JR's story credible...?

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My recommendation on this is easy. One obvious place we have not gotten any answers to pertinent questions are about Chad G. and his relationship with Haleigh.

We, meaning those of us here on WS? Can you make that assertion as far as LE goes? I didn't get that sense from any of the interviews (brief though they are and few and far between) that they've left out anyone in their investigation.
Where should they look? Where can we point the family of this little girl to search? What can we do from our collective computers? If there is a way to search that has not already been done, I'd love to know what it is!!!
Off Topic: Weren't you talking about WSers?

There should be as many people able to speak to Chad's relationship with Haleigh being they are so vocal about Crystal on a personal level, but we can't seem to find anyone who knows or is willing to share information on him. Wouldn't it make sense if they know about Crystal's personal life, they would have this information? There must be answers somewhere out there!

On Topic: I don't see where Rj's account can be used to further this case after the tv appearances. LE cannot trust he was not led into those stories and they would be of no use in court against a perp even if Rj could point him out as the perp. His testimony has been tainted due to what Crystal did which is a shame as he could be the only eyewitness to his sister's disappearance, imo.
Off Topic: Weren't you talking about WSers?

There should be as many people able to speak to Chad's relationship with Haleigh being they are so vocal about Crystal on a personal level, but we can't seem to find anyone who knows or is willing to share information on him. Wouldn't it make sense if they know about Crystal's personal life, they would have this information? There must be answers somewhere out there!

On Topic: I don't see where Rj's account can be used to further this case after the tv appearances. LE cannot trust he was not led into those stories and they would be of no use in court against a perp even if Rj could point him out as the perp. His testimony has been tainted due to what Crystal did which is a shame as he could be the only eyewitness to his sister's disappearance, imo.

Well how does one go about sniffing out information on someone when there are no associates of that someone posting on this message board like there are for Ron?

GGMS also had communication with Jr before he was interviewed by GR. Who's to say she didn't plant the story about the man in black with squeaky shoes? Why is it assumed Crystal did that? Just because she's saying that's what Jr said to her doesn't mean she's the source of that information. That's just a slippery use of logic and the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind.
It could be because her story keeps growing and changing over time about what Rj supposedly told her. I would think if it was planted by GGMS...it would have all come out at one time the first time Crystal interrogated Rj.
Well how does one go about sniffing out information on someone when there are no associates of that someone posting on this message board like there are for Ron?
Off Topic: :confused::confused::confused: Hmmm...not seeing many of those for Ronald myself.
Hi Player

So glad that you are here and that you know Ron and have seen how he is with his kids and the kind of person that he is. I'm shocked that the ***** wasn't hot on your door step asking you all kinds of questions and lets not forget Kim.

It really irks me to listen to Crystal rank on Ron because when she first started to appear on TV she said what a good dad he is and how much he loves his kids and they love him. Not a negative word came out of her mouth....THEN. All of a sudden she gets this hot shot attorney and Ron is the slime of the earth who abuses his kids. Beating the kids until they are bloody according to Kim the attorney. Rumors are flying around about people being junkies and having sex on the couch while the couch bumps all over the house.

I really think that Crystal got a big head after Geraldo R. took her side in front of Ron and then on his program. He has called Ron everything but a white boy. Acts like he has the works on Ron when he doesn't know anything except that Ron was charged with some things when he was younger but they were all dismissed. I give Ron a lot of credit for not spitting in Geraldo's face that day. Geraldo pushed him just hoping he could push the right buttons and Ron would do something crazy....but he didn't. He stuck his face in the camera and talked about Haleigh. Smart man.

Crystal acts like she is on something when she is on Nancy Grace with her attorney. She stands there and shows no emotion or even expression. Kind of like a wind up doll. She could be on a med for anxiety but they don't usually make a person like that.

I sure wish that whoever has that little girl would just bring her home.
Geraldo is no journalist. He clearly goes for the sensational above the reality. He's the king of tagloid TV imo. To even credit him with ANY journlistic talents is a crime in itself. He likes to think he has the "inside dope" on everything and reports the sensational without doing any investigation.
Well how does one go about sniffing out information on someone when there are no associates of that someone posting on this message board like there are for Ron?

GGMS also had communication with Jr before he was interviewed by GR. Who's to say she didn't plant the story about the man in black with squeaky shoes? Why is it assumed Crystal did that? Just because she's saying that's what Jr said to her doesn't mean she's the source of that information. That's just a slippery use of logic and the phrase "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind.
I believe she originally said that JR's exact words were "a man in black took Sissy." Then it was a black man in black (and coincidentally an investigation into a black man with Misty). Now it's squeeaky shoes and rocking couches. I know a little aboue preschoolers and false memories and Crystal was clearly putting words into her son's mouth in that interview.
WHO is so worried about a custody battle? WHY would the police care about a custody battle? How is that taking away from them doing their job on finding out what happened to this child?Please explain this to me,because I don't get it.
The only two who should be fretting over the custody battle are RC and CS...NOT the media and the police.
I would guess that these people could look for haliegh by asking questions,maybe not physically out searching for her...She could be ANYHWHERE.We don't know who the parents are talking to or their lawyers do we?

Maybe if some of the players in this case would stay off camera and stop talking about custody, some advancement might be made.
I've been thinking about what Jr. had said about the black man who took Haleigh.

I also remember Elizabeth Smarts sister who did not mention that she saw the intruder take Elizabeth. When she finally did say so, she knew he was the handyman who worked at their home (who took her sister)..I am not sure how long after Elizabeth was abducted that her sister finally spoke of what she saw. So, it's not impossible that JR. did see him.

So maybe Jr. just remembered he saw that man. It is a possibility and out of the mouth of babes comes truth...I do hope they take what Jr. said seriously and look deep into Misty.

Misty is the key to finding Haleigh!
I believe she originally said that JR's exact words were "a man in black took Sissy." Then it was a black man in black (and coincidentally an investigation into a black man with Misty). Now it's squeeaky shoes and rocking couches. I know a little aboue preschoolers and false memories and Crystal was clearly putting words into her son's mouth in that interview.

Well, I sure couldn't speak to when or how Jr retells whatever he knows. All I know is that as Crystal has reported it, the story has evolved, and she attributes that evolution as Jr remembering more details. I certainly don't see any possible way that Crystal can maliciously manipulate a young boy who is taken to these sessions with the psychologists by his father's family. It's almost as though there is an implication that all she does with her weekends with him is indoctrinate him into a story that she seems to want to tell. That's definitely a leap of logic I couldn't make with no facts to support that.
It could also be RC's family who is "helping him remember". Unless I've missed something, that's who he spends most of his time with.

And it could be his imagination in trying to be helpful. According to my 4 year old grandson, he's going to have a baby, and it's going to be with his stuffed animal, Dot.
My understanding is that what JR said, he first said to LE. Hopefully, LE had someone who was trained in interviewing children or had a child protection social worker there. That would ensure the questions were not leading and words were not put in his mouth.
Why do we keep going on about what Crystal and Geraldo did and how it taints the investigation? I don't agree with what either of them did, but I am relieved to know that GR did not conduct the first interview.

Is that correct? LE interviewed JR at the very beginning and he relayed much of the same information to them.

It is extremely common that parents re-interview kids after they know they have disclosed to professionals. It doesn't make it right but Crystal wouldn't be the only parent that ever did that, if my child was missing I might do it too.
It's really odd when a child who was probably closer to Haleigh than anyone isn't believed at all, but a girl who isn't much older than him and only known by anyone for a few months tops is believed. There could be more than one black guy, or a totally unknown black guy who took Haleigh. Jr. really could have been sexualized by seeing something on the couch if not that night, then maybe another night. One thing for sure though is that Misti says Jr. was awake and up walking around that night as she went to sleep. That was said before anyone had a chance to coach him unless that is one of the inconsistencies.
Bumping up for on thread discussion of the man in black.
From Crystal S http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0902/23/ng.01.html

snip~GRACE: To Crystal Sheffield, special guest joining us there at the Sheffield family tent in Satsuma. Everyone, the family forced to live in tents right now. They have nowhere else to go. The home is still quarantined. It is cordoned off as a crime scene. Ms. Sheffield, thank you for being with us. I understand your 4-year-old little boy identifies or at least has a description of his sister`s kidnapper?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Yes. He -- when I got him for my visitation, the first thing he said to me was, Mommy, I want to find my sissy. And he -- I didn`t question him about none of it. And he was, like, Somebody come in, they was all dressed in black, and took my sissy.

GRACE: Did he say anything else identifying the man, anything at all, any characteristics?

SHEFFIELD: No. He just said that they was dressed in black or he was dressed in black, whoever it was.

GRACE: Did he describe in any way what happened? He opened the door and came in, or the little boy woke up and saw him there? Did he describe anything at all about what the man actually did?

SHEFFIELD: No. He just said a man dressed in black come in and took his sissy. I didn`t ask him any questions.

GRACE: Smart. Very, very smart, Ms. Sheffield. Now, Ms. Sheffield, I know this sounds crazy, but to the best of your recollection, what were his exact words?

SHEFFIELD: He said, Mommy, I want to find my sissy and some man in black come in and took her. ~ end
Supposedly, Jr. says there was a man dressed in black
Wearing squeeky shoes
And the couch was "bouncing"

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