Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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DNA Solves
Now that is really a disturbing thought, however am I going to get the images of that out of my head now :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

:loser: I'm readimg this thread backwards. It appears both of us will be buying bleach soon.:floorlaugh:
I have not been keeping up too closely with this case, and I have not seen anything mentioned about whether JP's mother is still living or if she is divorced from SP. Anyone know? If she is dead, does anyone know what she died from? Or did she "disappear"?
There seems to be a theme here with disappearing mothers and the men in their lives.. First SP's mother, then JP's mother.. now Susan. Yes. I do believe there is a long line of woman haters in this Powell family.
Well, considering the circumstances, searches in NV, revelations about inappropriate relationships between in-laws, the court hearing, etc., it seems reasonable that he would expect LE to visit. My question is: Why didn't he get rid of the uncomfortable evidence before hand? Really, if you're thinking the cops are coming after you, wouldn't you get rid of any incriminating evidence?


I'm sure they got rid of any incriminating evidence a long time ago. Whatever the search yielded, I'm quite certain Josh and Steve wanted it to yield. Oddly, they're not quite as stupid as your average murderer. More disgusting, yes, but not quite as stupid.... Local LE, I'm seriously wondering about.
I have not been keeping up too closely with this case, and I have not seen anything mentioned about whether JP's mother is still living or if she is divorced from SP. Anyone know? If she is dead, does anyone know what she died from? Or did she "disappear"?

Josh's mother resides in Utah. His parents divorced a long time ago - very drawn out, difficult divorce. She moved to Utah, and the oldest sister came with her. The younger children (minors) remained in WA with their father. Josh and Susan moved out to Utah where his mother and sister resided shortly after they were married.

Josh's paternal grandmother (Steven's mother) was never heard or seen from again after his (Steven's) father and grandparents apparantly moved away from their home while the mother was visiting relatives (according to his Steven Chantry website).
Josh's mother resides in Utah. His parents divorced a long time ago - very drawn out, difficult divorce. She moved to Utah, and the oldest sister came with her. The younger children (minors) remained in WA with their father. Josh and Susan moved out to Utah where his mother and sister resided shortly after they were married.

Josh's paternal grandmother (Steven's mother) was never heard or seen from again after his (Steven's) father and grandparents apparantly moved away from their home while the mother was visiting relatives (according to his Steven Chantry website).
It seems issues of abandonment and anger fuels the fire in the Powell men. The wives left them, took the kids or in Susan's case, had threatened to leave with the kids if Josh didn't work on the marriage. In SP's case, his mother left his father with the kids and then his dad took them back and she was never heard from again. I bet it played out again in SP's marriage, although his ex-wife is in Utah..he must have re-experienced the anger and abandonment issues of his own mother. And so on with Josh. What a sick legacy of generational dysfunction. The familial illness brewed to the point of murder as a solution. Next in line, Susan's boys. Especially if SP and JP are brainwashing them with the notion that Susan ran off with another man and abandoned them. JP and SP will fan that fire of woman hate onto the next generation.
I'm sure they got rid of any incriminating evidence a long time ago. Whatever the search yielded, I'm quite certain Josh and Steve wanted it to yield. Oddly, they're not quite as stupid as your average murderer. More disgusting, yes, but not quite as stupid.... Local LE, I'm seriously wondering about.

I'm not so sure that WVC PD is doing a bad job. I was impressed how quickly they responded to the concerns of the day care provider and Josh's sister when they didn't drop the children off to be babysat, nor showed up for their jobs.

I think many police officers would say that Josh and Susan are adults and maybe they took off impulsively for a day off of work. They were not missing for 24 hours. Susan was seen at church the day before - a friend saw her at 6:30 pm. But somehow, the police were alert enough to decide to break a window (due to possible concern that the family had carbon monoxide poisoning) when there was no tire tracks or footsteps in the snow either in the driveway or on the porch.

Breaking that window, gave the police access to know that there was a wet spot on the rug with 2 fans blowing. They found Susan's purse, cell phone in the house.

That gave them a smaller time line - and took away Josh's ability to return home to fix the scene, attending to forgotten details.

I remember when I read the story in the paper the first day about a "missing family" (before Josh returned home with the children), I thought it was an odd story, because there was a lot not mentioned. I'm sure there is more information from the first morning that the police knew about, but the public was never given.

I'm glad that the police took the concerns of Susan's friends/sister-in-law seriously from the very beginning.

Also, I've read about how hard these officers have been working in searching mines. They have been doing a lot of physical work in the cold and heat. I appreciate their continue dedication to this case, and believe that their efforts will pay off eventually.
I'm not so sure that WVC PD is doing a bad job. I was impressed how quickly they responded to the concerns of the day care provider and Josh's sister when they didn't drop the children off to be babysat, nor showed up for their jobs.

I think many police officers would say that Josh and Susan are adults and maybe they took off impulsively for a day off of work. They were not missing for 24 hours. Susan was seen at church the day before - a friend saw her at 6:30 pm. But somehow, the police were alert enough to decide to break a window (due to possible concern that the family had carbon monoxide poisoning) when there was no tire tracks or footsteps in the snow either in the driveway or on the porch.

Breaking that window, gave the police access to know that there was a wet spot on the rug with 2 fans blowing. They found Susan's purse, cell phone in the house.

That gave them a smaller time line - and took away Josh's ability to return home to fix the scene, attending to forgotten details.

I remember when I read the story in the paper the first day about a "missing family" (before Josh returned home with the children), I thought it was an odd story, because there was a lot not mentioned. I'm sure there is more information from the first morning that the police knew about, but the public was never given.

I'm glad that the police took the concerns of Susan's friends/sister-in-law seriously from the very beginning.

Also, I've read about how hard these officers have been working in searching mines. They have been doing a lot of physical work in the cold and heat. I appreciate their continue dedication to this case, and believe that their efforts will pay off eventually.

OK, good points, well taken.

So...why did it take them over a year and a half to search the Powell "compound" in WA? And what the hell were they doing in Ely?
I'm sure they got rid of any incriminating evidence a long time ago. Whatever the search yielded, I'm quite certain Josh and Steve wanted it to yield. Oddly, they're not quite as stupid as your average murderer. More disgusting, yes, but not quite as stupid.... Local LE, I'm seriously wondering about.

Based on the story below it appears SP had some thing LE was interested in. I agree, they are pretty savy - certainy not the average murder type.

Steven Powell, who was in Kennewick, Wash., most of Thursday while the warrant was being served, said he had a feeling police might show up at his door, even though investigators never announced that they would.

"I honestly don't know why they were here," he said. "I wished I had removed some things from the house so they wouldn't have been taken. In another way, I'm glad they were taken."
OK, good points, well taken.

So...why did it take them over a year and a half to search the Powell "compound" in WA? And what the hell were they doing in Ely?
Wish I knew. I hope they are wrapping this all up as we impatiently wait. The feeling I get is that they are on the right track. I just can't believe they would go through all this hoopla in Nevada and here in WA after a 2 year lull without good reason. I feel hopeful.
Has Josh made any direct comments about the stuff his dad is saying ?
OK, good points, well taken.

So...why did it take them over a year and a half to search the Powell "compound" in WA? And what the hell were they doing in Ely?

What ever they were doing, they sure stirred the pot.
(old article)

“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.

……………….she clarifies that Susan felt tired, not ill. Perhaps Susan got some sleeping pills in her eggs?

So he starts cooking before noon, finishes at 4 pm, and all he made was scrambled eggs w/onions and pancakes? For 5 hours ? He could have ground the flour and laid the eggs himself with that much time. It's funny because scrambled eggs and pancakes is what you make when you have very little time, not when you have all day to cook. imoo

Also, the individual servings are a big red flag. I only do that when I have different 'versions' of the food for each person.
So he starts cooking before noon, finishes at 4 pm, and all he made was scrambled eggs w/onions and pancakes? For 5 hours ? He could have ground the flour and laid the eggs himself with that much time. It's funny because scrambled eggs and pancakes is what you make when you have very little time, not when you have all day to cook. imoo

Also, the individual servings are a big red flag. I only do that when I have different 'versions' of the food for each person.
It sounds suspicious to me too. He drugged her, took the kids sledding, came back and got her body and went "camping".
So he starts cooking before noon, finishes at 4 pm, and all he made was scrambled eggs w/onions and pancakes? For 5 hours ? He could have ground the flour and laid the eggs himself with that much time. It's funny because scrambled eggs and pancakes is what you make when you have very little time, not when you have 5 hours to cook. imoo

I think he was stalling and hoping the guest would leave before dinner. JMO
Hey guys
I haven't made it through all the posts on this thread yet. I'm still only on page 7 :(
but i was just thinking...and i'm sure it's already been posted or thought of, but what if Josh took the boys away that night and left Susan for his dad to take care of? :(
Horrible i know. BUt what if he drugged her and let his dad "have" her and that's why he made sure he and the boys were gone? :( :(
If she felt drugged, she probably got up. The stain on the carpet bothers me. Who said it was red? Josh? In describing a juice spill or something? Did the police say they found red? If she actually died there...sorry to be graphic.. but it was likely bodily fluids released at death. Maybe even vomiting first from an overdose. No red at all.
That sounds like a very odd day. She was feeling ok enough to invite the friend over to work on the yarn. But after eating she is so tired she goes to bed for a nap while the friend is still there. Does sound unusual. Then Josh makes the decision for her not to come back later to work on the yarn. Hmmm.

Josh sounds very attentive that day. Noticing she was chilled, preparing supper. Doing dishes. I wonder if he was normally that attentive or if it was just for show.

She says they got there about noon, and JP was already cooking. Simple meal, eggs pancakes etc. Not real complicated or time consuming. Yet the meal wasn't ready until almost 4? Sounds more like stalling than someone unfamiliar with the kitchen. I wonder if her visit there that day was planned or unplanned? And if Josh was aware she was coming for the meal?

And HOW the heck do you not feed the kids until 4 pm? They apparently went to church in the am, walked home at noon, and waited until 4 pm to eat? Mine would have eaten dirt before waiting ALL DAY for eggs and pancakes? So the whole thing sounds odd.
In the early video of him in Utah explaining to the reporter about his impromptu camping trip because they like to "s'mores and stuff like that"...he says they slept in the van and had s'mores in the morning. Pretty damn odd, huh? So they drove out to BFEgypt in a blizzard @ 12:30 AM to sleep in a cold van and make s'mores in the morning. Yup. What a spontaneous and fun guy that Josh Powell is. Totally normal.
The main reason I don't think SP was in WVC that night is because of the neighbors and their not witnessing any other vehicle there that night. Although, it's quite possible since it was winter (windows closed) ...and it was after midnight. Wouldn't there have been tire and foot prints when the women arrived the next morning checking on her? How did SP get her in his car? Did he have access to the garage also?

I'd be curious who, if anyone, JP and kids ran into while "sledding". Maybe someone else was in the vehicle when they came home at 8:30...another reason he wouldn't want the boys to talk.

I don't think SP went to the home. I think they met someplace on the road halfway. I think Josh took Susan with him, injured or dead, when he left that night. I think that partly because the older boy is rumored to have told LE mommy went with them but then went hunting for crystals in a cave. There would have been no reason to tell the boys that story about mommy if she had not been there, sleeping in the rear area.

Maybe they met up with each other in Ely, but SP took the body further away on his way back to Washington.

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