JR's story credible...?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Please forgive me if there's another thread on this, or if this is inappropriate...

I work with children and have two small children myself. My son is six, and at times when he wakes in the night, he does not remember anything the next morning. Even if we ask him about something that happened or something he said in the night, he either doesn't remember it at all or laughs and says, "Oh I thought that was a dream!" For a child, who is in deep sleep, remembering details the next morning -- or a week or two later -- about something that took place over a few minutes in the middle of the night just doesn't seem likely to me.

There's also the possibility of retroactive interference: something that happens after an event can literally alter your memory of the event (eg: our family added a family room on when I was about 10 or 12. Before that we celebrated xmas in our "den", but afterwards in the new family room. HOWEVER, when I have memories of early xmases, I picture them in the family room even though it didn't exist. I can remember opening specific presents, etc, but my brain has transferred the location to the new family room.).

So here's my theory of JR's story: Haleigh goes missing. And he knows nothing. Yet, he hears talk about it day/night, different theories, etc. He then dreams something about it (which I'm sure he did even if he doesn't remember the dream/s). He then thinks *that* is what he remembered and relays it as fact.

As for squeaky shoes, if you were stealing a child, would you wear squeaky shoes to do so?!? Probably not.

JR is clearly NOT credible. He has been coached and coached in the worst ways. When originally asked for JR's EXACT words, Crystal said he said "a man in black took Sissy." Then suddenly,it was a black man in black. Now he allegedly saw the couch rocking. You cannot see the couch from the bed in the bedroom - you can barely see iut fromthe door to the bedroom. This child is being manipulated to the max. And isn't it ironic that teh child suddenly claims it was a black man and then COBRA comes up with a black mna?

Crystal Sheffield has turned this sad story into a circus. She and her attorney are consistently ATTACKing the custodial parent and the only proof they have is a picture of Haleigh taken after a fall at school - a picture with no date stamp or proof of when it was taken?

Kim Picazio keeps saying they have sworn statements yet she never mentions who these "good" citizens who have steped up are.

Crystal claims than Ron was abusive to her, yet she never saw a doctor for any of these alleged injuries. I think the witnesses who have stepped up are friends and relatives of Crystal and her family. They have shown me NOTHING to substantiate any of their claims.

BTW, DCF won't take this long on a cut and dried case. If DCF thought there was danger to JR, they would have yanked him first and asked questions later.
JR is clearly NOT credible. He has been coached and coached in the worst ways. When originally asked for JR's EXACT words, Crystal said he said "a man in black took Sissy." Then suddenly,it was a black man in black. Now he allegedly saw the couch rocking. You cannot see the couch from the bed in the bedroom - you can barely see iut fromthe door to the bedroom. This child is being manipulated to the max. And isn't it ironic that teh child suddenly claims it was a black man and then COBRA comes up with a black mna?

Crystal Sheffield has turned this sad story into a circus. She and her attorney are consistently ATTACKing the custodial parent and the only proof they have is a picture of Haleigh taken after a fall at school - a picture with no date stamp or proof of when it was taken?

Kim Picazio keeps saying they have sworn statements yet she never mentions who these "good" citizens who have steped up are.

Crystal claims than Ron was abusive to her, yet she never saw a doctor for any of these alleged injuries. I think the witnesses who have stepped up are friends and relatives of Crystal and her family. They have shown me NOTHING to substantiate any of their claims.

BTW, DCF won't take this long on a cut and dried case. If DCF thought there was danger to JR, they would have yanked him first and asked questions later.

We do not yet know what, if anything Jr told LE on his first interview immediately after Haleigh's vanishing. Crystal has exhibited some lack of judgement regarding questioning Jr on film, IMO she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and may not have clued in on the ramifications of doing so. DCF has the statements and allegations, with the media attention on this case, I am sure they will take their time with the case and attempt to do things right. Investigating the claims of abuse and all surrounding circumstances now AND during the time Haleigh was in RC's and Misty's custody is in Haleigh's and JR's best interests. We do not actually know who is caring for JR and who has access to him. Who knows what DCF has already recommended in that area......
We do not yet know what, if anything Jr told LE on his first interview immediately after Haleigh's vanishing. Crystal has exhibited some lack of judgement regarding questioning Jr on film, IMO she is not the sharpest knife in the drawer and may not have clued in on the ramifications of doing so. DCF has the statements and allegations, with the media attention on this case, I am sure they will take their time with the case and attempt to do things right. Investigating the claims of abuse and all surrounding circumstances now AND during the time Haleigh was in RC's and Misty's custody is in Haleigh's and JR's best interests. We do not actually know who is caring for JR and who has access to him. Who knows what DCF has already recommended in that area......

Agencies that protect children do NOT hesitate to remove children from a home if they feel the child is in danger. The investigation is ongoig, but if there is a strong complaint, they do not hesitate to put the child into foster care immediately. I have worked with them in many cases and they do NOT have to follow criminal law. I know parents who have had children taken away from them for the child observing domestic violence. Nothing was done to the children but they were in teh home and removed immmediately. The parents won't get them back until they have completed a 52 week class in parenting. It is obvious that DCF does NOT feel JR is in any danger or he would be gone by now. And don't think that Crystal and her atty wouldn't be crowing about that.
He still married her any way.....

Reminds me of Scott Peterson saying that Lacey knew about his affair with Amber and didn't care either.

On the other hand, the sources for Misty's "misbehavior" are Crystal and COBRA (good friend of Crystal's attorney). Not good sources of information. A little on the biased side
Forgive me if this has already been asked, but where is the couch located?

Is it directly on the other side of Ron and Misty's bedroom wall?

(Can't remember if it was shown on the video or not.)
On the other hand, the sources for Misty's "misbehavior" are Crystal and COBRA (good friend of Crystal's attorney). Not good sources of information. A little on the biased side

If it's all BS would she stand quietly aside and let the lies go unchallenged?
Forgive me if this has already been asked, but where is the couch located?

Is it directly on the other side of Ron and Misty's bedroom wall?

(Can't remember if it was shown on the video or not.)

I've read on the forum that the couch is on the outer wall where the built in front porch is located. I had asked if there was a window behind the couch to look out onto that porch thinking that another couch may have been bouncing out on the porch. Misti has admitted to being out of the house on the porch smoking that night, I believe, or at least read it on here.
I have been thinking. Maybe the reason Jr. has added to his story is because of the techniques of questioning from the Child psychologist? Maybe they showed him objects, colors, pictures of women and men of different origin, and other pictures so that he could describe what he saw to better understand what he stated and seen. From the way I understand it, he was taken to see the Child psychologist that morning, was in Ron and his family care, and maybe as time went by he dreamed or started remembering bits and pieces.
I know that some feel his story is not reliable, but a young child is innocent and honest. At that age they really don't know how to lie. If they are coached that is something else, but it appears that Ron and his family had the child for a while before Chrystal had her visitation with him. I would not discredit anything he has to say, there have been cases where a 3/4 year old have been able to help LE find the perp. I think everything should be taken serious, Haleigh is still missing and Misty has the Key from what little LE has told us. Just a thought.

Well they can lie at any age my son at 3 would say his baby sister did it, lol whatever it was at the time.Now my grandson will be 4 in july he was sitting on the couch between me and pop pop and he smiled at me grabbed my hand and was trying to bite me, not hard just a nip but I still was trying to get my hand back. He turned to his pop pop who saw the whole thing and said mom mom bit me. He acted serious he was looking for his pop pops attention.This happened last year when he was turning 3.
If Jr.'s story to LE has any credibility as to an identity or description of a real person or event, they would announce the description of the perpetrator. If the "squeaking shoes" was a clue to the identity, LE would let that information out.

I don't have squeaky shoes. Do you? Shoes squeaky enough to be noticed by a kid would surely be noticed by adults too. I would think this would be a huge clue that the public should know, especially the locals.

Why will LE give NO press conferences?

Children do not evaporate. They fall in lakes and drown when their dumbaz mother leaves them by the lake while the 2 adults go in the house. They disappear in the snow and freeze to death because a drunk mom leaves the door open and the kids wander outside. They get kidnapped by someone. They get killed. They are then hidden or disposed of in some manner.

The live scent tracks Haleigh to her school bus stop at the RR tracks and around the neighborhood in which she lived and places she would likely have been, just by living there. The cadavers hit on a dumpster. Someone was dead in the dumpster at some time. Normally, for me this would not be up for debate. But, from the description of the forensic response, I have my doubts.
Sorry if this is being covered elsewhere. Yesterday on GR Crystal said that JR is now scared that someone will come up through the floor to get him.

What is directly under a trailer? Does anyone know if under the trailer has been checked??

The answer to your question is YES the crawl space under the house was check by LE and with dogs on 2 occassions that I am aware of. If you look at the footage og the house, you'll not the 3 panels that have been removed for access to the underside. Thanks for your question.
JR is clearly NOT credible. He has been coached and coached in the worst ways. When originally asked for JR's EXACT words, Crystal said he said "a man in black took Sissy." Then suddenly,it was a black man in black. Now he allegedly saw the couch rocking. You cannot see the couch from the bed in the bedroom - you can barely see iut fromthe door to the bedroom. This child is being manipulated to the max. And isn't it ironic that teh child suddenly claims it was a black man and then COBRA comes up with a black mna?

Crystal Sheffield has turned this sad story into a circus. She and her attorney are consistently ATTACKing the custodial parent and the only proof they have is a picture of Haleigh taken after a fall at school - a picture with no date stamp or proof of when it was taken?

Kim Picazio keeps saying they have sworn statements yet she never mentions who these "good" citizens who have steped up are.

Crystal claims than Ron was abusive to her, yet she never saw a doctor for any of these alleged injuries. I think the witnesses who have stepped up are friends and relatives of Crystal and her family. They have shown me NOTHING to substantiate any of their claims.

BTW, DCF won't take this long on a cut and dried case. If DCF thought there was danger to JR, they would have yanked him first and asked questions later.

I don't know if you have ever read any of my posts, however I will tell you that I was RCs immediate nextdoor neighbor until 11/1/08 wheb he moved in back of me. I have never been asked by anyone,except LE, about RCs care of the children. RC became a friend through working for me around my house. I saw the children each and everyday, so who better to ask, but no one has YET..Thank you for reading this.
I don't know if you have ever read any of my posts, however I will tell you that I was RCs immediate nextdoor neighbor until 11/1/08 wheb he moved in back of me. I have never been asked by anyone,except LE, about RCs care of the children. RC became a friend through working for me around my house. I saw the children each and everyday, so who better to ask, but no one has YET..Thank you for reading this.

Hi Player

So glad that you are here and that you know Ron and have seen how he is with his kids and the kind of person that he is. I'm shocked that the ***** wasn't hot on your door step asking you all kinds of questions and lets not forget Kim.

It really irks me to listen to Crystal rank on Ron because when she first started to appear on TV she said what a good dad he is and how much he loves his kids and they love him. Not a negative word came out of her mouth....THEN. All of a sudden she gets this hot shot attorney and Ron is the slime of the earth who abuses his kids. Beating the kids until they are bloody according to Kim the attorney. Rumors are flying around about people being junkies and having sex on the couch while the couch bumps all over the house.

I really think that Crystal got a big head after Geraldo R. took her side in front of Ron and then on his program. He has called Ron everything but a white boy. Acts like he has the works on Ron when he doesn't know anything except that Ron was charged with some things when he was younger but they were all dismissed. I give Ron a lot of credit for not spitting in Geraldo's face that day. Geraldo pushed him just hoping he could push the right buttons and Ron would do something crazy....but he didn't. He stuck his face in the camera and talked about Haleigh. Smart man.

Crystal acts like she is on something when she is on Nancy Grace with her attorney. She stands there and shows no emotion or even expression. Kind of like a wind up doll. She could be on a med for anxiety but they don't usually make a person like that.

I sure wish that whoever has that little girl would just bring her home.
I agree that a 3 year old child has that good of memory after being fast asleep. I think Geraldo and his brother fed this boy information then had the boy repeat it back to them so they would have a story. They to like the rest of the media have forgotten Hayleigh. Everyone is sooooooooo F **** worried about a custody battle that no one is even looking for this child. I have never seen a case like this where the family is not out looking themselves.
I agree that a 3 year old child has that good of memory after being fast asleep. I think Geraldo and his brother fed this boy information then had the boy repeat it back to them so they would have a story. They to like the rest of the media have forgotten Hayleigh. Everyone is sooooooooo F **** worried about a custody battle that no one is even looking for this child. I have never seen a case like this where the family is not out looking themselves.
(Bolded by me) I can only think of one case and Geraldo is deeply embedded in it, too. He has a problem with drawing lines in the sand and someone needs to take his stick away, imo. (He also has a problem with backing the wrong horse in a race...again my opinion.) :rolleyes:

ETA: Welcome to WS!
I agree that a 3 year old child has that good of memory after being fast asleep. I think Geraldo and his brother fed this boy information then had the boy repeat it back to them so they would have a story. They to like the rest of the media have forgotten Hayleigh. Everyone is sooooooooo F **** worried about a custody battle that no one is even looking for this child. I have never seen a case like this where the family is not out looking themselves.

I agree!!
I agree that a 3 year old child has that good of memory after being fast asleep. I think Geraldo and his brother fed this boy information then had the boy repeat it back to them so they would have a story. They to like the rest of the media have forgotten Hayleigh. Everyone is sooooooooo F **** worried about a custody battle that no one is even looking for this child. I have never seen a case like this where the family is not out looking themselves.

Where should they look? Where can we point the family of this little girl to search? What can we do from our collective computers? If there is a way to search that has not already been done, I'd love to know what it is!!!
I still wonder with the dark uniforms worn by LE, a child could associate the arrival of LE with his sister being taken if he just woke up, and perhaps one of them had squeaky shoes.
Good point Flossie! I think that is a distinct possibility.
Where should they look? Where can we point the family of this little girl to search? What can we do from our collective computers? If there is a way to search that has not already been done, I'd love to know what it is!!!
My recommendation on this is easy. One obvious place we have not gotten any answers to pertinent questions are about Chad G. and his relationship with Haleigh.
Everyone is sooooooooo F **** worried about a custody battle that no one is even looking for this child. I have never seen a case like this where the family is not out looking themselves.

WHO is so worried about a custody battle? WHY would the police care about a custody battle? How is that taking away from them doing their job on finding out what happened to this child?Please explain this to me,because I don't get it.
The only two who should be fretting over the custody battle are RC and CS...NOT the media and the police.
I would guess that these people could look for haliegh by asking questions,maybe not physically out searching for her...She could be ANYHWHERE.We don't know who the parents are talking to or their lawyers do we?

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