Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

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Someone asked upthread about whether the body of JP has been positively identified. I would tend to believe he really did kill himself, but are there any MSM reports stating that the ME knows for sure it was him?

As I say, I do believe it was him, but I still wonder, because making a huge show of telling everyone "goodbye" and then doing this and ensuring the body would be very burnt (by having the gas can nearby) would be a perfect set-up for sneaking off.

Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened, but I doubt it in this case. I am sure they checked to make sure it is him.
OMG...... So one must have seen the other die like could he????

Reading back ....My brain didn't even go there until you said it. Now it is worse. Oh my heart. Those boys.

I am just so so very sorry that the hard-working police department did not have enough to have put this man away so that this hadn't happened. I realize it is water under the bridge but I am just so numb that I sort of feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark.

The only thing I'm thankful at this moment in time is that those beautiful little boys are in the loving arms of their gorgeous mother.

And I pray for all of those people in law enforcement who have worked so dilligently on Susan's behalf (and will continue to do so - I have no doubt), the social case workers, the friends of both Susan and her two precious boys, and of course, Susan's mother and father and extended family.
Wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened, but I doubt it in this case. I am sure they checked to make sure it is him.

My question partly was, when there is that much fire damage to a body, can they positively identify it? I just think it's an odd way to kill yourself...and really did ensure that the bodies would be burned beyond recognition.

Thank you Foxnews for calling Josh a monster. I can't believe he used a hatchet on his children - don't understand it at all. He didn't just want to blow up without warning... he wanted to terrorize them first? If the social worker had been with them, he would have killed her also.

The monster who killed himself and his two young sons in a Washington house fire two years after his wife vanished reportedly attacked the boys with a hatchet before setting the blaze.

Thank you Foxnews for calling Josh a monster. I can't believe he used a hatchet on his children - don't understand it at all. He didn't just want to blow up without warning... he wanted to terrorize them first? If the social worker had been with them, he would have killed her also.

My thought was that he might have been concerned they would somehow survive the fire. He wanted to ensure they would die.
My question partly was, when there is that much fire damage to a body, can they positively identify it? I just think it's an odd way to kill yourself...and really did ensure that the bodies would be burned beyond recognition.

Dental records.
IMO, Josh was consummed by contempt and full of bs. Sure he said he was sorry for hurting other people but he actually was only sorry for himself and being in the position he was in. He couldn't take the heat and the accusations. He couldn't understand how he could not have 'control' and he knew the walls were closing in. He didn't take those boys lives to prevent them from talking or what they would have to go thru in the future; he killed them to keep them from people that loved them - the Coxes.

Fasten your seatbelts - I don't think we're done yet. I pray the Cox family and friends can maintain their strength and hold each other up.
I would've thought so too but after reading what he did to the children before blowing up the place, why would turning off the utilities even matter.

I guess wishful thinking on my part wanting to believe that he left some clue behind as to where Susan is. Probably not. :(

I believe his e-mails were instructing people to turn off utilities (or so has been reported). Not that he turned them off before children showed up.
Pretty much just saying goodbye, he can't live without his kids and he is sorry for everyone he hurt.

Just listened to the recording of Josh. IMO, a superb dramatic rendition of human emotion by Josh. A master manipulator and actor to the end.
Oh my. I guess we will never know what goes on in the mind of a madman. I really think he thought he could kill the children before the fire to spare them that. The photo of him at the last Court hearing told me he had not been sleeping, for a very long time. He had flipped. Not saying he was okay before, b/c he was not. Just saying when you push a person that is already kind of off their rocker, it only gets worse.

I think he was nuts, some of it was his upbringing. How would he know it was not right if it was all he knew. Then he gets out into the world and there it is. He finds out all that he thinks is normal is wrong. I think he was also incapable of accepting certain aspects of himself, that would have come out with the psycho-sexual evaluation. He clearly didn't love Susan, or the children, or being responsible for having to take care of them. He lost it in '09 and went totally off the cliff before the last hearing.

As sad as it is, and as angry as it makes us, this man was mentally ill. Not saying that as any kind of excuse for him, as I don't think he deserves any excuses. Just saying I see it, from the not even kissing his wife and making her grow their food. That is when it began. We will never understand fully. I don't think we would want to if it meant having to fully comprehend it all.

I'm sorry, but saying he was mentally ill is way too nice for me. I can't do it. Mentally ill would mean there would have been some way to get him help while he was alive. No. There is no help for someone who did what he did. Taking an axe to his son's necks is not a mental illness. That is pure EVIL! There is nothing in this world that could have helped someone so bent on making sure his sons could NOT be saved. Oh my GOD, those poor, poor boys!!!!!

He was evil, pure evil, and I hope he is burning forever in the deepest bowels of HELL for what he did to those boys. Evil. Just EVIL. I cannot believe how much WORSE this actually was. What an unending nightmare, especially for the Chuck and Judy Cox, and anyone who knew and loved these precious boys!
Josh Powell was a brutal murderer but he had assistance from the justice system. He should have never been allowed to be near those children after the disappearance of Susan. Allowing one woman to be the "supervisor" of the visitations on his turf? Unbelievable.

I can't believe his "father's rights" were more important than the safety of the children. Shame on the judge. The judge should step down and be disbarred. In my opinion, the judge is just as guilty as the evil murderer. :furious: How's it working for ya', Judge?


I'm horrified to hear he attempted murder them before blowing them up! What an evil, evil..... :eek: One in front of the other! What did he do to Susan if he could do that to his own children?

I totally agree. I cannot imagine being the doctor who had a price that led to this - not saying he was paid off, but seriously I can't imagine feeling that I had somehow given this monster the nod as a professional.

I couldn't imagine doctors doing that either before I read the depostion of a psychiatrist for the defense of Casey Anthony. Oh my GOD. They really will believe what they are told to believe and say what the defense wants them to say. Doctors really can be bought to make monsters look like victims or monsters look better. It is just SICK to me. I wouldn't be surprised if the doctor in this case was paid off to make Josh look better. Sad, but true.
I just read the horror of the axe this morning. OMG :please: Make it stop.
Then I read that Mr. Cox says the talk of mommy being in the trunk was not a new conversation. I thought before I saw that, that maybe he had told the children if they ever spoke he would chop off their heads and he tried to do just that. But, if there was no new revelations from the children - why on earth would he do that? There must be a reason or symbolism in this sick ducks mind for that........right?

He had three words for his attorney. I have three for him. Evil, horror, hell.
I just read the horror of the axe this morning. OMG :please: Make it stop.
Then I read that Mr. Cox says the talk of mommy being in the trunk was not a new conversation. I thought before I saw that, that maybe he had told the children if they ever spoke he would chop off their heads and he tried to do just that. But, if there was no new revelations from the children - why on earth would he do that? There must be a reason or symbolism in this sick ducks mind for that........right?

He had three words for his attorney. I have three for him. Evil, horror, hell.

Although the comment about her being in the trunk was something one of the children said in the past, the talk about going camping and Mommy not coming back apparently was new (based on what the Coxes said in interviews). The Coxes said the boys were beginning to talk more.
Josh Powell was a brutal murderer but he had assistance from the justice system. He should have never been allowed to be near those children after the disappearance of Susan. Allowing one woman to be the "supervisor" of the visitations on his turf? Unbelievable.

I can't believe his "father's rights" were more important than the safety of the children. Shame on the judge. The judge should step down and be disbarred. In my opinion, the judge is just as guilty as the evil murderer. :furious:


Its not just the judge the laws need to be changed to protect children. I am not sure if the judge even had anything to do with who supervised the visit ect. States and CPS don't always have the necessary resources to handle cases. Judges have to follow laws and the states run the system. Yes things need to change but I disagree the judge is as guilty. One person did this that was Josh. The only way the system will change is if people step up to change it. We all have to remember that blaming the system does no good if we aren't willing to step up and see that changes are made. This is just one case of many where the system failed the child. Not one person but the system. I lived through the system has a child. my grandparents fought for me but really couldn't do much because of the laws. Everyone sympathized with them but its just the way things are. No one is above the law that is why the changes need to made there. One judge stepping down will not help all the children who are suffering in situations like this. I listened to Levi Page last night and Kim P was very informative on how the laws work and what judges can and cannot do. Laws need to change and hopefully enough people will realize that so all children who need help and all children in these situations have a way out.
My question partly was, when there is that much fire damage to a body, can they positively identify it? I just think it's an odd way to kill yourself...and really did ensure that the bodies would be burned beyond recognition.

I agree it's an odd way to kill yourself but IMO he did it because he wanted the contents of his house (whatever he had written down, on his computer, and everything else in the house) to go up in flames with him.
Although the comment about her being in the trunk was something one of the children said in the past, the talk about going camping and Mommy not coming back apparently was new (based on what the Coxes said in interviews). The Coxes said the boys were beginning to talk more.

The Cox's also said that the boys were getting happier and happier while in their loving care. Rehabilitated more like. Which makes me all the more upset.
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