JR's story credible...?

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I know a lot of people have speculated that the couch bouncing was something x-rated but I'm wondering what if the "man with the squeaky shoes" fought with MC and threw her onto the couch. I just don't know if MC would be on the couch doing that if Jr was on it. What do you guys think?

It depends on if junior was on the couch. The last I heard is he was in bed with Misty and Haleigh on the floor. I think both kids may have been woken up by the noise on the couch and Haleigh got up to see what was going on and got caught. Junior may have saved his skin by pretending to be asleep.
It depends on if junior was on the couch. The last I heard is he was in bed with Misty and Haleigh on the floor. I think both kids may have been woken up by the noise on the couch and Haleigh got up to see what was going on and got caught. Junior may have saved his skin by pretending to be asleep.

Very plausible. I was thinking since Jr said he woke up because the couch was bouncing, it made me think that he was probably on it. Anyone know how long this couch is? A 2 or 3 seater?
posted somewhere else.. sorry. no one's in this room

ETA: I was originally wondering what if there was a fight and that's why the couch bounced. Like maybe Misty got thrown onto the couch. Also what kind of shoes is WBG known to wear :waitasec:

A fight is possible. I wonder if JR heard what they said or their tone of voices. Did they sound angry, etc?
Very plausible. I was thinking since Jr said he woke up because the couch was bouncing, it made me think that he was probably on it. Anyone know how long this couch is? A 2 or 3 seater?

I think others here have seen the couch. Maybe they'll weigh in.
If Jr was indeed on the couch than it would change MC's story of what happened.
Even adult witness's make errors in reporting a crime. They see things that are not there and things that are there are often reported as the wrong color or the wrong time. Eye witness's are the worst kind of witness. Couple that with a child who is probably frightened and a mother who is suing for custody and you have an even worse witness. I think perhaps Mommy coached a little, she has an agenda.
I doubt that observation by the boy will be taken to seriously, ahem.. except by the lawyer, who also has a vested interest.
Even adult witness's make errors in reporting a crime. They see things that are not there and things that are there are often reported as the wrong color or the wrong time. Eye witness's are the worst kind of witness. Couple that with a child who is probably frightened and a mother who is suing for custody and you have an even worse witness. I think perhaps Mommy coached a little, she has an agenda.
I doubt that observation by the boy will be taken to seriously, ahem.. except by the lawyer, who also has a vested interest.

Forensic Psychologists are well versed in the signs of a child that has been coached. GGM Sykes says he has seen 3 or 4 psychologists. If they are well trained they should be able to sift through to the truth of what if anything he saw and what if any abuse has happened in the home.
I think CS was definitely asking him leading questions and he didn't come up with anything on his own while on TV. I don't think she really understands what it means to ask leading questions because she said that she wasn't questioning him and in the next breath offered a perfect example of having asked him a leading question. Of course it doesn't mean that he saw nothing but it means that the psychologists had better have done a good job with him.

I think the squeaky shoes might be true, because it's an unlikely detail. If you're an adult imagining an abduction scenario and either knowingly or subconsciously feeding a story to your child, you might ask him was it a man or a woman, what did he look like, what he was wearing, was he wearing dark clothes, was he dressed in black, etc. You might give your intruder the requisite stereotypical black clothing and have him blacken his face and carry a gun or something, but would you make him wear squeaky shoes? Who puts his noisy shoes on when he goes abducting?
IMO, RJ appeared 'coached' by his mother last night.

Question to anyone who has experience in child psychology: RJ did not appear to be distraught by his mother questioning him last night. Had this been a true event in his life, wouldn't he have become animated, recount what happened, and been somewhat upset?

Often times children recounting a severely traumatic event that they were forced to exerience will have a flat affect upon recounting the event. At times the mind even dissociates from the event so they cannot "feel" the pain of it.
Sounds like Jr. may of given LE some information about what happen that night. I really don't think that Picazio would make this public statement if she didn't have the facts to back it up. JMO

Quote: Article:http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news...gation_details

She says Ronald Junior, Haleigh’s brother, woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings then girlfriend.
“What he stated to his mother was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because the man had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.
It worries me a lot that they have put this bit of info out about him saying that the man came in to see Misty. She (MC) still has access to the child and may not want him saying anything else about her. One child that she had access to is already gone. This is the first time that I have believed that he could actually be in danger from something that has been publicized!
Forensic Psychologists are well versed in the signs of a child that has been coached. GGM Sykes says he has seen 3 or 4 psychologists. If they are well trained they should be able to sift through to the truth of what if anything he saw and what if any abuse has happened in the home.

I think they pretty much ignored this little boy when they should not have.I believe what he has to say.
I don't believe he was awake when his sissy left the house. Whatever he "heard", "saw", "felt" was while he was asleep. He might have reacted though still asleep.

Little grandson who was born same month as Jr. and his 5 year old brother will move, talk, get up, change beds during the night, but seldom really remember what happened. And if you want some imagination, that goes on and on.
Sounds like Jr. may of given LE some information about what happen that night. I really don't think that Picazio would make this public statement if she didn't have the facts to back it up. JMO

Quote: Article:http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news...gation_details

She says Ronald Junior, Haleigh’s brother, woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings then girlfriend.
“What he stated to his mother was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because the man had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.

So, a little more info came out. The man came to see Misty, but does he actually say that Misti was home and awake? Crystal has to have gotten the whole story of where Jr. says everyone was located in the home, they're just not telling all of what he said yet. I do believe that it was said at the beginning that Haleigh was not awake when the man took her though. What I want to know was if Haleigh was on that couch, if Misti was, or if the man was shaking couch cushions looking for something, etc.
Sounds like Jr. may of given LE some information about what happen that night. I really don't think that Picazio would make this public statement if she didn't have the facts to back it up. JMO

Quote: Article:http://www.myfoxorlando.com/dpp/news...gation_details

She says Ronald Junior, Haleigh’s brother, woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings then girlfriend.
“What he stated to his mother was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because the man had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.

I would have to agree with MADJNLAW. I have dealt with 5 different attorneys for over the past 9 years due to ongoing custody issue's with my son. Never once did any of my attorneys allow anything to be said in court without proof to back it up, period. Even though I knew abuse and drug sale's were happening mostly from information from the locals it did not matter, it either had to come directly from my son, or someone the parent was selling drugs to and we all know how that works.
I just can't see this attorney flappin her jaws if she was going on rumor or something Crystal told her.Just not gonna happen. :)
I don't believe he was awake when his sissy left the house. Whatever he "heard", "saw", "felt" was while he was asleep. He might have reacted though still asleep.

Little grandson who was born same month as Jr. and his 5 year old brother will move, talk, get up, change beds during the night, but seldom really remember what happened. And if you want some imagination, that goes on and on.

WS is filled with threads with very accurate version of events given by children. A child might not remember something on a typical night. But I bet they would if they saw someone come in and take their sister.

Also, Bobby Cutt's little boy was only two years old and told this info to his grandma. It was true.
Quick add -- 4 year old grandson is spending the night and since he went to sleep, he's told me his brother is at home. He then flipped over on the bed at least twice. I won't be surprised where he when I go up to the room.

I don't believe a lot of details from Junior, but I think it makes more sense than the stories we've heard so far. Although we have missing pieces they can be explained.

If Misty's story had stayed the same, maybe with details added, such as "when I made our bed, I had to move Junior over with Haleigh", but believing that someone came through a locked door, snatched a child, with 2 people within 5 feet. Dah. I'm not buying it.
I'm not buying a stranger came in for sure. But I think it's possible Misty is directly responsible for what happened to Haleigh. Whether she had help or not is my question.
At the rate Crystal is releasing bits and pieces of what JR told her, by next week Jr will have told her Misty hurt Haleigh.

This is getting so out of hand.
At the rate Crystal is releasing bits and pieces of what JR told her, by next week Jr will have told her Misty hurt Haleigh.

This is getting so out of hand.

Outta hand how? We don't know if the info from JR was trickling or it he told someone all at once what happened. I would have to imagine he's talked to LE. If it's the truth isn't that all that matters? It took Elizabeth Smart's sister 8 months to put two and two together as to who the man was that took her sister.

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