Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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What about the blizzard? New snow might cover tire tracks and footprints pretty quick.

According to this site, it only snowed .02 of an inch after midnight---when JP left and the time D Caldwell arrived the next morning. The winds were less than 10 mph too. (Scroll down half way) Up top you can go to the previous day's weather also. It snowed a little over an inch....but the temps were very cold. Too cold to take little ones out sledding, imo, to me anyway. It was just darn blizzard.
According to this site, it only snowed .02 of an inch after midnight---when JP left and the time D Caldwell arrived the next morning. The winds were less than 10 mph too. (Scroll down half way) Up top you can go to the previous day's weather also. It snowed a little over an inch....but the temps were very cold. Too cold to take little ones out sledding, imo, to me anyway. It was just darn blizzard.

When Caldwell was unable to reach both Susan and Josh via telephone, she said she drove to their house. Hers were the first set of footprints in the snow, she told Sunday that she saw no tire tracks in the snow on the Powell property when she arrived there around 9 a.m.

Caldwell, who lives in West Valley City not far from the Powell's home, said there was a terrible snow storm Saturday, and that a second snow storm was on the way Sunday.

“We went to church the following morning with the snow, and a second storm on the way for the evening of the 6th," Caldwell said. "It started snowing in West Valley at around 9:00 p.m. as I had to drive in it to get home from a family gathering. I have been shaking my head at the idea of Josh taking the boys out on a night like that.”

............................I live in the same area, and I remember big weather advisories about blizzard conditions coming up from the South (which also struck me as odd that Josh said that went South for their s'mores). Usually storms are cominng from the North downwards, but this storm was a little different. It was bad, and clearly the warnings were out on TV long before he decided to drive into and towards the storm.
I'm going to pay attention to what JP and SP say now, that stuff has been removed from their house, because what they say will try to be an explanation of what has been found that was hidden.
According to this site, it only snowed .02 of an inch after midnight---when JP left and the time D Caldwell arrived the next morning. The winds were less than 10 mph too. (Scroll down half way) Up top you can go to the previous day's weather also. It snowed a little over an inch....but the temps were very cold. Too cold to take little ones out sledding, imo, to me anyway. It was just darn blizzard.

In one of the aricles linked earlier from Dec '09, one of her friends said that Josh was impulsive and one time he took the boys out in the cold weather on an afternoon while Susan was working. He and the boys didn't return home until 3 a.m. and it was freezing outside and as a result, the boys got very sick. It caused an argument between the couple.

Now, seeing that, does anyone really believe Susan would be ok with Josh taking the little ones out in sub-freezing weather in the dead of winter when Josh was supposed to work the next day? He may have a mental problem keeping track of time, but I don't believe Susan was afflicted with the same mental condition.

The BS these two have been throwing around may sound believeable to them, but in the REAL world people can see this as nothing but two desparate people trying to deflect attention off of themselves. LOL, as they've seen, 'Be careful what you wish for,' is not just a saying, but a fact. They've now had KARMA big time and their world may become very cluttered in the near future. :behindbar

............................I live in the same area, and I remember big weather advisories about blizzard conditions coming up from the South (which also struck me as odd that Josh said that went South for their s'mores). Usually storms are cominng from the North downwards, but this storm was a little different. It was bad, and clearly the warnings were out on TV long before he decided to drive into and towards the storm.

Awful driving weather but it could be ideal if you don't want to encounter anybody who might remember you on the road to wherever you're going.
We already know that SP has no moral boundaries, he has made that very clear.

I agree that it is likely that he had secret pics or video of Susan. Others have said that she told them that he used to try to watch her getting dressed when she and Josh were living at his house. He likes to take things that aren't his. If she doesn't want anything to do with him, he'll just hide a camera and spy on her!

He didn't mention pics and videos in any of his interviews until after they searched his home. I'll bet it will be obvious that she did not know she was being photographed.

I wonder if he has secret tapes of others? Maybe he uses stuff like that to keep everyone in the family under his control.

I will be shocked if he doesn't have some kind of souveniers from whatever he and Josh did with her.
I wonder if Steve was ever inside of Susan's home in WVC. I know that her friends and sister-in-law said that she didn't want him there, but could he have visited Josh while she was away at work? He seems to be the kind of person who would be videotaping her, maybe in the bathroom or bedroom - and pretend that she is undressing for him.

I don't understand how people get to be so twisted and become obssessed with someone. Apparantly the old guy had some women who willingly would date him. Why would he want his son's wife? And Josh's lack of response about this is so very strange.

Old guy? Hey...I'm not much younger. :innocent: LOL
Just because there’s snow on the roof doesn’t mean there’s not a fire in the furnace
Although I live in the same area, I do not personally know any of the individuals involved in this tragic story.

I was bothered by Josh's story from the beginning because it totally didn't make any sense. Not only because of going camping on the spur of the moment at midnight (who sounds bipolar?) because he wanted to "test" his newly purchased generator and to eat s'mores, but also his taking the children sledding between 6:30 and 8:30 pm.

It was pitched black by that time in this area. I can't imagine a two year old (wet diapers possibly) and a 4 year old sledding for 2 hours in the cold, dark night. Every night during that time, around 7 pm, I was thinking there is no way a father would be taking his small children out at this time for an extended time.

I live near a school yard and a park where all summer long the kids play outside, late into the night. (None are 2 or 4 years old). But during the winter (especially during the time after Josh's sledding story) I didn't see any kids out even at 7 pm playing in the snow. People even stop taking their dogs for extended play, and make their walks short and to the point.
I wonder why the warrant did not cover all rooms of the house...that doesn't make sense, if the house is in the father's name...what if they were hiding things in the boys' room, i.e. and LE is not allowed to search in there?

I'm the same age too, but he's old in comparison to her. I know that some women are open to relationships with older men, but they usually have more to offer than their younger counterparts. I'm not seeing anything that Steven has to offer that would be that interesting for a young woman.

He's not youthful or young at heart. He sings fuddy duddy music. He seems to be trapped in some sort of time warp.
Steve, by the time this case is closed the only embarassing thing that WON'T be on the Internet is your last colonoscopy and even that may show up.:floorlaugh:

In KOMO link:
On Friday morning, Steve Powell said police also took his personal journals and videos he had taken of Susan.

"I didn't want them to have my journals," he told KOMO News. "There's very embarrassing things in my journals."

So now...Did they take Josh's journal's also? How old are SP's journals they confiscated, since he stopped attending the LDS church? I'm sure they will tell a story. :shocked2:Did he continue with his journalizing? I'd place a bet on yes.

Investigators have declined to discuss what pieces of evidence they gathered.

"What we have here today will help us draw closer to a conclusion," Merritt said. "Whether it's the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for, we don't know. It may be a conclusion that nobody wants to admit could happen."

What could this mean? She did leave on her own? LE told Mr C that didn't happen:
Cox said regardless of what Josh and Steve Powell have said, detectives have already proven their claims to be wrong.

"What the police have released is that they're sure that there's nothing to the theory that Susan went off on her own. And they basically have gone on record about that issue. That helps a lot. And they've clearly said that Josh is still a person of interest, because that's clearly contrary to what Josh is saying."

In one of the aricles linked earlier from Dec '09, one of her friends said that Josh was impulsive and one time he took the boys out in the cold weather on an afternoon while Susan was working. He and the boys didn't return home until 3 a.m. and it was freezing outside and as a result, the boys got very sick. It caused an argument between the couple.

Now, seeing that, does anyone really believe Susan would be ok with Josh taking the little ones out in sub-freezing weather in the dead of winter when Josh was supposed to work the next day? He may have a mental problem keeping track of time, but I don't believe Susan was afflicted with the same mental condition.

The BS these two have been throwing around may sound believeable to them, but in the REAL world people can see this as nothing but two desparate people trying to deflect attention off of themselves. LOL, as they've seen, 'Be careful what you wish for,' is not just a saying, but a fact. They've now had KARMA big time and their world may become very cluttered in the near future. :behindbar


Not returning home until 3 am (with young children) seems like a control tactic to me. It feels as if he wanted to frighten her and to worry that he took the kids from her. What loving spouse would not talk to their partner about their plans? If Josh is telling the truth about time getting away from him, then he is not fit to be a parent. Children (especially at 2 and 4) need structure, a schedule. They need sleep. I think that Josh wanted to hurt Susan and used their children to accomplish his goals.
According to this site, it only snowed .02 of an inch after midnight---when JP left and the time D Caldwell arrived the next morning. The winds were less than 10 mph too. (Scroll down half way) Up top you can go to the previous day's weather also. It snowed a little over an inch....but the temps were very cold. Too cold to take little ones out sledding, imo, to me anyway. It was just darn blizzard.

Every weather site I try defaults to SLC Intl Airport. All I can tell you is I got dumped on that Sunday evening and driving on 1-80, SR36 or SR73 would have been an issue. Weird how the weather sites keep defaulting.
I'm the same age too, but he's old in comparison to her. I know that some women are open to relationships with older men, but they usually have more to offer than their younger counterparts. I'm not seeing anything that Steven has to offer that would be that interesting for a young woman.

He's not youthful or young at heart. He sings fuddy duddy music. He seems to be trapped in some sort of time warp.

The only warp I think he's trap in is under that snow cap!
He claimed he had been offering to turn Susan's childhood journals over to police for some time, but only in exchange for the adult journal.

"They refused our offer," he said. "It was a pretty important thing for us to have."

Statements of Steve Powell.

These Powells are just off the charts on the audacious narcissism scale. Trying to negotiate the trading of evidence with LE in a missing persons case? They believe that they are gods on earth, imo.

Can't they be arrested for just being them?! It should be a crime in itself, imo..:crazy:.
I wonder why the warrant did not cover all rooms of the house...that doesn't make sense, if the house is in the father's name...what if they were hiding things in the boys' room, i.e. and LE is not allowed to search in there?

IDK, but my guess is because there are other adults in the home. Unless they had probable cause related to those adults, then they couldn't search their rooms. Apparently, they executed this search without any advance notice, which is usually the way they do them, so these adult children would not have had time to hide anything of their father's or anything incriminating anyway.

The warrant probably gave specific things they were looking for, so I guess that didn't include the personal effects of the adult children.
Ben Winslow
BenWinslow Ben Winslow

URGENT: Josh Powell served with restraining order prohibiting him from publishing wife's diaries! @fox13now #findsusan #Utah
Odd that JP would give SP access to his wife's private journals.
Why didn't he hand them over to LE to study when Susan went missing?
JP called SP constantly....why???
I know dads and sons are close, but they talked all the time IIRC.
I hope their phones where tapped after Susan went missing to see if they still talked
constantly after that night until JP moved to SP house.
Oh if those boys were old enough to remember and tell.
They are brainwashed by now.
Maybe 20 months ago, they could of told if 'grandad' was around that night.
Ben Winslow
BenWinslow Ben Winslow

URGENT: Josh Powell served with restraining order prohibiting him from publishing wife's diaries! @fox13now #findsusan #Utah

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
The more they talk... the more I think going north might be what he did. I really didn't want to believe anyone else was involved...

I have thought it's possible she was in Washington, that he moved her when he moved up there. To maintain control over her.

It'd explain his lack of concern with them finding her... if like Scott Peterson... he can see where she is.

Now... I'm wondering if I was thinking the wrong Powell as far as who wanted to maintain control over her. :sick:

Every weather site I try defaults to SLC Intl Airport. All I can tell you is I got dumped on that Sunday evening and driving on 1-80, SR36 or SR73 would have been an issue. Weird how the weather sites keep defaulting.

We live in Utah.
I was born here and have always lived here.
I learned to drive in the snow and rode snowmobiles before I could walk.
I've seen a lot of storms. Intentionally left to drive in them. This was an ugly storm.

I was in West Valley from 6pm to 1am... and I was trying to wait for the snow to stop before driving home.
I eventually just left and drove home in it. You couldn't see the lines on I-215 East or I-15 South. I had to take both, basically into the storm.

Even my Dad was nervous about the weather that night and he is the type to downplay everything... He and my brother were both driving in it and it freaked both of them out. "You remember that really bad storm..." Is how they remember the night Susan disappeared.

IF I had seen Josh driving (oh I wish I had) I would have thought "he is NUTS, what is he doing out here? I wonder what is so important that he has to be driving right now?" I would have noticed him because he wasn't in a 4 wheel drive vehicle. I would have remembered it later.

I know at some point I went through and looked and I-80 was actually closed around that time... maybe it was at Laramie?
I-80 would have been out of the question. East because it's Parley's Canyon and West because of the wind.
I know Parley's was ugly... because we didn't even consider going to the cabin but I don't remember if it was actually closed.

About the only thing that would have been "safe" would have been I-15. So... maybe he did go North.

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