Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

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Those sweet, innocent boys saw who J.really was in those moments. I think this is one of the worst stories I've ever heard.

I never bought his continuous slack-jawed, blank faced, help me, feed me, feel sorry for me act. However, the boundless depths of his depravity continues to shock me.

I do wonder if CPS worker saw him for what he was or if he fooled her into thinking he was this wonderful father who was torn from his children.Those poor kids forced to visit a monster...I really wish I never read about the axe.
This was just Tweeted ...

AndrewAdamsKSLAndrew Adams

by Kiirs

I'll have the audio from the Josh Powell voicemail on #KSL NewsRadio at 7:00 and 8:00. #findsusan

10 minutes ago

ETA: Has anyone heard it yet? What did it say or do you have a link?
Jeez .. this is the stuff horror movies are made of ...

.. those poor babies ..

He seriously gave in to the evil within him ..

Words escape me.

Weighing in for the first time here on this tragedy. I heard the other night and have been just sick about it. The more I read the sicker I get. I definitely feel he was afraid the boys were going to talk even more than they had started to.....RIP sweet boys.
I just saw the Cox parents on the Today Show, I don't know how they did it but they looked strong, no crying. I will still pray for them they said they were like that because of faith that Susan is with her boys :(

It is really heartbreaking :(

They are such remarkable people. I don't know that I would have the strength that they do. I so admire them. They are showing the rest of us the way.
How horrible. I can't imagine the horror that happened in that brief period of time once they were in the home. The only solace is it didn't last very long.

I say again, the depths of evil and hatred that a human being can sink to knows no bounds. It's scary to think that there other people in this world that are just like that monster.
Oh my. I guess we will never know what goes on in the mind of a madman. I really think he thought he could kill the children before the fire to spare them that. The photo of him at the last Court hearing told me he had not been sleeping, for a very long time. He had flipped. Not saying he was okay before, b/c he was not. Just saying when you push a person that is already kind of off their rocker, it only gets worse.

I think he was nuts, some of it was his upbringing. How would he know it was not right if it was all he knew. Then he gets out into the world and there it is. He finds out all that he thinks is normal is wrong. I think he was also incapable of accepting certain aspects of himself, that would have come out with the psycho-sexual evaluation. He clearly didn't love Susan, or the children, or being responsible for having to take care of them. He lost it in '09 and went totally off the cliff before the last hearing.

As sad as it is, and as angry as it makes us, this man was mentally ill. Not saying that as any kind of excuse for him, as I don't think he deserves any excuses. Just saying I see it, from the not even kissing his wife and making her grow their food. That is when it began. We will never understand fully. I don't think we would want to if it meant having to fully comprehend it all.

I wish I could believe he had that tiny bit of compassion for his own flesh and blood children. But I don't. Obviously he didn't care one whit if those precious boys suffered or not. He is less than an animal. Even animals protect their own.

Mental illness or any other circumstances, I will never, ever understand it.
Many of you are newcomers that were here during the Laci Peterson trial. The one thing I pride myself here is when I was wrong I have stood up and said up front I was wrong. Early on when we all heard of this horrible act of coward this SOB did to his own children ( but now they are where they belong with MOM) I stated he must have had turned all the pilots lights on and lit a match or lighter.

I am here now eating crow I was wrong no this SOB used Gasoline. I still am in shock of what else he did to his own flesh and blood. To the one and they know who they are please accept my himble apolgy for mildly arguing my case wuth you. I really thing the emotion of this tragic event got to me again.
Such was the case in Laci

Mr. Cox hit (at least one) nail on the head: So many people "cry wolf" and use the system as a vendetta tool that it is hard for the powers that be to weed through to the real threats. (I recently heard a girl telling someone, "I'll just make him hit me, and then he'll pay big-time." Within weeks of that incident, I heard of someone else making similar boasts).

Combine the system abusers with all the red tape and tied hands of authorities, and it is a recipe for disaster in cases like this where there really is imminent danger.

After seeing the video, I think that Charles Cox was saying that the part about their mother being in the trunk was mentioned in regard to that drawing in day care the summer after her disappearance (and perhaps not mentioned since), but the other things, about the camping trip and Mommy and Daddy leaving, but only Daddy coming back WAS mentioned recently.
This is horrible. There are no words.....

:rose: RIP little ones :rose:
I can't get this video to play on my phone.
Can you give me a brief description?

Transcription of the voicemail:

"Hello, this is Josh. And I am callng to say goodbye. I am not able to live without my sons. And I am not able to go on anymore. I’m sorry to everyone I’ve hurt. Goodbye.”
An Axe.

I have an excellent grasp of the English language, but, right now, I am at a loss of words.
I too thought it could not be worse. I am beyond sickened at what this evil character did to his wife ..... and then his two beautiful children
Transcription of the voicemail:

"Hello, this is Josh. And I am callng to say goodbye. I am not able to live without my sons. And I am not able to go on anymore. I’m sorry to everyone I’ve hurt. Goodbye.”

He can't live without his sons, so he kills them along with himself? And then, he loves them so much that he can't live without them, but he can attack them with a HATCHET before blowing the house up? I hope he wasn't planning to be with those boys in the afterlife -- if he was, he's in for a big, hot surprise.
Every phone call, every visit and all communications are monitored. Especially in a high profile case like this.

I hope these reports are true and the take down SP but I have to admit "day late and a dollar short" keeps running through my mind----- wish we had a rewind button.

You are right about a day late and a dollar short. I see this as too little, too late. I hate to say it, but again we have a case of LE trying to make themselves look good. I don't like it!
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