Jurors names to be released on or after 10/25

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I truly believe if they hadn't been sequestered they would have come to a Guilty Verdict. They all just wanted to go home and the thought of staying another two weeks made them do what they did. I said this before, but JB's stall tactics worked in more ways they we ever imagined!!
I would not care if the names were never released. It doesn't matter to me who the individual citizens are; it's what they did as a group that makes me ill. Which one or two of the group should have had the backbone to do what the US Constitution intended, who is to say. I just wish there could have been ONE brave enough to look the others in the eye and calmly say, "You're wrong."

Then, any remaining mess could have been worked out in the appeals process or in a new trial on any charge where the jury hung. This jury left America with no recourse for justice; there are no options for fixing their egregious error.
I believe Casey killed Caylee. Putting jurors health and safety at risk is wrong, regardless of their decision imo. Putting the jury process at risk is wrong imo.

Respectfully Quoted Flossie :bow:

Yes. Putting jurors health and safety at risk is wrong, regardless of their decision. But I just don't care. :dunno: It is this case and this case only I am speaking of-this jury-as to anything negative-because of my following of this case. I'm not advocating any giving out of jurors names or anything like that-if they can stay anon...good do that-they should all go away-they are disgusting.

They should not give any interviews or do anything connected to this case to bring themselves to light. But if they do, then they may reap what they sow, and that is just cause and effect (karma). If they seek to gain from the death of Caylee Marie that act in of itself would bring attention of their own making.

Flossie, you are saying what is right and true. I am being emotional. You are right and I am wrong but I am allowing myself to feel this way. This case was a huge blow to my worldview. I feel hardened. That may sound bad and it could be said, and would be true that to let this harden your heart causes evil to win. But, I was/am such a SOFT person I think this is good for me.

Sheep among wolves. :yes: I have not lost any of my love. My love is strong, like bull! But, on the outside I am now with armor-this was the last time I will underestimate humanity's ability to stick their head in the sand. :no:

I am on the side of those who speak in the negative regarding the jurors, but I in no way truly support any negative actions toward the jury. I do however, think we should call them everything but a jury-if we feel so inclined-I save my best material for in my own home where there is zero censorship. :waitasec:

This is big for me, I am being MORALLY wrong. It feels good. It is so hard to always fight the good fight, (it is) ... :eek:kay: I don't have the energy to fight for "their rights" although I am glad that people are...I'm just not up for this good fight. Have at it. :tyou:

Some spiritual teaching somewhere said we are here to save ourselves, not others. Sure. That sounds good right now. I am drained.

Great article, full of useful information-- I especially enjoyed this section about the type of jurors on this case:


What kind of jurors do jury consultants and thus defense attorneys prefer in homicide cases? Perhaps better not to offend by looking instead at who usually doesn't get selected: College graduates especially those with graduate degrees. The more years you were in college the lower the chance a jury consultant wants you for that jury. Firemen are out as are police officers. They prefer to keep Republicans out and members of the NRA. If you own or have owned several successful companies you won't be selected. If you have a job where you manage a lot of people and need to make difficult decisions everyday, they don't want you and the same goes for human resource officers for large firms.

If you read Scientific American, Nature, Science, The Economist, or International Affairs, you need not worry. I could go on and on. One could argue, perhaps they just don't want to burden these already busy folks? Interesting argument - but it is vacuous. For in fact, as you read the qualities of those that defense wants off the jury, we get a sense for the kinds of folks whom they prefer.


Well put, sir, well put.

(There are many interesting articles there, thanks for the link!)

Very, very interesting. Just confirms my belief that JB and CM knew exactly what they were doing with the jury selection. HHJP facilitated that disaster by his hurry, hurry tactic and "rehab" of jurors who should never have been allowed to sit. He even allowed the racism farce in order to keep the defense attorney dream juror #4. Caylee never had a chance for justice in the courtroom of HHJP. I will always believe that. I want to know from the jurors.....were they or their families gotten to before arriving in Orlando or after? MOO
Why does this jury get the royal treatment, with rules of the justice system utterly ignored just for them?

I think delaying the names of the jurors is only going to work to prolong this entire debacle even longer. Think about it: with Baez talking about the <modsnip> going into "therapy" (therapy for what exactly? Being a <modsnip>?) because nobody wants to give her an interview for fear of backlash, he's rubbing his hands together with glee at the thought of letting it all die down for a couple of months only to be able to stir it all up again once she's "healed" and more palatable to the public. And wouldn't it be perfect timing to be able to take advantage of the timing that would coincide with this media release?

The public had better <modsnip> well stay on top of this case, no matter how long it takes to ensure NOBODY makes one red cent off the <modsnip>, murdered baby left to rot in a vacant lot wasteland.

Hopefully by October the <modsnip> will have gotten hit by a bus, and this entire soory chapter of injustice will finally be laid to rest once and for all.

thanks!!!! You are a riot! Love your signature!!!:great:
I believe Casey killed Caylee. Putting jurors health and safety at risk is wrong, regardless of their decision imo. Putting the jury process at risk is wrong imo.

The jury process in this trial was never at risk.....for the defense.
I know this link was posted yesterday in the news thread...but for anyone that didn't see it, it is SUCH A GREAT READ.



The Anthony trial was an intricate circumstantial evidence case, but it shouldn't have flummoxed a jury of even borderline intelligence. Why did these jurors so lack the courage of their convictions (literally) that they were not willing to fight for their convictions for even one full calendar day? It seems to me that the jurors collectively certainly did not carefully evaluate the evidence in the manner that this circumstantial evidence required &#8212; when such careful examination could have resulted in a guilty verdict. None of the reported comments of the several jurors who have communicated, in one form or another, has said anything that inspires confidence that they knew what they were talking about, understood the difference between inferences that could be drawn from evidence as opposed to mere speculation or properly understood what the prosecution was required to prove
I, for the life of me, will never be able to accept this verdict. I will never be able to watch it on TV, I get physically ill when one of the jurors opens their mouth because their reasoning was just wrong on so many levels, legal as well as common sence. I say let the names out, while I wish them no harm I REALLY think getting them out in the open and letting them open their mouths more just MIGHT cause a mistrial. One of the legal TH said judges HATE it when jurors start talking to the press because it opens up that door for a mistrial. I know this probablly has a slimmer chance than FCA winding up in a convent, but maybe just maybe some sort of serious misconduct can be found. And for the record, Judge Perry is most definitely NOT my favorite person right now, he could have declared a mistrial once he read the verdict based on overwhelming forensic evidence and for the life of me I can not understand why he didn't
JMO,based on what we have heard from the jurors who spoke,I believe the foreman became the leader of the group very early on. He probably commanded their attention during meals and outings,possibly making decisions for the group.They had requests for specific restaurants,outings,movies and sporting events. The others began to accept he was in charge with JF as his sidekick. When it came time to deliberate they fell in line like lemmings. He probably spouted his version of what the "jury instructions" were and they followed. #2 said he was the last holdout.I pray he an the others come forward and describe the process. It's important to understand what happened in order to avoid it happeneing again ,in the future.
Nothing can be done to change the verdict,but I think HHJP has a responsibility to investigate what happened with this jury .
All of the above is JMO .
A wise decision. Hopefully the media will have moved on and not whipping the public into a frenzy again.

That's a comfortable thought rotterdam. But so many things can happen by the set date of the names being released. Suppose Casey's coming-out interview airs around that same time? Surely then the public would certainly want answers from or to hear from the jury members.

Or perhaps we will have witnessed Casey's deposition in the Zanny suit and the frenzy builds from that episode.

I predict, and it's not to take away from you post, that everytime there is any news (and it doesn't have to be anything major) released about Casey or maybe any of the Anthony family, the press will be right on it. She and the entire surroundings of her daughter's death, the trial, the outcome will jump into the spotlight immediately. This saga has legs as they say.

It's up to us as to how much we will still be interested come October, November or to the conclusion of this year and into 2012.

jmo and a great day to all at WS
Heh, maybe they're worried that KC thinks they like her... yep, they may be the only ones after she wears out her DT. :crazy:

:wave: Quiche :tyou:

Yeah, and I wonder if they are worried whether she likes them? I wonder if Freed Casey Anthony is worried about what the jurors have to say? :dunno: Wouldn't it be :crazy: if there were people who were willing to do anything, even commit murder to get what they want? Yeah, that would be crazy...

The jurors don't want each other talking to the media, because it will show that they were talking about the case during the whole trial.

ITA ,but the truth will come out. It may be 10 years from now,but one of them will finally get so disgusted with how they were played,they'll come forward.
Well that's a very odd statement (BBM). They don't want each other talking to the media? Why? Something to hide?

Well, we now know they must have discussed the media during deliberations, as what other time could they have done that? They should have been discussing the evidence and deliberating - not what they were going to say to the media.




VERY odd statement.

I have been wondering if any of them had indirect contact with the media prior to deliberations. By that I mean their family members (i.e. Jennifer Ford's mother) told the jurors during family visits that the media was interested in talking. I would love to know how ABC got to Ford so quickly and whisked her away to her paid for Disney vacation.
It is ridiculous to me to think the defense picked this jury...if anything, the state was lazy with jury selection, assuming, as they seemed to anyway, that they had their case "in the bag." And if memory serves correctly, JB wanted to continue jury selection forever, if he'd had his way so I don't see how anyone can honestly think he had these people "pre-selected" or whatever. He complained constantly about wanting to see more and more groups of 20. He would still be choosing a jury if he had his way.

This case has made me sure I won't ever sit on a high-profile jury, I know that much. I'll find a way out of it, using my health as a reason, or else just using this case, and offer to work on something else. Considering that we have not heard from 9 of the jurors, I believe, it is not obvious to me that they are all after money or anything else. I think the percentage of those who have not come forward probably helped JP recognize that the majority are hoping to be left alone for as long as is legally possible.
my feelings are such a mixed bag
at the end of the day the laws allow for their names to be published. just like every other juror in any other case. this case has gotten enough special treatment as it is. i personally dont care to ever know their names if they want them kept private. it's unfortunate that they are getting harrassed for their verdict but they knew going in this would be a very high profile case and their names would be released. if they truly believed in their verdict they should have given their reasons together at the press conference and just got it over with. answered the questions the public wanted to know then everyone could move on. the media wouldnt be in a frenzy. all could have been asked, answered and analyzed by now things would have fizzled a bit. pinellas county police could have organized protection for them upon their return. its common knowledge names are released. are we to now change the laws just for them and withhold their names just because they gave an unpopular verdict?
maybe harrassment will change the laws on public record or they won't.
time will tell.

i would like to think jury duty is private if one wants it to be but maybe there is a reason for the public record. if the records were sealed you may never find out about jury tampering, or if someone WAS related to the case or had vested interest and did not disclose it.

if i was a juror and knew my name would eventually be released I'd rather just get it over with. i would hate to "go back to normal life" then 6 months later have it all turned back upsidedown. i really hope no one will harm the jury. so far #3's face has been all over and she is fine and she has been very controversial. the alternate wasnt worried about privacy when he called in to discuss the verdict and he didnt even deliberate. #6 was willing to have his name out there for a 5 figure deal.
i do think the jury will be harrrassed for some time and i feel it is because there hasn't been a real answer to why they dismissed ALL felonies. i really feel terrible for their innocent family's burden. i am all for disagreeing with their verdict in written forum without threats but to call them, approach them or camp on their doorstep is wrong. but here is the problem. the same thing can happen to anyone who is in the media. celebrity, suspected criminal, victim ect. there is no sure fire protection for anyone who is involved in anything that the media latches on to. it's just how it is. (note to self. live a low profile life if at all possible)

i am angry about the verdict. i respect the jury's right to live their lives in peace. and i respect the reporters rights to investigate any links to see if there was jury tampering or misconduct. the burden is now on society to act appropriately.

i hate to say it but if i ever met a juror on this case i would find it impossible not to ask them what the heck they were thinking( in a non threatening way.) but as far as seeing them on tv interviews, im over it. i cannot stomach the info i have heard. its negligent how they came to their conclusion
And the really difficult thing is that so do we. It stinks to high heaven but what are we going to do? Stew and be angry the rest of our lives???
It is what it is. Nothing is going to change the jury decision. Threats of harm, running them out of town, causing them great family pain will not change the decision.
We need to try and get over this. Refuse (boycott) any attempt for FCA and her family or any attempt by juror's to profit off of the death of Caylee.
Money talks and none of them will get any of mine. My money goes to organizations that truly work on behalf of the children. That is the best I can do as I strive to honor Caylee.


agree completely

my guess is that HHJP is honourable, unlike the jurors. two wrongs dont make a right.

I dont think the jurors are any physical danger at all but I am sure they'll be harassed. I will withhold my opinion on harassment :)

and these jury members will have plenty of protection from harm if they need it. the system will help them and will prosecute anyone who threatens harm. they will get justice and protection if they need it. unlike poor Caylee
We're lucky they were so quick. If they took longer, they would have acquitted her of lying too! /half sarc

I'm really surprised they didn't aquit her of lying.
What in the blazes do they think she was lying about?????
Her missing dead murdered 2 year old baby.
Guess they had a hard time connecting those dots too..:maddening:
JMO,based on what we have heard from the jurors who spoke,I believe the foreman became the leader of the group very early on. He probably commanded their attention during meals and outings,possibly making decisions for the group.They had requests for specific restaurants,outings,movies and sporting events. The others began to accept he was in charge with JF as his sidekick. When it came time to deliberate they fell in line like lemmings. He probably spouted his version of what the "jury instructions" were and they followed. #2 said he was the last holdout.I pray he an the others come forward and describe the process. It's important to understand what happened in order to avoid it happeneing again ,in the future.
Nothing can be done to change the verdict,but I think HHJP has a responsibility to investigate what happened with this jury .
All of the above is JMO .

BBM: I agree ... this is probably exactly what happened ...

As to Judge Perry, he has a RESPONSIBILITY as a Judge to investigate the Jurors, as well as KEEP HIS PROMISE of "sanctions" against the JB and the DT for their UNETHICAL and "unprofessional" TACTICS during the trial !


is anyone here even sure JP HASN'T sanctioned Baez? as far as i know there hasn't been news either way.
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