JP to appear on CBS Early Show 08-25-11

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Did he ever release her diary? And even if he did/does who would trust that they have not been spiced up like I think his interview was and his father openly admitting his relationship with her ( haha) just shows me how far he will go to try and paint Susan in a bad light. I wouldnt trust either of those two or anything they produce.
Another slight inconsistency: which day did he think Monday was?

On Monday, Dec. 7, a concerned family member went to the Powell home after being notified that neither Susan nor Josh Powell had shown up for work and their children had not been dropped off at day care. Josh Powell later told reporters he didn't show up for work because he got his days mixed up and thought it was Sunday.

Abbie Boudreau: “Why not call work the next morning to say hey I was out camping, I'm not going to be in today?”

Josh Powell: “To be honest Saturday was a blur. And I was convinced it was still Saturday.”
Josh looks lke he has lost weight. or maybe drugs? does he have a drug past?
They think the search warrant is from the examiner article.
Talk about testing the bounds of credulity, I can't think of two "men" I'd be less interested in sexually than JP and SP. Give me a break. This just goes to show you how full of himself SP is.
O I didnt know the dad was a songwriter. Was that him singing that song about Susan? Reminds me of a joke. I use to wish i could i wish he could! LOL
SP could still be a devout LDS even if she was divorced. I believe Marie Osmond has been married 6 times and by most accounts, she is a good Mormon. How I wish SP would have taken the boys and run far away from JP and FIL. Something is very wrong with those two men.
“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street," Powell said. "And at the time when all this stuff was happening, it was mortifying to me. And I was trying to stop it. ... I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family, in that respect." why isn't he concern about her emotional well being now? why is he so content to believe that she ran off with another man?
“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street," Powell said. "And at the time when all this stuff was happening, it was mortifying to me. And I was trying to stop it. ... I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family, in that respect." why isn't he concern about her emotional well being now? why is he so content to believe that she ran off with another man?

wonder if she was running away from him in her underwear. I had a bad guy way back when where I did the very same thing.
“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street," Powell said. "And at the time when all this stuff was happening, it was mortifying to me. And I was trying to stop it. ... I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family, in that respect." why isn't he concern about her emotional well being now? why is he so content to believe that she ran off with another man?

And she was suicidal to boot...

But that quote fails to convince me that he was ever concerned for her emotional well being, he just complains that she was an embarrassment to him and the family. (And his father isn't?) IMO.
wonder if she was running away from him in her underwear. I had a bad guy way back when where I did the very same thing.

The same thing entered my mind too. If there was a domestic violence incident she was forced to run away from in her underwear it might have been very mortifying to the perp to be caught, and so she had to be stopped...
“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street," Powell said. "And at the time when all this stuff was happening, it was mortifying to me. And I was trying to stop it. ... I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family, in that respect." why isn't he concern about her emotional well being now? why is he so content to believe that she ran off with another man?

I wonder if he even listen's to himself and how ridiculous he sounds.
I just watched a feature about Susan Powell on Inside Edition. The brief report showed excerpts from an interview with Steve Powell who says that Susan was "sexual" and flirtatious with him. FIL describes an incident where Susan asks Mr. Powell to feel her just-waxed leg and thigh. Senior Powell often nodded his head back & forth which is an indication that what he's saying isn't true.

There were also excerpts from Josh's recent interview on CBS in which he suggests - with his eyes closing at key points which make me believe that he's lying - that his wife often acted in a very flirtatious manner. Josh also turned on the fake tears when he said that he believes that Susan left him and the boys for another man.

Mr. Cox is understandably defensive and repulsed by what the Powells say about his daughter, but I can't help wondering why Susan's mother is not speaking up for Susan. I haven't followed the case as closely as some WSers, but did Mrs. Cox ever speak to the media about her daughter? Why is only her father making media appearances?

My sister-in-law knows them a little and lives in the same area. She said Mrs. Cox has some health issues, and maybe some nervousness that wouldn't do well with the media. Some people are good at that stuff--Mr. Klass, Mr. Walsh come to mind--and some just aren't. I don't recall seeing much of the Mrs. Klass and Walsh.
"People who know me know that I could never hurt Susan."

“People who know me know that time is hard for me to keep track of. I tend to be spontaneous. Do things in the spur of the moment,” said Powell.

I have some hot triggers that signal possible lying.

I now have to add hiding behind "people who know me". He won't take responsibility for those statements himself, he's attributing the observation to people who know him, trying to gain some credibility by inserting phantom people to agree with what he wants to say.
SP could still be a devout LDS even if she was divorced. I believe Marie Osmond has been married 6 times and by most accounts, she is a good Mormon. How I wish SP would have taken the boys and run far away from JP and FIL. Something is very wrong with those two men.

Marie Osmond has been married three times, and two of those marriages are to the same man.
“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street," Powell said. "And at the time when all this stuff was happening, it was mortifying to me. And I was trying to stop it. ... I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family, in that respect." why isn't he concern about her emotional well being now? why is he so content to believe that she ran off with another man?

Gee, I wonder why a grown woman would leave the house in only her underwear? Must have been something pretty awful going on inside the house for her to feel the need to leave nearly naked. What was it, Josh? Were you threatening her? Beating her? What?
Gee, I wonder why a grown woman would leave the house in only her underwear? Must have been something pretty awful going on inside the house for her to feel the need to leave nearly naked. What was it, Josh? Were you threatening her? Beating her? What?

I wonder if he was talking about the night before he decided to make s'mores out in a blizzard?

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