Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

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I hope Nancy isn't suggesting that having visitations at McDonalds would have somehow be safer. Yea, he probably couldn't rig an explosion there but clearly he could have done other things that could have endangered not just his kids but everybody else in a public place. What they should have done is have visitations at the court house where he should have been searched before allowing him to see the kids.[/QUOTE]

What they should have done was not to let him visitation at all. The children should have been with the grandparents from the beginning of this crap. jmo
New thread about Mommy in the Trunk in the forum now.
I think Josh wanted custody of his sons only because they were witnesses to whatever happened to Susan. While in his custody, he could control them. He had lost that control, the boys were beginning to talk about the night Susan vanished, new searches were launched which, IMO, brought LE closer to finding Susan, and new allegations were brought against him. For a couple of years, Josh thought he had gotten away with murder and then suddenly his little egocentric world began caving in. He needed to feel that he had outsmarted everyone, so ending his life seemed the only way to escape conviction. By taking his secrets and the only witnesses to Susan's disappearance with him, he could ensure that his guilt would never be proven. Or so he thought, IMO. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

The whole world now knows without a doubt who really loved those little boys. Those last few months Charlie and Braden spent with their grandparents were probably the only time since their mother's disappearance that the boys felt truly safe and unconditionally loved. I'm glad that is the last memory they had. So sorry they are gone much too soon. :(
MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I also know a little bit about human nature, and I know that in the middle of blizzards, in the middle of the night, one parent doesn`t normally decide to go have a camping trip with his kids, and the other parent doesn`t decide that they want to get out of the relationship, so they get up and leave. Nothing about this guy`s story makes any sense whatsoever. And I think that the focus has to remain on Joshua until he can prove himself to be innocent, and he`s not even begun to be able to do something like that. He remains the person of interest in this story.

Now explain to me why Josh Powell was allowed to have supervised visits?
I just wanted to say I am sorry I was hard on the case worker yesterday. I was and am in a state of shock over this. I have been fighting for my grandson and his sister safety for the past 2 yrs.It is extremely difficult fighting,knowing children are in danger and not being able to do a damn thing about it. In our case live in boyfriend and a mother who is a complete Narcissist,It's all about her kids are just checks and possessions to use.Kids said he took naked pics,beat with belt,tied to chair for 3 hrs because she would not eat.He cut the head off a stuffed bear my 5yr GS won.CPS worker they have has not followed any of the steps ie counseling,to help the kids and get them any help at all,case worker is only one who can protect the kids.Horrible situation for children and those who love them.Mr and Mrs.Cox did everything to save those boys, followed the law.I am sure they lived on pins and needles every minute those boys went for visitation. I am sure they are in shock but knew what he was capable of.
If Josh couldn't have it his way he wasn't going to let anybody have it.

He was a selfish, cowherd.

I cannot believe this has happened. My heart hurts/aches...I cried so much yesterday.
Well that doesn't say anything about her beating on the walls once the fire started. And by the way I believe now they are saying the explosion was at 12:15, not 12:45.


Let it go.

This situation is horrible enough and we am not going to put up with any back & forth bickering. Agree to disagree and move on.
I apologize if this was already posted - am still trying to catch up and assimilate this horror - but I just watched our local (Seattle/Tacoma) news, KCPQ (Fox affiliate, Channel 13) and the newscaster said the children had recently begun to communicate about the night Susan disappeared - that she had been in the trunk when they went on their "camping trip." I don't have a link, so I hope it is OK to share that. I hadn't heard or seem that before.

I rarely post but have been following this case here at Websleuths - I remember reading numerous posts that predicted this kind of ending. Last week when Josh seemed so disordered at his hearing, I thought I wouldn't be surprised if he cracked somehow. But who would have imagined this exact scenario? I still can't take it in. I found out the horrible news via a news crawl during the Superbowl pregame stuff - barely noticed because we were all talking, but suddenly everyone was noticing bits of the news and then waiting, waiting, waiting until it repeated so we could get the whole story. At first I thought they had found JUST Josh and, God help me, my first thought was GOOD! But then my friend's little 11-year-old granddaughter, who had been reading along, said, "NO! The kids are dead too!" and somehow that added to the horror - all our other beloved children having to know that such evil exists, that a parent would do this. I hope I am making sense; I just can hardly still take this in - even knowing how deeply CRAZY Josh and his father have seemed for so long.

I worry about Charlie's classmates, though reports say there ane several grief counselors at the school. I fear for all the children in similar situations to Braden and Charlie. My brain understands that the state didn't have enough proof to keep that monster away from those dear boys but I pray that laws can be changed to protect others. For instance, WHY weren't his visitation rights yanked when he failed to comply with counseling requirements? Why wasn't he forbidden to disparage the grandparents? (I know clauses like this exist.) Last week, why couldn't the judge have had the latitude to say, You WILL take the LTD and undergo the psychosexual evaluation before visitations continue. These things need to happen.

Someone way upthread said they hoped the Coxes would sue and bankrupt the state. While I completely understand the outrage, bankrupting the state would surely hurt other children who need resources. Am trying to turn my brain to anything POSITIVE that can be done.
I agree, he likely started feeling cornered. Unfortunately police took so long investigating Susan's case. He was out and about and was allowed visitations in his home, meanwhile likely feeling desperate and cornered, and this is the result.
The oldest child said that Mommy is in the mine go find her!
Family mourns, investigation continues following Powell deaths

An emotional Denise Cox was reflective, angry and numb Sunday night as she stood at a candlelight vigil at the elementary school of her two nephews.

"This isn't fair he had to be such a jerk and take them away with him," Cox said in tears.

Cox said the boys on Sunday did not want to go to their father's house, which he reportedly was renting, because they wanted to stay and play with their cousins instead.

more at link
"They were beginning to verbalize more," Downing said. "The oldest boy talked about that they went camping and that mommy was in the trunk. Mom and dad got out of the car and mom disappeared."

Am I mistaken or confused now? I thought I read that it was the maternal grandparents who stated that the boys were beginning to verbalize and remember and that statement was released to everyone and anyone.

How horrible if releasing that statement contributed to this. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I honestly don't think I am a strong enough person to keep going if confronted with a situation like this. It would be even worse if I thought that I had said something to contribute to it.

Not that I blame the grandparents for saying that the boys were verbalizing. They only intended to let it be known that the charade was over.

My God. So much pain caused by one evil man and his equally evil father. Unimaginable.
I don't think this fire burned for hours. They said it was moving fast. Also the neighbors say they heard explosions, so clearly something blew up inside there (if the neighbors are correct, and I fail to see why neighbors would lie).

I, like many, awoke with this case immediately on my mind and am still trying to digest it all, but have wondered if any of the explosions were in fact gunshots? There were three. ?? It would speak volumes if this did happen and then to torch the house also. IMO

Kimster - I am so glad to see this post. I full heartedly agree. But by the grace of God, the social worker could have easily been killed too. Her life is changed forever, for doing her best, doing what she was told to do. She needs our prayers and I pray that from heaven Susan and the boys will be able to protect her, guide her and insist that she not feel responsible.
It is the all mighty $$$$ (which this lady probably barely made a living on) but the value on 'cost effectiveness, cost savings, low cost' MUST STOP being how laws and guidelines are written. The system is what must change. If it changes, then Susan and her boys will be honored in their death and in some small way their death can have meaning.....if nothing is learned or changed, then we as a society have failed.

(At least now we can call him a murderer finally, without violating TOS!)

I think the biggest question I have, atm, is if WVCPD had all of this proof...found on his computer (pics?) of how dangerous JP was to the children....WHY DIDN'T THEY BRING IT FORWARD MONTHS AGO?????

They made the statement that they didn't want to bring it forward unless there was a good probability that he would gain custody; because "it" was wrapped around the investigation of Susan's case and sealed. :what: I'm I'm furious. Come on....the children's safety or their investigation? What would Susan have wanted? This whole case was spored with the custody of those two children....and now they're gone. AND LE had something in their possession to end this long, painful battle long ago? Seriously, WTH? :maddening:
I believe JP did this not only due to recent pressure but also the ultimate act to bestow upon the Cox Family. He would have carried this out no matter the visitation circumstances. It is just so sad current laws made it easier for him. MOO
I don't know how many of you have followed the Michelle Parker disappearance, but it is FOR THIS VERY REASON (meaning what happened to these two young innocents) that I wish to God the courts would take away the custodial rights of her children and give them to the maternal grandmother.

:rocker: Great point ... I hope Michelle's Mother is "banging down the Judge's door" -- telling him that Michelle's twins should NOT be allowed ANY visitation whatsoever with Dale !

And -- Dale has been named a "suspect" in Michelle's disappearance ...

What Josh did to Susan and her 2 young boys should be enough cause for Judge's to reverse these "supervised vistations" IF there is a missing mother -- or missing family member and the "parent" has been named a SUSPECT or a POI ...

Enough is enough ... sorry for ranting ...

Still in shock about those 2 young boys ...

MOO ...
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