JP to appear on CBS Early Show 08-25-11

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Do you think they even still have an attorney? I can't imagine him allowing this. But I for one am glad they have verbal diarrhea, maybe we will get closer to finding out what happened.


Any attorney he has now, is likely in Washington State.
Maybe he read the article about the geologist who said maybe the police had found some dirt in his shoes or wherever and went to Ely in order to find matching samples. Now he introduces rock hunting as an alibi why he has visited the mine site in the past?

Just a thought.

Rocks. Rocks from the Ely area. Rocks.
Maybe taken in a search warrant.
Powell described his missing wife as an erratic and depressive person who contemplated suicide at several points in her life and would leave the house barely dressed.

Does he not realize that it looks very bad for him? His suicidal erratic wife left her home, her life, her kids, her husband, her purse, all her worldly goods behind and is never heard of again. He insists she is alive with a guy somewhere beautifying herself.

Shouldn't he be worried out of his mind that she committed suicide?
I wonder what the Mormon Church thinks about Josh publishing her journals. Journal writing is encouraged by the church.

Journal writing is encouraged. Publishing without permission certainly is not! Despicable! (And unlawful, in my opinion.)

Does he not realize that it looks very bad for him? His suicidal erratic wife left her home, her life, her kids, her husband, her purse, all her worldly goods behind and is never heard of again. He insists she is alive with a guy somewhere beautifying herself.

Shouldn't he be worried out of his mind that she committed suicide?

Reminds me of Drew Peterson when Stacy took her bikini and left him for another man.............yeah right, in a barrel............
2 of a kind IMO:banghead:
Susan had complained to a friend of hers a while back that she had to "beg" Josh to have intimate relations--he simply was not interested. I think he is a closet case and his dad knows it. Josh doesn't care that papa Powell wanted Susan sexually because Josh wasn't interested himself. This is a really crazy, dysfunctional relationship here. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Papa Powell encouraged his son to marry Susan so that Papa could have her close by so he could seduce her himself since he figured his son wouldn't mind. My opinion only.
Although SP and JP have been in the MSM recently, as well as the sister AP, this makes them open for discussion. However, please do not publish addresses.

IF you have any questions, you can contact me or any other mods that are available.

I just watched a feature about Susan Powell on Inside Edition. The brief report showed excerpts from an interview with Steve Powell who says that Susan was "sexual" and flirtatious with him. FIL describes an incident where Susan asks Mr. Powell to feel her just-waxed leg and thigh. Senior Powell often nodded his head back & forth which is an indication that what he's saying isn't true.

There were also excerpts from Josh's recent interview on CBS in which he suggests - with his eyes closing at key points which make me believe that he's lying - that his wife often acted in a very flirtatious manner. Josh also turned on the fake tears when he said that he believes that Susan left him and the boys for another man.

Mr. Cox is understandably defensive and repulsed by what the Powells say about his daughter, but I can't help wondering why Susan's mother is not speaking up for Susan. I haven't followed the case as closely as some WSers, but did Mrs. Cox ever speak to the media about her daughter? Why is only her father making media appearances?
Either that, or it's a last-ditch effort to mount a mental illness defense.
Josh sounds drugged in the interview.

"do you still love her?"
(crickets, trying to make tears and fake crybaby eyes)
" could say that...I still love her"

"saturday was a blur...I was convinced it was still Saturday"

Kinda makes you wonder WHY Saturday was a blur.
Was Joshie on the phone to Daddie all night?
Was Joshie on the computer, plotting?

The thing that stood out to me was how Josh took his time responding to the question, and Steven with a big grin didn't hestitate to say that he's sorry he didn't take things further.
I just watched a feature about Susan Powell on Inside Edition. The brief report showed excerpts from an interview with Steve Powell who says that Susan was "sexual" and flirtatious with him. FIL describes an incident where Susan asks Mr. Powell to feel her just-waxed leg and thigh. Senior Powell often nodded his head back & forth which is an indication that what he's saying isn't true.

There were also excerpts from Josh's recent interview on CBS in which he suggests - with his eyes closing at key points which make me believe that he's lying - that his wife often acted in a very flirtatious manner. Josh also turned on the fake tears when he said that he believes that Susan left him and the boys for another man.

Mr. Cox is understandably defensive and repulsed by what the Powells say about his daughter, but I can't help wondering why Susan's mother is not speaking up for Susan. I haven't followed the case as closely as some WSers, but did Mrs. Cox ever speak to the media about her daughter? Why is only her father making media appearances?

Mrs. Cox has some health issues.
So lets consider Josh and Steven's theory for a moment, lets say that Susan was a very sexual woman and Josh was unable to satisfy her needs...why would she run off with another man after midnight while Josh and the children were driving into a blizzard?

She could have gotten divorce. (oh, wait she was LDS and divorce isn't exactly encouraged--so why would she be active in the LDS church and wanting Josh to get temple ready by their anniversary?)

Susan could have another man, and take half of the marital assets, continue to work in her career field, take the money she was saving up, and she could have had her children too.

Why run away? Even Josh says on his website that she loved her family and children. Was he lying then or now?
Hi BetteDavisEyes:

If you look at our media link for the Powell case, I recently posted three recent interviews by the husband and his father. There are also a couple of respones by SP's dad.

I BELIEVE Mrs. Cox is not well, which may be why she's not out in the news. I do recall, and saw it earlier today, a Dr. Phil program from the beginning of the case where MR. and Mrs. Cox were both on.

Anyway, look at the three interviews I posted today. You'll even see one of JPs sisters, who WAS close to Susan, calling her father a liar.

It's also the consensus here on Websleuths, from all who've watched this case unfold, this claim of promisuity is baseless and a smear of the victim's good name.

Now, Mr. and Mrs. Cox need to use these interviews and what SP said a year ago, and show an attorney and begin filing papers to take those two children out of that most uncomfortable situation. Just imagine what they've told the boys about their mom! :mad:


Does he not realize that it looks very bad for him? His suicidal erratic wife left her home, her life, her kids, her husband, her purse, all her worldly goods behind and is never heard of again. He insists she is alive with a guy somewhere beautifying herself.

Shouldn't he be worried out of his mind that she committed suicide?

In my opinion he hasn't gave a dam# since day one.
Either that, or it's a last-ditch effort to mount a mental illness defense.
Josh sounds drugged in the interview.

"do you still love her?"
(crickets, trying to make tears and fake crybaby eyes)
" could say that...I still love her"

"saturday was a blur...I was convinced it was still Saturday"

Kinda makes you wonder WHY Saturday was a blur.
Was Joshie on the phone to Daddie all night?
Was Joshie on the computer, plotting?

BBM. Yeah, I could say that... but would it be true?

"Do you still love her" presupposes that he loved her in the first place.
So lets consider Josh and Steven's theory for a moment, lets say that Susan was a very sexual woman and Josh was unable to satisfy her needs...why would she run off with another man after midnight while Josh and the children were driving into a blizzard?

She could have gotten divorce. (oh, wait she was LDS and divorce isn't exactly encouraged--so why would she be active in the LDS church and wanting Josh to get temple ready by their anniversary?)

Susan could have another man, and take half of the marital assets, continue to work in her career field, take the money she was saving up, and she could have had her children too.

Why run away? Even Josh says on his website that she loved her family and children. Was he lying then or now?

While not encouraged many of us do divorce and we certainly are not encouraged to stay in abusive situations. So she still could have gotten a divorce and still remained in good standing even if there was no abuse. He's talking out of both sides of his mouth, what dosen't square with being good LDS is running off with another man so that's just flat out untrue imo
While not encouraged many of us do divorce and we certainly are not encouraged to stay in abusive situations. So she still could have gotten a divorce and still remained in good standing even if there was no abuse. He's talking out of both sides of his mouth, what dosen't square with being good LDS is running off with another man so that's just flat out untrue imo

My post was a bit snarky. Steven's and Josh's description of Susan being very sexual and flirtacious doesn't match with previous reports of Josh being upset about Susan's devotion to church and desire for him to become active again. It seems really bizzard that someone who flirts with their father-in-law and runs off with some random man in the middle of the night would have also been so devoted to her religion. Susan and Josh were married in the temple, and she wanted a temple marriage. He was leaning away from their church. So, if she did want another man, like I said in my previous post - she could have had half of the assets, her children, her career, and everything else by getting a divorce. It makes no sense at all for her to runaway to be with another man.
Just a comment....that video was disgusting to watch. Something is very wrong with those two. I guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Hi BetteDavisEyes:

If you look at our media link for the Powell case, I recently posted three recent interviews by the husband and his father. There are also a couple of respones by SP's dad.

I BELIEVE Mrs. Cox is not well, which may be why she's not out in the news. I do recall, and saw it earlier today, a Dr. Phil program from the beginning of the case where MR. and Mrs. Cox were both on.

Anyway, look at the three interviews I posted today. You'll even see one of JPs sisters, who WAS close to Susan, calling her father a liar.

It's also the consensus here on Websleuths, from all who've watched this case unfold, this claim of promisuity is baseless and a smear of the victim's good name.

Now, Mr. and Mrs. Cox need to use these interviews and what SP said a year ago, and show an attorney and begin filing papers to take those two children out of that most uncomfortable situation. Just imagine what they've told the boys about their mom! :mad:


Thank you for your post. I don't spend as much time reading, researching, watching interviews, etc. as others do but try to keep up with cases that interest me. I followed the Susan Powell case diligently in the beginning but backed away when I could see that Josh was a (unusual person).
The comment about how SP believes the feeling was mutual sounds like a typical stalker to me. What I did was OK because she was enjoying it, asking for it. Bleurgh.

If she was too religious to get a divorce she would probably have been too religious to run off with a random guy or seduce her FIL.

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