will help us draw closer to a conclusion," Merritt said. "Whether it's the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for, we don't know. It may be a conclusion that nobody wants to admit could happen."

I actually thought as soon as I read this... that he might mean it is worse than everyone thought.
That it may be something nobody wants to admit happened because it's too awful.

Everyone wants to believe that she is alive or that just was killed quickly.
If she was kept alive for a time and tortured... people would have a hard time accepting that.

Karla Homolka popped into my head.
Which made me wonder immediately...when is Steve Powell's birthday?
We have a couple of brainiacs here IMO. Dear Josh, I see you agree with me that her childhood journals haven't got anything to do with her disappearance. But why were you set on publishing something so irrelevant?

Dear Steve, way to go, it's very clever to keep a written record of your obsession with a missing daughter in law, and handy to keep it at home and not in some fancypants hiding spot. We applaud. I see you have some insight labeling the thing as your obsession. Yours, not Susan's. But what the heck were you thinking? Were you, in fact, thinking? Why on earth would the police feel inclined to give you their evidence? They refused your offer, surprise surprise. It usually happens when you make offers that one must refuse. But maybe the same nice FBI agents who will agree to pay for Josh's attorney will relent later. Still, not to worry, you will get a chance to see the evidence in the discovery if you are ever charged in the case.

Why is having her adult diary so important to you anyway? Is it exciting to read what she wrote about you? Would we see the diary published?

During Wednesday's ABC News interview, Josh Powell said Susan showed signs of mental instability before she vanished.
"She's hard to reason with when she gets that angry," he said. "At times she has walked out the front door in her underwear and started walking down the street.
"At the time when all this was happening, it was mortifying to me. I was trying to call her back, trying to apologize for what I may or may not have done. ... I tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her in that respect," he said.
He said he believes her mental problems began as a child, and that her diaries bolster that belief.
"Susan was very emotionally abused as a child," Josh Powell said. "Her mother has a very angry personality. Her father is very manipulative. People can see that; it's still going on."

.............................. I’m trying to understand this. Steve and Josh have said in the past, that Susan’s family and friends’ description of her being a “perfect” wife and mother makes it difficult for Susan to return, so if Steve and Josh tell everyone the “truth” about her being mentally unstable, walking outside in her underwear, being sexual with her father-in-law then Susan will suddenly feel at ease in returning home?
Who was the unstable one? The wife with a career, who worked at the same business for years (got her education for it while pregnant with her first child), had steady friends, a support group through her church or the husband (who despite all of his amazing educational achievements graduating magna *advertiser censored* laude and all) can’t hold down a steady job? Pays outrageous sums of money for “gifts” for his real estate business, and for refrigerator magnets with his mug on it to try to drum up his sagging business which results in the family declaring bankruptcy. Where are Josh’s friends?

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