Judge Belvin Perry

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Gnatcher, you stated it beautifully!

Everything happens for a reason, IMO..seems the defense may have shot themselves in the foot but it's all for a good cause, justice for Caylee Marie.

JS was very fair, very lenient, I liked his style but he allowed the defense to say and do things that I'm betting Judge Perry will not. I don't think we'll hear how every day the defense sees the innocence in their client. BS..Baez did this in front of the cameras to taint his jury pool.

I am hoping the defense and Inmate Anthony are shaking in their boots. See the error in judgement but I felt like the defense was using JS knowing he's lenient in sentencing..maybe they thought they'd get the next judge in rotation, could be CM has a judge or two in his pocket, IMO but Judge Perry will put the defense team on the straight and narrow, following the letter of the law. I can't wait for Friday to see how the inmate responds to His Honor Perry..they were all too smug for my liking and I think this will be a crash course for the entire team. Judge Perry being the Chief Justice, the one who hands down cases usually takes on the problematic ones and Inmate Anthony's is just that, problematic. He will set this trial, keep it moving, he will not be giving any more delays or extensions, seems to be a stickler for competency...Watch out Baez, there's a new judge in town....:woohoo:

I do feel this defense team needs a rude awakening and this will be it! Judge Stan Strickland has never handed down a DP sentence. Judge Perry, Jr. has no problem with it as long as the crime fits the time...JMHO

God Bless Judge Perry, Jr..he will ensure Caylee Marie's justice!

Justice for Caylee


LiveLaughLuv you rock! You really hit the nail on the head IMO.

For 2 years now we've heard the defense whine and cry about the SA & LE tainting the jury pool all the while they ran around squawking in front of the cameras both in and out of the courtroom. Bless Judge Stricklands little heart (rather big heart actually)he gave them alot of rope so to speak.

Judge Perry has already put the defense (and SA) on notice of what is expected of them when they come into his courtroom. The rope has shortened considerably alreaDy. I sure hope the defense does take this opportunity to read his rules etc. and sure do take him seriously & comply, because I do not see him putting up with any of the nonsense that they were pulling before. We'll all know whether or not JB did the first time we here him say "but Judge"......Yeppers JB better look out for the new no-nonsense Judge Perry!

Thanks for the correction. I removed my post to avoid any possible confusion.

It's interesting that Perry witnessed her execution in the electric chair 13 years later.


I find that amazing and also very reassuring. If a judge is going to sentence guilty people to death, it shows tremendous personal strength to actually go and witness what a death penalty is, and execution means.
I've been reading information about Judge Perry and his style in running a case.

This is going to be a huge adjustment for the defense team and for Casey. In JS's courtroom, and I mean no disrespect to JS, Casey has been able to play a "star" role, with the games, the arm swaddle per A.Lyons, the "make him stop", the whispering back and forth and the smiles.

I see a huge change coming. It doesn't look like Judge Perry will allow any of that. I'm wondering if after three or four hearings of watching her Defense team "beaten back", if Casey will have an epiphany.

While I didn't think there would be a plea in this case before now, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we will, as Casey feels the walls closing in around her.
I've been reading information about Judge Perry and his style in running a case.

This is going to be a huge adjustment for the defense team and for Casey. In JS's courtroom, and I mean no disrespect to JS, Casey has been able to play a "star" role, with the games, the arm swaddle per A.Lyons, the "make him stop", the whispering back and forth and the smiles.

I see a huge change coming. It doesn't look like Judge Perry will allow any of that. I'm wondering if after three or four hearings of watching her Defense team "beaten back", if Casey will have an epiphany.

While I didn't think there would be a plea in this case before now, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we will, as Casey feels the walls closing in around her.

ITA on all of the merry go round and circus games with Casey! How about the outright and flamboyant flirting with her atty.? I wonder if they will have Casey also read Judge Perry's decorum and courtroom policy rules?!

That's an interesting thought. I have wondered since CM came on as an atty. given his track record. I mean it really is not very good. Was it soley because he is DP certified in Fla., or maybe to get the SA to agree to a plea? I just do not see Casey ever agreeing to one and admitting guilt! IMO I also do not see the SA agreeing to any type os simple plea either. Even though the case has it's holes they've got a pretty good shot here.

In any case I agree that this weeks hearing a big change is in store for the defense and their client!!!
ITA on all of the merry go round and circus games with Casey! How about the outright and flamboyant flirting with her atty.? I wonder if they will have Casey also read Judge Perry's decorum and courtroom policy rules?!

That's an interesting thought. I have wondered since CM came on as an atty. given his track record. I mean it really is not very good. Was it soley because he is DP certified in Fla., or maybe to get the SA to agree to a plea? I just do not see Casey ever agreeing to one and admitting guilt! IMO I also do not see the SA agreeing to any type os simple plea either. Even though the case has it's holes they've got a pretty good shot here.

In any case I agree that this weeks hearing a big change is in store for the defense and their client!!!

I agree as we see things stand right now. But I'll have a better feel of it after we see the hearing on Friday. JS gave Casey and the defense team a huge amount of latitude, and JS gave her a pretty light sentence for the check fraud. She has got to be thinking this dude's easy to handle, I'm gonna win this. But after three or four hearings with a stern scowling judge who will be reprimanding the Defense, Casey and her parents, I'm wondering if the wind is going to shift towards a plea. I think Mason being there won't make a difference either way. I think Casey will be inituitively watching whoever she believes is holding the most power. And so far, to her, it didn't seem like it was JS. Will she change her mind about Judge Perry?
Will we be able to watch judge perry in action on friday? Are there any reports out in the media claiming a live broadcast? I'm really excited to watch this one!
I agree as we see things stand right now. But I'll have a better feel of it after we see the hearing on Friday. JS gave Casey and the defense team a huge amount of latitude, and JS gave her a pretty light sentence for the check fraud. She has got to be thinking this dude's easy to handle, I'm gonna win this. But after three or four hearings with a stern scowling judge who will be reprimanding the Defense, Casey and her parents, I'm wondering if the wind is going to shift towards a plea. I think Mason being there won't make a difference either way. I think Casey will be inituitively watching whoever she believes is holding the most power. And so far, to her, it didn't seem like it was JS. Will she change her mind about Judge Perry?

In as much as I know it would save a bundle of money I really want justice for Caylee, fully! I don't want some cheap plea with a little bitty sentence! We will see after the hearing. Pins and needles til then. Just sayin...
In as much as I know it would save a bundle of money I really want justice for Caylee, fully! I don't want some cheap plea with a little bitty sentence! We will see after the hearing. Pins and needles til then. Just sayin...

Oh I want justice for Caylee - and I'm not thinking of a plea as the easy way out for Casey except not having to go through with a trial.

I'd expect LWOP instead of the DP with a plea.
ITA on all of the merry go round and circus games with Casey! How about the outright and flamboyant flirting with her atty.? I wonder if they will have Casey also read Judge Perry's decorum and courtroom policy rules?!

That's an interesting thought. I have wondered since CM came on as an atty. given his track record. I mean it really is not very good. Was it soley because he is DP certified in Fla., or maybe to get the SA to agree to a plea? I just do not see Casey ever agreeing to one and admitting guilt! IMO I also do not see the SA agreeing to any type os simple plea either. Even though the case has it's holes they've got a pretty good shot here.

In any case I agree that this weeks hearing a big change is in store for the defense and their client!!!

JMO, but I think the deal with Mason had more to do with the fact that this case needed a local DP attorney because the JAC is not going to reimburse out-of-state representation. And, for some reason, if it's true that AL was the one who insisted on indigency then I'd somehow imagine that she called in a favor, because I just don't see JB having that kind of pull with his colleagues. Lenamon had been asked prior to AL and he turned it down, so really it was about getting somebody local who would take it. CM apparently did not consider this until recently because he certainly made comments to the press early on that are opposed to his current professional position. Whether he will be prudent and go for a plea is anyone's guess. (I wouldn't bet a million on it either way, lol)
Oh I want justice for Caylee - and I'm not thinking of a plea as the easy way out for Casey except not having to go through with a trial.

I'd expect LWOP instead of the DP with a plea.


I too want justice for Caylee. IMO the death penalty would be far too easy for Casey. I would be more than happy with LWOP! She would not be accepted very well by her fellow inmates I do not think. Life would be incredibly hard for her.

Justice for Caylee!
Friday will be interesting. In 'KC World" she has been able to get her way with men most of her life through lies, stories, sex, flirting, promises, alcohol and who knows what all. She really hasn't encountered an authority figure like JP before. She considers herself part of the 'legal team' ; that in combination with her past perceived manipulation of the male sex could make for an interesting combination.

In my opinion, JB can't 'control' her; I haven't seen enough of CM to know if he can. AL did a good job but had her emoting more which JP will not stand for. KC doesn't know how to stay still and quiet especially when she does not agree with something. Her past 'coping/manipulation' methods are not going to work in the courtroom and in my experience that can really bring some interesting outcomes.

I'm to the point that I don't trust anyone in this circus of horror anymore.
Not one person has told Baez to sit down and shut up and stop begging for money to line his pockets. He had plenty of blood money to do his job over a year ago and failed to do it. IMO he didn't lift one finger to defend MOTY when he had blood money. I'll be the first person to admit that I'm as stupid as a post but these motions they have put out just make me so mad. None of his junk lawyering should have been allowed to go on for one minute much less almost two flipping years.
At this point if MOTY dosen't walk I'll be surprised. All it has been IMO is lets bend over backwards and kiss KC's rear end because GOD forbid she may not get a fair trial and may end up with the DP.

What about CAYLEE MARIE ANTHONY I ask you???? Did Caylee ever have a chance to beg for her life? NO. Her "mother" never gave her a chance at life she gave her the DP.

I too want justice for Caylee. IMO the death penalty would be far too easy for Casey. I would be more than happy with LWOP! She would not be accepted very well by her fellow inmates I do not think. Life would be incredibly hard for her.

Justice for Caylee!

That's what I thought until I read her letters. She seemed to adjust well and enjoyed breaking the rules. I guess it somehow made her feel special. Here's a virtual tour of death row. I don't think she'll have any freedom to break the rules there.

Motion to take back the motion?


Please except our motion to take back the motion
If you do not withdraw the previous one the defence will have no choice
but to cause a commotion.
The defence made its previous motion in haste
calling our judge bias was such a huge waste!
now the court gave us a judge who doesnt mess
we dont have time to work hard but less
sweat and tears predicted to flow
oh if we only knew then what we now know
Strickland may rock back and fro
but Perry rolls....ready....set.....go!


ahahahaha i'm dying!!! :woohoo:
I agree as we see things stand right now. But I'll have a better feel of it after we see the hearing on Friday. JS gave Casey and the defense team a huge amount of latitude, and JS gave her a pretty light sentence for the check fraud. She has got to be thinking this dude's easy to handle, I'm gonna win this. But after three or four hearings with a stern scowling judge who will be reprimanding the Defense, Casey and her parents, I'm wondering if the wind is going to shift towards a plea. I think Mason being there won't make a difference either way. I think Casey will be inituitively watching whoever she believes is holding the most power. And so far, to her, it didn't seem like it was JS. Will she change her mind about Judge Perry?

Maybe Mason wants her to plea and this was part of the plan?
That's what I thought until I read her letters. She seemed to adjust well and enjoyed breaking the rules. I guess it somehow made her feel special. Here's a virtual tour of death row. I don't think she'll have any freedom to break the rules there.


Daaaaaaaaaaaang. Just looking at that made me squirm. That SUCKS. A mat for a bed and a crude toilet/sink, with bars so everyone can always look at you. I've seen dog houses more accommodating.
Mods if this needs to be moved or deleted please do so.

I found this article re: Judge Perry and his statements very interesting. This was a murder case here in Orlando in 1997.

The victim's mother, Phyllis Thomas, began crying quietly and patted her eyes with a tissue after Perry told Huggins, "You have not only forfeited your right to live among us as a free man, but under the laws of the state of Florida, you have forfeited your right to live at all."


OMG is what I have to say about that!
Well, it's only a guess but my guess is anything but the death penalty.

Her life is over anway.
She will be a target for anyone wanting their 15 minutes of fame, in jail or outside.
She will eventually get what she deserves. :twocents:
Her life is over anway.
She will be a target for anyone wanting their 15 minutes of fame, in jail or outside.
She will eventually get what she deserves. :twocents:

I agree. If I were her I wouldn't want to be free, there's no way she could survive. I'd rather die behind bars. Kind of scary to think that if you're sentenced to death, you don't get to just go ahead and get it over with..you sit and wait for years and decades before your sentence is carried out.

I hope she does get the DP to be honest.

Makes me ill thinking of living out your sentence in what seems like such inhumane, animalistic conditions..then I remember how Caylee most likely died..and how Caylee had no say and how Caylee did NOTHING wrong to deserve HER sentence..and not a damn thing about how Caylee was treated before during or after was humane.
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