JR's story credible...?

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Besides, how would it benefit Crystal to make up info? Made up info would not lead to her daughter being found.
Messed this up LOL
[B said:
Donjeta[/B];3506720]I think CS was definitely asking him leading questions and he didn't come up with anything on his own while on TV. I don't think she really understands what it means to ask leading questions because she said that she wasn't questioning him and in the next breath offered a perfect example of having asked him a leading question. Of course it doesn't mean that he saw nothing but it means that the psychologists had better have done a good job with him.

I think the squeaky shoes might be true, because it's an unlikely detail. If you're an adult imagining an abduction scenario and either knowingly or subconsciously feeding a story to your child, you might ask him was it a man or a woman, what did he look like, what he was wearing, was he wearing dark clothes, was he dressed in black, etc. You might give your intruder the requisite stereotypical black clothing and have him blacken his face and carry a gun or something, but would you make him wear squeaky shoes? Who puts his noisy shoes on when he goes abducting?[/QUOTE

I keep thinking that his age and understanding of what he hears and doesn't see could be articulated this way. Squeaky floor = squeaky shoes. I can only speculate on his understanding of what he heard and how he decribes that sound. I believe Jr. is vital in his statements to describe in his own way the events that took place that day and night. I was shocked to see that might have went out the window with the leading questioning of family members. (BOTH SIDES)
Junior not only heard noises but saw some things. He saw a black man dressed in black. He had to have seen (or felt) the couch bouncing, and he knew that the man came to see Misti. Either Junior knew the man from previous visits to Misti or he actually saw him talking to Misti before Haleigh was taken.
Anyone have a 4 yo and have no problem letting them jump a few times on the couch and listen for us so we can try to understand the sound Jr. heard? The hard part is to take that sound and fit it to possibilities. It may be its just what he describes but I would like to rule out any possibility.
Junior not only heard noises but saw some things. He saw a black man dressed in black. He had to have seen (or felt) the couch bouncing, and he knew that the man came to see Misti. Either Junior knew the man from previous visits to Misti or he actually saw him talking to Misti before Haleigh was taken.

Wow .... Thats a lot more detailed than I have heard. Where did all this come from? We need to stay focused on actual statements to truely understand the facts and it seems we can never keep up. I Have misssed a thread maybe? :eek:
Wow .... Thats a lot more detailed than I have heard. Where did all this come from? We need to stay focused on actual statements to truely understand the facts and it seems we can never keep up. I Have misssed a thread maybe? :eek:


The lawyer also shared with us new details about what she said happened the night Haleigh was taken. She says Ronald Junior, Haleigh’s brother, woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings then girlfriend.

“What he stated to his mother was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because the man had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.
It is the way it is being presented Suzi. If you go back to the original reveal by Crystal about what JR said it was , Mommy I saw a man in black take Sissy, then a week later is was Mommy I saw a black man in black take Sissy, then a week later, Mommy I saw a black man in black with squeaky shoes take Sissy. Then a week later we hear the bouncing couch. Now supposedly what JR said to Crystal has been completely reworded. She never mentioned originally that she asked him how did you see the black man if you were asleep, in the latest version she includes all the other versions but adds man came to see Misty. She is not relaying it that she has questioned him additional each of her 3 visitations and he gives her more info, she is relaying it like this is what he has always said.

If Ron and Misty had something to do with Haleighs disappearance they would of jumped on JR story as told by Crystal in the very beginning (before it was a man coming to see Misty) a man in black took Haleigh because it would of pointed to a stranger and pointed fingers away from them. Instead they said no it was made up, and they stuck with what the professionals had said that JR did not know anything and depending on how you asked him questions his story changed.

It is just like her abuse story. Ron never hurt the children, week later, Ron hit me once in the back of the head but never hurt the children, few weeks later we have pictures of abuse, few weeks later now the story is she saw Ron beat the kids, and he beat her all the time and forced her to do drugs.

I am sorry something is just not right about all this.

Outta hand how? We don't know if the info from JR was trickling or it he told someone all at once what happened. I would have to imagine he's talked to LE. If it's the truth isn't that all that matters? It took Elizabeth Smart's sister 8 months to put two and two together as to who the man was that took her sister.
Great points Busylady.

If Ron and Misty had something to do with Haleighs disappearance they would of jumped on JR story as told by Crystal in the very beginning (before it was a man coming to see Misty) a man in black took Haleigh because it would of pointed to a stranger and pointed fingers away from them.

They wouldn't if there really was a man in black who could be traced back to them somehow.
Also, they wouldn't want to go with the story if they were guilty and knew there really was a man in black, but weren't sure how much Jr. had witnessed and exactly what he'd told LE. Just my opinion.
Plus with the custody thing going on and the abuse allegations, they'd have an interest in discrediting Crystal as a witness whatever she says.
Crystal said she never saw Ron hit the children when they were together.....wasn't that three years ago and wouldn't the children have been babies? Of course he didn't hit them as infants..IMO. However, at some time protective services got involved with him about hitting the children. Ron, himself, stated they told him how to hit them, "always on the behind". At some point he wasn't hitting them correctly per his own words. Why in the world would you need to hit these tiny children....LORD! His own family says he was a "strict disciplinarian"......good grief..*sigh*

Crystal may not be far off base with her accusations. The man is a bully or worse.
I just visited in the hospital, a nurse had on 'squeaky' shoes.........rubber crocs, she said how comfortable, but they have made noise since day 1.
She only wears them on day shift...........

I had a pair of flip flops with a spongy heel and they made a kind of squeaking noise as if air was trapped in them.
A guy at my office has a pair of dress shoes that squeak too.
Crystal said she never saw Ron hit the children when they were together.....wasn't that three years ago and wouldn't the children have been babies? Of course he didn't hit them as infants..IMO. However, at some time protective services got involved with him about hitting the children. Ron, himself, stated they told him how to hit them, "always on the behind". At some point he wasn't hitting them correctly per his own words. Why in the world would you need to hit these tiny children....LORD! His own family says he was a "strict disciplinarian"......good grief..*sigh*

Crystal may not be far off base with her accusations. The man is a bully or worse.

Bolded by me....IMHO..I'll venture to say worse.

The lawyer also shared with us new details about what she said happened the night Haleigh was taken. She says Ronald Junior, Haleigh’s brother, woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings then girlfriend.

“What he stated to his mother was that he saw a black man in black clothing take Haleigh…she asked him, if you were asleep Junior how could you have seen that if you were asleep? And he said well I woke up because the man had squeaky shoes…and the couch was bouncing,” said Picazio.
Anyone else make these descriptive statements other than Mrs. Picasso? I am sorry I don't find her to be credible at this time, due to the false charges of abuse in regards to the pictures of Haleigh's injuries that were sustained at the school and documented. The trip 6 days later to ER was to treat ecoli, and injuries were noted and addressed. The physicians and nurses obvious unstated opinion was they were due to the same injury. NO CALL TO DCF.
It is the way it is being presented Suzi. If you go back to the original reveal by Crystal about what JR said it was , Mommy I saw a man in black take Sissy, then a week later is was Mommy I saw a black man in black take Sissy, then a week later, Mommy I saw a black man in black with squeaky shoes take Sissy. Then a week later we hear the bouncing couch. Now supposedly what JR said to Crystal has been completely reworded. She never mentioned originally that she asked him how did you see the black man if you were asleep, in the latest version she includes all the other versions but adds man came to see Misty. She is not relaying it that she has questioned him additional each of her 3 visitations and he gives her more info, she is relaying it like this is what he has always said.

If Ron and Misty had something to do with Haleighs disappearance they would of jumped on JR story as told by Crystal in the very beginning (before it was a man coming to see Misty) a man in black took Haleigh because it would of pointed to a stranger and pointed fingers away from them. Instead they said no it was made up, and they stuck with what the professionals had said that JR did not know anything and depending on how you asked him questions his story changed.

It is just like her abuse story. Ron never hurt the children, week later, Ron hit me once in the back of the head but never hurt the children, few weeks later we have pictures of abuse, few weeks later now the story is she saw Ron beat the kids, and he beat her all the time and forced her to do drugs.

I am sorry something is just not right about all this.

Like others said, they would discredit JR's version if the man pointed back at them. For all we know, JR told LE everything clear as a bell in one session, and the trickling out is coming from the adults.
Anyone else make these descriptive statements other than Mrs. Picasso? I am sorry I don't find her to be credible at this time, due to the false charges of abuse in regards to the pictures of Haleigh's injuries that were sustained at the school and documented. The trip 6 days later to ER was to treat ecoli, and injuries were noted and addressed. The physicians and nurses obvious unstated opinion was they were due to the same injury. NO CALL TO DCF.

For now I find Mrs. Picasso more credible than Ron and Misty.
Talking about this on Prime News. HLN right now
Does anyone know if the trailer has carpet, ceramic tiles, wood, or what in the living room? A couch could bounce more on smooth flooring, if it has little legs, and also if the area under the cushion had springs instead of being flat.
Junior not only heard noises but saw some things. He saw a black man dressed in black. He had to have seen (or felt) the couch bouncing, and he knew that the man came to see Misti. Either Junior knew the man from previous visits to Misti or he actually saw him talking to Misti before Haleigh was taken.

I agree.I was thinking this too.Maybe he thought it was ok for the man to take Haleigh because misty was talking to him.
On HLN a reporter asked KP if it was true that JR said "the man choked Haleigh" and the subject changed asap..........
now, musical beds and all.........was Haleigh on the couch being raped by black man wearing black? Being choked to shut up? Squeaky shoes? on kitchen floor or was it the couch sqeaking?
Misty passed out somewhere?
I would personally like an expert to listen to JR.
JR may reinact things he saw much better than Misty!
I do believe at 4 you can get the story if you listen to the words.

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